App Store :: Stopping Apps From Downloading In The Mac?
Apr 12, 2012
I accidentally clicked on download Mac OSX Lion under my purchases and the only options are to pause and resume the download. I don't want to download it, and only see the option to pause the download. What are my options?
MacBook Air (13-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am trying to download free apps from the app store. I was successful in one but now they all just say waiting and won't continue with the download. What do I do?
I cannot download apps or updates on the Mac App store. Whenever I try to download apps or updates the page seems to be loading something but nothing really happens. I cannot even log out from my apple account on the app store.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
What's a good FTP program for OS X that is really fast and transfer like 10 files simultaneously? I tried that DUCK FTP and it honestly sucked... And panic or w/e. Also how do I stop .ds_store files from being made on server?
Under purchases I'm getting "you have not purchased any apps." Under Itunes in the Cloud all my apps are listed as hidden but when I click "view hidden purchases" it says I do not have any hidden purchases. I have three Macs and all are experiencing the same issue so this is an account problem and not a computer software problem. The funny thing is that it's still recognizing updates.Yes, I've tried signing out and back in to view my account with no luck. The only thing I did weird last night was I disabled the Itunes store and automatic downloading on one computer. This morning when I had the above problem I put all the settings back.
Receiving individual Final Cut X redemption codes for our fleet of MAC Minis begs the question; "How do we deploy this software". There must be a better(easier faster way) than to download, install and configure each machine separately. (This will take weeks). This software cannot, it seems, be deployed by Apple Remote Desktop. Is there anyway of downloading FC X to one MAC and cloning the image to the rest of the fleet?
I got a Macbook about a year ago and it would only download certain things (ie. skype, Mozilla Firefox). The other things (ie. DND online, vindictus nexon, pretty much any game I want to play that requires me to download a client) will only show me a text edit document with a bunch of symbols and letters. It wasn't that much of an issue before, but now I'm getting a tad irritated by it.
A few days ago iTunes started to crash when updating some apps. I have about 25-30 apps to be updated. When I click update all, it started to downloadin
apps but when it came to a certain app, it crashed. It starts to download the app, continue downloading for a few seconds, than freezes and crashes. This happens in more than 5 apps. Other apps in my library downloaded without any problem.
I tried almost everything, deleted the iTunes folder completely, tried to download the same app, and it crashed again.
Finally I formatted the iMac, installed a fresh Mavericks, immediately opened iTunes tried to download the same apps, they all crashed. Could the files on the Apple's servers be corrupted?
I have an iMac and Macbook pro. Whenever I buy something from iTunes or the App store both machines back this data up on their respective hard drives as well as providing a copy to the primary device (iPod or iPad) meaning that I have multiple copies when I only need one back up. How do I turn off this on say the MacBook Pro so that it only backs up on the iMac?
I have downloaded several apps from my I pad to my mac but cannot open them in I tunes, they are there but will not open. They were downloaded via I cloud?
I was using a program which opened my console and then I noticed in my console had messages referring to a couple of programs I removed a long time ago by dragging them to the Trash. It seems to be reporting thousands of messages every minute for one of the programs with the message "User or app not found." recurring.
This must be using resources, is there any way to stop this?
I am trying to purchase Motion 5. It appears to only be available on the App Store via download. At a 1GB file size it is to big for me to download via my cellular service without taking an extreme finacial hit. Is there anyway to get the
1) download to occur on a windows machine at my workplace?
2) get the application in a hard format such as DVD?
I bought an app on the mac app store and it only downloads half-way before it says "error check your internet connection and retry" my internet connection is fine i believe i have bought several apps before that have downloaded fine.
I am backing up my iPhone to the iCloud, and synching to my iTunes wirelessly. But for some reason it is downloading all of my apps to my iTunes on my computer. I do not want nor need it on my computer. How can I stop that?
I entered my payment info to purchase Aperture 3 from the Mac App Store and then expected it to download immediately. Instead, I am getting the spinning grey wheel. Not sure if payment was processed or what to do from here. I don't see Aperture in my downloads folder. Should I close out and start again?
I have a problem with adding new apps to my iPad. (This has worked before). With my Ipad I can search in the app store, choose an app, and enter my credentials for downloading or updating an app. After inserting my credentials, the new icon of my new app appears on the screen. On this moment an error appears, in dutch "Verbinding met iTunes store mislukt" meaning, "Connection with iTunes store failed".
- restart of the ipad (Home button and power button together until Apple logo appears)
- new appleID
- Contact with the apple support desk
- Email with the american support desk
- Connect to another WIFI connection point
- upgrade to the latest OS.
There is an internet connection, because Safari, and email are working fine on my iPad.
I have several apps that I need updating. Unfortunately when I try to update them, I get the spinng wheel (Mac Appt Store menu bar) spinning forever! I tried changing my Apple password, tried the Certificate Revocation List to off, I deleted the apps and tried downloading them again and I still get the gray spinning wheel
I had a demo version of djay 4 installed and today I decided to buy it from the AppStore. Before I clicked buy I moved the demo version to the trash, but didn't emptied it. I bought the app and it downloaded than installed. Immediatly after the progress bar was full the icon disappeared (launch pad). It's not even in the program folder nor can be found by spotlight (even if searching whole mac).
I tried deleting the cache of the AppStore, reverting the demo of djay 4 from time machine so it can be replaced by the AppStore file. I tried renaming the settings folder of djay and also restarted the Macbook, nothing helps. Sometimes the App Store says that djay 4.0.5 is already installed when it's clearly not, but what instance is telling that it would be?
Info: Macbook Pro 13, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Early 2011, Core i5 / 4GB DDR3
How to download SD video's from the ITunes store without making it complicated?
Right now, I am buying HD versions of videos so I can play them to their greatest on the Apple TV. I don't however want the HD version of the video on my iphone, SD is fine and doesn't take up huge amounts of space. Right now, I have to go the ITunes store on my iphone, search for the movie and then scroll to the bottom and click "Available in SD" and then click download.
Surely there has to be an easier way?! I should just be able to go to "Videos" on the iphone, and then download in SD, but it will only do it in HD and I cant afford to have a single file taking up 4gb of space.
Since I restored the permissions in my OS X Lion, since my mac wouldnt start, i can't use the mac app store anymore. So i deleted it from my system assuming it was possible to re-download it. It turns out now that i can't find a mac app store download anywhere. Only in an update package which i downloaded but this refuses to install because im on a newer os x version.(My mail app also is empty, so is my address book, all since i restored permissions, so i could use some help there as well)
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Recently, I tried updating an app on my Macbook Air, specifically Red Crucible 2. I clicked update, it started downloading, reached 10 MB, then started downloading from the beginning again, and it kept looping. I have 23 GB free, so I'm sure it's not an issue with free space. I tried downloading other updates and the same thing happens again, it reaches 10 MB then starts downloading again!
An error occurred while downloading the app os x lion. Now when I go back to purchased apps and try to download, it just says "an error has occurred" and the download button is gray (not active). How can I reset it so it will download?
I was downloading the game starfront and it stopped downloading and says an error has occurred. I don't know why it stopped. I know my mac had the right version for it.
I am trying to download an app and it keeps telling me to enter a another payment method to the one i already have but i don't have one i only have one account what should i do?
I just purchased Final Cut Pro X. All I see at the top of the window is a little spinning circle. No indication of how much is still left. Is this normal? When I purchase a song on iTunes it gives me a progress bar. How long should I wait?
Info: iMac 3.06 GHz Intel Core i3, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12GB RAM, iPhone 3gs, iPhone 4s
I currently am downloading an application that i realized post-facto that exceeds my Macbook's ram memory. will it hurt my laptop if i allow it to finish downloading? could I delete it after it downloads or can i delete it while its paused in the downloading process?