Windows On Mac :: (Incomplete) Guide For Running XP On 2010 Mba

Nov 16, 2010

Apple has officially dropped the support for Win XP for Boot Camp on the 2010 MacBook Air. However, a lot of users would like to use Win XP as this saved much more space than running Win 7. A lot of users would like to use XP instead. Here is an incomplete guide on running XP on these new MBA.

Before we starting doing that, you have to know the limitations at the moment:

1. Brightness control is not working. I write this guide and hope other members can make the brightness work.

2. Never, never use softwares like Parallels / Fusion to call this XP partition. This will result the boot looping and you have to restart the whole installation again.

3. After your successful installation, do backup the partition with Winclone. This saves you time in future.

Let's see the tools required:

1. Win XP SP 2 installation disc in CD.
2. An USB CD ROM / DVD Rom.
3. WiFi Internet connection.
4. Boot Camp 3.0 (you should find somewhere else)
5. Winclone software (freeware)

Some people considered the Boot Camp drivers for 13" MBP 2010 could work as it contains drivers for Nividia 320M drivers. However, this will end up "Blue Screen" during installation process.

Here is the installation process

1. Use Bootcamp to shrink the Mac partition and create an Win XP partition. note that your Win XP installation cannot work except using Bootcamp. Afterwards, you can simple use Winclone to backup the successful installation and do whatever you like. I will create the partition at minimum (20Gb).

2. Download the drivers for Boot Camp for Win 7. You will find it useful in future.

3. Install windows XP SP 2 as usual. I format the partition as NTFS.

4. After the install, you will find the XP at strange resolution scale and strange movement on mouse. That's normal.

5. Install Boot Camp 3.0 for XP and restart. This will make your WiFi works.

6. With WiFi working, go to system update. Though you find the Nividia driver there. Don't install at the moment. Do all the updates like SP 3 and other updates as you will. This will require several reboots. Do as usual.

7. After you have done all other updates, install Nividia driver from Windows Update. This will result for correct resolution after reboot.

8. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Hardware -> Hardware manager. You will see at lot of hardware with ! mark. These are the drivers missing.

9. Get back the files for Boot Camp for Win 7 for your MBA, go to Boot CampDrivers directory. You can see all the folders. Though Apple tells you that the drivers only works on Win 7 but most of them works on your XP with the 32-bit version.

10. Some of drivers you have to install:


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MacBook Pro :: 2010 Is Running Hot - Will Reducing Number Of Open Windows And Things Affect This

Jun 23, 2014

My MacBook Pro is running hot. The Apple store ran tests overnight and said it is above average. Their suggestion was to send it to the Service Depot and for $310 plus tax anything out of spec will be replaced. Basically sounds like a good deal but I can't give up the machine for the 3-5 days it takes. I typically have many things open, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Calendar, Mail, Safari and have multiple things open in each. Would reducing that number have any impact on the heat being generated? 

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Windows On Mac :: XP Drivers Incomplete - BootCamp Updates Won't Install

Jun 17, 2010

I have a new MBP 2010, therefore I imagine my OSX disk has Boot Camp 2.1 on it though I'm not sure. I've installed Windows XP in Boot Camp but had problems on the tail end of the install when my OSX disk started clicking and repeating when trying to install the final drivers off the disk. It had got about half way through. The disk is clean and unscratched so don't know what to make of it.

So I tried looking for the Boot Camp updates online and discovered the v2.1, v2.2 etc. on Apple's website. I downloaded these. v2.1 is large 215mb and the other smaller, a minor update. I downloaded them a couple of times in case they were a faulty download. They were not.

I double clicked on the v2.1 to get the drivers installed. The window comes up asking you if you want to run it. "Run" then the window disappears, there sounds like there is some disk activity, then the computer settles down again as if nothing had happened. The drivers are not installed or updated as the Device Manager still shows its question marks on the affected entries.

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp Installation Guide For 7 32 Or 64 Bit

Jul 31, 2010

I have a new iMac 27 i7 with 8gb of ram coming next week. I'll be installing Windows 7 for use in bootcamp mostly for iracing. Do want to install the 32 or 64 bit version of windows?

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MacBook Pro :: Is 2010 I5 Or I7 Running Too Hot

Sep 21, 2010

Im brand new to Apple. I only own an iphone and ipad but love it and want to bail on windows and get a macbook pro. Ive read they run too hot. Is it true? I want the 17 inch i7 but if its too hot Ill get the i5 2.53 17 inch.

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MacBook Pro :: Mid 2010 - Fans Running High And No Keyboard Lights

Jun 26, 2012

I replaced my logic board and couldn't get my Macbook to start, but last night I replced the RAM with the original one that came with my Macbook and it started up, everything is working fine, but the Fans are running high I can hear it loud and the keyboard light are not working, but the keys works fine. I tried the reset options but nothing happens.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3), Model - A1286

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Will It Work For PC Running Outlook 2010 Mail, Calendar And Contacts

Mar 27, 2012

Will lion server work for PC running outlook 2010 re mail, calendar & contacts?

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Windows On Mac :: Vista Installation On Newly Installed Drive - Need Step By Step Guide

May 23, 2009

I am about to install a new (blank) hard drive to my existing 2009 Mac Pro. The Drive will then be used solely for windows (won't be a partition, but a stand alone drive, separate from my other drives which are Raid).

On the apple web site, it says that the OSX software installed will provide drivers etc. Does that mean that I should:

1) connect the drive
2) format the drive under OSX
3) run the bootcamp assist...

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MacBook :: How To Install Windows XP On Snow Leopard - Need Step By Step Guide

Nov 9, 2009

I know Windows XP is dated now, however, can it install on snow leopard? and if so, does anyone who a website with step by step instructions?

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OS X :: Connecting Mac Pro To Existing Windows 7 Wireless Network - Need Step By Step Guide

Jul 28, 2010

I have 3 PC/laptops already in my windows 7 network. My new mac pro is on the wifi just fine, but does not see my printer or my network and my windows 7 does not see my mac pro. Can someone step me through in very simple steps or send my to an article I can follow.

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Mac :: Fusion Windows 7 X64 And Quicken 2010

Dec 2, 2010

I have an iMac 3.06 with 4G. The machine runs great and can't believe how nice it runs Windows 7 x64.The only reason I have Windows installed is for Quicken 2010. The odd behavior I'm experiencing is running the Quicken update to automatically download your Quicken portforlio, bank txns, and stocksOn Windows, this updates takes less than 1 minutes. However, on the Mac side is runs for several minutes. The weird thing is the progress meter for each one of the 3 update steps acts like it's get suspended. After 5 or 10 minutes I will close the update window even though it says it's not completed, reopen it and everything is where is last was, but indicates updates are complete.

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Mac :: Windows XP SP3 OSX Glass Edition (2010)?

Jun 4, 2010

As the title says, what exactly is Windows XP SP3 Mac OSX Glass Edition (2010).

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Windows On Mac :: Finding Ati Drivers For 2010?

Aug 13, 2010

I just installed Windows 7 and have got as far as installing the graphics card drivers from ati's website (since the ones that windows update installs are almost always out of date). Now the card is being recognised as a Radeon HD 5750 but I know from other discussions best guess is It's actually a Mobility card inside the iMac.

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Windows On Mac :: Way To Get The Wireless Mighty Mouse To Work In Windows 7 Running Via Bootcamp?

Sep 12, 2009

Is there any way to get the wireless mighty mouse to work in windows 7 running via bootcamp tried to pair it but no luck.

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Windows On Mac :: Disappointing Video Performance In 2010 MBP

May 31, 2010

I have a 15" 2010 MBP. I got it well spec'd, with 7200 drive, 8 GB ram, best CPU... First thing I did was bootcamp. Went smoothly - did a 400 gb partition for Windows 7. The drivers all installed fine and Windows 7 does alright.

My Windows Experience scores:
Processor: 6.9
RAM: 6.9
Graphic: 6.4
Gaming graphics: 6.4
Hard drive: 5.9

Things look good... But I am having trouble playing hidef content - VLC is choppy on a bunch of files that play smooth as silk when booted into Mac OS - and actually even play ok on my old Santa Rosa 15" MBP. Quicktime is also slow. I have always found VLC to be very solid. (actually use it on the Mac side for this test as well). I tried playing with the hardware acceleration toggle, and it does seem better with it disabled - anyone else having issues playing hidef media on the windows side of this MBP?

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Windows On Mac :: Open Up Bootcamp Partition (running Windows 7) In VMWare

Sep 4, 2009

So I am trying to open up my bootcamp partition (running windows 7) in VMWare and I get this error message: Cannot open the disk '/Users/brandonquirarte/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/Virtual Machines/Boot Camp/%2Fdev%2Fdisk0/Boot Camp partition.vmwarevm/Boot Camp partition.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on. It was working just fine before the upgrade to Snow Leopard but I am not sure if that has anything to do with it. I had to reinstall Windows 7 after I tried installing the Bootcamp 3.0 drivers so that may be more of the issue. I didn't test to see if would work still when I upgraded to Snow Leopard.

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Windows On Mac :: MS Office Suite - 2010 Via VMFusion 3.0 Or 2011?

Nov 7, 2010

I'm switching over to a MBP in a couple weeks after being a lifetime user of a Windows-based computer. I am an engineer and for the foreseeable future will be using a Windows-based computer, namely the Microsoft Office Suite. This might be a lame, but one of my biggest concerns is the transitioning process that I would have to go through to learn the new Mac Excel 2011. I know exactly where everything is the Windows version, but spent more time than I thought I would have to when I went to visit the Apple Store and played around with Mac's version of Excel.

The Microsoft-Apple designers definitely didn't have strict limitations on making the two versions to be close copies, in terms of table structures. In theory, I would like to use Window's Office 2010 on my new MBP instead of Mac Office 2011. However, I'm interested in hearing advice on why this might be a good or bad idea. Is there anybody else that chooses to do this, or are there gains by using Mac's Office software exclusively that I haven't considered.

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IMac :: 27" I7 Mid 2010 ATI 5750 Windows Drivers

Nov 28, 2010

Which drivers do I need to use to update the drivers on my Imac 27".

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Windows On Mac :: Possible To Install Fedora 14 On An Mid-2010 13inch System?

Nov 30, 2010

it is possible, but however some of the hardware features may not be supported by Fedora unless the Kernel can be patched such as back-light, iSight etc etc.

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Windows On Mac :: AutoCad 2010 Not Load On Vista Through Parallels

Dec 17, 2009

So I downloaded parallels 4 and set up a virtual machine with Vista (I couldn't get a copy of XP so I had to settle). I then installed an educational version of AutoCAD 2010, it installs and everything but when I open the program it begins loading until a point where it doesn't respond. I have reinstalled it, uninstalled it and installed it again, but the same exact thing happens each time.

When AutoCAD stops responding it says this at the bottom of the screen:
Opening: C:UsersAdministratorAppDataLocalAutodeskAutoCAD 2010R18.0enuTemplateacad.dwt
I don't know whether that is relevant or not. I read somewhere that to run AutoCAD 2010 on vista you need 2GB of memory. With parallels the way it is i can only commit 1GB of memory to vista. I was wondering if it would work on bootcamp where i can devote all my memory to windows. Is it even possible to uninstall parallels and all that and switch to bootcamp? If thats even possible would I be able to preserve my copy of vista or would I have to get a new license?

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Windows On Mac :: Autocad 2010 On 7 Delete Doesn't Work?

Apr 23, 2010

I have a Macbook pro and I'm running windows 7 as the operating system. I just started using Autocad 2010 on this computer, and for some reason, the "delete" key doesn't delete anything when I press it. I tried to set "pickfirst" to 1 (checking the box of "noun/ verb"), but it doesn't help. Setting them both to <0> and <1> don't make a difference, both options don't "delete" the selected object.

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Windows On Mac :: Mid 2010 15" MBP Install Boot Camp

Jun 14, 2010

I have purchase a clone optibay from ebay. Installed it and everything worked like a charm and regonized by the Mac. However, I am unable to install boot camp with my USB external DVD drive. I also tried partitioning my flash drive and install from flash..but I can't seem to get it working.

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MacBook Pro :: Early 2010 Lost Sound (in Windows)

Jul 15, 2010

I was just watching some youtube videos, and suddenly the video stopped working, I then refreshed it and the sound was gone. First I thought this was only in the youtube player, but now that I've tested both windows media player (which actually, for some reason, couldn't play ANYTHING whatsoever) and the volume control. I haven't tried a restart though, even though this may fix the problem, it's doesn't permanently resolve it. Has anyone else experienced this problem? And is there a fix for it, or is it just windows ****ing with me, as always?

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Windows On Mac :: Running Boot Camp, Volume With Windows

Sep 23, 2009

i run boot camp and work on Microsoft to work with auto cad, and the volume keys and the pause and mute for some strange reason stopped working.

ive gone to control panel boot camp and turned on and off the option to use the f1 keys and still nothing. i have uninstalled the driver for the keyboard and still nothing.

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Applications :: Handbrake - Incomplete DVD Rip

Nov 25, 2007

I'm hoping someone here might have encountered this issue before and have some kind of a workaround or solution...I've attempted to rip Rocky Balboa (a DVD I own) using Handbrake. It detects all of the titles (for some reason there are 99!) and automatically selects the right one, which shows as 1 hour 42 minutes. Also, all the chapters are selected (1 through 28) However, when I try to rip it, the resulting file is only about 3 minutes long - it's just the very beginning

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Windows On Mac :: MS Office In 7 Ultimate Via VMware Fusion On MBP 13 Inch Mid 2010?

Sep 7, 2010

I'm looking to buy a new macbook pro for school but I have some questions before I can buy one. For some of my school work I still have to use windows. I'll need windows for SPSS for windows and for MS Office, Access to be more specific.

I already own a 21.5 inch iMac on which I run Windows 7 Ultimate and I have installed MS Office in Windows 7. The problem is that I noticed some difference in using the keys on your keyboard while working in excel or access.

For example: on my windows laptop in excel, i have to hold control and then click on the fields i want to select. I noticed that on my iMac i needed to hold the right alt key on my mac keyboard and then i got to click the fields I want to select. So this is just a slight difference and it doesn't matter at all if I have to use some different keys for this type of actions. As long as I know how to do them offcourse. This may be silly for some of you but in order to get some good grades I really need to know this. Note that I only need to use Access not excel. But I just gave Excel as an example so you guys know where I'm coming from.

So my question is, does anyone have any experience with this? Are there other key changes I have to know? Or important notes on this subject?

I also have another question. As I already explained above I am running Windows 7 ultimate via Vmware Fusion and I have installed MS Office in this virtual machine. Can I just copy the virtual machine file from my iMac to my macbook pro? So I will have the same settings on my MBP?

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Windows On Mac :: AutoCAD 2010 Wont Load On Vista Through Parallels

Sep 3, 2009

I downloaded parallels 4 and set up a virtual machine with Vista (I couldn't get a copy of XP so I had to settle). I then installed an educational version of AutoCAD 2010, it installs and everything but when I open the program it begins loading until a point where it doesn't respond. I have reinstalled it, uninstalled it and installed it again, but the same exact thing happens each time. When AutoCAD stops responding it says this at the bottom of the screen:

Opening: C:UsersAdministratorAppDataLocalAutodeskAutoCAD 2010R18.0enuTemplateacad.dwt

I don't know whether that is relevant or not. I read somewhere that to run AutoCAD 2010 on vista you need 2GB of memory. With parallels the way it is I can only commit 1GB of memory to vista. I was wondering if it would work on bootcamp where i can devote all my memory to windows. Is it even possible to uninstall parallels and all that and switch to bootcamp? If thats even possible would I be able to preserve my copy of vista or would i have to get a new license?

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Intel Mac :: How To Import OLM Files Into Windows Office 2010 Computer

Jun 23, 2012

I have temp. a desktop PC and I would like to import my MAC outlook file (.olm) into my office windows 2010 computer. Is there a way to import my olm file into my windows office 2010?


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MacBook Pro :: Which Version Of Bootcamp Can Install On (13-inch - Mid 2010) To Have Windows 8 OS

Aug 29, 2014

I Recently installed on my MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2010) windows7 and then updated to windows8. I'm now unable to install Bootcamp on the windows OS due to compatibility issues.

Is there a specific version of bootcamp that may work and if yes where can I find it?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Windows 8.1

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MacBook Air :: Cannot Install Windows 8 Consumer Preview On 11" (Late 2010)

Mar 10, 2012

I'm trying to install Windows 8 Consumer Preview on my MacBook Air 11" (Late 2010 model) via Boot Camp assistant. I've hacked the Info.plist of the Boot Camp Assistant to allow it to create a bootable USB installer drive. After successfully creating the USB, the laptop proceeds to reboot itself but it never loads up the Windows installer. However, if I restart it while holding Option, and selecting EFI boot, the installer loads up. However, once it loads, I cannot install Windows 8 Consumer Preview to the Boot Camp partition because of this error: "Windows cannot be installed to this disk. The selected disk has an MBR partition table. On EFI systems, Windows can only be installed to GPT disks. Windows cannot be installed to this hard disk space. WIndows must be installed to a partition formatted as NTFS. Windows cannot be installed to this disk. This computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure that the disk's controller is enabled in the computer's BIOS menu." 

MacBook Air (11-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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