I can't play any of the music I've downloaded. My computer wants an autorization (Which I do), says my computer is already authorized, and still won't let me play these songs. All of the CD's I've uploaded have had no problem.
Mac OS X (10.6.8), 320GB Ministack, iPhone3g, 3rd gen Shuffle
...now I don't have the same functionality with iTunes. Basically, I can't use iTunes at all anymore as the interface for my music and videos. Once the external drive is mounted, I can navigate through it and play individual songs, but I can't use iTunes to do that. All my previous Playlists show up down the left side of iTunes, but there isn't any music in them.
I downloaded 2 songs yesterday, made a Playlist out of them, and because the path in the Advanced tab of the iTunes Preferences is correct, it automatically added the songs to the external hard drive. I synced my iPod and it was completely erased except for the 2 new songs. Is there a way to use iTunes to navigate my music like I used to when I stored the information on the internal hard drive but keep the information on the external drive? I have a Mac running Snow Leopard and the latest version of iTunes.
I downloaded a movie from the iTunes Store to my MacBook Pro (all latest software) and iTunes says it can't play the movie. Specific error says "This movie requires Quicktime which is not supported by this version of iTunes." I'm running iTunes 10.6.1 and MacOS 10.7.3.
I bought a song on itunes and my daughter closed my macbookpro when I was downloading it. I opened my macbook and double clicked on the song and it wouldn't play. I realized it was gray.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Downloaded an album from iTunes, and it plays all songs except one. Error message says that I need to authorize the computer. It is already authorized, but even when I re-key the user name and password I refuses to play that one song.
I have some old music that I bought under an old iTunes account and it asks me for my password to play the music. That account is no longer active, how do I list the music under my new account so I can play it?
I"m using the same computer and the same user account I always use to purchase from itunes. It keeps asking me to authorize over and over, and tells me it is already authorized over and over. And still won't play or go onto my ipod.
I bought the film, "Woodstock," a couple of years ago thru iTunes. I see the film listed in iTunes and I see the actual file on my computer, but I cannot get it to play. It has played in the past. I was going to re-download thru iCloud, but it says it's already downloaded, which it is. I have also tried logging into iTunes using my other IDs but still it won't play. I also tried to open it in QuickTime, but I got this error message - <The document “Woodstock_ 3 Days of Peace and Music (Director's Cut).m4v” could not be opened. This content is not authorized.>
I have downloaded music from solarseek, the files are "completly downloaded" never the less the files stay in the folder "uncomplete", the info details says "itunes Document" for each file, example of a files name , "02 brothers on the slide.mp3 - Hagafarta.solarseek".
I want them to play or to open, but they dont work on itunes, i downloaded manny files (songs) from different users on solarseek, so its not a problem of corrupted files.
Downloaded an E.P. and all of the songs play fine except one which skips itself. The play count goes up and if I click later in the song it will play, but it doesn't play automatically, how do i fix this?
I downloaded a song and it will not play. It keeps saying I need to authorize on the computer. I do it and it won't play it and says the same thing. What do I do? Oh and I purchased it on my laptop and it won't play on my laptop or Ipod.
I cannot play downloaded TV shoes from iTunes. I get this message: "This movie can be played only on displays that support HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection)". I have an iMac 20 inch, early 2008 iMac8,1.
What measures can I take to either get HDCP on my display, or can I modify download specs from iTunes?
I just purchased an album from iTunes. All songs play except 1. When I attempt to play the fourth song, I'm presented a dialog box telling me that I'm not authorized to play the song on the same computer I used to download it. When I enter my Mac ID and Password to authorize the song, I receive another dialog telling me that the song is already authorized to play on this computer. I attempt to play the song, and once again informed that I'm not authorized to play the song, going on to state that I've only authorized two out of the five allowed.
I've gone into my Mac account, and only three devices are authorized (Mac, iPhone, iPad). I went ahead an removed authorization on this Mac, then re-added my authorization. Still, the same song out of 20 will not play due to authorization.
I recently bought a song via my iPad and it shows up in my library. But it won't play. It acts like it's downloading (moving bars) but it never finishes. What's wrong and what should I do?
I recently downloaded an album and two of the songs on it play until about half way through and then cut out! What is happening and how do I get them back?
I have downloaded a song and when I go to play it...it bounces off of the song and will not play. I have iTunes 10.6.1......Apple charged me for the song already. I went to Support but could not find a solution specific to my issue. I have downloaded over 2500 songs and this has not happened before. This song was one of nine other songs I downloaded that evening...all others came through successfully.
I had downloaded some music from the net and placed it under my home folder, music, iTunes, iTunes Music, Music. Under iTunes Music is all of my music, including the new music I filed there. But when I open the iTunes Program, the new music is not in my iTunes Library there. how I can get my new purchase visible in my iTunes Library in my iTunes Program? All of the other music in the file is visible.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.93 Core2Duo, 8GB RAM, 320GB 7200
Recently downlaoded music from iTunes. It shows up on main user library, but not on second user music library which is also in shared folder. As a result, second user can not add newly downloaded music to a playlist and then sync to iphone/pod. It does not show up in what is supposed to be the shared music library.
I'm have iTunes 10.6.1 and have just downloaded two HD movies from iTunes. They downloaded fine but when I went to play movies I get the following message "This movie requires QuickTime, which is not supported by this version of iTunes"! I can play the movie via QuickTime but not via iTunes. I am also unable to sync the movie to my iPad as it states during the sync that "this movie will not play on your iPad".
I have purchased itunes tv series, movies and music and have transferred them onto an external hard drive and tried to play them on my tv on a media hub. The file will not load. Is there some form of blocking by itunes or another p[roblem and how do I fix it?
Whenever I wanna play music on my iTunes, it stays at 0:00 ..... I've tried everything so far. I can't even go on youtube and hear the music. Yes, my volumes up, everything is plugged in, I went to system preferences and checked the sound, everythings fine. I re-installed iTunes, nothing happened... I can still buy songs and it goes on my iPod... The I have is an iMac G5 (tiger) and yes, I updated iTunes and the rest of my updates.