App Store :: Play Slayer Pinball Rocks On IMac, Not IPhone?
Mar 8, 2012Is it possible to play Slayer pinball rocks on my iMac and not my iPhone?
slayer pinball rocks hd
Is it possible to play Slayer pinball rocks on my iMac and not my iPhone?
slayer pinball rocks hd
My Imac wont play store DVDs.It will read files from a disc but not play movies. It ejects the disc.I recently upgraded to OSX Lion could that be an issue?
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How can I get my magazines from newsstand(on my iPhone) onto my iMac?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Youtube videos won't play properly on my imac (I have OS X version 10.5.8). The video plays only for a few short seconds and stops for about 90 seconds and then repeats the process .
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View 1 Replies View RelatedOk so i am trying to figure out the best way to do this over 3g. I want to purchase a WD My book live to store my photos, videos, and all of my music. I know that I can remap my itunes to find the files while i am on the same wifi network.
What i am trying to figure out is can i remotely access and play my music from the WD My book live? Basically by passing my laptop. Is the best why to do this is with a VPN? If so what will let you access an external NAS drive, and run a itunes app?
Is this possible to do or is more pain then its worth?
I am a MOBILE ME user for about 5 years. I just bought an IPHONE 3GS. I create an ICLOUD account with a certain APPLE ID on the IPHONE. When I try to download any APP from the Appstore, another apple id it is being ask. I restore 3 time to the original factory settings, but the problem pesists.
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1, Form México
I realized on my iPhone 4S that I have an app called iBook. I noticed it has a section for books and one for PDFs. How do I download my PDF knitting patterns to it so that I can always access my patterns?
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Info:iPhone 3GS
I recently purchased an album (Adele 21) on iTunes. When I try to play it back 1 song (#4 Dont You Remember) always ask for my apple id and password in order to "authorize the computer"to play that 1 song.I then enter an endless loop of being asked to authorize, acknowledgement of the authorization while I still caonnot play that song...
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iPhone 4S, Other OS
How can I get my Iphone to sync with the istore. Under setting it will not stay on the one button.
Info:iPhone 4
i want to buy a iPad2 to go along with my mac desktop and iPhone, do I have to repurchase the same apps. to put on my iPad?
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iPhone 4S, iOS 5
I have just moved to iCloud. I am about to go on holidays and I was wondering is there a way iCloud can store video shot on my iPhone so that I can delete it from the phone? I know Photostream doesn't do videos. I was reading a post in this site that mentioned another way, but was called away at the time and I didn't fully read it. Now I can't find it.
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iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
just upgraded to snow leapard and got new app store on my dock but bought some apps and do not know how to load them to the iphone. I usually would sync them through itunes but they are not in there.
iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
i just moved to US and I want to keep my italian number on my iPhone.i need to change my payment details as I closed my italian bank account and I opened a US one. it seems is not possible to change credit card's details.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
I'd like to take my videos from my iphone to my computer hard drive. how do i do this?
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1
Contact iTunes Support at url..I have changed email addresses, changed passwords also renewed my card details, in short I've tried everything to rectify this but its not having any of it, can someone please make a suggestion that I can try I can't download a thing to any of my mac computers nor my iphone, my iphone is new and I can't use it for what I want to as i can't download anything even free stuff, so apart from creating a new apple i.d.
Apple ID problems
My restrictions are off, I can make new purchases, but when i try to make in-app purchases I get, "You must purchase the app that this item is for before you cab purchase this item," even though I have the app and bought it the same account. Suggestions? All software up to date.
Info:iPad, iOS 5.1.1
i have syncronized my iphone with itunes on my macbook...and this last one transfer all music that i had from my iphone to the itunes now i want to know how to get back my music from itunes to the iphone.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
I have purchased many apps in the last year or two with my iphone using apple apps but when I try to find those apps for downloading to my macbook air, they're not there. It makes it seem as if I need to repurchase them again using the same account. Is there something I need to do to find them?
MacBook Air
Ok, so I ran into this app called iSpeak it that sells for $1.99, that I'm very interested in and that is for iPhones and iPads, but I would like the version that is for Mac desktops, which sells for $4.99. My question is, does the desktop app have all the other languages that the app for the iPhone and iPad has? I see that the app version for desktops says only language is English on the description. It wouldn't make sense that the app for iPhone and iPad has other languages and that the iSpeak it app wouldn't have it for the desktop.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
When every I click install in iTunes Store for an app for my iphone it says downloading [apps name] but does not downloads it. This is happening for all apps I want to download.
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MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), iOS 8.1.1