Hardware :: Cannot Login To Remote PC Desktop

Sep 2, 2010

I work from home and my Windows pc is in the shop. I'm trying to use my wife's Imac to log into my VPN so I can work, but when I get the ctrl+alt+del screen to sign into my desktop I don't know what keys to use on the Mac keyboard.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Login Into Win7 Machine Via Remote Desktop?

Apr 19, 2012

i've been trying to find a solution to be able to write to NTFS drives. i've read that using exFAT is a good way to go. the other thing i wanted to try was to login to a Windows machine that's connected to the NTFS drive and write to it that way

Mac mini

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Application For Administrators That Can Provide Both Remote Wipe And Remote Desktop?

Apr 9, 2012

I'm looking for a system that can track about 50 MBP's providing both remote wipe as part of an overall security protocol, and also remote screen/desktop for admin purposes. I looked at preyproject.com but it looks like they only do remote wiping/tracking. that I don't want something locked to a single user, it should be centrally managed. 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Remote Login Not Starting?

Oct 7, 2009

On Leopard, Remote Login won't start. It's stuck on "Starting remote login...". If I reboot, it says Remote Login is off, and I go through the same process.

Is there any way I can fix this or totall reset SSH? I tried deleting all of the SSH files in /etc and ~/.ssh.

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OS X :: Remote Login Via Internet Or Client

Nov 7, 2008

I am a teacher at a school which runs Macs only. I recently had a Onelan Digital Signage system installed which I can access whilst I'm at school via an IP address through a browser to edit and update contents, however this does not work outside the school. On the macs Apple Remote Desktop is enable and I can use it to remotely access Macs within school through Remote Desktop 3. I would like to access my Mac (at school) through my Windows PC at home so I can login to the digital signage system.

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OS X :: Remote Login And Web Sharing Not Working?

Jun 6, 2009

I have both Remote Login and Web Sharing enabled on my Leopard Macbook. When I try to SSH to it (from the same network) it just hangs, without ever asking for a password. Web Sharing says it can't find the host, even from on the Macbook itself.

For the record, Screen Sharing and File Sharing are working fine.

Anyone have any ideas what might be wrong?

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OS X :: Remote Login And Screen Size?

Mar 5, 2010

i have a couple of questions, first what is the best way to do a remote login? I have two macs and a pc. The pc is in my truck and I would like to be able to log into my Imac to access emails and files. The problem is that when I used [URL] I could not read what was on the 12x12 screen. Is there a was to log in and have the info adjust to the computer I am on and not the imac?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Remote Login To Mac From Outside The House?

May 6, 2012

how this can be done and if i can use an iPod touch/Mac or even a Windows machine. what would the login screen look like? 

Mac mini

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OS X Mavericks :: Remote Login Not Working

Jun 19, 2014

I'm attempting to log in to my MacBook remotely using ssh, and it isn't working. I've looked all over the internet for a solution, and I haven't found one, although iI think I've determined that other people are having this same problem after upgrading to Mavericks. I did recently upgrade this MacBook to Mavericks, but I never tried remotely logging in prior to upgrading, so I don't know if Mavericks is the problem in my case. 

I'm using a mid-2010 13-inch MacBook, which I've recently upgraded to OS 10.9.3. I have not set up a static IP address with my ISP. My firewall is currently disabled. I've gone to System Preferences -> Sharing, checked "Remote Login," and selected "Allow Access" for "All users". I then note the IP address listed, where it says "To log in to this computer remotely, type "ssh myusername@" (obviously, I made up that user name and IP address). 

If I then open up a terminal window on my local machine and type "ssh myusername@", I am indeed able to log in using my password. However, if I ssh out to a remote machine somewhere else, and then attempt to ssh back in again, it doesn't work. Specifically, I am prompted for a password, but when I type the correct password, I'm just prompted for a password again. So I type the correct password again. But then, without even so much as an "incorrect password" message, I'm booted right out for excessive failed login attempts. 

I notice that each time I check the "Remote Login" check box, which I believe starts the sshd daemon, that action generates four error messages in /var/log/system.log, all of which have this form: 

Jun 19 16:56:49 mymacname.local mDNSResponder[40]: mDNS_Register_internal: ERROR!! Tried to register AuthRecord [this part varies] that's already in the list 

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Software :: Removing The Remote Login Feature?

Oct 6, 2009

What is the best way to completely remove the remote login feature from the system?

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OS X :: Can I Use A PC To Remote To A Desktop Mac

Jun 7, 2010

We are looking at putting a new Mac desktop in upstairs, a little way from our electric piano which is downstairs. Now presuming we've got a long enough cable, could we link the piano to the Mac then control the Mac through a remote desktop connection using a Windows XP/7 PC.

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OS X :: How To Know About Mac Remote Desktop

Aug 14, 2010

I use VNC around my house to access computers remotely. While I can access my Windows machine from my Mac, I am having trouble accessing my Mac from Windows in a reliable fashion.

I am now using VineServer on the Mac and TightVNC on the PC, but after a while it will become unresponsive, and require frequent re-connects and refreshes.

Apple's Screen Sharing is amazing running from Mac to Mac, but I don't have an extra Mac for downstairs at the moment.

Is there a way to access OSX's built in screen sharing from a PC? Or a better server for Mac or client for PC that will give better connectivity?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Remote Screen Share Login With Own User Account Interrupts Other Users?

Mar 1, 2012

Apple writes in its OS X Lion screen sharing description that: "You can remotely log in to a Mac with any user account on that computer and control it, without interrupting someone else who might be using the computer under a different login." 

Unfortunately, this is not true in my case: When other users are using my 2011 iMac for webbrowsing or DVD watching and I log in on my own acount from my macbook pro, video will stop playing, the spinning wheel sometime appears. The system does not really crash, but wil respond very slowly and in fact is not useable until I as remote user stop my activities or log out. This is not how it should be, especially as the iMac's CPU, memory and network load are very low according to activity monitor's information. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Any Way To Use Ubuntu Via Remote Desktop?

Oct 13, 2010

Is there a way to use ubuntu from OSX via remote desktop? Sometimes I prefer use gnome instead of the shell for admin my home-server.

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Applications :: Remote Desktop For OS X? PC To Mac

Feb 17, 2009

What do you guys use? I'd like a simple web-based solution, if possible.

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Applications :: Remote Desktop Over 802.11n Possible?

May 19, 2009

I'm thinking about getting an MBA and using it as a primary computer. My HTPC is pretty powerful and so I was hoping that I would be able to control is via Remote Desktop to do any heavy lifting I need to do. Is it a problem to run remote desktop wirelessly?

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OS X :: Any Alternatives To Remote Desktop?

Sep 8, 2009

I have just convinced my parents to buy a Mac as I was sick of trying to help them with the bugs of windows. They are struggling a bit with the transition so often on the phone. I would like to be able to see their desktop but don't really want to pay 300 for remote desktop. Are there are any other ways?

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OS X :: Any Function In Mac For Doing Remote Desktop?

Oct 2, 2009

Is there any function in mac os to do remote desktop same as Win OS?

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OS X :: Any Software For Remote Desktop Between Mac And PC?

Mar 16, 2010

I want to see if there is a way or software that could allow me to remote control or remote desktop from a MAC to PC and vice versa?

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Applications :: Using Remote Desktop 2.0 On Mac Pro To Get Into XP Box?

May 3, 2010

Using Remote Desktop 2.0 on a Mac Pro to get into an XP box on my network. About every twentieth attempt it will blue screen the XP box. In order to get around it I must reboot the XP machine, which, is pointless because I am trying to remote into it and I am not in front of it.

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OS X :: Remote Desktop Software?

Jun 7, 2010

Looking for a good Windows/OS X remote desktop app (tried TeamViewer but didn't really like it). My PC (win 7) will be the server and I'll be logging onto it from my MBP.

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Software :: Using Apple Remote Desktop 4?

Mar 12, 2009

Any word on a newer version of Apple Remote Desktop? I'm really looking for a new version that fixes some of the outstanding bugs in version 3.2. I am also hoping that Apple has an easier way to share lists. This is a big PITA in my organization, and I have already submitted feedback to Apple for it.

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OS X :: Remote Desktop Connection Over WiFi

Dec 5, 2010

I'm trying to set up a RDC over WiFi. Both laptops are on the same WiFi network. I installed the latest RDC sw on my mac and I'm logged on as an admin on the other laptop which is running Windows XP. From My Computer > Properties > Remote > 'Allow remote assistance etc' is ticked. From the 'Advanced' tab I also ticked 'Allow this computer to be controlled remotely'. I temporarily switched off the Zone Alarm firewall on the Windows laptop. I launched RDC, I type in the IP of the Windows laptop (which is a generic 198.162.x.y) but nothing happens. I even tried to type in the laptop name but nothing happens either. The RDC cannot find the laptop. I checked that all the services starting with the word 'Remote' on the Windows based laptop have been 'Started'.

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Applications :: Remote Desktop Connection From One To Another Mac

Dec 14, 2010

Outside of VNC and LogMeIn, is there a way to remote into another Mac from a Mac? I've found a lot of results regarding remoting into a Mac from a Windows PC, but not from Mac to Mac.

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OS X :: How To Use / Open Remote Desktop File

Jan 9, 2009

I have an older MacBook with OS X which is used for school, the other day an administrator took over my computer through remote desktop so I immediately took my battery out later I went looking for this Remote Desktop program on my computer and found the following in /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement
In this folder I found what appeared to be a remote desktop file...
Icon: remote desktop icon
Name: ARDAgent
Kind: Application
Size: 2.9 MB
I tried opening this wondering if I could use it to gain access to friends laptops but when I double-clicked nothing occurred. I am wondering if this file can be used as a remote desktop file and how I could open it.

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MacBook :: Remote Desktop Connection To PC Possible?

Mar 30, 2009

Is it possible to remote a pc from a mac and if I can what applications can I use?!

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Applications :: Remote Desktop - Reasonable Use Of ARD?

Apr 9, 2009

I may shortly need to spend some time working on a family member's mac several miles from my home. I was considering using ARD as a means of doing light maintenance and application work from afar. I know this may be vast overkill, but is this a reasonable use of the program?

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Applications :: Remote Desktop To Mac From PC - Better Alternative?

May 13, 2009

What kind of software is available for the mac that would let me remote desktop to a mac from a PC? I currently use VNC to connect to a Linux box from windows but I'm not a big fan and was hoping for a better alternative on the mac.

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Windows On Mac :: Remote Desktop Into Parallels 4?

Aug 6, 2009

how to setup Parallels 4 on a mac running windows and then remote desktop directly into windows from another location e.g. work?

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Applications :: Using Other App Than Apple's Remote Desktop?

Oct 16, 2009

I was looking for an app other that Apple's remote desktop. I want one to be able to control and connect to a windows machine too.

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