Applications :: Program With Cross Compatibility?
Sep 2, 2010
I'm currently working out of iWork on my mac doing papers with a large amount of equations in them; however, when I travel to school they only use Windows and Microsoft there any program that can offer cross compatibility between them? (ie. if I make a document in Pages I can use either latexit or mathtype, but when I open up in Word 2007 or 2010 will the equations come up? Likewise, if I put equations into a Word document, when I open them up in Pages will they show?)
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Nov 27, 2009
am primarily on macs, but i have bootcamp on my main computer and I need to make sure my working files are completely windows compatible... that includes their file names...!
Is there a program that i can use that will scan a bunch of files, bring up file names that are not compatible with windows xp pro, and give me the opportunity to change them?
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Sep 12, 2009
(1)Are there any particularly good Mac freeware program websites (and, alternatively any that are best avoided)?
(2)The system on my ibook G4 is Tiger 10.4.11 - can I only use programs that specifically say they are for 10.4.11, or I am correct in thinking that any program said to be for 10.4 will work on 10.4.11?
Also, would a program said to be for the Tiger 10.4 range work on the versions before mine (e.g., 10.1 Puma) and after mine (e.g., 10.5 Leopard)? For example, on the Truecrypt website it says the 'latest Stable Version - 6.2a' is for 'Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5', so I assume this will work on my 10.4.11 system. However, for example, if it only said '10.5', I assume I should not download/install this for Tiger?
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Mar 2, 2012
I am running 10.7.3, and I am trying to get Mackie Tracktion 3 up and running on my Mac. I've been told tha T3 works on previous version of the Mac OS, but not the last few updates. Is there any way that I can run this program in a compatibility mode, or revert my OS to a version that supports T3?
Info:iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)
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Sep 16, 2009
Not sure if this should be under "Running Windows on a Mac", but this isn't exactly Windows... so here it goes.
I am trying to run TF2 via CrossOver Games 8.0.0 on Snow Leopard using the specs described in my sig. I've placed a support ticket with them, but they haven't been answering quick enough to my liking; I have an itchy trigger finger, I guess. So, has anybody had any experience with Wine and/or CrossOver that could help me out? For the sake of brevity (plus I don't want to type it out ), here's the link to the support ticket describing my problem.
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Oct 30, 2009
I need a spreadsheet program that can:
1. Operate cross platform (my IT guy�s PC, I�m Mac)
2. Sort capabilities to five, ideally six, levels
3. Capable of using macros
4. Can convert spreadsheets for an html (online) environment
I founded a national grassroots movement thats gone viral. We list registered supporters on our site, using Google Apps forms, the copy the content into an Excel spreadsheet. A friend out of state (PC user) is able to work magic with macros that magically sorts, fixes, and converts the lists to appear in our online directory (you can see an example at I created the graphics; he somehow builds the page using those plus the spreadsheets.
This is something I really need to be able to do on my end, as the owner of the site, but MS took macros out of the Mac version of Office Excel....OpenOffice only sorts three levels, and he says we need at least five....
Since I have no intention of becoming a PC user, I need to find a software program that will work on a Mac and still be able to do all this. I realize many (most?) software programs are capable of opening and saving .xls files, but the multi-level sort, macros, and html are critical to any of this working, according to him.
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Jan 13, 2010
I would like to be able to have my email set up on a usb memory stick so that I can carry it around, plug it in to a mac and there's my email or plug it in to a pc and hey presto theres my email again.If that's not enough then I would like to be able to have multiple email accounts on the (living in a dreamworld) email client.Anyone got any ideas? I have tried a version of thunderbird that was sort of cross platform and mobile but it didn't work too well and writing a letter and posting it may well have been quicker at times.
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Apr 23, 2007
I initially made a slide show of 250 old family photos in iPhoto. It looks great and the cross dissolve function is very smooth.
However, I now need to take portions of music rather than entire songs and blend the songs into each other. This requires that do the slide show in iMovie so can use the timeline to edit the music to fit with certain portions of the slideshow.
The problem that I am running into is that the cross dissolve function in iMovie is jumpy and not smooth like it is in iPhoto. Also, some photos have "stuttering" and flashing between the transitions. I have tried adjusting the cross dissolve time and length of photo and can't seem to get it to look right. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? For example, if I want each photo to be on the screen for 3 seconds, how long should I make the transition? If I remove the transitions, this problem is gone. But then the photos just go from 1 to the other after 3 seconds and the effect is a bit jarring. I'm stumped. In addition, the image quality does not seem as good as in iPhoto - but if I use iPhoto I cannot make a title page or time the music.
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Nov 11, 2008
I want to capture selections on my screen and add comments. Is there a program out there that will allow me to do that? I don't like the "grab it" program because it saves the captured file in a Tiff format instead of a Jpeg format.
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Aug 27, 2010
is it possible to take a program made from a PC and make it run on a mac? without crossover (it never works)its not a complex program but it never works from me
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Nov 2, 2010
Subject says it all... I'm trying to strikethrough or cross out text.
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Jul 26, 2009
How do you get the NEWEST version of Cross Hell for �Mac
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Sep 7, 2010
This is literally the first time I've opened iWeb so I'm very new to using it, although it doesn't look too complex. I'm pretty sure I have iWeb '09 seeing as how I bought my Mac in early 2010.I'm supposed to help make a website for a friend's business and he wants me to make sure that it is backwards compatible to iWeb '08 which he has. (So he can update things on it and such)Are there any special things I need to do with iWeb to make it backwards compatible?
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Dec 4, 2010
i have all my files created in iwork8, i would like to know before purchasing iwork09 if are there any compatibilities issues. let me be more specific and explain what i mean, suppose i have this file in keynote09, can i use it in keynote08, and if so with what drawbacks?
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Nov 4, 2008
Are iChat and Skype compatible? Some of my family uses Skype, and I have yet to set up my iChat. If I use iChat with AIM, a way to connect with someone using skype?
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Feb 26, 2009
So I'm getting ready to buy a new digital camera (am upgrading from an older HP 5.1MP camera) and I can't seem to find a list which states which cameras are compatible with iPhoto. I'm running iPhoto '08 on a iMac G4 10.5.6 / MacBook Pro IntelCore.
So far I'm looking at Canon's PowerShot SD790 IS, and their PowerShot A590 IS. Does anyone know if these two cameras are compatible with iPhoto?
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Mar 4, 2009
I am having problems with my Mac G4, and it's been suggested it may be the motherboard. Therefore I'm considering getting a new iMac. I am concerned about what software i have, and what will be compatible with a new machine. Here are the programs i currently have, and use: Illustrator CS, Photoshop CS, Carrara 5 Pro, Painter IX, Hexagon 2, Dreamweaver MX, FireworksMX, Flash MX and Titanium Toast 6. I also use Appleworks 6 on occasion. Can anyone indicate which, if any of these could be used with Leapord and iMac?
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Oct 3, 2009
i've had my macbook for about a year but ever since the most recent osx combined update, applications on my macbook crash continually. Safari maybe once every 5 minutes, Firefox less so. The more demanding the program, the more frequent the crashes become. Mac os itself actually crashes fairly often too.
I'm running Mac OS X 10.5.8. I upgraded both my ram and hard drive personally when I got my laptop, but i've never had problems before the update and both sets of hardware were compatible. (i forget the technical spec).
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Jan 2, 2010
I recently bought a new MacBook Pro and used the iWork '09 trial that was offered - and thought it was great. I made lots of new documents in the trial period but at the end of it, I thought I would see if I could install my old version of iWork 08 from a previous computer. I found that I could do this, but it would not open any iWork '09 files, so I had to buy iwork '09 anyway as I had done so much work with it. I got caught out I think! Did anyone else find this too?
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Aug 30, 2009
Original Here
The 32-bit Snow Leopard kernel can run both 32-bit and 64-bit apps. The biggest bang for the buck is running 64-bit applications.
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Oct 31, 2010
i'm making a Powerpoint presentation in Office 2011, and was wondering if it will produce a file that is fully readable on Office 2007.
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Dec 27, 2010
I am currently looking to purchase a webcam for my Apple Desktop. I am really interested in buying the logitech C910 Webcam. I know on their website it says that this webcam is not officially supported by the Mac OS. However I am wondering if there is anyway I could make it work. I would be using it for Facetime, Skype, and Photobooth. I read that you can run the Webcam in UVC mode, but I'm not sure if these applications will still work with it.
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May 19, 2009
I am looking at getting FCE 4.0 but will it work well on either 2009 Mini 2.0 Ghz, 4GB with 320GB HDD 16 MB Cache and 7200RPM. 2009 uMB 2.4 with 4GB/500GB Hybrid. I am thinking I might need a machine with a dedicated GPU.
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May 9, 2010
Well I am about to give up on Apple's OS-X Mail program. In my business am I converting from Windows laptop's to MacBooks. Everybody is really happy to start using OS-X and have the benefit of the improved stability and extended battery life. So far so good. But now we have run in to a severe problem in the compatibility of Apple Mail and Outlook. If we send emails to Outlook clients (99% of the time) our signatures end up as and separate .HTML attachment in the Outlook client. We tried everything but the main problem is that Apple Mail does not generate HTML-mail, but RTF-mail. This RTF format is compliant with the standards but Outlook uses its own RTF specs. So now I am forced to use Entourage (that works) but I want to get away from anything Microsoft because of the excessive price and very limited support. For a full licence I would have to pay $339 per user, just to get this compatibility issues out of the way. For 28 users that is still a lot of money (9500 $). Does anybody have an alternative, so I do not need to make Bill richer then he already is. I looked at Mozilla email client, does not work either.
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Jan 25, 2006
I have sevral large DV files that I need to move to a PC at a different location. On hand I have a FAT formatted firewire drive, but obviously It can't store files larger than 2 gigs, so I'm looking for the fastest way of splitting these files into chunks, and then re-assembling them on a PC.The options I see so far are using a compression tool which will split at the same time (stuffit, rar, or even zip) (but I'd rather not waste time compressing when it's not nessesary) or using a raw file splitter like Split&Concat, but I don't know if these are cross-platform, or what to use on the PC end to rejoin the files.
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Jan 17, 2010
I'm not saying you should do this, but I figured out how to upgrade the hard drive in the new iMacs to one of a different manufacturer. My i7 came with a 1TB Seagate. I now have a 2TB Hitachi in there. All I had to do to get the thermal sensor to work is cut off the part of the connector on the thermal sensor cable that didn't have wires attached to the pin outs, then fit it on to the new one. At first, the fan ran at full speed. It would start at about 2500 and slowly creep up to 5500. I just flipped the cable over and the fan runs at 1200 rpm now.
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May 28, 2009
I'm looking for an app that will allow me to specify which folders I want to copy to my external drive, updating existing files within it and copying new ones.
I don't want to backup settings, my whole harddrive nor make a bootable backup. Just something to backup what I want to backup and where.
Not sure if Time Machine can do that, but it wants me to reformat my external before I can even find out..and considering how much is on there, I really don't want to have to remove that all elsewhere while doing so. [Don't think I could anyway, none of my internal drives have that much space.]
So, does anyone know of a relatively painless backup app that could do simply what I want? Doesn't sound all that complicated in comparison to some of the more convoluted backup apps I keep finding.
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Jun 25, 2009
I am trying to switch my email program from Thunderbird to the mac email program Mail.Thunderbird has been playing up a lot recently and am tired of the glitches.
I have all the correct server settings etc and succesfully imported my mailboxes. The problem is that when I send an email it isn't from the right email address?? Is this a Mail problem or smth to do with my settings? I'm with Virgin media and have a separate set of email address through my website for my business so my email address are through freeola that I am using through Thunderbird.I'm sorry if this all sounds very stupid but I am pulling my hair out trying to figure out where I have gone wrong!
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Jan 18, 2009
With the new iPhoto '09 having Flickr support, a site owned by Yahoo!, I was hoping we would see some updates for iChat support with Yahoo Messenger. Does anyone see this happening? It would be very convenient as opposed to the Jabber hack job.
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Apr 15, 2010
I dont know if this is in the right area, but I am a mac newbie and I bought a Seagate 1 tb external harddrive yesterday and tried to move my files from my pc comp into the external harddrive (which worked) but when i tried to move my files from my macbook pro to the external harddrive, it wouldnt let me. Is this not compatible for both, and if not what external harddrive would you suggest that i can use as a drag and drop type external hd?
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