My magic mouse and keyboard both were not working. I pulled the battery cover over the mouse and saw that the Apple supplied batteries made quite a nice mess inside it. Did the same to the keyboard and there is a nice mess in there too. In both devices one of the batteries exploded. I was able to clean the keyboard a little bit and it will turn on, but the mouse will not. I got both of them with my 27" iMac I got a few months ago. Has this happened to anyone else, and does anyone know if Apple will replace the mouse for something like this?
I am trying to find out if it is safe for my apple keyboard and magic mouse if i user rechargeable batteries. I am having issues find a straight up yes or no.
Does anyone know. Just a quick answer would be awesome..
I have a wireless keyboard that came with my iMac in late 2007, and a magic mouse I just bought last year. The last few months I can't keep them charged. I bought new batteries, didn't help. I realized I have had the same charger for a number of years, so I bought a new one, didn't help. I bought brand new non-re-chargeable batteries, I put them in and they work at least but I immediately get the warning that they are critically low.
My Apple wireless keyboard started wailing through batteries about a month ago. Around the time I upgraded to 10.6.2 or added the magic mouse... not sure which.
Batteries used to last months. Now, a week - max. I'm talking about the small Bluetooth Apple wireless keyboard with no right-hand numeric keypad.
It has been this way as long as I've had the Magic Mouse - if I change the batteries, it won't re-connect. I must plug in a USB mouse and manually connect the Magic Mouse. This is on a relatively recent 24" iMac. Am I doing something wrong?
PS: I think at some point in the past I made the mouse a Favorite in trying to fix this.
Well I finally found the best batteries for this hungry mouse. Its Energizer Ultimate Lithium Digital. After 10 days of quite a lot of computer use, they are still showing 100%! The normal batteries show around 70% or less after 10 days. [URL]
got an alert that the batteries were low on the wireless mouse on my 3 month old Imac. First notice, but I changed them immediately. Now, the bluetooth setup assistant is searching for it but can't find the mouse. it is on, batteries are new. just plugged in a usb mouse to get on the forum
My batteries only last 3 to 4 weeks. Is this normal and if so can I use rechargeable batteries. Apple Support had me reset PRAM and NVRAM. Was this a legitimate solution?
I recently changed the batteries on my wireless Apple Keyboard. When I turned the Mac back on the keyboard wouldn't connect. Confused, I went in to system preferences where I got this message. I've searched for the problem in Apple Support on their website but to no avail. I have Applecare. Is this something I need to take up with them? Should I take my Mac to a genius bar?
I own a i7 iMac and a XPS desktop and i am wondering is there a way i could use 1 mouse and 1 keyboard? I have heard of a KVM switch i think its called? not sure if this is what i need? or if i could go another route?
My battery for my 12" Powerbook G4 is munted and i need a new one. There are a few around for about $90AUD from 3rd party re-sellers which is less than half the $200AUD apple want for a genuine battery.
So i'm just wondering, has anyone got any recommendations about 3rd party batteries? i know it will probably vary a bit depending on where they're from, but i spose i'm just wondering if its worth the extra $100?
My keyboard and mouse is not responding my 3.06 ghz 24" iMac. A day prior I ran the leopard dfu fix script and it worked fine. I was able to jailbreak my iPhone and everything was okay. Earlier today I used the comuter and it was okay. Othing seemed wrong. I turned it off and just now I tried to turn it on and the keyboard and mouse is not responding. Does anybody have a solution?
I just got my new $599 Mac Mini hooked up tonight. Wow. This thing is fast considering I still have only the 1GB of memory in it. For regular stuff, it feels as fast as my 2.4 GHZ iMac with 4GB of memory and normal speed hard drive.
Anyway, it works pretty good with my TV.
However, what type of keyboard or mouse do you recommend? Right now I'm having to use my powerbook to control it, using teleport along with a wired keyboard and mouse plugged into the back, hidden, just so it doesn't complain about not having one.
I don't know if I should go with the two Apple products, keyboard and mouse.
OR should I get a keyboard with a built in trackpad, since I will mainly be using it on the couch. What do you recommend?
I am about to purchase a new imac with the 2.8 intel extreme, 2gb ram etc. but I'm having difficulty with the keyboard and mouse decision and whether or not I should go wireless. I think I have decided not to go wireless on the mighty mouse as I don't like them and would rather buy a different one, perhaps a logitech mouse - any suggestions? The keyboard I know will be fantastic as it is the same key as my macbook's, But can someone please give me the pros and cons of each except the obvious of course being wired has usb hubs and wireless will use batteries. What differences are there between the two and is it worth the extra 5 week delivery wait for the wireless?
I'm completely flummoxed. My magic mouse isn't connecting to my iMac. Is there any way to reconnect it using keyboard shortcuts? Is there any other way?
I've got a question regarding my Magic Mouse and Keyboard power consumption. I want to keep my iMac awake a lot of the time despite being away from my desk. Even if the iMac is awake will my Magic Mouse still go into its power saving mode regardless of what the iMac is up to? Same with the Keyboard?
I've been lurking around this forum for a few weeks, gathering information to decide what Mac I wanted to order. I appreciate all the information that is available here! I took the plunge this afternoon and thought I should register as I'm sure I'll have questions in the coming weeks. I played around with an iMac at an Apple Store a few months back and kicked around buying one. I really enjoy my iPhone and my iPad, but I kept thinking about the iBook G4 that has been gathering dust because I never really took the time to learn the Mac OS. Then my Windows laptop quit and I had to send it off for repair. I dug out the iBook and that put me over the edge. For whatever reason, I had no problems figuring out the OS this time around. I've been trying to figure out how to justify an iMac ever since. Today I ordered a refurbished 21.5" iMac from Apple's refurbished site. I ended up ordering over the phone -- I called Apple to ask a couple of questions, and when I mentioned that Amazon offered Apple Care cheaper, the sales rep gave me a discount on the Apple Care. Plus, I got a free (after rebate) AirPrint-capable printer. So, I think I ended up with a pretty good deal. After all that, I'll get to my question -- do you use the wireless keyboard & magic mouse? They seemed fine when I was using them at the Apple Store, but that was just for a short time. I'm wondering how I will like them when I'm editing photos or typing a long document (I deal with all the numbers I can handle at work, so I don't do much at home that would require the number keypad).
I just got a new 20" 2.4 GHz with the 3 year extended AppleCare.On my last Mighty Mouse, the scroll ball stopped rolling after about a year.If the one that comes with my new Mac breaks, will I be able to claim that under AppleCare and get a new one?
I'm about to order my first iMac and I want both the wireless keyboard and mouse, the problem is how do I pair them with the iMac? Nothing will be wired in the first time its turned on so how will i be able to do anything - such as tell the iMac to look for the wireless kit? I don't have an old USB keyboard or mouse, so unless the iMac is clever enough to look the first time its turned on i'm stuffed. I don't want to have to buy a separate USB mouse just to tell it I have a wireless mouse, defeats the object!
I've had the standard keyboard and mouse my iMac came with for 3 yrs now and I keep delaying getting one, but what would you guys recommend as far as a wireless keyboard and mouse? Not really a fan of the Mac ones.
i don't really like the magic mouse and the wireless keyboard that comes with the imacs. i want to sell it on craigslist or something but i want to make sure it works for the person buying it before i actually sell it to them. and if it does, what is a good price point?
last night my imac semi froze on me. it's weird because I can still use my BT keyboard and mouse but when i try to click on anything it doesn't work. now the dashboard and expose functions work as well as do keyboard shortcuts but when i try to click on any icon nothing responds. it's like everything on the computer seems to be working except for clicking.
I like putting my imac to sleep. Unfortunately I have a cat that moves the mouse and steps on the keyboard while I am work. Is there any way I can disable the keyboard and mouse and just use the power button to wake it up from sleeping?
I basically want to keep it asleep as much as possible to save on electricity, since I am not home about 10 hours of the day and asleep for the other 7, makes no sense in draining all the electricity. I was hoping someone could lead me to a small piece of software that allow this to happen.