Applications :: Problems With Internet Browsers Opening Many Tabs?

Jan 9, 2010

While searching the internet both firefox and chrome will start opening 20 to 30 tabs of the same page. It also opens a tab of any link you scroll your mouse over. Has anyone else came across this problem?

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Applications :: Opening All Tabs In Safari Without Closing Old Ones?

Oct 12, 2010

is there a way to open all tabs in a bookmark folder at once without having Safari automatically close the ones already open?In firefox when you click to open all bookmarks in new tabs, they start right after the last tab already open but with Safari you lose the tabs you were using!

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Applications :: Tabs In Safari / Opening In New Window?

Jan 12, 2010

Is there a way of getting Safari to open a link in a new tab in the existing window rather than opening a new window? Before anyone shouts I have got that ticked in the preferences, but it doesn't do it.

Here is an example of what I mean, in google mail, if I choose the google finance option, it opens it in a while new window, not in a new tab in the same window.

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Applications :: Safari Lag - Freezing On Opening New Tabs

May 22, 2010

I'm having serious issues with Safari 4. It's extremely glitchy and laggy, freezing for seconds when I open new tabs, or even when I scroll down. Many times I'm forced to force quit because it remains frozen. I have a Black Macbook with Leopard on it. The computer still performs excellently, so perfomance isn't an issue. When Safari freezes and I have to quit, I'm typically on flash heavy sites (which I'm sure adds fuel to the fire). But Safari almost always lags for me.

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Applications :: Safari 4.0.4 Unstable? Opening New Tabs Causes Non-responding Pinwheel?

Nov 21, 2009

Doesnt seem like there was ever an issue until the last few updates after SL, and I kept hoping the new updates would fix it, but same thing. Anyone have the same issue, or solution perhaps?

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Applications :: Safari Not Working Fine - Opening Tabs Uselessly

Nov 27, 2009

When I try to open a new tab it leaves the new tab blank and changes the tab I'm already working on...doesn't do this all the time, but enough to make it irritating. Basically it makes additional tabs uselesss

Also, if I am working successfully in 2 or more tabs for a while it will freeze on the last URL I used on the newest tab and not allow me to go to any new pages on any of the tabs...the only solution to this seems to be quitting Safari and restarting..PITA

I really like Safari, but it's been doing this to me for a few weeks now. Gonna go back to Firefox for the time being and hope that a future update fixes it.

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MacBook Pro :: All Web Browsers/Tabs Go To Blank Page After Sleep?

Jul 2, 2012

My MBP is set to go to sleep after 1 hour of no activity, the problem lies when I wake it back up and log back in (corporate network), every browser, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, all display a blank page, Firefox goes offline as part of this process, and when the wifi comes back online, (Telling Firefox to go back online) I have to refresh every browser and every tab to get my content back, very frustrating. Chrome displays a page that says "Unable to connect to the Internet" Why do the browsers have to go blank?  Why dont they just sit dormant so I can come back to them?

iMovie '11, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Pop Up Tabs Regularly Appearing Across All Browsers Advertising MacKeeper

Sep 12, 2014

I have, what seems to be a common, an issue with pop up tabs regularly appearing across all browsers advertising 'MacKeeper'. I understand this is a trojan or malware. 

I have tried to combat the problem by removing various files as suggested on other threads, removed extensions from my browsers, and today re installed OS X on the recommendation of Apple's online chat team, but am still experiencing the issue.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Applications :: Won't Work With Internet Flash Plug In / Freezes Web Browsers

Apr 21, 2010

So macrumors peeps, as the title reads, whenever i open a web browser and go to either espn or youtube or anything that flash associates itself with, the windows hangs or freezes and the beachball cursor comes up forcing me to force quit. I am currently using a Macbook 10.5.8 and Firefox 3.6.3 and Safari 4.0.5. Also i have restarted my macbook, updated it completely, tried reinstalling Adobe Flash Plug-in, done the disk utility repair disk (even though idk if i did it right) and i have been surfing the web for two days to find a solution.

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Applications :: Tabs On Safari - Working With Multiple Tabs?

Oct 8, 2009

my safari upon opening shows a tab for the current window. i thought tabs only appeared when you have 2 or more concurrent windows open at the same time.

is there a way to hide the tab when you only have 1 window open?

for example: [URL]

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MacBook :: Pinwheel In Safari When Opening Tabs?

Apr 9, 2009

what is the reason for the pinwheel? I seem to get it more and more often usually within safari when opening tabs but sometimes when I'm opening apps also. I'm maxed out at 4gbs from OWC I didn't seem to have this problem before I upgraded my ram but then again I didn't have the 2gbs for very long. Also... is the fact that watching videos ie youtube or playing omgpop... (I'll admit u can find me on there, gemmers is my game) makes my laptop super hot mean anything? or what the reason behind it is? kinda curious my sisters boyfriend with the umbp says that his computer doesn't get hot when watching videos but when i watch videos the left side of the keyboard gets very warm almost kinda hot ~80C on average after about 10 minutes of video before the fans kick in but even at the it sits around 70C.

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OS X :: Opening MacRumors Links In New Tabs Instead Of New Windows?

Jul 17, 2009

I've just switched to Safari instead of Firefox (I don't exactly know why, just giving it a go) and I have noticed that when I open links in Forum Spy, they open in a new window in Safari, not in a new tab like in FireFox.

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Safari :: Stop From Opening 99 Tabs Automatically

Apr 21, 2012

When I first start up Safari - it automatically opens a huge number of tabs (the drop down menu on a tab right click shows an option to bookmark 99 tabs - and there are more tabs opened than I care to count). They appear to all be existing bookmarks; but could also be history.

At one point it would not let me close it at all & because it wouldn't close the OS would not allow a shutdown. So I had to do a hardware power off instead.

I played around with the setting and finnally - after severl hard reboots and a lot of try this & try that - I got it to allow itself to be closed. 

But the 99+/- auto opens continue to be a problem.  I've tried to completely clear my history, and several other property adjustments - but overall the behaviour remains very very flakely. 

I want to make it my default browser on all my Apple things (Macbook / iTouch / iPad) but the very bad behaviour keeps pushing me back to Firefox - sigh. It feels like a very bad user design that cannot be trusted. 

Are there some obvious know gotcha's with this browser? Or some standard settings that should never be touched? Or are these common bugs that just don't work right?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Safari Keeps Opening Multiple Tabs Without A Prompt

Mar 13, 2012

Safari unexpectedly begain opening multiple tabs without a prompt after I accepted the latest Java update. This slows my Mac to a crawl and I am wondering if I can correct this myself, or have I picked up a virus?  I am running the latest version of Lion and my Mac is only a couple of years old

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Safari :: Create Home Page With Several Tabs Upon Opening?

May 2, 2012

I would like to create a home page with several tabs upon opening Safari is this possible?

MacBook Pro

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Safari :: Opening Multiple Tabs Not Working, Network Hangs

Feb 22, 2012

Like the title says, when I open multiple tabs at once Safari hangs my network. Maybe two of tabs are loaded the others are stopped in the middle...and the whole network hangs...

Sfari, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: How To Stop Tabs From Opening Every Time When Click Somewhere On Safari

Dec 9, 2014

how to stop tabs from opening every time you click some where on safari

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OS X :: Internet Browsers Not Responding

Oct 1, 2008

Just recently i have found that both Firefox and Safari have been "not responding" when i have tried to view some pages... namely some pages on the bbc news site and the guardian site and also [URL] It appears they are pages with some form of embedded video on them. its rather infuriating. the pages begin to open then all i get is the spinning rainbow and all other firefox or safari pages hang too.

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OS X :: Web Browsers Not Recognizing Internet

Jun 13, 2009

Neither Safari (v4) nor Firefox can connect to the internet. However, my internet connection is fine, and iTunes is currently downloading a video podcast no problem, in fact I can see under Activity Monitor that it's downloading at 110KB/sec, which is blazing fast for where I live (Indonesia). I can also get email no problem. And the other weird thing, is that I can use Safari for Windows no problem on my Windows side (through Parallels), which I'm using right now.

I did recently update to Safari 4, but up to now I've had no problems. And the fact that I can't use Firefox either leads me to believe it's not just a Safari problem. The only thing I can think is my ISP has recently been updating their system, and I have had some issues recently connecting, but right now my internet connection is otherwise great. Does this have something to do with DNS servers or something? Why can I use Windows browsers on my Mac no problem (through Parallels on Windows XP) but not Apple browsers? I'm on OS 10.5.7 FYI.

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OS X :: Internet Browsers All Messed Up

Aug 6, 2009

For the past week or two my internet browsers (safari and firefox) have been acting very strange. They are both constantly freezing (spinning wheel), which I can live with, but the worst part is that they both seem to be losing their internet connection all the time. I don't use safari a lot, but I use firefox every day. If I completely close the program (so, Quit Firefox) and then open it again it works fine for a couple of pages but then it starts just loading forever without something actually happening. If I close it, again it's fine for a couple of pages. This all started happening after I downloaded Hotspot Shield and Freedur, both of which I uninstalled within an hour of installing. I can't find any residuals of these program. In Firefox my search history has also been almost completely deleted and for some reason the suggestions in Google and Youtube have been turned off. I don't have any extra add-ons or plug-ins.

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Software :: Internet Browsers Are In Cyrillic?

Jan 4, 2009

I recently encountered a really strange problem on my PowerBook G4.

After downloading the new firefox update, all my web browsers (Safari & Firefox), display nearly all my sites in cyrillic (strangely and luckily enough, this isnt one of them)
Of course i checked my system settings and all is set in german (I'm german, so thats ok )

Anyone come across that problem? I dont want to format if theres another solution, obviiously....

PS: heres n example of a part of a page:

OOOkkkaayyy...gets stranger: I just wanted to paste copy part of a page, and after pasting the text was displayed correctly in this window.....?????

PPS: Upon further research: problem only seems to happen with german language sites...

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OS X :: All Internet Browsers Constantly Freezing

Jul 25, 2009

Everytime I try to visit a webpage with content that isn't only text i get the hourglass and have to force quit both firefox and safari. What can I do to Fix This?

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Safari :: Can't Link Internet While Other Browsers Can

May 30, 2012

I have been trying to browz with my Safari with no success while I have no problem with firefox. the masage i get is safari can not connect the server. What can I do to correct it? My mail has a similar problem. I cant even up date my software for the same reason.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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OS X :: Browsers Won't Load Pages / How To Use Fast Internet

Dec 1, 2010

Today, I've been having a lot of problems re: browsers loading pages. Sometimes, it'll load them partially/mostly, but images won't load. Other times, Safari/Chrome/Firefox will redirect me to Google. Still other times, the browser will say it can't reach the server.

I've tried restarting, repair permissions, and emptying the cache, and restarting the browsers many, many times. Usually one/some combination of these things will fix the problem temporarily, but it keeps coming back. Additionally, no matter how many times I repair permissions, problems crop up in System/Library/Java and System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework .

I've just redownloaded the Java Update 3 for 10.6, and I'm installing it now. I don't know if that'll fix it, but I'll update if it does. I'm running 10.6.5. The only thing I've noticed that changed before this problem started happening was my update to Safari 5.0.3. I have an aluminum iMac.

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Software :: Fonts In Internet Browsers Not Correct?

Apr 29, 2010

Rather than post my whole problem again, here is a link to another forum post I made and received no response:


Problem in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Camino. The only place there is not a problem is in Opera.

Guest account on my mac has NO issues so this must be User-related.

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OS X Mavericks :: Browsers Not Working But Internet Connectivity Is Fine On IMac

Jun 2, 2014

I've been having a weird issue for a few days, my computer is connected to the internet and I am able to login a messenger and use spotify and other programs that run through wifi but for some reason none of my internet browsers open any page.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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Software :: Safari Tabs/ Moving Tabs Back Below The Address Bar?

Mar 21, 2009

I have really tried to like the new Safari, but I can't seem to generate 'affection' for the tabs. One thing especially is irritating to me. Being over the address bar is bad enough, but when there's a bunch of tabs, finding a spot to 'grab' the window to move it is difficult.

Is there a way to move the tabs back below the address window like the older Safari? I hope this hasn't been asked and answered before. I didn't see it.

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Software :: Safari Tabs / How Can I Get My Tabs Back?

Sep 5, 2008

Safari had tabs yesterday. Today - no tabs nor tab bar. Nothing in Safari Preferences brings back the tabs. How can I get my tabs back?

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Applications :: How Many Browsers Do You Use

Jul 27, 2009

Just curious how many Browsers do you have downloaded, and list them In order of usage. I recently switched to Firefox 3.5 to be my default from Safari 4. So I'm only using two, but probably will try Opera and looking forward to Chrome when it comes out.

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Applications :: How To Make Mac Browsers Faster

Mar 1, 2010


Worked beautifully for me. Do the test, switch your DNS server (if necessary), then do the test again to make sure.

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