ITunes :: Accidentally Imported TV Shows As U?

Jun 6, 2012

I recently imported some TV shows to iTunes and under options I incorrectly listed them as iTunes U. I would like to correct this but they are not showing up under the iTunes U category however they do appear there on my AppleTV. So how do I view them to go in change the option to TV shows?

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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ITunes :: Imported CD Not Showing Up In It?

Apr 13, 2012

I have tried importing this CD as Apple Loss-less, .mp3, etc and it doesn't ever show up in iTunes. I found the music with the finder but when I drag it to iTunes, no go. I right click and say open with iTunes, nope. I go through iTunes and use Add to Library, it still isn't showing up. No error message is displayed, it just simply doesn't add it to the library.

iMac, iOS 5.1

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ITunes :: Can't See Imported Music

May 6, 2012

When I import CD's they do not appear in any file on iTunes. This is ever since I purchased iTunes Match. I'm guessing I need to alter the location or settings, but having tried several different options, I can't see any of my recently imported discs.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Songs Imported From CD Do Not Appear In Library (v 10.0.1)

Oct 24, 2010

When I import songs from a CD, the songs are not appearing under Music in iTunes.

The track info is properly displayed for the mounted CD itself and the songs are correctly imported (green checkboxes appear, the MP3 files are placed in the correct folder under "Music/iTunes/iTunes Music", and the MP3 files are playable in Quicktime).

iTunes 10.0.1
Import settings: MP3 encoder, high quality (160kbps), use error correction
Mac OS X 10.6.4
MacBook Pro

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ITunes :: Getting Artwork Of Imported CDs In Library?

Feb 17, 2012

I successfully imported a few hundred classical CDs in the iTunes library of my brand new Mac Mini. In spite of having attempted everything mentioned in the help files, I was unable to get any artwork to match.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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ITunes :: Imported Movies Not Showing Up In It?

Mar 12, 2012

Imported movies are suddenly not showing up in iTunes. When I import they copy over and create a corresponding folder in finder, but they are not displaying in the iTunes library. This has just started happening today.  The movies show up and will play on Apple TV2 and on the Mac using QuickTime, but not in iTunes. We use iTunes to sort movies. 

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ITunes :: Convert Imported Wma Files To Mp3?

Apr 8, 2012

How do I convert wma files on an external HD to mp3 with iTunes? Just select the wma files and use the Advanced menu  "creat MP3 version" ??

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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ITunes :: Imported CD Not Shown In Library?

May 9, 2012

Today I've imported some CD's in iTunes. The importing process worked fine, but.... I cannot see the tracks in my music library! I have a smart playlist where I can see the most recent imported music and when I browse that playlist I see the tracks that are not shown in the music library! When i get info on one of these tracks all the details are correct (it's saved in my "iTunes library" folder etc.)  

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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ITunes For Mac :: Cannot Add Imported CD To IPhone 5c Via Syncing

Dec 2, 2014

i imported a cd to itunes and tried adding it to my iphone and sync but it wont add it.

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ITunes :: Order Of Imported Songs Out Of Control?

Oct 23, 2010

MacBook,2,1 with iTune 9:

When I import a CD , the songs get scattered all over the Library. It did not used to be the case. Now if I want to make another copy of the disc, I need to make a new folder then drag all the songs from all over the place in ones and twos from the Library.

Why is this order of songs disturbed?

Is there a way to order the Library so that a CD remains in one place ?

I made copy of a CD but the last one turned up to be the first one! One CD, which I thought had been written was not written at all

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Applications :: ITunes Not Playing Music Imported From CD

Jan 21, 2009

I imported several cd's and tracks into iTunes last night and there were no problems while importing. I was able to listen to my music in the iTunes library up until this evening. When I click on a song, a box pops up saying "Connection Failed: The server may not exist or it is not operational at this time. Check the server name of IP addres and your network connections and try again." So I press "OK" and another box pops up saying "The song "(name)-(artist)" could not be used because the original file could not be found.

Would you like to locate it?" I click on "Yes" and see all my songs listed under iTunes/music but all of the songs I have listed in the library are gray and I cannot click on them. I have checked that I am connected to my home network/internet because I am able to share/listen to my iTunes library located on my Windows desktop as well as browse the internet. The only other thing I could think of doing was downloading the new iTunes 8 which I did, and nothing has changed.

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ITunes :: How Does It Sort Imported Movie Files

Feb 3, 2012

When I import an mp4 or similar file format into iTunes, it gets automatically sorted into either Movies, TV Shows or Podcasts folder in my library.What's the criteria for this? and how can I change it from one to the other folder?Most of the times even search won't find the title I'm looking for. Drives me bonkers ...

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ITunes :: When Import CDs, The Tracks Are Imported Backwards

Jun 11, 2012

When I import CDs into iTunes, the tracks are imported backwards - Track 5, Track 4, Track 3, etc. Tech support thought it was how I was sorting in iTunes, but I changed the sort order and the CD was still imported backwards. I've had the same thing happen with MP3s I've bought online.  

iTunes, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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ITunes For Mac :: First Track Almost Inaudible When Imported Specific CD

Jul 1, 2014

When I import a specific CD the first track sounds terrible when played In iTunes, cracklings and almost inaudible. All succeeding tracks are fine. When I play the CD on a stereo system, the first track is fine, so it is nor a problem with the disc.  

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ITunes For Mac :: Imported Old Library To New System And Have Two Icons

Jul 1, 2014

have a new Mac and imported the iTuns library by replacing the iTunes library icon on my new Mac in Music and i now have the imported iTunes master library and an empty iTunes icon. I delete it but it comes back. Is there a way that it should be imported differently? Want to get rid of the duplicate icon but comes back.

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Software :: Garageband Imported Song From ITunes And Cut Out Singing

Nov 30, 2007

I imported a song from iTunes and I want to cut out the singing and just have the song be instrumental. Is there any way I can do this on Garageband?

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Applications :: Itunes Thinks Imported Music Is In Another Location?

Sep 12, 2010

a friend of mine has some problems with his iTunes library. The situation is as follows: he has a large collection of music, the library is stored on an external drive which is always connected to the 12 inch Powerbook when starting up iTunes.

Lately, songs that are imported from CD's are listed correctly in the library but they won't play. When checking the info it says the location of the song is in a folder under applications on the internal harddrive, for example iWeb:Contents:Resources:no.Iproj:Templates :White Blog.webtemplate
and it links to a strange file like a .png or something like that.

When searching for the song in spotlight it turns out that the song is stored in the correct folder in the iTunes media folder on the external drive.

Is this strange or what! I hope somebody has an idea what could be the problem.

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ITunes :: Copy Music Which Imported From Macbook To Ipad?

May 19, 2012

I have one, perhaps two or more problems here.  I need more info to even know, but I have a few hundred songs  imported from my CD collection into my macbook pro itunes application.   

I now also have an ipad-1 which I inherited from my wife.  It makes me wait 90 days to sync from the cloud my "purchased" music, but, putting that aside, what about my songs I purchased outside of itunes and imported into itunes?  I don't seem to be able to copy and paste them into my ipad when it is connected to my macbook. 

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ITunes :: Imported Music Not Showing In Its Media Folder

Jun 22, 2012

Generally you have itunes/itunes media/music and all your stuff is in there but on this iMac with lion, there is not a 'music' folder in itunes media. i cannot find my music anywhere.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes For Mac :: Imported CD / Songs Are Medley - How To Link Individual Tracks Together

Jun 4, 2014

I have imported a cd into iTunes.  A couple of the songs are medleys and the cd divided them into individual tracks.  Is there a way to link songs together so they always play together in order of the medley?

iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1.1

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ITunes For Mac :: Can't Locate Songs Imported Through Final Vinyl - No Longer Compatible

Jun 29, 2014

I am importing for the first time with this Mac and this version of iTunes. The songs are in a Music folder as .aiff files, just as they always were. I select them to import, but I don't think anything is happening. I have searched for them by song title several different ways; they don't seem to be there.  

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ITunes :: New Library Created New Music Subfolder And Imported Files Will Not Go Into New Designated Location?

Apr 13, 2012

I'm using iTunes 10.6 and Lion. i have a two problems. i recently moved my iTunes library to my portable hard drive. i have changed the new location under Preference/Advanced to "/portable drive/MUSIC". I have checked 'Keep iTunes Media folder organized" and unchecked 'Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library. 1) After moving my music and and consolidating, some of my music are in the right  folder, which is in "/portable drive/MUSIC" folder, but a majority of the music are created into a NEW SUBFOLDER music folder. e.g.: /portable drive/MUSIC/music/  ?? Why is that happen and how can I move tell iTunes to just put it in the main and 1st MUSIC folder. Do you know why it creates a subfolder name music? 2) When importing new music, it doesn't automatically go into the designated folder but instead retains in the original folder that was imported from? e.g.: i import music from mac hard drive  into iTunes and when I click on Get Info on the track, the location is still at /my mac hard drive/duran duran instead of /portable drive/MUSIC/.   How do I get it to organized the music into /portable drive/MUSIC/

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Accidentally Cleared A Playlist On IPhone 4s?

Feb 25, 2012

I accidentally cleared a playlist on my iPhone 4s.  When I synced with my iMac, it actually cleared my playlist in iTunes as well.  I thought syncing was always from the mac to the iPhone, not the other way around.Do I have a setting on that I shouldn't?

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ITunes :: Recover Accidentally Erased Movie?

May 26, 2012

Ironically I erased my kids' favorite iTunes movie (Cars 2) while in the process of trying to back it up off of our Apple TV and laptop onto an external drive. Is there any way to recover it without having to purchase it again? Is it on the iCloud? Does Apple keep a record of our purchases and will the restore the file?

Apple TV, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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ITunes :: Accidentally Deleted An Apple Generated Genius Mix

Apr 6, 2012

I accidentally deleted an Apple generated Genius mix. Is there any way to get it back ? To be clear,this is not a list I created by clicking on the genius icon.

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ITunes :: Accidentally Deleted (trash Emptied) Library?

Apr 11, 2012

Followed instructions to the letter, had media folder in the trash, opened and closed iTunes without any warning windows, emptied trash, re-opened iTunes and it says it can't find any of my files. The "media" folder on my external HD is empty.

iMac 2.0Ghz/20", Mac OS X (10.5.7), iPhone 3G-S PowerBook G4 17" SD

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Populate Newly Installed ITunes And IPhoto With The Imported Data Stored Under The 'old' Username?

Jun 9, 2012

My MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8) was going slow. I decided to reinstall OSX. All my data was backed up to my compatible external HD. I then erased my MacBook HD, and reinstalled OSX off the install disc and bundled applications disc.  I went through the steps to set up the administrator account, and did all the other things in the instal process.  I then did all necessary software updates. When all that was complete, I connected my external HS and opened migration assistant, and imported all the data from the latest backup.  I now find that all my backed up data from before is under a different user account - named as in the old OSX set up. How do I populate my newly installed iTunes and iPhoto with the imported data stored under the 'old' username? Shouldn't this have happened automatically?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.66GHz Intel Core i7

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ITunes :: Have Accidentally Moved Whole Music Library To Trash - Moving All Back To It?

May 20, 2012

I have accidentally moved my whole music library to trash is there a way of moving it all back to iTunes, so far i seem to have to individually pull out each track from trash?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ICloud :: Accidentally Backed Up New IPhone 4 With ITunes And Deleted All Current Data?

May 27, 2012

This process deleted all my current text history, call history, photos, music, ringtones and apps! It replaced all of that data with my old iphone 3G data (data being music, texts, call history, photos, music.) It's like my phone went back in time.. This all happened when I backed my phone up last night. I guess I accidentally backed my phone up to my old stuff. I don't know if I have my iPhone 4 info backed up somewhere..

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ITunes :: Deleting Tv Shows

Mar 3, 2010

My Itunes tv shows have been deleted. recycle bin has been emptied. Is there anyway to get my shows back without paying again?

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