Applications :: After Card Reader Failure "Volume Can't Be Found" Msg Crashes IPhoto
Nov 25, 2009
My external memory card reader is temperamental and one day while importing its contents into iPhoto, it ejected itself. I got the warning about not safely ejecting my memory card and thought everything would be ok since that happened before and nothing too bad came from it. Only this time, iPhoto crashes regularly as it's searching for this one file--a .mov--that was on the ejected memory card. It searches for this file every time the app loads, and immediately after I try uploading a new batch of photos. The message I get is "The volume for "file name" cannot be found. Insert the disk or connect to the server volume..." The crash entails beachball, fans going crazy, and the app freezes so must force quit.
I deleted the entry in the iPhoto library (in Finder) but it didn't help. I tried uploading a backup copy of that same file back into the iPhoto library. I've also tried inserting the original memory card with the file on it and nothing helps. What can I do? Version of iPhoto is 6.06.
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Jan 9, 2009
I have over 17,000 photos in iPhoto. One particular, recent batch keeps having an error. The thumbnails for the 82 photos are always visible. When I double click on one the photos I get an error that says: "The volume for "xxxxxx.JPG" cannot be found." It's specific to one event or batch of 82 photos. The photos and events prior and after are fine. I've restored the pictures from the SD card and the pictures will work like normal in iPhoto.... for a few hours and then I start getting the same error.
Same with Time Machine. I even went back 9 days (which is as far back as I'm willing to go back since I've uploaded pictures that I don't have back-ups for past that). Again, I'll restore iPhoto, the batch of 82 photos will act normally, as in I can see the thumbnail and then double click on it to get the bigger image and then suddenly I'll get the error again. I'm attaching a picture of the error.
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Apr 5, 2010
Recently Aperture has a problem reading all the photos on my 4GB Sandisk memory cards (2 cards, same problem).
When importing pictures from Aperture (RAW) - it only reads about 10 pictures, displays the thumbnail and then stops reading from the card (when there is still hundreds more pictures to be imported).
What I have to do is import with iPhoto and then drag them into Aperture. This is a pain though. I happens on both my memory cards and is a recent thing. It used to work.
iPhoto reads the memory cards in the camera very quickly, but Aperture consistently fails on more than one memory card which leads me to exclude the cards as the point of failure.
Aperture 2.1.4
Canon 40D
Sandisk Extreme III 4GB
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Mar 2, 2012
I simply can't take any of my pictures off of my SD card. I've tried using the USB cable that came with the camera itself, as well as a USB card reader. iPhoto, and the laptop itself does not recognize the card, or that there is any device mounted at all. I've also tried checking "External Disks" in Finder Preferences, didn't seem to work.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Black Nuts
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Feb 3, 2009
Every time I hit the slideshow button on iPhoto '09, I get the spinning rainbow wheel and then the app will eventually crash. This is very frustrating. Is anyone else having this problem with the new iLife version as well? Can you test for me using a large photo album that this might be happening to other users too? I refuse to believe that my MBP can't handle it.
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Jul 16, 2010
So I just put a new WD 750GB HD into my 2006 white Macbook. (Core Duo 2.0 Gigahertz, 2 GB RAM, 10.4.11 OS X). Everything seems to be working fine, but for some reason iPhoto crashes incessantly. I tried rebuilding the iPhoto library and while it can rebuild the thumbnails, when it gets to rebuilding the actual library it crashes. I can't get anything off of my iPhone. What's the deal?(iPhoto 6.0.6)
PS Trying to reinstall iPhoto as I type this.
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Jun 26, 2014
Some time ago I had a hard drive failure on my PowerMac Pro Quad processor.
No problem I thought as I was using time machine however, when I went to re-load from an earlier back up iTunes failed to load completely, the song titles are the but with approx 50% of them I get the error "original file could not be found" also in many case I get the iCloud sign but with a ! in the cloud...
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Dec 4, 2010
I've had a pleasant experience with my imac so far, and it read my SD card fine at first. For some reason I put my SD in the SD card reader and copied the pictures from it. I take it out and put it back in my camera. "The SD card cannot be formatted. It may be defective." Really? I put it back in my iMac. It doesn't mount. I check Finder and Disk Utility. Ya, it's nowhere. I put my other SD card in my iMac. Same issue. Now my camera won't read that one either. I put them in my sister's $300 netbook running Windows 7 Starter. Funny! It reads them! However, my camera still doesn't and my imac still doesn't. I try formatting them. No go. I've tried every format I can. They are just dead. Useless. My sister's computer can read them, and even format them, but something in that stupid iMac made my SD cards defective. I can buy new ones, but should I have to? I can't even see if they'll work through the camera while connected via USB because the camera won't even read them. I bought a Mac to avoid ridiculous problems like this. Was I wrong? Is it just a ticking time bomb like every other computer on the market? Should I immediately go buy a backup drive? If it's doing crazy stuff like this out of the blue, how can I trust it not to randomly crash? I think I overestimated Apple's competence. This should never happen. It actually made my SD cards defective.
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Jun 12, 2010
iPhoto 8.1.2 is crashing on my friend's MBP. We tried repairing permissions, but it didn't work. The application opens, freezes everything and then crashes,
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Jan 19, 2009
After updating to .6, one of the folders I placed in the sidebar said that the volume could not be found. The folder opened fine if was through the documents folder. It even worked if I added to the sidebar again. It will not let me delete the old folder. I've tried right clicking, command clicking, just about everything. Anyone know how to delete this folder?
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Mar 13, 2009
The volume for "Growl-1.1.4.dmg" cannot be found. At some point I must have accidentally added a DMG file to my Places, then removed the DMG prior to clearing it from Places. Now, when I attempt to select or right-click it I get the above message.
It does not appear in Finder > Prefs > Sidebar > Places.
How I can clear this out?
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Dec 20, 2009
the macbook's powercord got unplugged and it shut down. after it was turned on again, when documents is clicked on in Finder the message "The Volume for Documents Cannot be Found" appears. Music and photos still work though. Almost all applications are also gone. Spotlight gets a few documents, but not most of them. Does anyone know what to do?
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Dec 21, 2007
I recently uninstalled Safari because it wasn't compatible with what I need for The University of Phoenix online campus. However, I was trying to use a photography program today and it required me to use Safari. So, I put my X Leapord cd in and ran it. Now when I go to my sidebar, I get "The volume 'Ross' cannot be found."
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Aug 27, 2010
I'm running osx 10.6.4 and Adobe Reader is giving me fits. It doesn't play well. How do I change the default PDF reader from Adobe to Preview or iArchiver? Adobe Reader just grabs hold of the download and won't let go.
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May 8, 2007
This is driving me crazy. I've just downloaded and reinstalled the latest Adobe Reader. But Safari is still acting up. I see the watch icon instead of my mouse when I click on a link to a PDF. Then I just see a white screen and I end up having to force quit Safari.
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Sep 6, 2009
My IMac crashes sometimes very suddenly, like in a power failure. It doesn't force quit or shut down, it just goes like somebody pulled the plug. It's usually possible to start it up again after 30minutes or an hour. The plug and lead seem to be fine. I tested it on another mac. The obvious suspicion would be overheating, but how can that be caused so suddenly (and how can I fix it)? It's an IMac Intel core duo, 20", 2 ghz, 2gb ram from 2006. I'm running Mac OS X (10.4.11) 2006.
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Jul 14, 2010
I was looking for a Safari Reader-like add-on for Firefox and finally stumbled on Firefox Reader, which seems to have more customizations, and options. Has anyone else tried it? What are your impressions?
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Feb 1, 2012
My perfectly wonderful Mini has started doing the following, in this order:
First, I could no longer double click on a word but the right button functions still worked (and yes, I did try another mouse and had the same problem, then I switched the mouse preference to double click with the right button, but had the same problem). This started two evenings ago.
Second, the next morning, I suddenly couldn't drag the cursor across a word, or a sentence, etc. Now it was really getting annoying, because in my work I paste and copy a lot, and this caused me much, much extra work, so it's not a minor gripe.
Then, by that afternoon, I had a complete system crash. The whole screen froze. I tried turning off my Mini with the power button (which I hated because I know you're not supposed to), but the screen remained frozen.
At that point, done disk repair thing from my original instal DVD. Well, it unfroze the screen, but did not fix the mouse/cursor problem. Clear the PRam. That still didn't work. The next morning (today), it crashed almost immediately. Again, totally frozen. This time, I reinstalled the entire system from the instal disk. No luck.
I came across an app I'd bought the last time I'd had bad Mini problems (and had forgotten), called Disk Warrior, so I tried that. Well, it did find three unfixable, corrupt .plist files that it said could cause system disruption. I thought I'd found the problems. So I deleted all of them AND their apps, downloaded fresh copies of the apps, and restarted. Still same problems.
So, I ran Disk Warrior again, and it reported those same three corrupt plist files. Then I realized it was reporting the ones in the trash, so I emptied the trash, ran Disk Warrior again, and it said NO problems. Restarted and tried to highlight some text, and it worked! But it still wouldn't double click.
Mac mini (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac lover since the SE
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Mar 6, 2008
I've been having problems with my programs crashing lately, and the message is always the same : Bad Access Kern Protection Failure. Often they crash as they're opening, and restarting them works, but sometimes they crash for no apparent reason while I'm using them. Affected programs are After Effects CS3, After Effects 7, Cinema 4D, Photoshop CS3, ITunes, even Safari and Mozilla Firefox. More or less all my programs.
I've run Disk Warrior, validated my fonts, removed programs that seemed to be problematic, trashed preferences, and the problem keeps occurring.
I've noticed other people on this site have posted the same problem but I can't see the responses.I'm on a Mac G5 with a Dual 2 Ghz Power PC Processor, 4 GB of RAM, Mac OS 10.4.11.
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May 18, 2009
how to use it?
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Jun 2, 2010
I just tried NetNewsWire, and Vienna, NNW is nice but Google Reader has a great feature that these both are without.
In GReader, when I mouse over or scroll down it marks that one article as read. No pushing buttons, clicking next, nothing. Just read.
I want to be able to pre-download all of my current unread items, AND the pictures. Gears for GReader does NOT download the pictures. I have a lot of picture only feeds, like lolcats, that I would like to let build up for a week and then on my long plane ride home, check out.
In NNW I can smash the space bar and get this accomplished, but I'd rather just scroll through, or at least have the option to.
I don't really like the look of Vienna, it's too unpolished, NNW is a tad better and has better options for like the prefs.
It would also be interesting to be able to give specific instructions, or adjust certain settings on a per-feed basis. Such as filter out cartain keywords (Without using a service such as feedrinse).
I hat vienna because once I click on a feed, it marks everything as read. That's bad for me as I sometimes just open a mega feed and read one or two items. I have maby 20 or 30 feeds, but usually get 2-300 new items a day. Most are junk like Joystick, but I like to sit down and go through the important ones while im taking a break or eating lol.
I know you can't but it'd be interesting to allow some feeds to auto queue an embedded movie, let me view it offline (or off my VPN.
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Apr 5, 2010
I have a AMICROE 42-in-1 USB 2.0 Card Reader that I use to transfer pictures from my camera's memory stick (SanDisk Memory Stick PRO Duo 1.0 GB) to my mac. It always works but the last few times I have tried to use it it wont show up in iPhoto or anywhere else. I looked in disk utillity (which I think is the right place to look) but it is nowhere on my computer. What is wrong, what do I do? I also don't want to spend any money buying a new one or getting it fixed if it has a problem, but it is working coz the little blue light is coming on.
It has many different ports for different memory sticks and it works with some other cameras in different ports, I can't work out why it is doing this!
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Mar 20, 2010
Stupidly installed this: [URL] wanting better performance from my Nvidia 8600M GT 512Mb. Was asked to restart after install & wouldn't boot (only getting the grey then blue screen in 10.6.2) Am now unable to boot up in anything other than Safemode. While installing update is gives the option to revert, tried this in safe mode but it ends in a fail. If it can revert then somewhere is a backup of the original driver yeah? Where is it & can restore it manually/rename it as the original? Tried to use TimeMachine but won't boot for me in Safemode.
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Dec 26, 2010
As the title says, I have a card reader that works great with a CF card, but the MBP won't recognize an SD card. This is a new problem for me. I also have an express card adapter for SD that won't read the card, either. I have tried 4 different SD cards, and these exact cards have worked for me in the recent past (within the past 2 months). They work fine in the camera. I also tried connecting the camera via usb, which was unsuccessful. I tried blowing air on the cards and the reader. I cannot get the cards to be read on my wife's macbook. This makes no sense to me, as it worked fine the last time I tried. I find it hard to believe that all cards are corrupt, or the cable is the problem because it reads the CF card.
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Oct 10, 2010
I have a USB all in one card reader that doesn't seem to work when I connect it to my Macbook. It's an aluminium Macbook running snow leopard.
Ordinarily I would suspect that my �2.99 card reader is faulty and just buy a new one...however I also have an iMac, and it works perfectly with that.
Any ideas on what's wrong with my Macbook??
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Dec 30, 2010
I have a MacBook Pro since september, which came with 10.6.3 installed. It worked perfect. Last Nov 20th I updated to 10.6.5 (from the automatic software update manager) and everything more or less ok, except for my SD Card slot which stopped reading any card.
I have checked it is not a card problem. I tried installing the 10.6.5Update Combo and it didn't work. I tried resetting the System Management Controller and nothing changed, nor any other method I've found on the web.
I would like to know if it is known a concrete fixing of this issue; otherwise I think the best thing to do is to downgrade back to 10.6.3, which was the originally installed Snow Leopard version.
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Nov 5, 2008
Has someone tried to install a smart card reader GemPC Twin in Mac Os X Leopard ?
How to use it ?
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Mar 18, 2009
Anyone have good luck with a specific card reader? Or are they all in general going to work?
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Aug 4, 2009
I used to do DSLR photography with CF, but fell out of love with it and sold it, so now it's back to regular old SD for my point and shoot. I'm looking for a card reader that obviously supports SD, but I'd like some type of all-in-one so I can throw most anything at it. I'd also like it to be flush with the computer when inserted.
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Feb 14, 2010
I recently bought an SD card and reader for my Macbook Pro. It was working fine for a good month or so but as I was copying something to the card today, an error message appeared which said something about not having the right privilege to copy the content over to the SD card. The SD card was unmounted (if that's the word you'd use) automatically. When I tried plugging it back in to try again, nothing happened. I've tried plugging it into my PC but it says the device I've plugged in is not recognisable. The SD card reader has a red light that goes on when you plug it in which doesn't switch on anymore.
I've put the SD card itself into my TV as I was copying some video onto it. 15 minutes of the video has been copied and it's playable which to me suggests that the SD card itself is fine? Is there any way I can get it working again? I don't really understand what's happened.
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