ITunes :: Movie Bought On 1 Mac Not Able To Download On Other Mac?
Feb 5, 2012
Purchased a downhill mtb film - From the Inside Out on my Mac mini on Friday night.Â
Started up my macbook pro tonight to download it to that [same account], but it is not showing as available to download?? If i go to view my account and into purchases, it shows up [along with 2 free apps purchased on my ipad].Â
How do i get it?? Don't want to risk going through the store again and getting charged £9.99 twice.Â
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I am a new ipad user and might be missing something but bought a movied on Itunes last night, and it wont dowload it shows "waiting" when i check the status and it has been more than 12 hours now.
same strange tbing happened to a movie i rented., it downloaded fine but it does not seem to work and is stuck at "processing" stage when I try to access it from ITUNES.
I bought the album 《The Black Parade Is Dead!》(Audio/Video Deluxe Version) just now, but I have problem downloading the audio Disenchanted (Live in Mexico) and The Sharpest Lives(Live in Mexico).
The iTunes download it over and over again but can't complete it. The other audios and videos can be downloaded properly.
I've changed a computer, but it ended the same. It seems to be an error with the iTunes store that the data is corrupted.
I paid for and downloaded "Grey" to my Macbook Air to view on a flight. Got up to altitude and no movie. Where did it download to on my Macbook. It did not go to "Movies" in Finder. able to watch the movie on my flight home.Â
I want to download Something good like a movie transformers any part and i got a website they provide dvd's for movies i wanted to download the third part of the movies and i have an account there too. URL....
I wanna buy a movie in iTunes Store. But when i clicked it, it said "must connect to Wi-Fi or have to download it on your computer" But the Wi-Fi connect is excellent. I shut the iTunes and reopen it, still doesn't work.Â
I have a Mid-2011, 21.5" iMac running Yosemite v10.10.1. I upgraded from 4 to 8 GB of RAM about a year ago, but I don't think that's an issue with this problem.Â
I can no longer download movie or tv show purchases from the iTunes Store to iTunes v12.0.1 on my iMac. The download starts and lists in the Downloads pane in iTunes. However, once the download has completed and the Download progress bar message changes to "Processing..." iTunes crashes. When I start iTunes back up again, the downloaded movie is not present in my iTunes Movie library. However, if I navigate to the iTunesMovies folder, I can see a folder for the movie and a file instance of the movie (in m4v format) for every attempted download. Something seems to be going wrong with iTunes ability to add the link to the movie file into my iTunes library.Â
I tried adding the movie folder and file manually to iTunes using the iTunes->File->Add to Library... menu option, but iTunes instantly crashes the moment I click the "Open" button in the Add to Library... dialog window.Â
I have several movie purchases and gifts that I'd like to add to my local iTunes library, but this error is blocking me from doing that.
Some weird things about my iTunes library on my iMac:
My iMac does not have a large enough built-in harddrive (only 500 GB) to store my iTunes library. In a prior version of iTunes, I located the library on an external 3 TB USB-3.0 harddrive. I'm wondering if there's a bug in iTunes 12.0.1 that occurs when adding content to the iTunes library when that content is located on an external harddrive, i.e. in a folder other than User{my username}MusiciTunes Media. Perhaps I need to change the iTunes folder structure on the external harddrive to mirror the new folder structure in my User{my username}Music folder. I'm a little leery about doing this as I do not want to break all the links in my iTunes library to existing songs, movies, etc.Â
I don't understand why it takes so long, is this unusual? I have a great connection with my DSL, and I am only downloading one item. There is nothing special about this movie, it is 1 1/2 hr long.
I rented a movie, some 3 hours ago. It said that my start up disk is full and therefore it couldn't download. I deleted many of my pictures, movies I had made, music I had bought and so on and so forth. And yet to my great disappointment, I still cannot download that movie.
I bought an app called english prepositions, I already received the invoice but I can´t download or install it. Where Can I ask for a refund of my money?I bought other apps and no problem. What can I do?
I recently bought a 2nd hand Macbook Air and it already had Lion installed. It didn't come with the Lion USB so I can't do a reinstall if I wanted. Now when I sign in to the App Store and try to download iPhoto or Garageband, I can't. It says something about my profile not being allowed to download it as the download is attached to another account, presumably the previous owner.So how am I able to download iPhoto? I don't mind paying for it, but it still won't let me as the only option I get is "Download".Â
I am trying to download music I bought on my iPhone through the cloud and it says my computer is not authorized. You must authorize this computer before you can download previous purchases. How do I authorize my computer?
can anyone tell me what i may be doing wrong? i am trying to create a movie using video clips from my camera. when i download my movies to iphoto, they work great. when i drag them to imovie, they play but i do not get any sound. the 3 little check marks are there but still no sound!
I quit iTunes and my rental movie disappeared after watching half of the movie. The rental sidebar disappeared as well. What do I do to retrieve my movie?