Applications :: Why IPhoto / Aperture Store Files In Library Package
Aug 15, 2010
Why do they store files in that library package and not in Finder?? This really drives me crazy and I feel like there has to be some sort of benefit that I'm not seeing. It looks like in Aperture I can choose to import photos to folders that are outside of the Library but you still have to manually choose where etc. It seems like in a perfect world, the files would show up exactly as the do in iPhoto, organized in folder by the Events that they reside in. And I can't even ctrl-click a picture in Aperture and say "Show in Finder" or anything! The reason I'm trying to do this is so that I can upload pictures to Facebook, as the Facebook uploader built into both Apps are extremely limited.
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Jan 8, 2009
Just like the title says, seems so simple but I just can't figure it out... I feel when i find out I will feel dumb... So I got Aperture 2. Which I love BUT I am having a hard time getting used to it and sincerely I do not need more than iPhoto only used Aperture because my dad had it and did not want it. So now I want to go back to iPhoto... revert all my iPhoto library that i just mad einto an Aperture library back to my great Old iPhoto library, I just can t figure a way how to export from aperture to aperture or import from Aperture library from iPhoto
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Jan 30, 2009
Is there an easy way to import all my images that are in my Aperture library into iPhoto 09? I want the originals, not the previews as I believe is what you get if you use the Show Aperture library dialogue...
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Jun 6, 2010
I am desperately trying to find a way to sync BOTH my Aperture library and my iPhoto library onto my iPad by using iTunes. I want to keep the Aperture library separate from my iPhoto library as the Aperture library only contains high res images and raw files whereas the iPhoto library is made up of images which were not taken with a DSLR such as point-and-shoot cameras or mobile phones.
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Dec 24, 2009
I seem to be accumulating a lot of "duplicate" photo files. Some are in iPhoto & some are in Aperture. I import the files from the camera with Nikon transfer. Then I import them into iPhoto. Then I may import them into Aperture. When I use Finder I see multiple file with the same name & either the same or different file extension. I'm going to stop using Nikon transfer, & directly import from the camera to iPhoto. Is there a way to sync photo files to eliminate duplicates or an easy way to organize files so I can delete duplicates?
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Jan 27, 2009
Thought I'd start this thread for people to discover/add any info they have on what iPhoto Faces is doing behind the scenes to help with troubleshooting, since Apple doesn't have any preferences for Faces in the iPhoto GUI. This is only for people who like to understand what is happening behind the scenes. Please note this is not for everyone and anytime you do anything to your iPhoto library you risk corruption and should have a backup copy. What I've noticed so far:
- iPhoto scans the library the first time it opens, and creates 2 faces .db files with the iPhoto Library:
- iPhoto creates Faces thumbnails files and places them in the iPhoto Library/Data folder along with the other thumbnails it creates................
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May 31, 2012
How to use Mac OS X Package Maker to code sign .pkg files for AppStore Submission? .pkg file is created too easily but how to code sign it for AppStore submission?
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Mar 23, 2012
How do you change the location (external drive) of iPhoto & Aperture libraries?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 6, 2011
I noticed that Aperture 3 is priced really, REALLY low on the Mac App Store. So I made the decision to buy it. But... I already have Aperture 2 installed. So what happens when I buy Aperture 3? Does it recognize that I have Aperture 2 installed, and upgrade it, or will it install Aperture 3 alongside Aperture 2?
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Jun 4, 2014
I have an older library, that I updated to the current Aperture, and recently froze from bad media. I think it was a bunch of videos in one of the events. Anyways, I want to copy some of the photos from a event in the old library to a new working library. I tried exporting and it froze, leaving the photo export in some limbo state...
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Nov 29, 2010
When I log into iPhoto I now get this message:
"There is a problem accessing one or more files in your iPhoto library. Do you want iPhoto to repair permissions for this library for you?" and it gives me the following options "quite" or repair"
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Mar 5, 2006
I have been using Aperture for a bit now, and sometimes some Images just duplicate themselves and pop up at the top of the library. These duplicates have the same size as the screen of my camera, they are not ery good quality. Yet when you delete them, the actual image cannot find its master file anymore, to do its caculations. I then have to start all over....importing, (if I didn't format the compactflash card yet), editing, tagging etc.
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Jun 19, 2014
I cannot find solution: how do I remove images from Aperture library completely (all versions, etc), but keep the referenced master files? (all my images are kept outside aperture lib, as referenced masters).
If I delete all versions and projects, they go to Trash, and attempting to empty the Trash brings only two options: delete permanently and move to system Trash. But I do not want to touch the referenced masters in any way. Is there a way to keep them safe, while emptying Aperture of all references to those files?
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Mar 27, 2012
iPhoto how to swatch back old library
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 28, 2009
Is it possible to write a workflow that can select files that are contained inside a folder package?
I am trying to automate a file copy of VMWare fusion 3 files to a windows machine on the network but I cannot seem to get any of the finder actions to give me an option to get inside the package.
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May 23, 2010
I just purchased my first DSLR camera, a Canon 550D with a 18-55 IS and a 70-200 F4 IS USM. I bought Aperture to manage those pictures, and was wondering what to do with iPhoto.
Currently, I use iPhoto for all my photos, and have a sync with my iPhone.
I would like to know how you use Aperture and iPhoto on the same computer.
- should I put everything on Aperture, what would I lose if I do that ?
- should I keep iPhoto for my casual pictures (taken with my Panasonic FX-55), and Aperture for the photos taken with my DSLR camera ?
- if I import the iPhoto pics into Aperture, what should I copy them all on Aperture, should I just use the iPhoto database, or should I delete the iPhoto database after I import everything on Aperture ?
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Oct 11, 2009
I have recently installed Aperture onto my MacBook. When I started it up, I said 'yes' create an aperture library from my existing iPhoto library. I then watched in some dismay as Aperture then proceed to 'clobber' my hard drive.
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Jan 30, 2009
I have about 20 hours of low res digicam videos sitting in iphoto. When I launch Imovie, it loads all 20 hours without asking then proceeds to quit unexpectedly if I try to do anything. Is there a way to prevent iphoto from loading all of them without deleting the videos from my iPhoto library? I have about a 30 minute video I would like to edit I'm frustrated.How about removing all those clips except the ones I care about? Can I do that? (after waiting 20-30 minutes for them to load)
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Jun 9, 2010
I am using the 30 day Demo version of Aperture3 (awaiting the arrival of my ordered copy). Apple claims it to be "fully functional for 30 days, and I believe them, so I don't think (but can't rule out) that this is the source of my issue. I have imported my iPhoto Library (approx 20GB), not by reference, but actually copied the photos into the Aperture Library (as evidenced by the fact that it's physical size is approx 32GB). After that I did about a days work setting up faces and places for my many projects before I discovered the following: When I look at the metadata (General Category) for any photo, it shows my project source as being in my iPhoto library; not as I expected in the aperture library. I was hoping 1) to be able to trash the iPhoto library after the import & 2) not lose the day's work I put into places and faces. One more note, iPhoto (as expected) does not see these changes. Any ideas how to change the reference to the aperture library, is it possible that after applying a new serial number(when my paid copy of aperture arrives) that this will rectify itself? One more note; in the preferences (general tab) the library is correctly referenced as the Aperture3 library.
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Feb 24, 2009
I just imported some photos into IPhoto 09 and shortly afterwards my IMac did a hard shut down. Now when I open IPhoto I get the following error:
The Photo Library nees to be upgraded to work with this version of IPhoto.
After that I click on upgrade and get the following msg:
Can't open current photo library using this version of Iphoto.
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May 12, 2010
I have recently moved from windows to the iMac and will be moving all of my photos. I do just casual, family photos and landscapes etc. Nothing professional. I have purchased Aperture for cataloging and to make it easier to find things as well as editing. There are probably experts on this out there so I am asking for recommendations on how to set things up. I used Adobe PhotoShop Elements which had an excellent tagging system, but want to move to Aperture for this.
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Feb 18, 2009
So I finally upgraded from iPhoto to Aperture and have imported all my photos to the Aperture library. My question is how do i delete my iPhoto library only? I have about 7 gigs worth of pictures that now take up 14 gigs on my hard drive because they are in both my iPhoto and Aperture libraries.
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Oct 15, 2009
I'm unable to import RAW files from my new Canon 7D into either Aperture or iPhoto. Both are up to date.
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Jan 27, 2010
I am transferring info from an iBook G4 running Tiger to a MacBook running Snow Leopard. Everything is going well, except for my ability to transfer the iPhoto library. I have mounted the iBook to the MacBook via Firewire. When I transferred my iPhoto library from my MB to my new MBP, it was easy: all I had to do was drag over "iPhoto Library" from User>Pictures>iPhoto Library But it isn't set up the same way on the iBook: in User>Pictures, "iPhoto Library" is a folder instead of a small iPhoto icon (which you would need to right-click on to see its contents). When I copied the contents of the folder into "iPhoto Library" on the new MacBook, it didn't maintain all of the organization (eg. the albums). Is there any way to do this so that iPhoto will keep the organization of the photo library on the new MacBook, or am I destined to reorganize my thousands of photos into albums again? Please keep in mind that the MacBook is being set up as a new computer, and I am copying over the files/docs/music/photos that she wants to keep from the iBook. I am not using Migration Assistant.
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May 26, 2009
I'm new to Aperture, I've always used Iphoto. I've recently imported a large library of photo's from Iphoto into Aperture. I selected to store the photo's in their current location. Is there any way that Aperture can automatically update the library once I add it to Iphoto or my computer? I'm always adding photo's to my computer. As it is now I have to manually import the selected photo's into an event and then drag it from the event to my library. Is there an easier way then this? is there some option that I'm missing?
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Nov 7, 2009
I?ve got a problem with my time machine. I recently upgraded to snow leopard and suddenly my mac pro has stopped backing up my aperture library through time machine. Do anyone know if their's a way to force time machine to backup a specific folder (in this case a library)? This is quit annoying problem in the meantime I've solved the problem through backing up my aperture library through vaults, but since this procedure is done manually and is painfully slow i really hope to get my time machine running as before...
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Jan 21, 2010
How do I get Aperture's built-in iPhoto browser to sort iPhoto Events by date? Over the last year I've switched from iPhoto to Aperture. I prefer iPhoto Events as an organizational scheme, sorted by date, so I am re-creating a chronological scheme with Aperture -- as many do. I've been gradually and selectively importing hundreds of iPhoto Events into Aperture Projects by dragging them from Aperture's built-in 'iPhoto Browser'. Here's the problem: Aperture's iPhoto browser shows Events, but they are annoyingly sorted alphabetically, rather than by date. This makes it a real pain to transition chronologically.
I can't find any control to re-sort by date. Inexplicably, on a couple of occasions I have opened the Browser to find it sorted by date! Temporarily rejoicing, it soon reverts to alphabetical after one session. WTF? I have a hunch these couple times were flukes, possibly having to do with iPhoto being open at the same time, I dunno. Still, I now know it's possible; and if it involves some weird workaround to re-create it, I'll do it. I'm running Leopard 10.5.8, Aperture 2.1.4, iPhoto 7.1.5.
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May 29, 2010
Can anyone confirm or not if assigning keywords in iPhoto or Aperture 3, the keyword is actually written into the EXIF metadata of the file (JPEG) or whether it's just a reference within the application. I'm just starting out my organising, and want to know which one if any does write to the image itself, if neither does, any recommendations on a good photo management app that does write to the images metadata. I'd rather it write to the file, that way I'm not tied to the same application for life.
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Sep 1, 2009
I have experienced a problem after I updated to SL last night.I made a fresh install of both SL and iLife 09 on my mbp unibody late 2008.
Afterwards, I replaced the my fresh iphoto library simply with my old iphoto 09library from time machine (no migration tool, only copy pasts).
But now I recognized a problem that I see no iphoto library in my Desktop and Screensaver Menu in control panel. I cant set iphoto library photos as screensaver cause I cant see them
Does anyone have a solution for it? or does anybody face the same issue?
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Feb 10, 2010
I'm migrating from iPhoto '09 to Aperture 3 and noticed it doesn't import learned faces! I have over 130 learned faces in iPhoto and DO NOT want to have to manually re teach Aperture who everyone is. Why didn't they set it up to migrate the faces library as well?
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