Looking for a app that would lock my apps from being moved and deleted either by password or any other protection possible that can be used.my child is 22 months old. He does not understand that he is deleting a program. we are getting frustrated when we have to re-install a app every time it is deleted and loose all information pertaining to app when re-installing.Is there a way to keep my son from deleting apps?
Under purchases I'm getting "you have not purchased any apps." Under Itunes in the Cloud all my apps are listed as hidden but when I click "view hidden purchases" it says I do not have any hidden purchases. I have three Macs and all are experiencing the same issue so this is an account problem and not a computer software problem. The funny thing is that it's still recognizing updates.Yes, I've tried signing out and back in to view my account with no luck. The only thing I did weird last night was I disabled the Itunes store and automatic downloading on one computer. This morning when I had the above problem I put all the settings back.
Receiving individual Final Cut X redemption codes for our fleet of MAC Minis begs the question; "How do we deploy this software". There must be a better(easier faster way) than to download, install and configure each machine separately. (This will take weeks). This software cannot, it seems, be deployed by Apple Remote Desktop. Is there anyway of downloading FC X to one MAC and cloning the image to the rest of the fleet?
My son's iPod Touch is associated with iTunes on a computer other than mine which isn't with us at the moment. He has no music on it at the moment - just apps. Is it possible for me to add some songs to it from my iTunes without erasing the apps that he currenly has on it? Or will adding the songs wipe the content of the device off.
i just deleted utorrent and firefox by using appcleaner, but soon after i realized after looking down at my dock, that the firefox and utorrent icons were still there
i cant download apps thats 2 dollors it saysPlease contact iTunes support to complete this transaction. then There was an error in the App Store. (100)
My Apps will not update. On iPad have 3 Star Walk, USB and wi-fi flash drive and Solar Walk on iPhone 25 Apps will not update. I am able to sign into App store ok but the Apps just say waiting.
Info: iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.2), MacBook Pro, iPhone 4S Air, iPad 2
It appears that in the App Store app, when you list your purchases they are always sorted by Purchase Date. That's often convenient, but not always. Is there any way to sort them simply by name?
I am writing to you in regard to a download my 6 year old son had done with out me being aware to the fact he knows the password.I have recieved the bill from apps store and suddenly found out that both on the 10th of April and on the 11th of May my son had downloaded some itemes for his Ice Age Village. I was shocked when I saw it and more shocked to see the total amount that came out.I had no idea that my son knows the password.I am asking you please to refund me on these items. you can subtract this game of my i pad and take everything he bought back.
It shows there is an update for iphoto. But it won't let me install it. It tell me to click on the apple to update software but when I do is doesn't find any softwate to update.
When I update my apps from mac app store the store show me a window Wrote in this sentence "There was an error in the App Store. Please try again later. (100)"
Yesterday I bought Grand Theft Auto San Andreas with my virtual credit card (which I can only use to pay things online).Anyways, no money is still gone from my account. I got the game and it works, but it shows I paid only 1€ to Apple... So how do I find out if I have paid for the app?
I recently downloaded Deus Ex: Human Revolution from the App Store, and was wondering if there was anyway of making a backup installer of said app?It would be handy to not have to do the 16.6gb download again if i format my MBP.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
how I can tag apps purchased from the app store? I use tags to create 'smart folders' of apps that have the same tags associated with them. how to tag apps purchased from the app store? the option to tag them seems 'greyed out' for any apps purchased from the app store.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I'm thinking of doing an upgrade and reconfiguring my storage-backup setup of my Santa Rosa MBP (mid-2007) w/ 160GBHD (almost filled). I'm pondering with the idea suggested by the Mac Performance Guide that it's the best to separate the OS & apps with the data in two different physical drives and to use a separate drive for manual backup.
=> 1 internal drive for OS & apps + 1 external drive for data/scratch volume/ time-machine backup via eSATA + 1 external drive for complete backup via eSATA
Doing so I'd need 3 new drives and lose some mobility with my data even though I mostly use the MBP like a desktop for graphics & rendering work and light video editing.
If I only get 2 drives I can save some $ for a RAM upgrade from 2GB to 4GB+.
1. What's the best set up for me? 2. How do you guys 3. How do you set up your backup solution (Time machine only VS time machine + a dedicated backup drive)?
I am trying to download free apps from the app store. I was successful in one but now they all just say waiting and won't continue with the download. What do I do?