ITunes For Mac :: 11.4 Not Showing In App Store Updates
Sep 10, 2014
iTunes says I have an update, but when I hit Download it opens the App Store, which checks for updates then says I have none. Also the version on the iTunes website is still 11.3.1.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 16GB 256SSD
When I check for software updates only itunes and random other updates show up but not security updates or safari update. When i check installed updates I realized my last security update was 2011-004 and I still have safari 5.0.6.
Unable to see the search results in the iTunes App Store.
I'm using iTunes v10.6.3. Whenever I type in my search criteria, all I get is a black box underneath my search bar (see photograph, top right). Using my cursor, all I get when going down inside the black box area is horizontal white bars with no text.
I went to run some updates and found a copy of Angry Birds, bought with an ID attached to a Russian email address. I didn't recognise it, so it looks pretty dodgy.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I seem to have this insistent reminder that i need to update my Angry Bords app (which i previously didnt purchase). When i clickthe update button however, the following windows pops up.what to do to prevent it from coming up again.
I know what it is, so I know simply deleting it won't help. I don't understand why it's suddenly showing up on the desktop though! More of a nuisance than anything.
I'm running Lion Server 10.7.3. I have a number of 10.7.1 clients on my network that are directed to get their updates from the server. When I run software update from the clients, I get the response that no updates are available.
I was double checking software updates to see if the Java patch for the flashback virus and noticed it's not showing any Java updates. I tried several times and it just says that my software is up to date. Further, the security update history of my Mac was compared to Apple's update history and noticed that there have never been Java updates installed?
When I try to update the apps for my macbook air all that happens is that I am asked for my password, I type it in click on update all (I have also tried clicking on individual updates), and then that circle thing appears to go round and round endlessly. Nothing gets updated. I looked to see if I could update through itunes and there are no apps or updates for my macbook there. I have also clicked on the apple logo in the top left of the screen for updates and all my soft ware is up to date. What I should do to get the 5 updates done?
I'm running final cut pro X version 10.0 and I would like to update to 10.0.4 but the app store shows "all apps are up to date" Anyone encounter this before? When I run FCPX and go to about it clearly shows I'm runing 10.0. I've checked for software updates and that has not found the update either. This link says I can download it from the app store. When i launch the app store it says "Install" and when i click that it says, i've already purchased final cut 10 and cannot instal it? I just want the update?
I have several apps that I need updating. Unfortunately when I try to update them, I get the spinng wheel (Mac Appt Store menu bar) spinning forever! I tried changing my Apple password, tried the Certificate Revocation List to off, I deleted the apps and tried downloading them again and I still get the gray spinning wheel
I have problem on updating some apps in "appstore". It doesn't work when I click " Updates ". It keep asking me at the below : -Â "To update this application, sign in to the account you used to purchase it."Â In fact, I have 2 apple ID. 1 for my iPhone 4S & 1 for my MacPro book. I tried to use both of the Apple ID, it doesn't work?
I recently updated my Apple ID but when I attempt to update my apps on the iPad, the app store keeps asking for the password for an older ID.The former IDwas used when I purchased most of the apps but that shouldn't matter, should it?How can I remedy this? PS I did enter the new ID and password into the iPad.
I cannot download apps or updates on the Mac App store. Whenever I try to download apps or updates the page seems to be loading something but nothing really happens. I cannot even log out from my apple account on the app store.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Recently, I tried updating an app on my Macbook Air, specifically Red Crucible 2. I clicked update, it started downloading, reached 10 MB, then started downloading from the beginning again, and it kept looping. I have 23 GB free, so I'm sure it's not an issue with free space. I tried downloading other updates and the same thing happens again, it reaches 10 MB then starts downloading again!
Under previous OSs (Snow Leopard and earlier that I am familiar with) the Software Update pane let you choose a preferred update and there was a menu item to ignore it, so it wouldn't appear again. I don't see anything similar in the new App Store update system under Mavericks. I am using an older printer driver - OEM, not the generic Apple ones - and definitely don't want to lose it to an update of those infamous generic and mostly useless Apple printer drivers, but I am afraid I might get distracted and update it inadvertently or with others.
Info: MAC MINI SERVER (LATE 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), 16Gb RAM
Having heard the problems with 10.1.3, and tho it's too late, it's not too late for the next updates: How do I uncheck automatic updates from App Store?Â
Does anybody knows why I can't download software updates neither apps in the app Store, It appears to be a Network error, does it have anything to do with TCP or UDP Ports?
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Software Update and App Store
Purchased a Macbook Air, one generation back from current, for a new employee. That person has now left the company, and I have re-issued the machine to a new hire. Â
While the original employee's user account was deleted, and a new user account created for the person the machine was re-issued to, some updates (i.e.: iPhoto, iMovie) still require the original user's login credentials for the app store.Â
How can I fully transfer this machine to the current user, and make their account the one that the app store requires for these updates ?Â
I am sure this has been brought up before but I couldn't find it in searches. Why does apple require a credit card with all the info, including my birth date, for FREE UPDATES?I find it very inconvenient when I am asked for payment info for something free. I would hate to click the wrong button and find a $xxx charge that I didn't want.