Applications :: Pages/ Paste Without Hyperlinks/unformatted
Oct 21, 2009
does anyone know how to paste some text copied from the internet (specifically wikipedia) into a Pages '09 document without the hyperlinks. Or even pasting unformatted - as to mimic the 'edit, paste special' feature of MS Word.
Or if this is not possible, as so far I have found, is there a feature to remove all hyperlinks in a document, without having to click each individual one and turn it off in inspector
How do I prevent Pages from automatically making a web address into a "live" hyper link? Also, how do I make a hyperlink in an existing document not "live
I have been working on a Pages document with a automatically generated TOC, and I would like to have hyperlinks between the contents and the document. I know that clicking on the page number will work, but I would like to click on the actual Titles on the TOC... is this possible?
I keep getting this message the past week when I try to copy/paste text to Pages or upload a picture to a website chat forum. I don't know what it means, or how to correct it. I'm running a 2009 iMac desktop with OSX Lion 10.7.3 with 2 GB?
This seems like a stupid question but someone is asking me and off the top of my head I can't seem to replicate the solution. If someone is typing in their yahoo or other email account and they type in for do you automatically set up OSX or the specific yahoo/email acct to underline/hyperlink that address so recipients simply click on that link in the email.
Most of my company is PC based, but we artists are Mac based. We all work on the same Excel file, updating, saving, replacing. When we open the PC excel file on our Macs, none of the hyperlinks work ... then if we save something to the file, when the PC guys open the file, none of the hyperlinks work for them anymore either. We really want to be able to use Excel and not have to use VMware in order to update our file on the Mac. Any thoughts??
Okay, so I'm setting up my website and it's quite a bit like the Apple site. I set up links to my other pages from each page, but when I check "activate hyperlinks" and then click one, I always go back to the main page (The Psywave Corporation). What am I doing wrong, if anything, formatting-wise? How can I fix this?
How do I get Preview to display hyperlinks in a PDF document? I need to download a manual. When I click on the link in Safari, it only downloads the Table of Contents (1 p., 29KB). There are hyperlinks for each of the other 16 sections, but when I click on them, nothing happens, nothing further downloads, etc. How do I access the other sections?
I am new to Keynote so am still figuring how to work my way around in it.
I am making a kid's game. They have the option of choosing a coloured 'card' to place over a text box to locate a secret word. When they choose the coloured card, I want the card to begin moving towards the text box but then have it transition into the matching slide with that colour card overlaid on the full size text box.
I have three options for each text box and there are three different slides with different text boxes.
The homepage of has strange glitch in the hyperlinks to the sites pages. Despite recreating the page from scratch, the problem reoccurs. The problem is this: only the first letter of the hyperlinked word functions as a link. This fault occurs on the homepage only.
I would be grateful to anyone who took the time to visit the site and could give me a boost fixing the problem.
I want to put a new hard drive in my Macbook Pro running 10.7 and restore my backup from Time Machine. I do not have any copies of 10.7 because it came installed on my Macbook Pro. I also do not have an external hard drive or enclosure to do any cloning procedures. Since there will be no OSX installed on this unformatted hard drive ….how can I get this drive formatted and restore my backup from Time Machine?
When copying a table from say a webpage or even a RTF file, Pages does not retain its table formatting. Instead it separates the rows and columns and puts them on separate lines.
See it for yourself, try copying one of the tables on this page into Pages [URL]
The only way I can get the table into Pages is to paste into NeoOffice (which retains the correct formating), save the file with the .doc extension then open in Pages.
I need to open a few Pages files but I don't have Pages installed on this computer. I understand you can convert Pages files to .doc or .pdf within the application, but unfortunately I won't have access to the computer with the program installed for a while.
Is there some sort of (free) converter that can convert .pages files to .doc or .pdf or even .rtf?
Or even better, a document creator/viewer than can open .pages files?
I'm wondering if there's a way to eliminate the visual break in-between pages in Pages '09 (see screenshot). I'd prefer maybe a subtle dotted line indicating a different page, not a 5-inch gap.
I'm trying to create pages that have all black backgrounds. I've been doing this by using the Shapes tool, choosing a rectangle, filling in the entire white space for the page, which is 8x11, and then filling in with black.
The problem is that when I do this, Pages seems to think that I want this page and the following page to be connected, in some way. When I look at the two pages in the thumnail view, the yellow outline is around both pages, rather than each individually.
Anybody know how to keep this from happening. Or the right way to create full black backgrounds for pages in Pages?
I have saved the document as a Word doc, and a PDF. I was just going to copy and paste the entire document into a big text box but I want to prevent other people copying and pasting bits from it - is this possible?
First off, I've learned a lot by reading threads in this message board. Thank you to all the helpers out there!I just bought The Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex Desk 1TB. What I hope to do with it is a) Back-up files on my MB using Time Machine, and b) Back-up files I have on a 250GB Lacie portable HD full of photos/videos/music.I am requesting advice on how to back-up a back-up (ie. backup my Lacie onto my Seagate). Is there a popular freeware program that I should use to do that? I suppose I could just copy and paste the photos/videos/music, but I'm sure there's a free program that does syncs, which would be way more efficient.
It's supposedly the shortcut to Paste Special in Excel 2011. It's not working for me. Maybe I'm hitting the keys wrong? You can see it if you go to the Edit menu. thank you.
I'd like to announce moveAddict, a Snow Leopard-only application that provides a functionality the Finder was missing, the ability to move files using the keyboard. It�s meant to replace dragging and dropping for anyone that would rather use the keyboard instead of the mouse.
In a nutshell, you can use it to cut files or folders and then paste them where you want.
As a bonus, you can also use it to merge folders instead of completely replacing them, another functionality that the Finder was missing.
For anyone that hasn't used cut and paste for files before, here's a short description:Cut - when you cut files the only thing that happens is that moveAddict remembers the location of the files, it does not change the files in any way Paste - when you paste, moveAddict moves the files from their original locations to the new one If you cut a file and forget to paste it, nothing happens!
moveAddict does not change the system or the Finder in any way, it's just a regular application which you can uninstall by deleting it.
I am the developer of moveAddict, for any questions/suggestions/bugs please reply to this thread or contact me personally.
I recently switched to Mac and noticed that the hyperlink button is no longer present in AIM. I prefer to rename links rather than post the often lengthy urls in messages and buddy info. I tried to get around the absence of the hyperlink button by manually inserting the HTML to create a link but this does not work either.
It seems strange that this feature is not supported. Can anyone explain a way to rename links in AIM on a Mac that I am unaware of or is it actually not possible?
Tried to email myself that at work/home via copy/paste from the web page directly into Apple Mail, got funky error. Tried sending to various email, same error message.
(found via the connection doctor)
I use Yahoo as my server, seems Yahoo is blocking the outgoing message because it has a link to my Google Picasa web hosting site?
I'm struggling already whole with trying to copy and paste a excel diagram from excel 2008 to adobe illustrator CS3. Now I found out on the microsoft homepage, that this is a known problem and also in several forums people where struggling with this. Microsoft suggests to copy something from illustrator into excel and afterwards it should also work the other way around. This is definitely not the case. I really need to solve this issue. Does somebody know if there is another solution, or to whom one could contact, or if a update which could solve this problem is in the pipeline?
I have a few questions which I know Adobe Acrobat Pro can accomplish simply, although ideally I don't wish to spend hundreds of pounds on the software.
I have created an online brochure in PDF format and I wish to insert hyperlinks within the PDF to various sections of the brochures website. As I say, Acrobat Pro can do this simply as I've used it before although I was wondering if there is any other PDF software capable of doing such a task?
My second question is regarding allowing PDF commenting. It seems when I create the PDF (From InDesign), commenting is disabled. Can I not create the PDF from InDesign with commenting allowed?
Does Apple Mail have ability to paste boiler plate text? In MS Office Windows I used to setup many boiler plate texts that I would access through keyboard shortcuts, such as Control H for "Please don't hesitate to contact me." Can Mail do a similar thing?
If I try to delete hyperlinks from my Bookmarks, either with the Delete button or with mouse, all i get is the 'rainbow pinwheel' and 'not responding' message. never happened before.
I know that you can show facing pages using View>inspector>documents. But, this does not place the pages side by side, Is there any way that say page 1 and page 2 can be shown and worked on side by side so you do not have to scroll up and down to view them?
When I convert a MS Word document (MS Word 2004 for Mac) to a PDF document, using Adobe Acrobat (v. 8 for Mac), the hyperlinks that were inserted into the Word document are not present in the PDF document (hyperlink text is present, but it is not clickable or colored/underlined as it was in orig. Word document).
Please inform me of any setting in Acrobat or Word that I may need to change to get the hyperlinks to carry over properly during conversion. I really don't want to go through all of my PDFs that I have created and re-insert hyperlinks manually, as there are TONS of them..!
Why don't hyperlinks show in Calendar meetings? These are generated from Company Google Calendar (Google Apps) and show up in Outlook. I would like to click on the webex link to attend a meeting.