Applications :: Bootcamp Won't Partition Drive
Mar 28, 2010
I am using Leopard 10.5.8 with boot camp version 2.0. When I try partitioning my drive I get an error message saying it can't partition it. I read that it's from fragmented files, so I got iDefrag. I used the quick defrag (on-line) to defrag my laptop. When it was finished I started partitioning again, but I got the same error message! (No files were harmed when defragging) I also read that I should repair my disk/drive, but I don't have my installation disk (I might have misplaced it) so I can only repair disk permissions. When I try verifying my disk I get an error message and it stops. Should I find my installation disk, should I try reinstalling boot camp? Or should I just try repairing my disk. VMWare is slow with 3D, and Parallels isn't working for me.
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Jan 25, 2009
Is it possible without having to reformat my whole disk aka put osx back on there again?
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Jun 21, 2009
As soon as I bought my Mac I created a partition for Windows on Boot Camp. I later realized that I didn't need it, but then it was too late, 30GB of my Hard Drive was already partitioned. Is there a way to revert the process and re-claim my 30GB to use with the Macintosh system?
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Sep 25, 2009
I set up a boot camp Windows partition. Once in Windows, Partition Magic will not work in partitioning the boot camp drive. I tried from Disk Utility in OS X as well and that doesn't even let me partition the drive. Is it not possible to do? I am creating this to try to play a PC game and Fusion won't cut it. I would like to create normal partitions like I always do in Windows if possible.
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Aug 26, 2010
I erased my bootcamp partition this morning thinking that was the same as deleting the partition - how do I actually delete the partition and combine it with my MAC OS partition now? I can't do it thru bootcamp
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Dec 24, 2010
I recently swapped the 500Gb WD drive out of my Macbook Pro for a 500Gb Seagate Momentus XT drive. OSX transferred across without any trouble, but despite using WinClone to backup the Bootcamp partition (running Windows 7 64-bit) I haven't been able to restore it successfully. What happens is that it appears to restore, and I get the dual boot screen when I hold down the Alt key, but on selecting Windows I end up getting a screen saying that some component or other is missing. I might choose simply to use Windows 7 under Parallels on this machine if I am faced with a full restore, since that way I can more easily backup the Windows side, and since it's running (MUCH) better since swapping drives. However, IDEALLY I'd prefer to restore my existing partition...
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Apr 5, 2006
Can I put the bootcamp xp pro partition on an external drive? i only have 8 or so gb left on my internal, but have about 80gb on my external would that work? or do they have to be on the same drive
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Feb 28, 2009
I'm wanting to create a bootable clone of my windows bootcamp partition. The idea is to copy it to an external harddrive, then onto my new internal hard drive, and be able to boot it from there. I downloaded Carbon Copy Cloner, but it wont let me clone my windows drive, just my mac one. Is there any way I can do this (preferable for free).
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May 14, 2009
I had windows in a bootcamp partition for a while, and today, i decided to erase the partition and make a new, bigger one. I erased it just fine, but I can't make another one, it just gives me this error: Verification failed: this disk could not be partitioned. Use disk utility to repair this disk. I went to disk utility and i clicked verify disk (repair disk was not highlighted) and it gave me another error: filesystem verify or repair failed. I also repaired disk permissions with no such luck.
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Jan 3, 2010
I've tried to partition my drive so I can have some scratch disks etc on my mac. I create them in disk utility, then I create a BC partition -the drives disappear! I try creating the BC partition first then the other partitions - they disappear!!
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Jul 31, 2010
I'm getting a new imac in a weeks time, and was wondering about bootcamp. When I wanted to dual-boot a PC and Linux, I had to partition the hard-drive and install the OSes before doing anything else. Do I need to do that for bootcamp and Windows 7? I only really need windows on bootcamp for a game that's coming out in 2011. Do I need to install it now or can I wait?
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Jun 17, 2009
I previously had a Windows partition that I created with Boot Camp. I was running out of room and wanting to try out Windows 7, so I deleted it and tried to create a larger one. So far, i have not been able to create a new partition. The error I'm currently getting reads "Verification failed. This disk could not be partitioned. Use Disk Utility to repair this disk." When I do that, I usually get that it needs repairing, I repair it, and then it happens again. I've done the repairing using the Leopard DVD or booting from another hard drive that's bootable. Another error I was getting said there is currently data there that cannot be moved. That errors told me to back up, wipe my hard drive, and do a reinstall. I really don't want to have to do that, and I really don't NEED Windows, but I did recently want to play some games and dug up my old games for Windows.
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Jul 25, 2009
I have a MBP and would like to use a bootable, OSX loaded external drive to install windows 7 via bootcamp. Is this possible? If so how?
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Jan 4, 2010
I currently have XP installed on a Bootcamp partition on my main iMac hard drive. I've got a new external USB 2.0 SATA hard drive enclosure on the way that I plan to install a couple of spare SATA drives into. I was wondering about somehow moving my current Bootcamp partition off the main iMac drive and onto the spare WD Raptor drive that I've got without having to reinstall everything all over again. My second question would be - if I am able to switch the Bootcamp partition location, would the USB 2.0 transfer speed be fast enough for when I run windows? I typically use Windows for gaming only and very little else.
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Jul 19, 2008
I purchased a new hard drive, my second Samsung 750 GB. My first one is partitioned, half for OSX half for Vista. Ultimately, I want to have a hard drive per operating system.
At first I thought the way to go for this, based on some stuff I read here on Mac Rumors was to use winclone to clone the windows partition,restore it to the new drive, and then I don't know what.I did the restore, there were errors in the log though..something about the wrong kind of partition. Basically it's become a pain in the ass, and I'm thinking there has to be an easier way.
It occurred to me, I might be able to use "Install and Archive" to move the boot volume to the new disk, moving the user files and network settings with it. If I did this would I be able to expand the windows partition using winclone utilizing the full hard drive? Or could moving the boot volume to the new disk mess up my Windows partition?
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Oct 13, 2009
I'm both elated and pissy at the same time. Something happened to my mac when I was traveling, be it a latent hardware flaw, damage, or some other random act, and my mac OSX partition just, well, died. Unbootable, disk utility spends over a day trying to fix the boot record. The Bootcamp windows partition is fritzy, but it at least mounts and periodically can be booted from. I bought an external usb hard drive, loaded SL onto that, and have my mac back up and running again, but no data to speak of. So based on numerous recommendations, I paid good money to purchase Disk Warrior 4. Nothing, just told me the Macintosh HD partition on the hard drive was damaged, but that bootcamp could still be read.
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Mar 12, 2012
I currently have a small partition on my 27' imac allocated to Bootcamp which I now no longer require. I would like to remove this partition and restore the complete drive back to OSX without losing any vital info. Yes, I have done research on this however I remain a little confused. I would be grateful if someone would take the trouble to confirm that this is possible and, if they have the time, write a simple step by step procedure for me.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 23, 2009
i had removed an older bootcamp a month ago and now would like to create a new one however whenever i try and create a partition this message is shown
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Jul 27, 2009
I have an aluminum unibody macbook from October 2008. I'm looking to upgrade the 160 GB hard drive inside to a 500 GB one I'm considering from Newegg. Would it be possible to migrate/copy/clone the entire contents of my current hard drive to the 500 GB one? I also have a section of my current hard drive partitioned for Bootcamp. Would this affect my ability to transfer everything over?
If this is possible at all, how can I go about doing so? If there are steps laid out somewhere, I'd appreciate a referral. Sorry if my question is a little elementary, but I did a search on these forums and also google and nothing really came up
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Jul 4, 2012
I have a 13 inch Aluminum Late 2008 MacBook. Processor 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Memory 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E53). Currently I have a 160 GB SATA disk as my hard drive a d 4 GB of memory. (Is it time to upgrade or what?) I recently bought a Western Digital 1 TB internal hard drive to replace my exisiting internal hard drive. I spent a lot of time last night trying to first- connect this new hard drive to my computer so that I can then clone the existing hard drive and then hoping that I would get that done so I could install the new hard drive. No such luck.
My current hard drive is partitioned as follows:
Name: Macintosh HD
Format: Mac OS Extended (journaled)
Size: 132.5 GB
Format: Windows NT File System (NTFS)
Size: 26.69 GB
When I was partitioning the new drive I did so as follows:
Name: Macintosh HD
Format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
Size: 973.51 GB
Format: MS-DOS (FAT) --- This was the only option that I was given that I thought would work. I did not have the option of "Windows NT File System (NTFS) to choose from. Question # 1: is that going to be a problem? I only run 1 program on Windows and that is the only reason I have BOOTCAMP on there at all. However, I do HAVE to have that program. Like I said it didn't give me the option to choose Windows so I didn't know where to go with this. Any help with that would be awesome.
Size: 26.34 GB (I just used the same size that was current, or close to it.) I connected the Western Digital 1 TB through an external device, partitioned it as stated above, and then used Carbon Copy Cloner to clone the drives. The first one went through fine. (It took 2 hours and I went to bed before it finished.) This morning I woke to see that it had gone through well. I then started the process with the BOOTCAMP drives. However, before I started it gave me errors stating that I wouldn't be able to run Windows off of the Cloned BOOTCAMP drive. Question #2: Is it because of the Format type I chose when partitioning?
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 11, 2010
I'm having grief trying to create a new windows partition on my MCP. This is a similar problem to a million others that I've read on google, but slightly different and I cant get to the bottom of it. So, I had a 100GB hard drive running 10.5 and created a 20GB partition for XP. All good, all worked. But 20GB wasnt quite enough so I purchased a new 160GB drive and used Carbon Copy Cloner to create an exact copy of my OS X partition on the new drive. Removed old hard drive, installed new one and OS X runs like a dream still.
However, now I go to make my windows partition using bootcamp assistant and get the following error: "The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition. Back up the disk and use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS. Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using Boot Camp Assistant again." Thing is, there is only one partition on my drive when I look in disc utility. I could just format the drive and restore using carbon copy cloner I guess, but I'd like to avoid that hassle.
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Nov 11, 2010
I recently made a clone of my Windows XP Pro SP3 installation (its roughly about 14GB according to Finder/WinClone) so i made a 80GB partition on my 320GB drive and it gives me this error message:
the WinClone came from a 500GB internal drive and ive gotten winclone images to restore to a MBP before but not sure why its giving me this error code, anyway to restore the image to the new partition (which was created with Bootcamp) as i no longer have access to the old machine it was running on.
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Aug 31, 2010
So my iMac came with a 1TB hard drive and I installed Windows 7 x64 but only gave it some 93GB. I have a two-prong question:
Can I add a third partition to my drive after I partition for BootCamp? My main partition ("Macintosh HD" by default) is over 900GB large and I'd really like to cut that up into 2x450GB, for example, in addition to the 93GB BootCamp partition.
Second, once partitioned, is it possible to resize the BootCamp partition to make it bigger after it has been set up?
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Aug 5, 2009
I have a 13" MBP with a 250 gb hd, I partitioned the HD 25gb for Windows XP shortly after I bought it. I was unable to install my copy of windows, contacted apple after exhaustive search as to why... Long story short, I now have Vista to install... When I went back to Boot Camp Assistant; partition was gone. Researched... ran disk utility, repaired and erased partition. Bootcamp HD now shows up in desktop, still not in bootcamp assistant. Since I am unable to locate in assistant; would there be any problems with just installing Vista off the install disk by restarting? Any ideas what to do if this is not a good idea (short of restoring)?
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May 8, 2012
currently have 2 partitions bootcamp and lion. and have read alot about how if you create said partition it will mess up windows bootcamp. but have yet to see any actual answer as to how to creat the 3rd partition. correct me if wrong but is it better to delete bootcamp creat partition then install bootcamp and restore from system image?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 30, 2009
Used migration assistant to move my Blackbook apps and settings to the Air using a Time Machine backup from my Time Capsule - wirelessly. Two hours later (not terrible) and I'm using my Air with all my apps and setting - fantastic.
Question: My Blackbook also has a Bootcamp partition running Windows - is there a way to take that image and migrate it to my MB Air? I'd rather not have to purchase the Superdrive and re-install/setup the Windows OS on my Air....
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Jan 16, 2010
had a bootcamp partition which I eventually ended up removing again with the bootcamp assistant.Now I want to create the bootcamp partition again, and when I start up the assistant, there is a 5gb leftover partition of the old bootcamp it seems. I just can't resize it... I've tried anything as low as resizing it to 10gb to 100gb... both fails.I have more than 200gb free space.I have just run a full defrag with iDefrag I've tried to do fileoptimization with techtool pro v5
I tried using camptune (which only works if you already have a working bootcamp partition, which I dont.
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Apr 16, 2010
im on a goal to resize my bootcamp partition... im running 10.6.4 with Win7 in Bootcamp... i made a mistake of only making a 80GB partition for windows 7.... now i want to make it bigger, i have read up on a number of methods but most are outdated and users report issues with windows 7 and SL so i'm a lil stuck... this is my idea
I have 120GB unused HDD space atm so could i.. back up my 80GB partition to a DMG with disk utility then delete the old partition making the whole 200GB unallocated space... then use the bootcamp utility to re occupy the space then use disk utilities restore option to restore the image of the 80GB to the new 200GB partition... would this work? if not has anyone got any other methods to use with 10.6.4 SL and Win7?
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May 3, 2009
Bought an OEM version to use with bootcamp. Everything works fine up to the point where it is supposed to let me format the partition that bootcamp created. The XP installation just skips right from when I select the C:yatta-yatta/bootcamp partition and starts installing. So obviously the partition is not bootable... Does anyone know if this is because the OEM version of the OS or something else. I tried to reduce the size of the partition because I read a thread about FAT32 not playing well with disc sizes greater than 32Gb. Still didn't work...
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Jan 23, 2009
I want to try out Windows 7. During this process though I deleted my winXP partition. When I went to create a new BootCamp partition in The BootCamp SetUp Assisstant, it failed to create the partition on my harddrive.
I was greeted with the error, "BootCamp SetUp assistant failed to yada yada yada, please backup and reformat your harddrive."
So my question is do I really have to reinstall Mac OS X? (I backup with TimeMachine so it won't be a big deal but still thats a very long process.) Do you guys have any tips or anything to get Mac OS X to partition my main HDD?
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