Applications :: Twitter Account Cover Flow Lock Fixing?
Apr 18, 2009I just set up a Twitter account, when I bookmark the page, the safari symbol in bookmarks cover flow has a lock on it with no image. How do I correct this?
View 1 RepliesI just set up a Twitter account, when I bookmark the page, the safari symbol in bookmarks cover flow has a lock on it with no image. How do I correct this?
View 1 RepliesAfter upgrading to the most latest i Tunes version, the cover flow view has gone all screwy, with no covers appearing, just the list of songs, which covers up the volume control etc at the top.
I have tried resizing but all it what's to do is move songs; I have uninstalled and reinstalled latest version, uninstalled and installed older version and even reinstalled OSX. NOTHING works.
I find that I swipe on my macbook pro to go through the cover flow, I find that it lags or freezes then flies by as if to catch up. But then it freezes again, flies by, irritating. Has anyone else experienced this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedLet's say I have 4 songs from the same album, and each song has their only album art.
Why is it that when I'm in Cover Flow mode it shows art for a different song on the album and not the one I'm listening to?
It should just show the art for the song that's currently playing
just upgraded to a 27" iMac, and have found the screen too big,
but my safari show 24 sites in the cover flow, and on this big a screen they are large also.
It could easily handle double or treble that number in an icon size cover flow.
I was wonder if there was a way to use both coverflow and 3 column view. I did search.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI installed Safari 4 and cover flow is frozen - horizontal slider is frozen, pics don't show up unless I change the window size, but still pics are frozen in place.
View 5 Replies View RelatedNow i down and installer safari 4, but the bookmark cover flow can't disable, i write: "defaults write DebugSafari4IncludeFlowViewInBookmarksView -bool NO"
View 1 Replies View RelatedOkay, so for two of my albums (both by the same artist) there are three pictures of each album as if they are each their own album. Every song is tagged the exact same, nothing's different, artist name and album name are the same throughout. Screenshot attached. I've tried clearing album art, deleting and reimporting, nothing seems to fix this.
Also, on that same album, half the songs don't play on my iPhone/iPod. They play perfectly fine on my Mac, and they are encoded the same as all of my other songs, but when I go to play them on my iPhone, the song never starts. Nothing freezes, the song just never plays. I have to restart the iPod app for any other song to play. I've tried restarts, restores, firmware upgrades, nothing. This problem has existed since 1.1.4. Why?
So I just did a clean install of XP on my laptop, downloaded the latest version of iTunes, and re-imported my music library from my external drive. Suddenly, random albums are showing multiple album art on Cover Flow. I'm sorting cover flow by "Album Artist", I've checked the "Part of a Compilation" box when appropriate, and made sure the "Sort Album Artist" field is correct.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi want to start itunes in full screen cover mode, not all of the time, maybe from a shortcut in windows but not sure if its possible. anyone know how to do this?
View 13 Replies View Relatedi like to have my movies, pictures, downloads and documents folders always open in cover flow with the cover flow window at a certain size. whenever i go back to the finder after a login or reboot the cover flow window size always goes back to the default which is tiny. this is even after ive tried to keep it at a particular size and selected always open in cover flow in view options. i was hoping 10.5.1 would fix this. does this happen to anyone else? does anyone know how to keep cover flow windows at a certain size? heres a few pics to explain what i mean.
the first picture is how big i want to cover flow window to look. the second picture is how the cover flow window always seems to want to go back to. the third picture is the view options of that finder window
Have noticed that when in iTunes and selecting full screen cover flow mode that when the screen fades in to the full screen view instead of it being a smooth fade there is a flicker. Screenshot below shows what I mean by the flicker. Anyone have any idea why this is happening. Don't think it has done this before only just started doing it, probably since iTunes 7.6
View 7 Replies View Relatedfor some reason thumnbails dont show as the icons for picture files for example if u open it, it shows it fine just not as a thumnail and nor does it do it in the cover flow look a like view im not sure what its exactly called
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'd like my cover flow history to be faster, not the actual flipping through the pages, but how fast the pages load, they seem to be mostly black, and I have to wait 1-2 seconds for them to load sometimes.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHi, Finder crashes in Cover flow view when I click on a blank column view tab. This occurs every time I click the tab. Here's the tab that I'm talking about:
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen in Cover Flow view in Finder, try renaming a file when the thumbnails are being generated. It'll highlight the file name, then unselect it. Only way to successfully rename something is to wait till all the thumbnails are generated.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't allow Twitter access on the newest Adium beta. I click "Allow Adium Access," it opens a browser window with a sign in page, I sign in and I get a PIN. I then go back and say "I've allowed Adium access" and it gives me the error message: "An error occured while trying to gain access. Please try again." I deleted the adiumx plist, Adium 2.0 folder, Adium itself, etc. I'm on an MBP with 10.5.7, but still doesn't work!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am happily enjoying my new 13" MBP but I do have a couple issues that I am seeking some clarification about. When I browse through finder in the cover flow view, about 75% of the time the icons of the files will flash between the icon and a blank icon image. Is this normal? Is this a result of the graphics card, the hard drive, or something else? I did a search earlier and read that it may be that the stock drive cannot write the images fast enough when scrolling. Any validity to this?
Also, when I view the iTunes visualizer, at points when I freeze the vizualizer (hit F) and the camera zooms into a bright section, the screen flickers, as if it cannot handle the "explosions" of light up close. Is this normal and is this the result of the 9400m?
Would upgrading to a WD Scorpio Blue solve either of these problems (particularly the cover flow icons)?
I have purchased a number of HD and SD movies that include iTunes Extras. All but one of the these movies show as Unknown Album in Cover Flow (under the artwork). The detailed listing in iTunes reflects the correct names. The correct names show up on my iPad and Apple TV. I have worked with Apple Support, to include a senior advisor. We have tried the following at least once and they now tell me they have exhausted all the possible solutions. Confirmed information in Get Info was correct.Changed the information in Get Info.Re-downloaded the movies after deleting the problem movies. This was done multiple times.Reinstalled Mac OS.Deleted and reinstalled iTunes.Â
A few observations. When I delete the Extras from iTunes the title under the artwork for the movie in Cover Flow shows the correct title.The one movie that is correct has one artwork poster for the movie and one artwork poster for Extras. All others have only one artwork poster and appears to share the same artwork poster.The file size represented in iTunes detail listing for the Extras is significantly lower than the file size on my hard drive. The same can be said for the movies (all movies, not just those with Extras), but not to the same degree. For example, one Extras in iTunes is 13mb in the detail listing and on the hard drive it is 772mb. This example and all Extras work correctly.Â
iMac (20-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
The cover flow in safari only displays bottom half of the window, see the picture below, However, those pages that can not be previewed show in full height of the window:
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
My macbook pro 15 inch (i believe its a unibody) 2.66 ghz has been through **** and back. I traveled through 4 continents with it since I got it, dropped it numerous times, keyboard light doesnt work, upgraded to lion from Lepoard, screws missing on the bottom, macbook heats up like crazy and its starting to wear down.  Im wondering if anyone has any kind of link or some kind of guide as to how much it would cost to fix my Mac. I know it wont be like new but it will be close. The genius bar and Apple may be crazy with pricing sometimes but they do the best job. Â
I keep my large music collection on an external drive connected to an Airport Extreme in my home. I've embedded all my album artwork in the music files, and previously all the album artwork was displaying perfectly in iTunes. After upgrading to iTunes 10.5, however, most of my albums are missing the album art in the album list and Cover Flow. I know that the art is still in the file because it shows up in the "Now Playing" box in the lower left corner of the screen. The only way I have found to get the album art to show up again in the album list and Cover Flow is to go through the following steps: Â Control-click the first track of an album for which the cover art is not displaying correctly. From the context menu that appears, select Get Info.Click on the Artwork tab, then click Cancel.Â
Now the artwork shows up in iTunes in all views. I called Apple Support and asked if there's a faster way to fix the issue with the database. Manually fixing each album for hundreds of albums is no fun. Telling iTunes to Get Album Artwork doesn't work because most of my music was not purchased from iTunes but was ripped from CDs I already own. It's very frustrating because I already spent hours finding and embedding the hi-res album art in my files. I paid extra for Apple products because I expect them to at least avoid corrupting my databases.
my twitter account has been hacked, is it possible that someone has hacked my laptop as well (Macbook pro with an Apple care protection plan )?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Looks like Apple just established a verified Twitter account: [URL] Maybe everyone who is excited for the new Mac Pro would be motivated to let Apple know by sending them a nice tweet.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI need to create a user account for several pupils. I don't want them to change the account picture.How do I lock the picture.I Know there is this Guest Account, I am not talking about that.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am running a Mac OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard Server and have configured a global security policy using the following command: [code] When a network user is logging in from the login screen, it disables the users account after 3 attempts.This is the behaviour I expect (maxFailedLoginAttempts=3).When a user locks thier screen, a password is required to return to the desktop (also part of the intended security policy).If a user enters an incorrect password for the screensaver, it immediately locks the the networked account. To be clear, it takes only one failed attempt to lock a networked user's account from the screensaver.I have tested local accounts set up with the same global password policy, and the screensaver locks the account after 3 failed attempts, as I would expect.Anyone know how to make the screesaver not be so fussy?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Server
It's called Weet and looks good so far. try it. [URL]
View 7 Replies View RelatedI've been out of the Twitter game since Tweetie was the new thing on the block, now I want to dabble in Twitter again but I'm trying to find the good Twitter clients. Tweetie was awesome back in the day, I was shocked that it's been AGES since any form of update and that it lacks many of the new features from Twitter. I believe in supporting programmers but not when they let something go this stale and charge $20 for the full version. TweetDeck is awesome as ever but overkill for me being the casual Twitter user. I'd also like something that doesn't use another client (Adobe AIR) to run. What else is out there that's serving up updates to keep up with Twitter feature and API changes?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need them to do (FTP to my webhost). Both of them cost the same amount to purchase. Transmit has a good track record with people but Flow seems prettier and offers touch gestures. I don't do anything crazy with FTP, pretty much just straight forward stuff to maintain a small forum and other personal sites.
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