ICloud :: Can Use It Like A Local Network Backup System

Jun 22, 2012

Can I use iCloud like a local network backup system? I'm thinking of replacing my Western Digital backup. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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ICloud :: Can't Access Computers Anymore - Only See What's On Local Network?

Jul 2, 2012

When I was using my mobile.me account I was able to access my office computer from home but now nothing. I only see what's on my local network. I've tried signing in with my mobile.me account on all computers but nothing happens still not seeing the office computer. What changed?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.5GHz Intel Core i5

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ICloud :: Backup All Music And Photos To Do System Restore?

Apr 25, 2012

Can I use iCloud to back up and then return my files for system restroe? I just wanna back up my music and photos so I can do a system restore if I have iCloud will it allow me to download them back on once I finish the system restore?


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ICloud On Mac :: How To Backup Entire System Including Word And Excel Documents

Jun 3, 2014

I want to back up my entire system including word and excell docs . how do I do this on Icloud ?

iMac, iOS 7.1

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting To Local Network

Aug 11, 2010

I am also a newbie to the MAC world and I am loving it. But I do have a question. At my workplace I access the internet via AirPort. I need to access files on other PC's in the office and I cannot seen to find a way. I know on my HP Laptop I was able to access other computers by clicking on network icon. As a side note I never used ethernet port on HP either.

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Applications :: Sync 2 Folders Over Local Network

Feb 13, 2009

I currently have a media center machine, and my laptop which i use to load my music with. So i am loading my albums onto my laptop and keeping them in the local Music folder, but i have the rest of my music collection stored on my media machine (also a mac). Im wondering if anyone has a solid free solution i can use where it can sync my music folder on my laptop to the music folder on the media machine. I have looked for some on google but they either cost something, or they dont seem reliable. If i could find one that runs on schedule to back up my music every night that would be prime.

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Software :: Chat Maybe With Video Across My Local Network?

Jan 23, 2010

does anyone know how i can IM or chat maybe with video across my local network?

i have a netgear router connected to 4 macs and we want to message between ourselves without having to use internet chat addresses..

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Computer Local Host Name Already In Use On Network

May 10, 2012

After I upgraded to 10.7.4 I receive popup windows informing that: This computer's local hostname "ComputerName" is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to "ComputerName-1.local" every time my Mac wakes up. The number at the end of computer name increases every time I wake my Mac Pro up.

- Disk permissions repair brings no errors.
- After Mac restart - the same result
- As before I use both LAN and WiFi connections with LAN in higher priority.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 6Core 3.33GHz 24GB 4x3TB HDD+SSD

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Intel Mac :: Using Local Disk As Network-drive?

Jun 5, 2012

For a program I have to access a local disk as network drive. The path has to be the network path and not the local path (with the disk name) how can I do this?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Set Up With Caching DNS For Local Network?

Jun 16, 2012

Our new Lion Server has a static IP Address pointed to over the internet by our registrar's zone file. Planning the Lion Server installation process with the intent of hosting Web, Mail and Open Directory services to a small number of users who are nearly all located off-site. I do also want Lion Server to be a caching DNS Server and DHCP authority on the local network to replace what dnsmasq does on our current Linux server.

I am looking forward to offloading some of the lower level Linux administration tasks and putting myself in the hands of the Lion Server Setup Assistant and Server App :-) but at the same time don't understand some of  its assumptions and fear having to spend a lot of time experimenting and re-installing.

So, specifically, I want the Server App to know that my Lion Server has a "Host Name for the Internet" but that the DNS it sets up will not be the DNS for my zone - I will be managing that through my registrar's interfaces.

Second problem is my fnot understanding what name space devices on the local network will / should use. e.g.  The Linux server will be available for backups etc  on the local intranet (and optionally have a static ip address on the Internet) but MacBooks, PCs, iPads and iPhones will be served ip addresses by the Lion Server's DHCP. So will / should these dynamic devices have their machine names fully qualified by our domain name with RFC 1918 style ip addresses or something like .local?  How do I tell this to Lion's Server App / Setup Assistant? How easy is it to update these initial settings later?

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OS X :: Connect To Local Network But Limit Access To The Internet?

Jun 28, 2008

i am trying to hook up a mac mini to a local wireless network (airport express) so that i can access a shared iTunes library but i do not want the mac mini to be able to access the internet (other macs on the network need to be able to access the internet). is there a way to change the settings on the mac mini so that this is possible?

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MacBook Pro :: Connect To Local Network Storage Without Finder?

Nov 18, 2010

(I think) but here we have a NAS (Network Access Storage) that everyone can access. Anyways, on a PC you go to network under my computer (or just computer or 7 now) and in there it is listed along with the other computers on the network. That's all good. On the Mac side you can see it as well, and that's all good. Here is what I am trying to figure out; on a pc in the computer navigation bar you can type addresses. For example the drive was not popping up earlier under the "network", so I just type "//DriveName" into the bar and it opened it up as if I had clicked it.

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OS X :: Sync Folders Between Two Separate Macs Over The Local Network?

May 26, 2008

How do I sync the contents of say, the desktop and documents folders between my Mac Pro and Macbook Pro so the same files are always on both? I only want to do this over the local network because these folders are enormous and I need the syncing done fast.

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OS X :: Sharing Optical Drive Over Local Network (10.5 To Vista)

Aug 30, 2009

My Macbook just went out of warranty then my superdrive went out. I need to use it very often so this is a huge problem since I cant afford to fix it. I do however have a compaq laptop running vista that is connected to my macbook via wireless home network. Is there a way I can use the cd/dvd drive to play/burn from my macbook? I would just copy the files over but there is no hard drive space on the PC and I do not have any flash drives I need to burn cds from itunes and I have a project for school I need to burn on a dvd.

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OS X :: High Ping On Local Airport Express Network

Sep 22, 2009

I realized I have a high ping when on my local wifi network. I have a MBP and my gf has a MB. When I ping the MB from the MBP:

Code: ~ $ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=723.946 ms
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1004.079 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=565.695 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=7.407 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=1004.978 ms.....................

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Playing Chess Over A Local Network

Feb 4, 2012

Does anyone know how to play the (included on the OSX install) Chess app over a local network on two separate machines? When you select a new game, you have the option to play 'Human vs Human', am I missing something here? Is this only an option for a game between two people sitting in front of the same machine?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Set Up A Local Wireless Network Without Access To Internet

May 18, 2012

In OSX 10.6, I can use "internet sharing" to set up a wireless network, connecting my wifi enabled music player (or Apple TV) to my MacBook Pro via wifi without actually connect my Macbook Pro to the Internet.  However with OSX 10.7 Lion, "internet sharing" requires actual connection to the Internet.  Is there a way to disable Lion's requirement?  All I need is to stream the music files in my Mac via wifi to my music player (Logitech Squeeze Box 3), and I don't always have access to the Internet.  Of course an Airport Express or any router would solve the problem, but that means one more device. 

Or, is there any other method to set up a local wireless network without actual Internet access?  I tried "Creat Network...." in Airport but that doesn't work with passive music player (or Apple TV).  It seems only work with computer to computer networking.

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Access Screen Sharing From Outside Local Network

Sep 12, 2014

Is it possible to use the screen sharing feature from outside my local area network? I would like to be able to share screens with relatives with Macs. I presently have had some success with the use of the Messages > Buddies screen sharing feature through Jabber, but sometimes it doesn't work. The other option is use some service like join.me or team viewer. I would prefer to a program like screen sharing, but without having to deal with my router.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)

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ITunes :: Password Will Not Allow To Uncheck Encrypt Local Backup

Mar 7, 2012

I know my password but it won't let me uncheck the box where it says "encrypt local backup"?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Delete Time Machine Local Backup?

Mar 23, 2012

My MacBook Pro is running out of hard drive space, and the culprit is Time Machine. Apparently Time Machine stores local backups on the hard drive when it is not connected to the backup drive, and then is supposed to delete them when it does backup. However, this causes huge problems because I'm running out of hard drive space. I ran the following in Terminal to turn off the local backups: 

sudo tmutil disablelocal 

However, that has not freed up the hard drive space taken by the local backups.

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OS X :: Unable To Connect To Local Wireless Network / Gets Connection Failed

Aug 9, 2009

I have five Macs in the house, all of which can see each other on the local wireless network...but...for some weird reason, none but when they try to connect, I get �Connection Failed� after several minutes of silence.

When I click �Connect As...� in hopes of getting a login screen, nothing happens at all. Nada. Zilch. Zip.

The sharing settings on the MacBook are identical to the ones on the other five. Of course, the MacBook can connect the other direction to everyone, including my brand spankin� new MBP.

Any clues, oh wise ones? I�m stumped. What is it about getting into a simple MacBook that has two G4s and two MBPs scratching their heads?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Printer Sharing Over Local Network Does Not Work Anymore

May 24, 2012

'all of a sudden' (so it seems) my 2 printers in my network do not print printjobs from other macs in my network. It dit work. Nothing really changed, exept some system-updates.

print-share is on, awake out of sleep is on (network-tab). Really there is no reason that it would not work. Still, ... it doesn't. 


- imac 27" 2011, software updated

- macmini 2010, software updated

canon ip4200, works standard on imac. brother HL-2030, works standard on imac 

The charm of the set-up was that I could have my printers in the office and still print from the livingroom (mac mini)  To try to solve the problem I moved the mac mini temporarily to the office, so I have it next to the imac.

Opening the section 'printers and scanners' and then pressing the '+' does however give me 2 differentviews:

- on the imac I get a sub menu, dropping down from the '+'

- on the mac mini I get a new window named 'add new printer' (this is hopefully the right translation - I am on a Dutch system)

This strikes me as odd. I never noticed this before. Maybe this is where the problem lies? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.7 GHz intel i5 core 27 inch

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ICloud :: Cannot Upload A Local ICal Calendar

Mar 13, 2012

I have encountered a problem with consolidating and migrating my calendars to iCloud.  Previously I had been using MobileMe, but like a lot of iOS device users, I had made the mistake of also synching calendars and contacts locally.  This had the effect of creating an "on my mac" calendar, which I did not realize for quite some time that I had been using. 

In the process of migrating my MobileMe account to iCloud, I realized this and set about uploading the local calendar to iCloud.  I used the following procedure: 

1. Highlight the "on my mac" calendar and export it to an ics file.

2. From iCal, select File>Import and select the ics file I had just created

3. In the window that opens, selecting one of the iCloud calendars to import the events into 

However, what I find is that the calendar hardly imports any of its hundreds of events.  I rely on this calendar to keep track of events that I attended in the past, but it seems like no events in this local calendar prior to January 1, 2012 got imported into iCloud.  I don't want to try and re-import it, since that might create duplicates of the events that have already succesfully imported. 

Is iCloud not allowing me to import old events?  Is there a way I can import the entire calendar to iCloud? 

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ICloud :: Local Copy Of ICal And Contacts?

Apr 9, 2012

I am considering whether to switch to iCloud when I upgrade my iPhone 3G (I also have an iMac running Lion and an iPad).  However I am concerned about the security of my data, particularly iCal and Contacts.  Am I right in thinking that in iCloud the only copy of these is stored on Apple's servers?  Call me paranoid but I would not be happy with the only copy of important files existing on a third party's servers, even if that third party is Apple.  After all, not having multiple backups flies in the face of good backup practice. Is it possible to have a local copy/backup of iCal and Contacts when using iCloud?

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ICloud On Mac :: Delete Local Copy Of Document

Sep 11, 2014

I want to delete some files from iCloud on mac but want to keep in iCloud. Is this possible ?

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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Hardware :: Stream Media From My Macbook Over My Local Network To An Xbox Running XBMC?

Jul 7, 2008

I'm trying to stream media from my macbook over my local network to an xbox running XBMC. I believe I need to do it through smb but I haven't had much luck up to this point.

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MacBook Pro :: Possible To Use System As Sharing Local Server

Nov 16, 2009

I would like to ask about the macbook pro late 2008. I am willing to own a network local sharing server in my University so, students can upload their multimedia files and movies etc to my mac using the local network of the university connection. Student will use torrents apps to download files from the server so they log to the website which I will create and they download the tracking file then they open it and use it to download the file from the server via torrent apps. My Macbook pro is 2.4 with 4g ram and with 380G HDD I own a new macbook pro late 2009 so I will not use the old one and I will keep it online 24/7. But I don't know if I can use it or not for this purpose.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Removing Address Book Contacts On Local Drive And Just Keeping ICloud Version

Jun 7, 2012

I have two sets of contacts in my address book, one on local drive and one from iCloud. How do I delete all the contacts from my local drive as they are all out of date?

I have tried deleting the contacts but they keep reappearing. I have tried to create a new group and they keep disappearing! I have read forums and some talk about removing the two addressbook.plist files but I don't even have those in my preference folder...

If I do not have those files, where is my address book storing these contact information and how do I get rid of them? It is driving me nuts having to deal with two lots of each contact and not being able to create groups or delete contacts.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: When Open Network In System Preferences "Network Settings Changed By Another Application"

Apr 4, 2009

when I open my Network in System Preferences, "Network settings have been changed by another application" pops up and every time I click Ok, it pops up again, not letting me be able to access any other option in the Network window. The wireless icon has disappeared from my top bar and the only way I have managed to get online is via my ethernet cable. I have had nothing but problems since I started using my O2 Wireless Broadband dongle and I've noticed that behind the "Network settings have been changed by another application" notification, I can seen the Dongle has appeared as a new network connection option... but was never there before today (have been using the dongle for two months now)

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MacBook Pro :: Setting Up Network Backup?

Jun 15, 2012

Can I use a router and an external HDD that connects via USB as a Time Capsule for wireless Time Machine backups? Or does it HAVE to be a Time Capsule to work? I am planning on buying a router (see link below) and I already have a huge 1.5 terabyte WD hard drive, and I'd really like to just connect it to the router and use it for wireless back up...and possibly even move my massive iTunes library over to as well one day.

Here's the router I'm looking at: [URL]

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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