I have a iTunes library in my external firewire 800 hard drive that I have been using on my 2010 Macbook Pro. The songs have never had any issues with lag. However today, the iTunes is playing but the songs lag, and stop sound altogether...yet the play button is on. It jerks back and forth with the sound, so basically I can't play my songs any more. I checked the monitor activity, and everytime the sound swithces off when songs are playing, the read activity spikes up and sometimes the write activity peaks too. Just now, I stopped the music, yet based on the ACtivity monitor the real memory ram on iTunes is a crazy 1 gigabyte, with CPU at 98% activity. I had previously zapped pram on restart thinking its a ram issue but its still having the persistant play/no sound lags. It comes back on after 20 seconds and then stops sound again. I have max upgrade to 8GB of ram on my macbook pro. I usually have iTunes, Firefox, Photoshop and illustrator opened and I still have sufficient ram. Now checking, with just itunes and firefox opened and no songs are playing, I only have 500mb ram left. I can't open Photoshop and Indesign now. Why is my system using so much ram for only 2 apps on which don't usually take up this much of my ram?
I've recently noticed that my iTunes is lagging. Here's my situation: I swapped out the stock HDD for a 500GB 5400RPM drive. I have about 98GB free on the drive. Whenever I open iTunes (my library is 235GB), it lags considerably more than it used to. Is this because the size of the library and the speed of the drive? Is there anything I could do to alleviate this problem? I have 2GB of RAM, should I upgrade to 4GB?
I gave the video content on the iTMS a shot tonight.
I bought the Lewis Black stand up show. Lewis is hysterical of course, and while the resolution is less than most pirated media I have seen, it was good enough for me for two dollars.
However, I have noticed that at times it just sorta lags/skips. It's like I ma streaming it on the web and it has to rebuffer or whatever.
I was just looking through some of my files and things when I noticed these weird looking icons replacing the normal pictures of a hard drive for my two partitions. What do these mean? Are they corrupted or something? They don't look like this on my desktop.
repeated disk access in my 2010 Mac Pro, even when it's otherwise idle. Activity Monitor shows no unusual processes, and I've disabled Spotlight indexing.
I just recently started to experience some very unusual behavior on an older PowerBook G4, and I was wondering if anyone has experienced this before, as I can't seem to find any documented info on this.Basically, out of the blue, the user began to experience issues waking from sleep, while using the laptop closed with external monitor, USB keyboard and mouse. Although a powercord was always connected, the machine seemed to be powering off.For a while, hitting the power button would boot things up again, properly, but not anymore. I have since disconnected all peripherials. Now, when pressing the power button, the machine will beep 3 times and then repeat itself every so often. The sleep led will blink three times, go solid, then repeat. Sometime the harddrive tries to spin, sometimetimes not
I hope it doesn't turn out that the user is the thing that is "unusual."Â Â
Background:Â Devices: MBP, iPad, iPhone, iMac
Mail accounts: Gmail, mobileme, Yahoo
MBP settings: uses "default ports", SSL, and user name and password - Advanced Tab: Port 993 and SSL
iPad/iPhone settings: SMTP server settings - grayed-out - with SSL checked and Port 465Â Â Â
As of last night, I found four messages that were stuck in my Sent box, with the spinning gear that would not stop. This only happens when using my Yahoo account, and it only happens when sent from my MPB. It is also only related to outbound messages. Â
Now for the part that has me perplexed. My password for Yahoo (web), is the same as the password on my MBP (Apple Mail). The passwords that I have on the iPhone and iPad, are the same for both, but they're different than the password for the previous two that I mentioned. When I changed the password on my MBP to match the one that's on my mobile devices, it came up with an error for an incorrect username or password.  Â
How can I have different passwords and still have mail working? What am I missing? Also - more to the point of my issue, can anyone offer some suggestions as to why the outbound side of Apple Mail, is not working for Yahoo?Â
My MacBook Pro has considerably slowed down. There are many popup windows prompting me to click offering solution to improve the speed . Is it safe to use them? What should I do to restore the speed?
In the last week I have been getting a persistent warning on my desktop: "Connection Failed. This file server is running on your machine. Please access the volumes and files locally." Sometimes there will be 5 or 6 of these warnings to be cleared from the desktop. All my drives are mounted correctly (2 internal 1 external USB drive) and there are no other file servers set up on my network. My machine is 400MHz PowerPC G4 700 MB SDRam running 10.4.11.
I've currently got a 2008 unibody 2:53 MBP and am seriously considering selling it to get the smaller 13 inch machine. Easier portability and tons better battery are the reasons for my considering the downgrade. Playing with the machines in my nearby Apple store, I'm getting the impression that the 13 inch machines are running much hotter than their 15 inch counterparts. Is this the case?
Also, how usable are apps like Final Cut Pro and Photoshop on the smaller 13 inch screen? 15 inches barely seems like enough for these kinds of programs.
I purchased my laptop near the end of last year and and over the past couple of days it appears to be considerably slower sometimes than what it usually is. I don't know if i have a virus and have CLAM XAV anti virus to scan. I have 3 users but my memory is nowhere near full so....
So my Mac Pro has been incredibly slow as of late. It's an older model, but it's been holding strong for a while. For some reason though, it seems the hard drives inside of it had been spinning wildly and at random times.
It took me five minutes to shut down Safari, TextWrangler, Final Cut Studio 3 and iChat. Ridiculous.
I had remembered that when I put in Boot Camp, I had pulled out my additional HDs, so I figured, why not, lets try that.
I removed the three additional drives. (Drive 2 was my WinXP bootcamp, Drives 3 and 4 are both media/backup drives)
Low and behold, once I booted up with just the primary my Mac Pro is screaming again. (The good way this time.) Everything loads faster. It's like night and day with and without the drives in.
Anyone have any clue as to why this would be? All my captured stuff is on my 3rd and 4th drives, so I need them in there, but the click-beachball-click-beachball has got to stop.
I copied a lot of information to my friend's mid-2010 MBP, about 80GB of data. Used iChat - transfer took about three hours but it got there.Before the transfer her laptop was very quick - didn't have much installed, plenty of free space. After the transfer, the laptop still have a lot of free space (>100GB) but is very slow. Before the laptop would take maybe 1 minute to boot up.. now it's over three. She experiences bouncing beach balls when loading applications.
I'm running an 8,1 MacBook Pro and just upgraded to 10.7.4. While idle, my CPU temperature now stands at around 180 degrees Fahrenheit and my fan runs at 4000+ rpm.
After upgrading to Lion my Imac is considerably slow to the point where some apps are not usable. Several seconds of latency for some commands where I did not notice anything before
Info: iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Upgrade from Apps store
I have a 2008 mac pro 8core 2.8 ghz 4 gigs of ram. Sometimes when I scroll in safari (including on this website) it lags visibly. Why is it lagging? Also sometimes it comes to a crawl when I have to select a file to upload to the internet.
All i have ilife 09, i am trying to use iDVD but the thing is so laggy on my mac. All the updates have been done for the software - i don't have any other apps open whilst this is running with the exception of itunes. Every time i go to click on something it wants to sit there with the spinning wheel for 5 seconds before it does anything. The system was erased yesterday due to other problems that were unrelated to this. I have confirmed my Hard disk is OK same with ram. Disk permissions have been verified as OK. Anyone else experiencing this problem? i don't know if this is a 09 problem i never used idvd 08
I just got my 13 inch MBP a few hours ago. It's lovely and brand new... but the internet is lagging. It's not my connection - no problems with the other computers in the house.Basically, about one in five links takes 30 seconds to a minute to load. And hulu plays for 30 seconds, then buffers (rinse and repeat). It took an hour and a half to watch a 30 minute show. I've tried firefox, safari, and chrome - it does the same thing in all the browsers.Suggestions? I've obviously restarted and tweaked whatever I can think of.
Flash is lagging on safari, even when all the latest updates are installed.It is happening on Youtube, and any other flash run website. Running the same homepages on firefox or google chrome there are no problems. Im considering to switch if this problem won't dissapear. Does anyone know solution to this? Or have the same problem?
Just bought a brand new unibody 15' MBP and after a 2 days it started heating and lagging as soon as i did basic tasks such as listening to music or watching videos on youtube.
I dont know what type of media it is playing from Safari and I'm guessing its .MOV but after certain videos are played on the mac pro under safari and even closing the safari tab with the video and trying to view movie clips from say [URL], all of a sudden the video lags and skips frames and just slow. Only when I quit safari all together and reopen safari and watch the same videos in [URL] will it be fast again... Is there some type of codec glitch or bug that causes this with .mov files??
I've only been using my new aluminium macbook for over 1 month, and it is starting to lag. I noticed that i was running 1 powerpoint document, 2 word doc, adium, firefox and vlc player which was not running, but it was lagging so much that i couldn't scroll my word doc. The rainbow circle kept appearing. I felt the body and it was quite hot. Could it be due to overheating? Does a keyboard protector contribute to the overheating of the macbook?
For some reason, my menu bar is lagging this morning. I even tried restarting. All I have running are last.fm, Camouflage, LittleSnapper, InsomniaX, and Caffeine. Everything usually runs fine, but right now when I click on them to change the preference, it takes a few seconds for the drop down menu to come up.
The day I bought my Macbook Pro 13" 2.53GHz I replaced the HDD to Seagate Momentus 7200.4 500GB, but since then I face lagging while watching videos or even doing anything, I hear the HDD clicking and lagging for a second (I guess its compatibility issue with the HDD!! or Maybe Mac OSX is buggy?). I am planning to replace it with a better one.
Since installing Safari 5, I encounter the spinning beach ball when I try to scroll down a webpage or scroll between tabs. It appears that I cannot scroll/switch until the webpage is fully loaded.
This is extremely annoying because when my gestures are finally registered, Safari goes wacko trying to catch up with the previous gestures/commands. For example, if I use a swipe gesture to navigate between tabs, when Safari becomes responsive again, it will register all previous swipes and rotate between tabs until it 'catches up'. I hope that makes sense.
When I use Firefox, there is a slight lag, but I'm still able to scroll with only slight choppiness. By contrast, Safari 5 literally freezes for about 5 seconds. As a benchmark, I tried using both browsers while loading [URL]. Firefox worked fine, Safari 5 was crippled.
I have a MacBook Pro 13" with mac OS X mountain lion. Now It has got heavy lagging when i work in battery. But it runs smoothly when connected to the charger .
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
Not sure why, but during the last couple of days flash games have been lagging on my 13" MBP to the extreme. My MBP has 4GB of RAM and was built in late 2009. It has only been doing this for the last couple of days. Before that flash games were fine, no lag at all. But recently they lag even when I've just started playing. Right from square one.
I purchased my first Mac back in september and I must say that I have absolutely loved it. However lately it seem like the dashboard application is really lagging. I hardly ever used dashboard, I am just concerned that this is a sign of worse things to come. Should it be doing this already or should I be concerned? It is a Alu Macbook 2.0.