Applications :: Get ITunes To Play In Mono Rather Than Stereo?
Oct 30, 2005
Does anyone know how I can get my itunes to play in mono rather than stereo? I need to run mono because one of my speakers has stopped working and now I am only getting the music coming from the left side of the stereo output.
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Apr 7, 2012
The option to 'play stereo audio as mono' that comes with OSX 10.6 does not work as I expected.When I enable this option it sounds like only one of the two channels becomes mono, while the other one does not sound mono to me.It's hard to notice this, because the total sound does change to 'less' stereo. I've done some testing with different soundcards and testing signals, and found out that when the option is enabled, the mono signals are routed incorrect.While the right channel becomes mono, the left channel seems to be something else; I'm not sure if it's the original left channel of the stereo signal, though. I have reason to believe that the resulting mono sound on the right channel correctly is the 'monofied original sound', but that from the left channel.The resulting mono sound on the left channel sounds like the original left channel of the stereo sound, maybe added with the mono sound of the right channel.
Why do I think so? When using a sound card with more than two outputs, I can clearly see that sound is being sent to the second and the THIRD output, instead of the first and the second output, immediately after I enable mono. Resulting in output on THREE channels:original leftmonofied (left) monofied (right) On my soundcard I can disable the extra outputs, and than I hear:original left + maybe monofied rightmonofied (left) I think the programmer of this great feature made an 'off-by-one error', consequently sending the monified output to the wrong channels;to channel[1] + channel[2] instead of channel[0] + channel[1] I don't know what happens to sound that is sent to channel[2] (the third channel) on a two channel soundcard.It could be mapped to the the first channel, but that of course is speculation. Could be tested though, with the right audio signal.
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 31, 2009
my band and I decided the other day to record one of our songs using our mic. Until we were almost done recording we did not relise that we were only recording on the left. We only used an amp to input thing. We were wondering if here was any way to mirror the sond to make it come out of both right and left speaker without recording again it took us 3 days.
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Jul 18, 2008
I have downloaded most of my CD collection to my Itunes Library on my G5.
I would love to play it through my home stereo. It is in a differant room.
A coworker says that using Airport express degrades the sound too much.
My question is, is there an audio output on the back of the G5 and an audio wire that I could run it from the G5 directly through audio jacks to the back of the receiver.
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Jun 3, 2014
Things now sound squeaky , I tried adjusting the bit rate thro MIDI, tried all combinations but to no effect.
Is there a way to rollback to a earlier version ?
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 29, 2009
I've been trying to record on Garage Band 09 and hit a wall on the fact that any song that I've recorded is mono and not stereo (i think?), I mean my voice only comes out one side of the head phones
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Jun 23, 2010
I can only use 1 headphone at work, so I'd like to have both the left and right channels come out that 1 earbud, which would essentially be a mono signal instead of stereo.
Is there a way to do this? There's no balance tool in iTunes, and in OSX sound prefs, I can pan the sound all the way to one side, but that doesn't actually combine the channels, it just only plays that one side.
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Apr 30, 2010
I like to stream from my iMac wirelessly to my stereo. I have a 1st generation aluminum iMac running OSX10.6.3 and stream to an Airport Express basestation. I run the latest version of iTunes.
Whenever iTunes starts to automatically download podcasts that I subscribe to the streaming stops or plays with lots of sound drop-outs. It is incredibly annoying!
Sometimes I can't even surf the internet without getting sound drop-outs? What can I do to improve this?
I always keep my Macs clean so I don't have tons of third party plugins installed - for the very same reason
I have 8 Mbit download and 2 Mbit upload.
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Apr 21, 2012
I found a spotlight search attribute of channel count which is whether a music track is stereo or mono. Is it possible to use this info in iTunes to add a column to automatically sort the music? Is there a hidden terminal command to add this option to the iTunes view options? I understand the difference between mono and stereo having worked with sound for many years.
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Aug 27, 2014
I have been burning CDs in Itunes on my iMac for a long time, but all of a sudden, the cds I burn won't play on my home stereo. They will play in my car. I've read about the 80 minute cds giving problems, but I have burned them before with no problem. Yes, I checked "Audio CD".
Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2GB MB memory
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Sep 4, 2014
Using iTunes I converted a mp3 music file to wave and then burnt an audio CD. on a CD-R Everything worked fine. Now the CD plays fine on the any computer but not on my stereo. I am using a MAC OS X 10.9.4. The recording speed was 10X.
OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jul 13, 2008
I've been trying to record my guitar using a regular 1/4" instrument cable and a 1/4" to 1/8" adaptor into the line-in of my Blackbook. I go to System Preferences so the app uses the line-in and not the build-in mic. Under "details", it is set to record in stereo. It records fine and sounds good, but when I put on my headphones, the tracks I recorded only come out of one ear. The software tracks are fine (as are the tracks I've recorded via the built-in mic and a USB mic). Well, this really puts a hamper on the song. Is it just because regular Macbooks don't come with a very good sound card?
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Apr 18, 2009
So I got a Mac assuming it would easier and superb for making music, I've been trying to record vocals for music on my macbook using either Garageband and I just downloaded Audacity and in both situations (programs) when I am in stereo what I've recorded doesn't come out the left side of my headphones, is this normal? is there a way to fix it? should I just record in mono?
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Sep 27, 2009
I can't add nor play certain MP3's anymore, and these same MP3's are ones I used to listen to a few weeks ago in iTunes 9. Is this some major bug? Here's my post copy and pasted from Apple.
Just to note, previously on iTunes 8, I had no issues. Starting with iTunes 9, at first I noticed that 9 would delete random albums' cover art on its own, and I'd always have to restore it. Now more recently, a lot of my albums I use to play with no problem, are not working anymore. They've lost their cover art, and just won't play. I try to delete them and re-add them, and now they won't add. I know there's nothing wrong with the files themselves because I was just listening to these same files and syncing them to my iPhone a few weeks ago. When 9 was first release they all worked fine. And it really ***** when some of the albums are your more favorite ones to listen to. Is anyone else suffering from this? I've searched and searched and all of these solutions of maybe the tags being messed up is not the issue. So is this a major bug with iTunes 9.01? It's pretty frustrating. Thanks to anyone that can provide assistance.
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Jan 5, 2010
I try to play songs in iTunes (ver. 9.0.2) on my MacBook Pro (OS X.5.8) and some (note all) won't play and a box pops up and says:
"This computer is not authorized to play "(song title here)". Would you like to authorized it?"
I type in my password and then is says: "You cannot authorized more than 5 computers.
Makes sense, except to my knowledge, this is the only computer that I have authorized and the only computer I use.
I tried to repair the permissions and some iTunes things did come up but I've restarted iTunes and am still having the same problem.
Also, the songs that won't play are ones I purchased, but there are some songs that I bought that I can play.
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Sep 9, 2008
I bought an mp3 and although the file plays in QuickTime or other media programs, the mp3 will not add itself into iTunes or even play it on either a Mac or PC. I've attached my settings (Windows, but my Mac settings in iTunes are the same) and I don't know what's wrong with this file.
It's frustrating because it's just an mp3 file (from everything I gathered from the meta tags/information) and I've never had any trouble adding files into iTunes by just double clicking on them but for some reason this is different.
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Feb 20, 2009
When I go to play a song in iTunes (any song at all, and all the files are definitely there) it just won't play. The play/pause button will change to the pause symbol but nothing else will happen. The ticker-thing at the top which tells you what is playing will say that, that song is on but the timer just stays at 0:00.
Currently running Windows 7 and the latest version of iTunes but this happened before when I was on Vista too. Seems to happen every time I open iTunes now...
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Oct 27, 2009
I want to back up my entire DVD collection to an external and possibly play it in iTunes. Any programs that I can download/buy?
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Nov 17, 2009
I just bought a couple of HD movies from iTunes store and I can't play them on my Mac Mini with an external display?
Not everyone has the money to buy Apple display..
Any idea on how to get around this restriction?
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Mar 31, 2010
i seem to have the opposite issue to everyone else on here in that I replaced my logitech keyboard with a new mac aluminium extended wired keyboard and now when I hit the play button it no longer opens iTunes. All I could find here was people looking to turn off this feature in Snow Leopard....
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Aug 5, 2010
I recently updated iTunes to 9.2.1(4). Today I tried inserting a CD to import. iTunes accessed the database to retrieve the relevant song information but, once it did, I was no longer given the option to play or import the CD. During the access period, iTunes would briefly change to the artist/album/track, etc. information page for the CD but, once the access was finished, I could not access the CD, which didn't even show up on the side bar as it used to.
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Sep 12, 2010
I'm looking to find a way to change the play count for a track in iTunes other than manually skipping the song to the last second each time. Since I'm sure someone will want to know why, well, I have an 88 play count for a U2 song that was in 128kb but I just bought a newer version at 256 and want to replace the old one. I'd like to keep the 88 plays and apply it to the new, higher quality track and delete the old version. It would be tedious skip to the last second, then repeat, 88 times. I've done it this way for up to 20 plays but this is too much.
Since it apparently can't be done by using the mouse and doing it inside the program, from what I can tell, does anyone know any sort of workaround that could get this accomplished?
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Jul 27, 2005
This may be the dumbest post in history, but is there an easier way to play a full album in itunes than having to make a separate playlist out of the album or having to check the box on every single track on the album? This seems slightly more complicated than it needs to be, but I can't figure out any other way to do it.
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Nov 27, 2007
i've got an imac with an air-tunes express, and i'm trying to find away to play sirius satellite radio through itunes so i can run it through my home stereo.
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Jan 17, 2009
I just went to the iTunes store and deauthorized the 5 computers authorized to use/listen to my purchased music. I started clicking random purchased music (from iTunes, most of which is DRM'd) thinking that iTunes would prompt me to authorize my machine- it didn't. I closed iTunes and tried again, I was still able to play all of the randomly selected purchased tunes. I went to my daughter's machine and was able to play purchased tunes. Is Apple no longer checking for authorized? Has anyone else deauthorized their machine since Apple went "DRM free"?
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Feb 11, 2009
I've setup an iTunes server on a machine running OS X 10.5.5 but for some reason some of the movies play across the network and some don't. Playing the content locally off that machine works fine but as soon as the network is involved some don't work. And the same is true from all my networked machines and it's the same movies that don't work. About 1/3 to 1/2 don't work.
What happens when I double click the movies that don't work is that the "loading" window comes up and then nothing happens. This doesn't make any sense to me...
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Mar 7, 2009
Is there any way to use this file to get my play counts, etc., on to my new mac cos as far as I know thats where that stuff is stored.
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Mar 23, 2009
Simple question I have downloaded a few seasons of Southpark and other tv shows in hd how do I burn them to a dvd or get them to be able to play on my ps3. I have vista home premium 64 bit and can't get it to stream through tversity. I do not want to buy an appletv I just want my shows to play on my tv in hd and not have to hook up my ipod. Is there a way around the drm or whatever is stopping me to get the job done.
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May 3, 2009
I have unchecked most of my songs on iTunes to enable an easy iPod synchronization.
Still, iTunes now skips unchecked songs when I play music on my laptop. Has anyone an idea on how to deal with this?
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Dec 1, 2009
I looked in my library and saw that some of the artwork for my songs was gone. I tried to play them, but they wouldn't play. I've looked at other posts and I can't seem to find a way to fix this. All the songs are MP3 and none of them are read only.
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