The 3.6GHz BTO option for the low-end 27" is only a dual-core but has hyperthreading while the 2.8GHz in the high-end 27" is a quad-core but doesn't have hyperthreading. Both CPUs can execute four threads at once, but which one's faster??
I just got a second Macbook Air that is Rev A SSD (instead of Rev B... But at least screen is flawless...) And since I still have HDD Rev A at hand as well, if anyone is interested in asking me to do some kind of benchmark one wants to try, now is the time. (I usually don't do much of these stuff, so tell me exactly how I can do it.)
I wouldn't be holding the HDD in about 5 days, so, I can only do it in those days. So far I like the app icon only bounce once for most of the app's initial launch.
im very interesting in buying a mac pro but as you know always money is the big problem , i decide to buy a quad mac pro but there is two option , is there to much diference in power processing between Quad-core 2010 "Nehalem" 2.8GHz and 3.2GHz? i check in geek bench mark and the 2.8 GHZ get a result of 8360 and the 3.2 GHZ get a result of 9968. is that to much diference ? please i need some help me in this dilema
I acquired an iMac G5 17" from a friend but it's missing the software. When I turn the computer on it gets stuck at this screen with a folder icon with a blinking question mark in the middle of it. What software originally came with the iMac G5 and is it possible to get that still? Or can I install a newer version of software without additional problems?
My imac will not boot past the blue screen. It crashed whilst loading a new application which I downloaded from the mac website, had to force a shutdown as it wasn't responding, and now it will not boot no matter what I try. I have searched for answers on the forums but my mac will not respond to any keyboard commands even with the installation dvd inserted. I don't get the startup chime anymore either.
I recently bought an early Imac G5 1.6ghz with 256mb ram and a 80gb hard disk. It came with no keyboard or mouse. All seems fine but when I try to change any settings it comes up with a password box which I obviously dont have and the guy I bought it from is not available. Its got Mac OS X v 10.6 operating system on it. Can anyone tell me how to reset the password without having the original DVD operating system disk.
I have an iMac G5, the earlier 1.6Ghz version. I have just bought a bluetooth usb adapter and am wondering if im able to use a Magic Mouse and Apple wireless keyboard with it or is it too early a model? Ive heard of people using them with the later models with isight.
ive just purchased my first iMac as above for my son as his 1st desktop. im in the process of upgrading the RAM to 2gb and looking into purchasing Leopard 10.5. could anyone advise whether there are any other 'home' upgrades i can carry out to maximise this unit's potential for online use in 2012? and whether these 2 initial upgrades should give noticeable increase in performance to warrant the spend? i do have an iPhone4 and wish to use this unit for connection via iTunes. he currently likes to play online games such as 'Minecraft' and we have found it very slow so far...the unit does have the Airport wireless card installed, no bluetooth though.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), iMac G5 Powermac 8,1 1.6ghz 17"
i recently bought a used imac g5 1.8ghz version 10.3.5.
is there any way i can change the processor to an intel processor as i cant seem to upgrade my os (and a lot of other programs) running on the current version.
Just picked up a 24" iMac on clearance and the Internet seems to hang up and just be a bit slower in general compared to my 4yr old MBP. I can't really get a cable to it so I'm using a Belkin N1 router. Is there anything I can do to see if it's the router or possibly the iMac?
I've got an iMac 2.8GHz 24", a set of Grado RS 1s, a HeadRoom Ultra Micro amp w/ an Astrodyne power supply ... the connection is to the headphone jack in the iMac; will there be a difference in sound if I add the HeadRoom Ultra Micro DAC? I can't imagine better sound than my current set up, but I keep hearing that a DAC is the way to go.
I just received the 2GB ram upgrade I ordered for my home iMac. I already have the factory 2GB. I thought it would have 1 2GB stick alredy, and that I could add another 2GB stick, but a friend just told me it probably has 2 1GB sticks in it...anyone know?
I've got an old iMac 1.8GHz PowerPC G5 that I love to use for surfing the web etc.
I'm finding that I can't view anything that requires Flash as my system (10.3.9) won't allow me to download the latest Flash or Firefox.
I tried asking in the local Apple store how I could upgrade my OS but the guy said they don't sell the OS upgrade anymore.
Is there anything I can do to upgrade my OS so that I can download newer versions of software like Flash or Firefox?
I have another computer (imac intel) but I really don't want to have to get rid of this one as I like it and apart from the OS issue, it still works fine.
My iMac won't get past grey screen, I've tried holding down c. I've tried holding cmd+s. I've reset my PRAM etc, I've put back in RAM it came with, and when I turn it on I just get grey screen, apple logo and the spinning thing! Updated it to new snow leopard OSX 10.6.6 and it has a DVD in the drive and I can't even get that out! What can I do?
I have put a brand new hard drive in the machine. I took off the plastic bezel to the power cord, to make sure it's plugging in all the way. I turned the computer on while watching the LED's on the logic board. All 3 stayed on, and the 4th never came on.
I have unplugged it, left it unplugged for a few minutes, plugged the cord back in while holding the power, then turned it on (forgot what that was supposed to accomplish). No change.
I have reset the PVRAM (or whatever) 3 times in a row by holding command-option-p-r until I heard 3 chimes after the initial boot. No change.
I can get into open firmware, but have no idea what I could even try in there (other than ejecting the DVD).
I hold down "C" while booting, it chimes, it goes to a blank grey background, then proceeds on to the white screen with the apple. It sits there for a few seconds, then starts spinning the circle for a while, then shuts down. I hear the optical drive spin up, but it does nothing.
i am looking at ram upgrade options as i am about to dive in and purchase the 27" quad core imac.i know we need to install in pairs but do the 'pairs' need to match. can i leave the 2mb pair that comes with the computer AND add a pair of 4mb giving a total of 12mb?
Every few weeks my iMac will suddenly freeze, the screen going black or white or pink etc. The only way I can get the computer back is to hold down the power button to force a shutdown. Then after a restart everything is OK for a few more weeks. Usually it occurs when I am on the internet. I click on something and suddenly the computer is frozen. I am on OS X 10.6.8 and usually use Safari. Ironically when I opened this forum 5 minutes ago there was a similar sounding problem at the top of the list!
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), FCE 4 + FCS 3 . . . Little Knowledge, Many Opinions.
I know there had been some discussions here about the new i7 quad, and before I spend my hard earned cash I wanted some last minute opinions.
I post this here in the Mac Pro forums because I figure there might likely be more FCP users...which is what my main use for my new machine will be.
I have been wanting a new unit for several months now, and have been just waiting to pull the trigger on a Mac Pro. In fact, it has gotten to be a running joke around my house with my wife and I...we can be talking about something totally non-related and I will say "I just have one word for you...OCTO!!!" Anyway, I digress.
While I simply cannot justify (or afford really) a maxed out octo, I have been considering a "fairly" maxed out quad MP. But now that the new iMac has appeared, I am having more trouble.
I am not a pro...meaning I am not paying my bills with FCP. I would characterize myself as prosumer...which describing myself really means consumer who likes nicer equipment. I do want a "respectable" machine that will handle FCP with somewhat ease.
My current video set up is an HMC150 mixed with Canon 7D. Converting to ProRes 422 (not the HQ flavor) and using things like Magic Bullet. Not doing much Motion work...mostly because I have not learned that process yet. I am currently doing it on a maxed out 2008 iMac. And so far it has not been all that bad. Ingesting is not taking long enough to bother me really...and editing is nice and smooth. The only really long times are for rendering and encoding to H.264.
So, given these facts, am I way out in left field here considering a maxed out iMac? I am sure that during the process, the render and encode times will be what taxes the machine the most. And I am not even really sure that those times would be much different on a quad MP. Octo, sure. But even then I am not sure what kind of differences we are talking about. I mean would a similarly configured octo have double performance from the quad? Would a 2 hour render or encode on an octo take 4 hours on a quad?
The other thing I am thinking is this...Even if the iMac turns out to be way less than what I would like, I am thinking I can use it for awhile (as long as I can stand it) then maybe down the road look again at the MP...say after the 6 or 12 core thing plays out. I could always use the iMac as the monitor for a MP down the road. The glossy thing is not a factor for doesn't bother me at all.
In theory, will windows on virtualbox be running best on a quad or duo iMac? Right now I am doing it on a 2008 MacBook and I must say it does put a strain on the computer to the point of being annoying. I ask since in process of upgrading to iMac.
I have a Mac Pro 08, 2x2.8GHz Quadcore, 2gb RAM. I never buy IMac because I want a power machine. So I always buy Macpro but! now IMac comes quad, nice monitor etc. My question is if new IMac is more power that my machine? The new IMac is more power even I buy more ram? 32gb? vs the 16gb of new IMac?
I ordered an I7 Imac, but can't get a definitive idea if the quad core will be utilized or not. If a software program like Final Cut Express is not "Quad Core Aware", is there no advantage over a Core Duo? Why would the encoding be twice as fast, but not the program?
I've decided to jump on the apple band wagon and purchase an iMac.
I'm planning on ordering the 27-inch quad core i5 but I'm wondering whether it's worth upgrading the processor or increasing the RAM - does anyone use FCS 3 and if so, would it be better to increase the RAM to 8GB+ to run more smoothly.. or does the 4GB RAM basic run fine with FCP 7 and the like?