Aperture :: Crashing When Selecting Project In Library Inspector
Sep 9, 2014
Three crashes in a row, one even after rebooting. Different Projects selected and being selected. Crashes immediately after I select a Project in the Library Inspector, either by pressing and releasing the down-arrow key or by clicking with the mouse. Projects are newly imported, but have not shown any problems. Each Project that was the one being selected when Aperture crashed can be viewed in the Browser (confirmed afterwards). Aperture normal otherwise. C. 70K Images in Library.
First set of Projects with new camera (Nikon 1 AW 1 — gets my recommendation if you want a submersible camera with better-than-snapshot quality files) — but have not had any problems importing files or viewing Images or videos.
Did change the time-stamps on c. 1,500 Images a few minutes before crashes started. (Is there a dongle-doo-hickey-thing-a-jig that will sync the time settings on multiple cameras?)
Here is the opening of the latest crash log (from crash reporter window):
Process: Aperture [358]
Path: /Applications/Aperture.app/Contents/MacOS/Aperture
Identifier: com.apple.Aperture
Version: 3.5.1 (3.5.1)
Build Info: Aperture-451099000000000~1
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), NEC, Munki
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Feb 1, 2008
I'm sorry if this has already been posted. I looked for the answer on here and couldn't find it. I NEED HELP...BAD! I have Leopard and I was working in iMovie on a project and when i finished i went to save it and then the color wheel came up for over 5 minutes and then it automatically shut down imovie! i lost the whole project that took me over 5 hours to do! i still have the DV files that i imported, but not the editing that i did! i havent used TIME MACHINE due to the fact that i dont have a external HD. I wanted to know if there was anyway i could get that back! i know windows had a setting that you could go back to a certain time and date on your computer, but im not sure if mac does or if there is anyway i can retrieve the edited version of my movie project that i created! someone please! help me!!! i am in need of assistance and this project is due tommorow! if you can help, please send me a direct email to tony@peppermintsandcigarettes.com i would be in your DEBT! thanks!
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Jun 1, 2014
I'm trying to clean up my projects and organize them better, but I'm stuck because I have mistakenly gathered unrelated photos into too many projects. I just want to move a photo from one project to another, but I'm not getting how to do it. I've been able to merge projects which has worked a lot, but some photos just don't belong in the projects they are in. Is there some simple thing I'm missing?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.1)
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May 17, 2010
Can you password protect a project/folder within Aperture?
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Sep 6, 2014
I'm running Aperture 3.4.5 on a MacPro mid 2010. I import by reference into the appropriate project. The project's file directory is the same as the name of the project. I.E., screen shots from the Next Issue application are kept in a project called "Next Issue". The project keeps it's photos in a directory called "Next Issue".
As needs change files may be moved from one project to another. This causes a major problem as the files remain in their original location, i.e. are not moved to the directory associated with their new project. For example, the Next Issue screen shots show up in Photostream. I move the photos to the "Next Issue" project, but the original file still stays in the photo stream folder on disk.
The reason this matters is the disk with the pictures is duplicated and then connected to an Oppo media center. I find files I need on the Oppo by going to the directory associated with the files, i.e. "Next Issue". Since those files originally were in a photo stream directory they still reside there. So unless I can remember thousands of file locations it can't be found on the Oppo, which doesn't have a search function for an externally attached drive.
I suppose that I could go to each directory, select everything, and do a relocate master. But after a long night of organizing if I don't remember which projects where changed then that means relocating up to 100 directories and 70,000 files ….
Mac Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
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Jul 1, 2014
I have tens of thousands of images in a hierarchical project structure:
|---First project
|---Second project
|---Last project
|---First project
|---Second project
|---Last project
I want to relocate these masters into a directory structure that exactly matches the project structure. Best I can tell, the basic "relocate masters" functionality can only dump images into a single directory. Any way to mirror the project structure on the filesystem?
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Mar 14, 2012
When I select a new Screen Saver in Preference window, Arabesque for example, my iMac is not using it. It is always using my iPhoto Library.
Mac OS X (10.7.3), 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
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Aug 26, 2014
For some reason FCP keeps crashing when I launch a particular project; just this one project! Others don't seem to have this issue. Sometimes it does get as far as loading all the sequences but as soon I I try a play any it crashes! I can say except copying the report below: By the way it mentions plugins but I don't believe (as far as I know) that I have any 3rd party plugins installed.
Process: Final Cut Pro [705]
Path: /Applications/Final Cut Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/Final Cut Pro
Identifier: com.apple.FinalCutPro
Version: 7.0.3 (7.0.3)
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Mar 26, 2012
Aperture keeps freezing or crashing. What can I do? Need to finish photography job!
MacBook, iOS 5.1
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Apr 25, 2012
I am a Photographer and so I have many RAW files on my Mac. I use Aperture to edit, but in the last few days when I am editing a picture (zoomed in, skin smoothing or retouching) App will just close, the only warning being the coloured spinning ball. Last night my whole computer just switched off whilst I was in the middle of editing, and this morning the screen went dark and an instruction came up to turn off the computer by holding the power button, and restart.
I've checked my RAM and there seems to be plenty. It was just an issue exclusively to Aperture, but now I seem to be experiencing the spinning coloured ball when trying to use Safari. So there is something missing. I was wondering if it just may be Aperture, in which case I was going to export all the projects to the desktop and then uninstall and reinstall the software.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 10, 2014
I have a strange thing happening when I attempt to update a Final Cut Project and Event from FCPX 10.9. I'm choosing to update manually. When I tell FCPX to go ahead and update, everything looks like it is happening as planned - except that inside of Final Cut the Project files are no where to be found. I know Final Cut is supposed to put them into an Event created especially for the old Projects. But when I look for it there are no project files. When I look at what actually took place at the finder level I find that all the Events have been moved just fine but the old Project Folder is left alone and still intact. 
Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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Jun 3, 2014
I updated everything to FCPX 10.1.1.
Some clips became unlinked. I go to link them ... and am stopped dead by the NEW Library Icon (with all it's internal folders no longer seemingly accessible). I know the file is in there - if I do a search in Finder for the missing media, it takes me right to where it is.
When I do a relink, stopped dead in my tracks by the new format. How do I access the folders hidden in the new Project Library to relink my clips with their original media?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 4, 2014
I opened up fcpx and out of nowhere one of the projects I was working on is missing and there is an explanation point next to the event name. But when I go into the actual library folder inside finder I can see the project name in there. I also see inside fcpx at the bottom is a "no data (1)" portion where the media or projects go.
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Aug 30, 2014
I have old large projects with a lot of b roll I will not use again and want to delete each unused clip. What is the best way to delete these safely. I can go into the library, show package contents and delete the clips there, but will that upset the library. And is there a way to delete just the parts of the clips that are unused? So If I have a 30s clip, have used 5s and want to delete the rest of the clip around the 5s, is that possible? Trying to recover some drive space to save buying a new media drive....
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Jun 25, 2014
I accidentally moved an event from my library to the trash (from within FCPX using the 'move event to trash' command). I realized what I did right away and hit 'undo' from the file menu. When I open the event library I can see everything there, but the project is not showing up in FCPX, even after restarting the program.
Is there a way to save the project? I also saved all of the project files/folders, including the 'current version' to a separate folder before accidentally trashing (copied them to a backup with the master files I created). Is there a way to restore those files? I like to save the project folders/files with my masters in case I ever has to revisit any project for any reason. Figured I could just drop them back into the directory and then reimport all of the 'missing' media.
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Oct 11, 2009
I have recently installed Aperture onto my MacBook. When I started it up, I said 'yes' create an aperture library from my existing iPhoto library. I then watched in some dismay as Aperture then proceed to 'clobber' my hard drive.
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Feb 12, 2010
Practically all my photos are in my Aperture libraries, but I can't browse these when choosing a desktop picture in the System Preferences. I remember it was possible to browse through the iPhoto events, but I don't see this option with Aperture. So is there really no way to use the photos from Aperture as a desktop picture without exporting the photos to an ordinary folder?
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Sep 8, 2014
I'm considering an external hard drive to house my photos and videos, getting them off my hard drive. My macbook pro is SO SLOW that it's making me crazy and I think this is a place to start.
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Sep 11, 2014
How do I repair my Aperture Library when I hold down the command and option keys and double click the library in Finder? iPhoto opens, Aperture does not.
When I hold down the command and option keys and click on Aperture in my dock, I get the Aperture repair screen. However, selecting REPAIR Database spawns the following screen:
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 21.5 Inch, Mid 2011
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Dec 6, 2014
I have lost 6 years' worth of photos from my Aperture library. After the upgrade, my Aperture library contains no photos. I am trying to recover the photos from my Time Machine backup but so far I have been unsuccessful. The Aperture library was located in my HD folder named "Pictures."
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Jun 4, 2014
I have 160GB iPod, which has been partitioned to use as an external HD for my pictures. How do I replace that with a newer one from Aperture, which is on a separate external HD?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Dec 2, 2014
I merged images from my laptop into my Aperture Library on my external drive. Now I am unable to find the images I took for an entire month. How to restore them?
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Sep 26, 2010
Luckily, this is not my primary Aperture library, but another one that I started a few weeks ago as I thought my first was getting a bit large. I am unable to open Aperture at all, nor can I copy to or from the drive. Because the drive is (I believe) bad, I can't repair the library, plus, as I mentioned, I can't open Aperture anyways. I can pull the drive, but then how do I get Aperture to redirect itself so that it opens my original library, instead of trying to open this new one? Pulled the suspicious drive from my Mac Pro. On restarting, Aperture asked which Library I wanted, adding that one was no longer available. So, I'm back on the original library and things look to be running fine. Unfortunately, I hadn't vaulted yet, so the last month is probably gone. Luckily, I think I already exported the few keepers I had during that time.
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Jan 8, 2009
Just like the title says, seems so simple but I just can't figure it out... I feel when i find out I will feel dumb... So I got Aperture 2. Which I love BUT I am having a hard time getting used to it and sincerely I do not need more than iPhoto only used Aperture because my dad had it and did not want it. So now I want to go back to iPhoto... revert all my iPhoto library that i just mad einto an Aperture library back to my great Old iPhoto library, I just can t figure a way how to export from aperture to aperture or import from Aperture library from iPhoto
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May 12, 2010
I have recently moved from windows to the iMac and will be moving all of my photos. I do just casual, family photos and landscapes etc. Nothing professional. I have purchased Aperture for cataloging and to make it easier to find things as well as editing. There are probably experts on this out there so I am asking for recommendations on how to set things up. I used Adobe PhotoShop Elements which had an excellent tagging system, but want to move to Aperture for this.
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Jun 4, 2014
I have an older library, that I updated to the current Aperture, and recently froze from bad media. I think it was a bunch of videos in one of the events. Anyways, I want to copy some of the photos from a event in the old library to a new working library. I tried exporting and it froze, leaving the photo export in some limbo state...
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Jun 3, 2014
I have resqued all my photos from my back up, and I was making one single library but I decided to make a different library for " my trips' .. How can i transfer project from my 'New library" to my 'trips library' there are many projects and i want to do it as fast as I can. working on Aperture 3 and an Imac with mavericks.
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Sep 4, 2014
I am trying to import an old Aperture Library. It says i cannot import the library because it is an older version.
Aperture 3, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 27, 2007
He has a pretty big collection of RAW photos that he manages through Aperture and has recently upgraded to Leopard, with the backup abilities of Time Machine being the major driver. I don't use Aperture myself so I'm not 100% sure, but I think that I am right in saying that Aperture stores all of its picture sin a single library file. If this is the case, will Time Machine make a new copy of the entire Aperture library every time it does a backup? If this is the case then I can see it requiring some serious capacity on the backup drive! I bought him a 250Gb external hard drive last Christmas, but I doubt this would last very long if it has multiple copies of the entire Aperture library!
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Jan 30, 2009
Is there an easy way to import all my images that are in my Aperture library into iPhoto 09? I want the originals, not the previews as I believe is what you get if you use the Show Aperture library dialogue...
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