App Store :: How To Change My Apple Password
Apr 13, 2012I tried to do but I cannot find a way to change the password from the apple account.
iPad 2, Windows 7
I tried to do but I cannot find a way to change the password from the apple account.
iPad 2, Windows 7
When I switched to ICloud I thought my Apple ID and password would work for Apple store. It turns out they have a different Apple ID at the Apple store with a diferent password that I do not remember. HOw can I make the ICloud Apple ID and password work for all other platforms?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
i bought a used macbook pro and i want to change the apple id to my own but i have to enter the other guys apple id password to change it but
MacBook Pro
Today, when I tried to download a free app, I was asked for my password twice. That has never happened before. Why would this occur and is it safe to continue?
iPhone 4S
I am suddenly unable to download or update any apps from my ipad2 because it is attempting to use an old apple id even though I have changed it in every setting that I can find on the iPad... I'm baffled, has anybody seen this before?
iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1
Am I able to change the name of the Apple ID? I was register the Apple ID with Chinese name in Chinese words. But now I think I'd better use English words, because I am still living in UK, and doing a course here. There should not be any Chinese word in my any document.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to change the email used for my Apple ID. I'm thinking of using my iCloud mail. Is that a good idea?Â
I have an iPad 3, iPad 4s, and Facetime all based on the old e-mail. What problems might I run into?Â
Will I have problems with applications that I bought before? What about TV shows and music?Â
How do I change the Apple ID listed in the App Store? I went on line and changed it there but for some reason it wont change what is listed in the App Store.
Info:iPhone 4S
How do I change my apple id which I used first time for login to app store?
MacBook Air
Why does the AppStore on my iPad NOT recognize my new Apple ID password?
iPad, iOS 5.1.1
In my app store I have changed the Apple id to my new id. And I have new updates for iLife whcich is registered to my first Apple id. And when I click to update it shows me "You have updates available for other accounts".
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I created a Apple ID account through the website and used it to sign in on my Macbook Air.But now I want to download free stuff from the App Store. When I try to log in it says:I click 'Review' and then accept the agreement and end up with this *****:How can I change my current Apple ID to use no credit card? I know of the solution going to iTunes and create a Apple ID down there but then I have to create a new one and I dont't want that! Â
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How do I change email and apple user name?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI had to change my apple Id will i not be able to update my apps that bought with my old apple id
View 1 Replies View RelatedI found that every time when I want to update the iphotos and imovies and the native apps in the mac book it is needed to use the first apple id that used for the first time you turn on the mac book.Since that id is not used now and i want to change it, any body knows how to change it? And although my current admin id has changed, but still when updating iphotos the very first id is needed.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), current
I created a Apple ID account through the website and used it to sign in on my Macbook Air. But now I want to download free stuff from the App Store. When I try to log in it says:I click 'Review' and then accept the agreement and end up with this:How can I change my current Apple ID to use no credit card?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How can I update apps after changing my Apple ID password? I was just required to change my Apple ID password and now I am not able to download updates to apps I already have installed.
MacBook Pro
I have forgotten my mac pro user password and can't seem to follow instructions for changing it.Make sure your computer is connected to the Internet.In the login window, click the question mark in the password field, and then click the arrow in the dialog that appears.Enter an Apple ID and password, and then click Reset Password.When I try to do this the arrow doesnt take me anywhere. I just return to the original field asking me for the password I don't remember.Â
Mac Pro
I am not finding the appropriate discussions group for this but I want to change my password assocaited with my apple discussions account? I go to "Your Stuff->Profile->Edit Profile" and there is no change password option.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I download Adobe Flash Player if it doesn't recognize my Apple password?
iMac, iOS 5.1
Rule #4 of the AppleID password restrictions states "Not contain more than 3 consecutive identical characters" -Your rule is actually "Not contain 3 or more consecutive identical characters". "more than 3" would allow 3 consecutive characters, but it turns red ( invalid ) if this is attempted. Also, rule #1 states "Have at least one letter", which in standard English would include Upper and Lower case letters, but Apple's rule requires it to be "Have at least one lower case letter", while rule #2 "Have at least one capital letter" does correctly specify requiring at least one upper case.
View 7 Replies View Relatedit's a random thing, and it's happening to all 3 accounts I have in Mail. When it happens a box comes up and says that I need to enter the password. I have it stored to save and when the box comes up I click "remember my password" but it keeps coming up. it's not ever day, it's random.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy MB Pro has 1 user login, it's never been changed, re-created, etc.I can login to the laptop no problem, I can goto the User control panel and change the PW and it shows the single user as the admin.However I can't install software. It comes up and asks me for the password which is then rejected.Beyond reloading the OS not sure what options are. Did a permissions repair but no other luck.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI reside in Spain and I've recently opened a joint account with a US resident here in Los Angeles at Charles Schwab bank.The financial consultant told us it's possible to deposit checks into schwab account through an app for iphone [URL]I've tried to download but it appears the following window: "your application has not been able to complete" and "The article you requested is not available at this time in Spanish Store, but is available in the U.S. Store. Click Change Store to view this article". If I click to change the Store from the Spanish to the American store, I have to fill the data but my ID apple is not working on the "foreign" store. What can I do? Is there a way to buy / download items from a different Itunes stores?Â
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
All of a sudden a notification badge has appeared on the Apple Store icon on my MacBook Pro dock. While it seems there is an update for an app that I once downloaded, there is no indication as to how I can download the update.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I'm currently locked out of my Power Mac G5. While trying to install the latest Java for Mac OS x 10.5 Update 6 from Software Update, my admin. password was rejected as invalid. When I try to change my password in Accounts, my old password is rejected. I've entered this password a thousand times, and, yeah, I'm slightly senile, but caps lock isn't on.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently got my computer fixed and ended up getting a new one. it is a mac book laptop. I changed the password before it got sent and i completely forgot it. They backed my new laptop up with my old hard drive so now i got my old stuff on the new one. I want to download this application so i can fix this .zip file but i need the admin password. I've tried using the install discs but they tell me to enter the admin. I've tried putting the install disc in and pushing c on start up but it just freezes on the white screen with the apple. Is there something wrong with my computer? should i contact the insurance company who i dealt with?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow can you change administrator password without the old password. The owner has died and no one has the password
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
New iPad can't connect to itunes
Info:iPad, iOS 5.1, New iPad can't connect to apps stor
I just bought a $10 iTunes card and I want to by iMovie from the Mac App Store. (which brings my balance to $16.48) My problem is whenever I try to buy this product I'm sent to the billing page. I don't have a credit card so I select "none" and try to purchase iMovie again. But it just sends me back to the billing page. I don't want to buy another card in order to redeem something on the billing page so what do I do?
Macbook White 13" spring 2010, Mac OS X (10.4.6)