Applications :: Faces - Alternatives (full Software Or Addin) That Offer Similar Feature?
Jan 15, 2009
i am intrigued by the new Faces feature of iPhoto 09, but is it worth $80? I do not really use Garage Band or iMovie that much. Are there alternatives (full software or add-in maybe) that offer similar feature?
I just got my new MacBook Pro this week and am playing around. I just loaded all my pictures and started using Faces. However, I'd like to change the name of some of them (use full name instead of just first name).
I got my first mac yesterday and was wondering if there is a feature similar to hibernating in windows in mac os x? I'm sure there will be - I just haven't stumbled across it!
I need an additional display for another box. I'd prefer to get one with a bit more flexibility on the inputs, but retain the IPS panel and LED backlight.
Is FACES in iPhoto '09 meant to be able to "learn" to distinguish faces from one another? I've tagged a lot of faces and I thought once iPhoto had a certain number of images of a face it would be able to sort the remaining pictures better. But there are a lot of faces popping up under each thumbnail and they look nothing like the people I'm trying to tag. Was I expecting too much of FACES? Could I be doing something wrong?
I like to use Faces versus Names because I seem to be able to crank through it much quicker.
My flow:
1) I click a project name that has not already had faces assigned
2) I click the faces icon. Then I see the "main" part of the screen with the Faces instructions, and the section under that has the faces that need to be named. So I start naming them. There are 100s in this project.
3) Then I come across a face I only "kind of" recognize. I don't know if they are in the background in a crowd, of the focus of the photo. I need to understand the images composition so I can skip them or figure out their name. I would like to quickly just get a peek at the whole photo.
4) So I switch to the Viewer and it takes me to the first photo in that project. That's no good.
5) When I switch back to Face I also have to scroll to get back to that face.
Is there a better way to quickly see the whole photo without breaking up my workflow?
I am trying to edit a project for class in Final cut pro and like and idiot thought I was going to use my itunes library (relax, I know if I showed it in public, I would be screwed for using copy written music), but I wanted to know if iTunes is ever going to get rid of that format, considering it seems like other services have done away with it as a marketing edge.
I just started using Faces in iPhoto - and I'm really happy about it. But I just tried opening iPhoto Library in the Pictures folder to see it's contents and what I see is, that iPhoto is saving an image of all faces - also those it thinks that is a face but has not been tagged. Is there anyway to get completely rid of this or just to not have it save images of non-faces?
I have successfully converted my dad to a Mac and he purchased his first Macbook earlier today. The only program he absolutely needs for work is MS Access. Unfortunately, MS Office for Mac doesn't include MS Access. I have searched the forums and seen a few alternatives with Open Office being a pretty popular (and free!) solution. My question is this, if all my dad needs to do is be able to open MS Access documents and do minor revisions, is Open Office a solution that will meet his needs? Again, all he is really going to be doing is opening MS Access documents and reading their data.
I have been a Mac user for a long time and have always tried to convince my old man from jumping onboard the Mac bandwagon. He tells me that the only reason why he does not get a Mac is because of a specific software that he uses for his business. My father owns his own business and works from home, so he really needs just one computer, and so far, that one computer meets his needs due to the compatibility of the software with his Dell PC.
However, I really want to "update" his XP workstation by getting him a new Mac, but I am afraid it would go unused without this software that he needs for business. Does anyone know of any good alternatives to Floorplan 3d? I am really not that familiar with software for this industry. Here is a link to the software that he uses for his business: [URL]. Also, I am aware that Windows can be installed on a Mac and that is not a solution that I am seeking.
All I can do is input names. There doesn't seem to be any sort of "This is me." option. And if I tag a photo with Me, iPhoto doesn't understand that I'm referring to myself. (ie. it says Me may be in these photos.. not YOU may be in these photos)
alternatives to mathtype or endnote for use with iWork on Mac? I know that in iWork '09 these two are offered, but they also both come with a good price tag. I would mostly need a mathtype alternative but an endnote one would also be great if there exist any.
I've recently been running into problems with mouse clicks not being picked up by OS X. At first I thought it was my mouse, but it seems to happen with other USB mice as well. Turns out the problem is being caused by USB Overdrive. Seems there is a problem with it and 10.6.x. Turns out that I am not the only one with the problem and no one has heard from the developer of a workaround or patch to fix the problem.
I use a Logitech MX518 and Logitech won't release Mac drivers for it, so I need something like USB Overdrive to get full functionality. Does anyone here know of any alternatives to USB Overdrive that work with Snow Leapord?
I know that Limewire is bad all around, but isn't that just on PC's? They can't give macs viruses, can they? If they do what are some other alternatives to Limewire?
My wife's been working with Entourage for the past several months as she likes having all of her PIM data integrated in one place. In particular she likes the project view as this lets her see all of the relevant files, emails, notes, tasks and calendar appointments for a specific class (she's in grad school) in one place. Unfortunately she also wants to sync that information to her phone (a Nokia N82), and Entourage does not play nice with sync services. Every time we've tried setting up Entourage to sync with iCal so she can then sync with her phone we've run into a host of problems, including losing all of her calendar appointments and getting a massive number of duplicates.
As such I'm looking for an alternative to Entourage that duplicates the Project view features. The most important items for my wife are email, notes, files and calendar, she wants to be able to go to one place and look at all those items for individual classes. I've looked at Contactizer and Daylight, but both are a bit pricey, complicated and don't cover everything she wants, in particular they seem to lack the ability to look into the contents of a defined folder and track the files in there as Entourage can.
Since I upgraded my iPad to iOS 4.2 I'm unable to see all the tagged faces in the iTunes photo pane. I've tried re-tagging some of the photo's in iPhoto but I still can't see some of the people in the list on the photo pane. I'm using iPhoto 9.1, iTunes 10.1 and have iOS 4.2 on both my iPhone & iPad. Does anyone have any ideas? I'd really like to be able to get the missing faces back on my devices.
I just installed iLife '09 and had it go through my image library. It didn't pick up a single face of anyone in any photograph. Does anybody else have this problem? (I'm not saying that it doesn't tell me who is who, obviously that needs to be added by me. It just is not picking up faces in photographs for me to tag. Even as I tag faces myself, the 'other photos this person may be in' isn't picking any up).
Also, 'Places' seems rather awkward right now. My hometown is (according to iPhoto) called 'Biglis', even though it is clearly marked as 'Barry' in Google earth (which is correct). Incase anyone is wondering, I'm using an iPhone. My problem is NOT that my library isn't automatically geo-tagged, but that the photos that are geo-tagged have the pin in the right place, but the locations name is 110% wrong). Again, anyone else have this problem? right now, these features are nice but a huge letdown for me.
I recently bought a new macbook pro (my first mac) and love it. However, after importing about 4700 photos into iphoto, no faces were detected. I tried going into the iphoto package/folder and deleting the files that included the name face in them, which forced iphoto to rescan all the photos again for faces. However, the second time no faces were detected again. Not sure what the problem is. I have searched around here and on google and no one else seems to be having this problem.
I just noticed a MAJOR problem with iPhoto faces. After spending days working on my tags, all of a sudden I've noticed several of them missing and merged with other tags that they really shouldn't be merged with. For instance, all of the tags of my niece now seem to be merged with my nephew's tag (i.e., all of her faces are tagged with his, and her face isn't anywhere to be seen). What's more, all of the tags that I've assigned to my son now seem to be assigned to me. Now, I don't mind fixing some issues, but I've got nearly 3000 pictures of my son! I didn't notice this until I imported new pictures from a camera today.
So I have a couple of friends who have the exact same first and last names. Is there a way to differentiate the two people in iPhoto while using their exact names? If not, I guess I'll have to resort to Joe Brown and Joe Brown2.
It was working fine under 10.5. Now with a fresh install of 10.6, it doesn't work. I get the spinning icon saying that it's still searching. I've deleted and start a fresh Library and still the same thing. Looking at the Apple support forums, it's a HUGE issue.
As I was trying to set up my brand new 13-inch MBP with my favorites application, I realized that Smultron will no longer be in development. There fore i looking for a replacement, that is a free text editor. I have downloaded TextWrangler and I was wondering if you knew other good software. Basically i am doing web design and at work I often need raw text without any rich edition. I also like the tab navigation. Smultron was good because it only did what I needed.
1) I think when I was originally envisioning iPhoto '09, I thought Faces would automatically group everyone together and then I would just go to each grouping of a person and label them. After reading some of the threads, I see that this is not what happens. iPhoto scans your library and then you have to manually go through each photo and say this person is Adam, this person is Kate, etc. After you've manually entered enough people, the facial recognition software kicks in and it will start looking for people. This is where you confirm that the photo that's being suggested is the actual person. Is this how it works?
2) Does iPhoto every get "smart" enough to group persons together without me having to confirm or deny every time I add new photos of people? Or will I have to go through the 'confirm or deny' process every time?
3) As for Places, I have a 2G iPhone, so the location software is good, but not great. I've noticed Places puts down push-pins similar to the iPhone. Like the iPhone, can I manually move these push-pins to the correct location? For example, if the photo was taken in St. Louis and the push-pin was showing I was at the Gateway Arch, but I was actually Busch Stadium, could I select the push-pin and drag it from the Arch to Busch?
I'm getting iPhoto 09' set up with faces. Is it possible to find faces that have been found but not identified? I have 3000+ photos and want to find faces I haven't identified yet.