Applications :: Linking Cells / Columns Between Sheets In Numbers
Nov 21, 2009
In Numbers '08, is it possible to link cells/columns between sheets; so that in the below spreadsheet selecting an item from Column A in "Hub Dimensions" sheet in the drop down box of the "Spoke Calculator" sheet would fill out the cells in Column D of the "Spoke Calculator" sheet with data from the related cells in the "Hub Dimensions" sheet?
I just want to know if there is any way (formula) to count the numbers all the cells which are not empty in a column or row disregarding the content of the cell.
It may contain date, text or even number. I don't want to have the sum of those numbers, rather how many cells, have something in them.
I'm new to iworks and have trying to figure this one out for a while. I used a template to set up financial info and calculate how much was spent on items. This was the preset formula: =SUMIF(Transactions :: $Category,A2,Transactions :: Amount)
However, I only want the sum from a particular range of dates (e.g. 9/1/09 to 9/30/09, as in cells B2:B10) so I can budget accordingly. In excel, you just grab the highlighted corner and drag it to where you want- here I can't do that and it won't let me add any more "conditions". Any idea how to remedy this? It's driving me nuts. On a side note, I am NOT a programmer so programming language will unfortunately not help unless you get VERY specific about how to do it (which you probably don't want to do).
I have a column that has name / phone and i'm trying to break out the two into two separate columns. I can't figure out a way to do this? I'm trying to figure out to use the line break to trigger the column separation but no luck? Here is an example of what i have in a column:
I have a column that has name / phone and i'm trying to break out the two into two separate columns. I can't figure out a way to do this? I'm trying to figure out to use the line break to trigger the column separation but no luck? Here is an example of what i have in a column:
HiThe usual tale of an Applescript beginner getting lost but, I want to be able to search for a selected membership number within a Numbers spreadsheet, extract that member’s email address and send a message. I have managed to create a script that creates and sends the email but after several attempts I cannot work out how to start searching cells for a particular value and how to extract data from cells in the selected row.
Every time I change the cell format in numbers, it keeps going back to 12/30/11 when I want 2/1/12. It is quite frustrating because I did what it said to do.
I'm looking for some useful app for writing sheets for piano. I tried o use Finale Print music 2009 but it was only a demo and I don't want to pay for it.
I've been ripping my hair out trying to find the answer to this.
In Numbers for Mac, I need to fill a column automatically with a series of integers (1 - 50) and then the next column with a function that interacts with the first column.
For example:
Column A - 1 - 5
Column B - (value in Column A * 5)
I can't figure out how to do it in Numbers When I try to fill column a with 1 - 50 all it does is fill all 1's and I cant find an option how to make that change so it automatically numbers when I highlight them.
The best I can describe is how in Excel you can type 1 in the first cell, then highlight a bunch of cells and the little box appears that lets you click "Fill Series"
Has anyone else experienced this problem with Excel 2008 after installing SP1? Attempting to open any existing spreadsheet fails, with Excel just opening a blank sheet instead. Microsoft were "aware of a problem" with SP1 which they claimed to have fixed with update 12.1.1, but as per usual and what we should perhaps expect with Microsoft, the "fix" makes no difference whatsoever, and I still can't open any of my existing spreadsheets! Their "workaround" also has no effect. I am running an Intel Mac with OS X 10.5.4 and Office 2008 12.1.1
See above title. i get that there's the "degree(cell)" function, but there has to be an easier way to change the settings so you can just input in degrees rather than radians.
like how calculators have a degrees and radians mode, i find it so hard to believe that there isn't one in numbers. if there really isn't, this is an incredibly flawed program.
I would like to link to another page within the website without that page existing on the navigation menu on the homepage. Is this possible? I have tried using HTML but does not work. I'm new at iWeb. I have 6 navigational pages. 2 of the 6 pages will have sub pages with those sub pages also having sub pages. How do I link each sub page without creating more navigational pages on the homepage? I don't want 12 navigational pages on homepage.
suddenly not responding to mouse clicks till I quit from the dock and open it again.It's particularly noticeable with the IMDB and eBay.I don't see any problem in always agreeing to whatever update if finds on opening it because I know it's in constant development
I was updating sheets for the new year. I keep lot of my template the same from year to year, just deleting the items in cells and starting over. It?s easy when using the PowerBook from a keyboard. The Delete key does the trick, but how do I do it from the Powerbook keyboard. The Delete key just does one cell at a time?
When I get sent an excel file (.xls) I open the attachment, however if I choose Open it doesn't let me format the cells but does let me write and save. If I choose Open and Remove Macros it opens in Read Only however it does let me save whatever changes I've made but still won't let me format the cells. Is there a way to format the cells of these files that get sent to me via Entourage. Even if I save them to desktop I get the same results.
What I'd like is for a function that can sort the categories into individual columns for the categories. So that this big list of purchases I have is sorted out into their own column that matches the category and then sums it too. Does this make sense? I was sort of avoiding any VBA for this but if thats how it has to be done then thats cool
I can't find the option to get rid of them. The first two, arrows and the dot. I only have 'Attachments', 'Date Received' and 'From' selected under 'View > Columns'.
Fairly simple, I've added an automatic contents page to my document, but I was hoping to have it use two columns instead of one to conserve space since none of the headings are especially wide. However, when I change the number of columns, it screws up the contents, whatever is used to space out the titles and the page numbers doesn't seem to adjust automatically.
I'm wondering if anyone knows a way to do this without manually entering the contents?
In order to get more run time out of door, the better way is using high capacity battery. Some ask me if we can use 12 cells Mac Pro battery to replace 6 cells battery.
I am new to Mac so bear with me. I am running Microsoft Office for Mac 2004. I run a Nascar league and have 36 separate spread sheets for each race. They are all stored in a folder in my documents, just like when I had a PC. The problem is that when I try to open the sheet from documents folder by double clicking it the header or toolbar for excel opens but not the spread sheet. The only way I can get the spread sheet to open is by clicking on the open folder symbol on the toolbar and then a pop up window appears that looks like finder, and then I have to choose the file again.
Why can't you just open the file from documents folder.
Also when I attach the spreadsheet to an email, then double click the attachment on the email, the spreadsheet won't open either. I have asked the guys in my one to one class and none of them seem to know what the problem is. One teacher suggested to re-install Office,
I have a 2009 MacBook Laptop and run Mac OS X version 10.5.8. I also bought the Microsoft for Mac package (cost about $90) a while back because I was going back to school. So I basically use Microsoft Word as my word processor/document software. I play guitar and whenever I figure the chords out to a new song, I frequently create a new document where I paste the lyrics and then add the chords in the appropriate places. Then I can always pull up that song and play it. So its kinda like sheet music. Also, I'll point out that I'm not talking about tabbing a song,...which really means identifying individual notes that are picked. I always try and get the song on one page so I can play the entire song without having to scroll down half-way through. Even when I eliminate the margins, view the page full screen, etc....frustrated that SO much of the screen is being wasted. The actual words in the document in reality only take up a small portion of the screen...making it tough to read,...especially if I lose my place.
Any guitar players out there (or otherwise) know of any better applications or word processors that would allow me to maximize the amount of lyrics that would fit on the screen? Perhaps the solution lies in a different way of configuring or viewing Microsoft Word? Hopefully the question is clear enough. How to fit the most amount of text onto one page and then have that page take up the entire screen without wasted space. I'm thinking that no matter what suggestions I get, one good tactic would somehow involve creating columns or even putting two page side by side (neither of which I'm sure how to do).
1. Turned the List Manager on by accident in Excel. Can't figure out how to turn it off now. I am using Excel 2004, and a MAC mouse - so no right-clicking for me...
2. How do I move columns in Excel? I select the column on top, but then try dragging it to a place I'd like it to move, but nothing happens. How do I do that?
3. General Mac Word/Excel question - how do I get to use "Home" and "End" buttons? When I hit them I simply jump somewhere, but not to the beginning or end of the paragraph. I have a MAC keyboard with the "Home" and "End" buttons along with the "Help", "Delete", "Pg Up" and "Pg Dwn" keys - basically it looks a lot like a PC keyboard...
I purchased my MacPro last November. I loaded NUMBERS on my macnine as well as PAGES, and KEYNOTE. I was determined to learn these programs and not rely on using MS OFFICE on my Mac. The rest of my office is still using PC/s and therefore when I am sent a document, it is with MS OFFICE. Up until the first of March, I was able to access all documents sent to me, but sometime in March, EXCEL files sent to me gets an error message:
This document was created with an unsupported version of Excel. Only documents created with Excel ’97 or later can be opened.
It seems to associate to the upgrade that came out for LION during that month. I have tried everything. My office has tried sending in every format without success. WHAT CAUSED THE CHANGE?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), HP F4500 Printer