Applications :: Browser - Changing Initial Placement Of New Tabs

Nov 4, 2009

Tabbed browsing has introduced a new browsing paradigm in which one can rapidly open many pages linked from specific articles or aggregation sites to read at a later point. Having adapted this paradigm and used it widely in my browsing habits, I have noticed that it falls short in a few instances. Often, I will open a list of tabs and then start reading through the pages left to right. At each page, I may want to open additional links from that page into new tabs in the current window. However, when I do so, they appear at the end of the list, sometimes many tabs away from the related article.

What I would like to see is a preference or a modifier key that would cause additional tabs to be opened immediately after the current tab but before the following tabs in the list. This would allow me to group related tabs more easily. This would probably work best as a modifier key rather than an option in the browser preferences, since the current behavior may be desirable when a series of tabs are opened in order of importance or chronology.

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Applications :: Changing Between Windows / Tabs With Safari 3

Mar 10, 2009

Is there a keyboard shortcut for it?

I can`t seem to find them =/

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Applications :: Tabs On Safari - Working With Multiple Tabs?

Oct 8, 2009

my safari upon opening shows a tab for the current window. i thought tabs only appeared when you have 2 or more concurrent windows open at the same time.

is there a way to hide the tab when you only have 1 window open?

for example: [URL]

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Mac Pro :: My Browser Keeps Changing Networks In Its Preferences

Jun 22, 2012

My internet starts slowing or quits, when I go into Networks in Prefs, it has changed to a different network (usually a neighbor that shows up).  I reset the network and use the lock.  But I have to do this several times a day?

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Intel Mac :: Changing Main Browser For Opening Email?

Apr 12, 2012

How can I change the browser to which my queries go from "Mail". To explain: when I click on a link in my "mail" I go to Google Chrome. I would like to go to Safari instead.

imac, Mac OS X (10.0.x)

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Software :: Safari Tabs/ Moving Tabs Back Below The Address Bar?

Mar 21, 2009

I have really tried to like the new Safari, but I can't seem to generate 'affection' for the tabs. One thing especially is irritating to me. Being over the address bar is bad enough, but when there's a bunch of tabs, finding a spot to 'grab' the window to move it is difficult.

Is there a way to move the tabs back below the address window like the older Safari? I hope this hasn't been asked and answered before. I didn't see it.

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Mac Pro :: RAM Placement (800MHz ECC Introduced)

Jan 13, 2009

I'm going to be purchasing my 1st Mac within a week or two and I have a question about Mac Pro FB-DIMM Memory placement -- seeing that the Mac Pro comes with 2GB Memory (2x1 GB Sticks) standard and I'm going to be adding an extra 8 GB (4x2GB Sticks) to the system (from OWC for an extra kick seeing that memory prices are very affordable for an extra 8GBs). Would the proper way to insert the 10 GBs of memory be that the each of the 1 GB sticks would go on each riser on Slots A1 and B1 (the first slots on the riser), with the other sets of FB-DIMMs being placed in pairs on each of the two risers? I read the Mac Pro RAM Info at [URL:...] but I just wanted to clarify if I got this correct.

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Software :: Safari Tabs / How Can I Get My Tabs Back?

Sep 5, 2008

Safari had tabs yesterday. Today - no tabs nor tab bar. Nothing in Safari Preferences brings back the tabs. How can I get my tabs back?

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OS X :: Time Machine Restore And Placement Of Files On Disk

Oct 28, 2009

When installing OS X I always try to cluster the OS related files at the outer tracks of the hard drive, where the disk is fastest.

So I generally like to install OS X to an empty hard drive, and be done with all the OS related updates before I go on to install applications, copy user files etc. Most of the OS related files (depending on need for future updates) will now be clustered nicely together, making the machine as fast as it can be.

My question is: Does Time Machine "respect my efforts" here when doing a full restore? Will it place my system files at the outer tracks where they belong, or will it ignore the original placement of the files?

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Hardware :: External Hard Drive Placement - Horizontal Or Vertical

Oct 11, 2009

I've got seven external hard drives, ranging from portables to full-size, 120gb to 1TB.

Some came with stands (for vertical placement), others did not. some are advertised as vertically standing units (such as the WD MyBook), and some aren't.

So what's the best position? Vertical or horizontal? The obvious answer might be to simply follow guidelines and place vertically the ones that come with stands and horizontally the ones that have feet on one side or which don't have stands. But I'd like to make sure, anyway.

For example, my Lacie 500gb has feet on one side. I placed it vertically and it was good for 4 months or so. Then it began to make intermittent (and loud) clicking noises. I placed it horizontally and all is well now. Been fine ever since.

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MacBook :: Spacing And Mounting Of Logic Board / Superdrive - Placement Of Airport And Blutooth Card

Feb 15, 2010

I have an extra macbook (weird, right?) and an old xbox. The mac is a 13" Macbook 4,1. I want to put it in my xbox. I think I can do it but this is my first hardware mod and, to be honest, I'm scared. Does anyone see any immediate problems I'm overlooking? I chose the xbox because it can dissipate heat well and i need a tower pc, so i thought an xbox one would be cool. the challenges i can think of as of right now are:

1. proper spacing and mounting of logic board (so that nothing that shouldn't touch doesn't)
2. proper placement of airport & bluetooth cards (the xbox is sorrounded by metal, which will seriously damper any wireless connections)
3. properly mounting the Superdrive (the actual xbox DVD-ROM drive as the black xbox plastic part glued to the front. obviously, that's not an option with the drive built into the mac)
4. Finally, taking apart the mac without destroying any of the parts. Then putting the whole thing together without causing any static discharge etc.

Look, I'm a senior in high school, not a laptop repairman, but I really want to do this before I leave for college.

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Applications :: Using Safari Tabs?

Apr 12, 2009

So, I have been using Safari for a while now, I like it for the most part but one thing that bugs me is how the tabs work.

I open alot of tabs, which works good, but when I select a tab and close it it goes to the tab to the left. When I close a tab I would like to go be viewing the last selected tab. Eg, if I am on tab one, and open a new tab to view something, then close that new tab, and it happens to be tab 10, I want my view to be tap 1 again. Right now it goes to tab 9 if I close tab 10

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Applications :: How To Get Tabs On Top In Safari 4 On SL

Sep 17, 2009

I read on osxhints that there is a way to get tabs on top in Safari four, however this does not work when in Snow Leopard, so im asking here if anybody knows how to force them ontop?

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Applications :: Safari - 2nd Row Of Tabs Possible?

Dec 16, 2009

I tend to like to keep a lot of tabs open at once, but once I try to open a twelfth, there is no more room and it goes off to a side-bar. Is there any way to have safari make a second row of tabs for folks like me?

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Applications :: Closing Tabs In Safari?

Nov 10, 2007

I just switched from Firefox to Safari, but I am really starting to miss the ability to close tabs by clicking them with the middle mouse button (scroll wheel)Is there a way to do this in Safari, or are then any better ways to close tabs withouth having to click the little close button to the left of them?

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Applications :: Multiple Tabs On Startup?

Mar 5, 2009

Any way to do this like Firefox 3's "start with my tabs from last time."

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Applications :: Customizing Tabs In Safari?

Apr 14, 2009

I'm a long - very long - time user of Firefox but would like to switch to Safari as FF seems to suck lots of CPU on my Mac (in fact it seems to do so on any *nix OS ) but there's one thing that I can't get used to, which is the Close Tab button being on the left of the tabs in Safari whereas it's on the right in FF.

OK, so there's nothing inherently better about them being on the right, it's just that I've got so used to it that I can't seem to break the habit of clicking over to the left-hand side of a tab when i select it which of course in Safari closes the damn thing. What makes it even more annoying is that there doesn't appear to be a Re-open Last Closed Tab command in Safari as there is in FF (Cmd-Shift-T).

Is there an undocumented command-line option to switch the close buttons to the right-hand side and/or a Re-open Last Closed Tab command?

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Applications :: Dragging Tabs From Bar In Safari 4.0.3

Nov 1, 2009

Whenever I drag a tab out of the tab bar to make it open in a new window, it shows the window thumbnail and will not open in a new window (hangs up). Yes, I am letting go of the trackpad and it still does not work. I have tried removing the Safari plist and still no work.

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Applications :: Pop Up Tabs Using Firefox And Chrome

Jan 9, 2010

while browsing using firefox or chrome I get 20 to 30 tabs opening for no reason. Even when I mouse over a link on a webpage the link automatically opens in a tab.

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Applications :: Firefox 3.6 - New Tabs Not Appearing At End Of Bar

Feb 19, 2010

OS X 10.5.8. Since upgrading to Firefox 3.6, if I tell a link to open in a new tab, the new tab will appear next to the original tab, instead of at the end of the tab bar after all my other tabs. Is there a way to change this behaviour back to how it was in Firefox 3.5?

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Applications :: Keyboard Shortcut To Switch Tabs In AIM?

Sep 22, 2010

Using the official AIM client on my PC, I can switch conversation tabs with ctrl-tab. On Mac, however, I can't seem to figure out any key combination that allows me to switch tabs. Is there a shortkey or any way to enable a shortkey?

If not, is there an alternative AIM client that supports tabs, chat history logging, and preferably direct IM?

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Applications :: Closing Firefox Tabs With Mouse?

Oct 5, 2010

Recently made the switch to Mac from PC - after over 12 years of exclusively, intensively using PC. Already I'm loving my MBP, and I've been trying to pick up as many nifty shortcuts as I can.

I couldn't figure out this one: Is there a way to close an individual Firefox tab by clicking it in conjuction with pressing a key? This way, I won't have to go straight to the "x" every single time when using the mouse. Cmd+W works, but only on immediate screen. I used to simply middle click to close a tab, but my new mouse's wheel button sucks!

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Applications :: Opening All Tabs In Safari Without Closing Old Ones?

Oct 12, 2010

is there a way to open all tabs in a bookmark folder at once without having Safari automatically close the ones already open?In firefox when you click to open all bookmarks in new tabs, they start right after the last tab already open but with Safari you lose the tabs you were using!

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Applications :: Open New Widnows In Tabs? Safari 3

Jun 15, 2007

I'm using Safari 3 on Windows...and is there a way to open new windows into tabs instead of opening it into a new window?

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Applications :: Safari 4 - Cycle Through Tabs Like In Firefox?

Feb 26, 2009

One of my most common navigation methods in Firefox is apple+# to a specified tab - you know, when you've got five tabs, hold down apple, and hit 1,2,3,4 or 5 to go to the associated tab. I need that functionality in Safari.

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Applications :: Safari 4 Tabs / Cannot Locate Links Appear In A New Tab?

Mar 9, 2009

I'm using the Safari Beta but cannot locate a way to make links appear in a new tab rather than a new window. In the prefs it has the ability to place links from other Apps into a new tab, but it appears the only way to do that within Safari is by CMD + click. Is there anyway to make anything clicked open in a new tab instead?

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Applications :: How To Restore Tabs From Last Session On Safari?

Mar 11, 2009

I just love the firefox feature where you can just close firefox with all your tabs still up and they'll still be there when you open firefox again. Is there a way to do this for safari? Like an add-on or something?

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Applications :: How To Make Multiple Tabs In Safari

Mar 14, 2009

how to make multiple tabs in safari?

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Applications :: Safari 4.0.4 Glims - Glitch In Between Two Tabs

Nov 12, 2009

Has anyone noticed it when you open several tabs there will be a glitch in-between two tabs?

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Applications :: Tabs In Safari / Opening In New Window?

Jan 12, 2010

Is there a way of getting Safari to open a link in a new tab in the existing window rather than opening a new window? Before anyone shouts I have got that ticked in the preferences, but it doesn't do it.

Here is an example of what I mean, in google mail, if I choose the google finance option, it opens it in a while new window, not in a new tab in the same window.

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