Applications :: Public Atom Found In Movie When Itunes Importing?
Nov 26, 2007
What does it mean when it says that you can't play a movie because a public atom was found in the file. I find that i have a number of movies that are victim to this. and i know it's happening during the drag and drop import into iTunes because i have the original file and it plays fine from the desktop in quiktime.
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Jun 11, 2012
Okay, so I am here at work, and have spent the last 4-5 hours trying to resolve this issue, and cannot find any working solutions for it on the internet. We have .3gp recordings. All of a sudden, we started getting this error on some of our computers. Example: I want to play test.3gp; I try to open test.3gp in QuickTime, and I get an error that reads...
"Error -2002: A bad public movie atom was found in the movie:test.3gp" But when I go to play test2.3gp, it plays fine. This issue varies from computer to computer. I get this error on all three of my machines. 2 Windows 7 64bit, and 1 Windows 7 32bit. My colleague and boss can play test.3gp fine through QuickTime on their computers. One is Windows 7 64bit the other is 32bit.
Anyone know some causes of this and hopefully a way to solve it? I tried cleaning up registry errors, running as administrator, updating, reinstalling... Nothing is working.
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Dec 8, 2014
When importing CDs track names no longer are found. This is a problem that has just begun. I use iTunes to download audio books to my computer and then move them to my mp3 player. I can enter the name of the CD and the disk number,myself, but on importing the track names are listed as track 01 etc. That means when put the book on my mp3 player I can only load one disk at a time or the first disk is overwritten by the second, etc.
I've never had this problem. The last time I downloaded a CD was August 2014. When I tried to import two weeks ago, all of a sudden the track names were not there.
I have a Macbook air; OSX 10.9.5; iTunes 12.01.26
I thought perhaps that there had been an update during the 3 months I had not been importing, but I don't know how to check on updates. I've queried this site and found that over the years people have had this problem, but I didn't understand their solutions (all were on earlier versions of iTunes).
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
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May 23, 2009
I have iMovie '09 (8.0.2), and my Mac is full updated as well!
So, i have some mp4 files. I import them into an Event and then there are NO THUMBNAILS! GAH!
I did this a million times in iMovie '08! What is going on here?
Since i come from a Windows world, the first thing i tried is luck
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Nov 10, 2010
I never download betas, jailbreak, or hack anything. I went on tuaw and they had links to Itunes 10.1 beta and iOS 4.2 GM and I couldnt resist. I have been running both for a week now. The itunes beta has a BIG BUG that is driving me nuts! Whenever I try to edit a song or artist name by clicking on it, Itunes force closes.
This happens every single time. My questions is for those who are used to testing betas and early releases: Once Itunes 10.1 is officially released, will it show up as a software update that I could just upgrade to? How does one update from a beta to a final public release of an application?
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Jan 3, 2009
I imported a HD film from my Sony HD Handycam at full HD resolution. When I want to export it to iDVD for burning, the only publishing video option is 960 by 540. How do i get it to 1920 by 1080. I want to get HD quality but on a regular DVD disc.
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Mar 25, 2009
I have just recently purchased an iMac and have edited some film from my hdv camcorder, but i was wondering how do you take a movie from a dvd and use some fo the clips off of it.
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Oct 12, 2001
Why in the world can't I import Quicktime files into iMovie? I'm guessing it has to do with frame rates or something. Or can I and am I just missing something?
If not, is there a file conversion tool anyone could recommend to convert Quicktime or other movie file types? Or do I have to somehow record out to a video to a deck and then import it back in to my iMovie?
I guess I expected iMovie to be something like Premiere. Would Final Cut allow me to do this?
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Jul 29, 2010
my library has some issues in that it does not register all of my songs in itunes
I know this as when I copied my entire folder to my macbook (minus the library and .xml files) I have a few hundred more songs than I do on my desktop
However, since I did not have the .xml and library folder carry over, I lost all my playcounts, playlists, dates, etc that I like to have.
Is there any way I can reimport my entire library and only add the songs that are not "seen" by itunes at the moment? FWIW, I have thousands of song files and I do not want to manually search for which ones show up in my mb library but not my desktops
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Apr 6, 2009
After unsuccessfully trying to troubleshoot some problems for my dad from half way round the world I thought I had better ask for some help!
He has a Canon digital camera and a Sony he uses for underwater shots. He imports all of the pics and movies from both cameras into iPhoto, and the movies from both cameras play fine out of iPhoto.
Recently he has decided to start editing them in iMovie 8, and here comes the bit where I'm not 100% sure what he has been doing, but I'll try to explain as best I can. When he first opened iMovie it imported all of the movies out of iPhoto that he had taken with the Canon, but not those from the Sony. If he tries to import them manually then when he finds the file in Finder it is greyed out so he can't select it for import. The files have the extension .mpeg, which I got him to change to mp4 in case it was something as simple as that, but no luck.
Is this something to do with Sony using a proprietary MPEG encoding? I thought that if it playe din one iLife app it would play in any of them, but it seems not!
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Sep 10, 2014
Importing a small motion movie into fcpx and I get this error "There is not enough disk space available at the selected destination. Please choose another one or clear some space" the destination is a new 6TB raid thats empty. I've created a new library on that drive and still get the same error!
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Aug 13, 2008
Looking for an OS X app that will add lyrics to my iTunes songs. I've tried the "Sing that iTune" widget, which will do it as you listen to a song, but you have to listen to each song individually.
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Apr 13, 2009
After a bit of searching I'm getting the idea this isn't possible but I thought I'd double check here. All I want to do is play music files in folders without the damn thing importing it every time. Can this be done? I can see how it can be done for CD's, but not files on HD.
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Apr 25, 2009
I have imported my DVD collection into my hard drive so I can have the entire TV series on my Mac without swapping DVDs all the time (I want to access them via Front Row). Currently the format is AVI and cannot be imported into iTunes. I can however open the movie in quicktime, save as a reference file, then import into iTunes. However, this would take me hours and hours with my video library. If I convert them to *.mov format, it would also take hours and hours. I know there's a program called videodrive that will import them all, but I'd like to buy it only as a last resort. Surely there must be a way to do it via Automator or something?
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May 27, 2010
I'm a new macbook pro i5 user (first mac). Got it last wednesday..I've gone by with figuring stuff out myself, and browsing for help articles etc. online
I have a Western Digital 500gb fw/usb external harddrive that I used with my pc laptop. It's formatted in NTFS, and filled up with my mp3's. I've tried to drag the whole folder over to itunes, it chokes up and shows the rainbow icon thing both on usb and on FW. Then I tried to choose like 10 folders and import, still chokes up but it did manage to import SOME of those folders. So you can see it'll be a big problem for me to import the whole thing if I have to live with this and do it manually.
Second thing is, the few GB's that it has imported, everytime I open itunes now, it tries to finish estimating pauses and whatever for those tracks, but keeps choking up and get unresponsive. So I have to hard-quit itunes, or quickly hit the X several times to make it stop figuring out the pauses etc.
Wondering what is up with this...brand ned MBP that otherwise runs well, newest itunes that otherwise runs well, no problem with the harddrive...You guys have a solution? Should I format the harddrive to another format, what?
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Jun 13, 2010
I gave my daughter a DVD with a number of Albums on it in mp3 format. When she imported them into iTunes on her MacBook(Intel, 10.4.11, iTunes v8) some of the tracks were duplicated.
When her flatmate imported them into iTunes on her PC, every track was duplicated.
Any ideas as to why this should happen and how to stop it?
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Jun 7, 2009
Ive uploaded around 20CD to iTunes and twice now I have opened up a CD in my iMac to listen to it and the first song could not be found. What is going on here? Its not a big deal or anything because these are my CDs so ive just uploaded them again.
What might be going on here?
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Nov 13, 2008
I goggled for answers but can't find any. I'm looking for a way that students at the lab cannot drag and drop (copying) a quicktime movie found on Desktop. Yes, they can play/view the movie clip but I do not want them to copy it into their USB. Is there a way? Like using Terminal? I tried to look for 3rd Party software but couldn't find a good one?
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Mar 2, 2009
Are there any drawbacks to enabling iTunes' option to "Use error correction when reading Audio CDs" in the import settings (other than ripping will simply take longer)? What I would really like to know is whether or not enabling this feature will in any way adversely affect the quality of CD rips I get?
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Sep 24, 2009
Had some library troubles with iTunes 9, and decided to do a clean install of not only the program, but of Snow Leopard itself. I was waiting on an iTunes update to come out before I decided to re-load my library in, since I didn't want to risk repeat problems (I've always been one of those bleeding edge-ers, and this is the 1st time I've ever had a problem/held back...guess I learned my lesson). 9.0.1 is out and seems to address the problems I'd been having, but I caught the "start fresh" bug and I want to start over with iTunes. No playlists, play counts, etc need to be saved.
I do have a full backup of my previous system and I'm wondering what the best way to get all of my music back into iTunes is.
- Do I use the Finder to simply drag the contents of my old "iTunes Music" folder into the new "iTunes Media" folder?
- Do I drag the whole folder and drop it onto the iTunes window? (I'm worried this method won't put iPhone apps, ringtones, audiobooks and podcasts in the right place).
- Do I use the import function?
Prior to making the backup, I did upgrade to/select iTunes Media Organization
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Nov 17, 2010
Just purchased the new Springsteen CD/DVD. iTunes won't find artwork for it after I ripped it to iTunes (loaded it into optical media player and automatically went to iTunes) I have tried to have it search for artwork etc., but nothing.
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Nov 17, 2008
I have a large library and just in the past day, many of my songs have become greeted with the following: The song could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it? I have not moved any files to another location since the last successful play and when I locate the file it is still in the original location. I have many different playlists and I cannot just delete my library or I will lose the content of those playlists...
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Apr 19, 2009
I'm wondering if anyone else has this problem? Whenever I import a cd into iTunes, or convert a track to a different bit rate, it literally uses all my computer's memory/CPU. I cannot use the computer for anything else during this time as it's far far too slow, to the point where programs won't even open. This wasn't always the case, but it seems with each new version of iTunes it becomes worse and worse. I import at a pretty low bitrate 128 mp3. I am only trying to surf the net when I'm importing, I'm not doing anything else or using/running any other programs. If I do try to use another program (like my email program - outlook) it will barely open, takes forever to do anything, and wants to freeze. I can't use Microsoft Word because typing anything is impossible. Massive lag before the typed words show up.
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Jul 16, 2010
I have been importing my large music CD collection and midway through, I have noticed that the first track of EVERY disc has NOT been copied to my library. The remaining tracks (Track 2 and up) were imported fine. When each CD was importing, everything looked normal and I got a green checkmark next to the first track. What's even more bizarre is that now, I cannot recreate this problem because iTunes imports the first track of every CD as normal. What the heck?! I'm going to have to re-import the first track of every disc now... Did a Google search and got nothing. I'm running the latest, up-to-date iTunes (v9.2) and Mac OS X (v10.6.4).
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Feb 16, 2012
rented a movie and paid for it, cost was deducted but no record of purchasing movie anywhere
iPod touch
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Jan 14, 2007
can anyone tell me what i may be doing wrong? i am trying to create a movie using video clips from my camera. when i download my movies to iphoto, they work great. when i drag them to imovie, they play but i do not get any sound. the 3 little check marks are there but still no sound!
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May 25, 2010
Currently my music files are in the public folder however, the itunes library file is in my music folder. I want to move all my itunes media to an external, out of space. How to I handle this situation of multiple locations during move. I don't care to have my actual music files in the public folder anymore either.
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Dec 5, 2010
Just found this while browsing the iTunes movie store, you can now buy HD movies!! There is only a very small number of HD films available at the moment and they all seem to be reasonably priced. Can't wait for the HD library to be expanded.
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Jun 12, 2008
I was wondering if their was a way to add the rating to a movie that i ripped and imported to itunes. E.G. Jumper- PG-13
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Mar 26, 2009
Are there any free softwares for me to do that?
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