Software :: How To Get DVD Protection On Mac?

Mar 26, 2009

I was trying to make a backup of one of my DVDs and it gave me such a hard time! I tried Mactheripper and then after some googling, I found some windows programs that do the same thing but they get rid of a lot of encryption, so I booted up windows in VMWare and installed them.

No matter which program I used though, it gave me a hard time with it at the same place in the DVD.

I only had one more idea left and that was to (god forbid) walk over to a PC and install the program and try it there. to my amazement, it worked! Does Apple block us from doing that to or is it just my DVD rom?

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OS X :: How To Get DRM Protection?

Oct 14, 2009

I received 2 files: powerpoint & word, downloaded, work fine on PC but in Mac, I got this message:

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Mac Pro :: How To Know About 2010 MP Protection?

Sep 20, 2010

My 2010 2.93 12-core system will be here in a few days and I just thought of something important that I haven't had to think of in quite some time.

Surge Protection and Power Conditioning.

So I have a few questions for you guys, i'll let you know what I'm running and you tell me if you think im protected or if I need better protection ( recommendations would be in order )

Mac Pro 2.93 12-core
4 HDD 7200 RPM
ATi HD 5870
30" ACD

2 Powered speakers and a powered sub

All of them plugged into a Furman ML-8 Power Conditioner [URL]

What do you think? Should I get a different protector/conditioner? I've looked around and I saw this issue before on here, but it was antiquated information.

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MacBook Air :: How To Get Protection For The New Air?

Oct 25, 2010

will be getting my new Air on the 27th. By the mean time, I am looking for a protection like Wrapsol for the new Air. Do you guys have any alternatives?

I am looking to buy Wrapsol since they are the best but they dont have one for the new Air yet.

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MacBook :: How To Know About MB Protection?

Mar 30, 2009

When I buy my Aluminum MacBook for college, I want it to stay in the exact same condition as I bought it in.

What I'd like to do is apply a full-body InvisibleShield to the MacBook, and then put it in a Speck or Incase hard case. After those, I'd want to store it in a Neoprene sleeve for when I travel across campus with it in my backpack.

My question is, can I do all of this? I want the hands down, absolute best protection for my huge investment while still maintaining the amazing aesthetics of the notebook itself.

However, I don't know if the MacBook would still fit in any of the hard cases once I've applied the InvisibleShield. Does anyone have this particular or a similar configuration?

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OS X :: Do I Need Virus Protection?

Jul 26, 2009

i just bought my macbook pro 13" aluminum body. do i need any virus protection?

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OS X :: Best Mac Virus Protection?

Mar 13, 2010

I plan on getting a Mac soon and i know that you don't need virus protection but I heard there still are some nasty viruses out there so what's the best program for it?

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OS X :: Virus Protection For 10.5.8 On G5?

Jul 14, 2010

So I was Leopard gets older and Apple eventually stops updating the security features, will there be more need to go out and buy a program like Norton Antivirus for mac? We mac users take pride in NOT having to have antivirus programs like the PC market, but is it advisable?

I'm wondering if I should buy Norton for mac (only $50, which I thought was reasonable,) to install on my PM G5. What are your guys' thoughts?

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OS X :: Using Password Protection

Aug 4, 2010

I need help setting a password protection that would be activated when there has not been use for 30 sec. My kids have gotten on when I was working on important files and now many are missing.

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OS X :: Mac Virus Protection - Which Software Should Be Used?

Oct 18, 2008

I've just purchased a MacBook Pro and wondering if I should protect myself against viruses etc? If so, what should I use? I've yet again recently had to format my laptop PC hardrive after a virus attack, and I'm hoping all this will now be a thing of the past.

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Applications :: Password Protection On OS 10.4

Oct 19, 2010

I have password protection enabled on my operating system so that I can lock the computer, and also so that a password has to be entered after the computer has been sleeping or has been closed. However, when starting the computer from being powered off, no password is required.

My question is: if the computer is in sleep mode or is closed, if someone powers it off and the turns it back on, will they be able to bypass the password protection?

I know I can set the computer to ask for a password before logging in after startup, but it seems that if the computer is in a password protected sleep, that the sleep image would make the computer remember that it was password protected, and would prompt for a password before logging into my account.

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IMac :: Best Virus Protection?

Jan 4, 2011

I'll probably get banned for asking this but I will anyway. Yes I did use the search tool but all the posts I was reading where old.

Here goes. I just bought a new i5 iMac and was wondering if i should buy virus protection software?

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Mac Pro :: What Type Of UPS For Max Power Protection

Jan 20, 2008

Well I just placed my $5,000+ order for my new Mac Pro and now it is time to consider power protection. I am going to need to plug in my Mac Pro, LCD monitor, laser printer, speakers, and mouse (MX1000). Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations as to how much protection I need for that? They have so many varieties with different voltages. I have no idea what a Mac Pro requires. All I know is that after spending that kind of money I want to protect my investment with something of high quality.

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Applications :: Copy Protection Cd To DMG Or ISO?

Jun 5, 2008

Put simply, I am looking for a CloneCD equivalent to the mac.

More specifically, I am looking for a program that will copy and/or create disk images (either iso or dmg) of CD-roms or DVD-roms with copy protection on them. Obviously, trying to do this with disk utility or the wonderful open-source disc burning utility "Mac OS X Burn", which does almost everything else, will fail.

I have a couple of games (some of them are on CD-rom, others are on DVD-rom, and I am sure they have copy protection.) and I want to copy them onto my HDD as some form of a disc image file so I can just mount them when playing the game.

P.S. Please don't bring up legal issues. I bough these games and I am just copying them onto my HDD to play myself while saving some battery power on my laptop. It's not illegal, and more importantly, even if it was, it doensn't matter because I don't find it morally incorrect.

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MacBook Pro :: Virus Protection On A MBP?

Jul 6, 2009

i got my macbook pro a few days ago and i'm enjoying it. the only concern i have is that it might get a virus and and i don't want to put 1.5k of US dollars to waste just like that. i always thought a mac could never get a virus so thats why i bought it but i read that there is a chance that getting a virus might happen. so i am wonder should i pay for a virus protection or does it already come with a virus protector and i don't have to worry?

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OS X :: Getting Virus Protection With Bootcamp?

Jul 8, 2009

If i install bootcamp on my iMac. Does it come with any anti virus protection or do i have to buy it myself?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Get MBP 15" Protection?

Sep 26, 2009

I'm brand spanking new to the Mac world, just bought my 15" MacBook Pro last week and so far loving it.

However I'm going to be mainly resting it on my coffee table which has some hinges on top, and it seems inevitable that eventually the bottom of the laptop will get scratched.

I started researching skins to buy, and there's such a wealth of info and opinions on these forums and on the web that I'm still clueless what to get. I read more bad than good reviews about the Speck.

Just looking for something moderately priced and lightweight to protect the outside of my mac while I'm using it.

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OS X :: How To By Pass Password Protection

Dec 14, 2009

I do things like adding ram swapping Hdds. but am not really god at the software part. I got a costumer with a lock macpro that does not has the password. I know it sounds suspicious but hey he is just another costumer. I am getting the machine tomorrow so i need TO KNOW IF is possible to just put a Leopard disk and restore it? or will i have to do thing further like Formating the HDD or swapping and put another clean one to install OS X on it?

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OS X :: Run Any Virus Protection On A Mac Unless You Run Windows?

Mar 15, 2010

I am new to the Mac and I just want to make sure before I do anything. I have a friend that wants me to download the MSN CHat program so we can instant chat. Will that open me up to possible any virus stuff? I know you do not have to run any virus protection on a Mac unless you run Windows.

Also if it matters my friend is on a PC.

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IMac :: Using Virus Protection?

Jun 21, 2010

I've just ordered my first Mac (ever) 27" i7 8Gb 2Tb. I figured if I'm in... I'm going all the way in, so now I have to wait 10 days (build time I'm told). I have owned a PC since about '78 or '79ish ? when I bought my first TRS80 (for all the old timers out there) and I think I'm pretty good with em, however apples, I haven't a clue .... Anyway my 1st question to the brains trust out there is do I need internet security/antivirus software on my new iMac.

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MacBook Pro :: Mbp Best Virus Protection?

Aug 11, 2010

i heard its almost impossible for macbookpro to get viruses but its possible still?? I want to make sure i never get viruses or anything like that so do i need some kind of virus protection? I have a pc and it keeps getting viruses and getting fixed and getting viruses again all cuz im a comp noob lol . This is gona be my first mac..i just bought it on apple online store... And i wana do stuff like stream anime from random sites and my pc got spyware and totally messed up when i streamed anime and accidentally got tricked into clicking an ad..and i also wana download stuff from limewire and stufff like that..would it be safe to do that kind of stuff without protection on a mbp?? Had anyone even got a virus on their mac ??

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Virus Protection For It?

Apr 21, 2012

I need to know whether I need virus protection for my MacBook Pro. if so, can I use AVG, or which would you recommend.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: Getting The Virus Protection For It?

Apr 22, 2012

what Virus Protection I need for my MacAir and where to get it.

MacBook Air

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OS X :: Virus Protection On My Virtual Machine On Mac?

Jun 10, 2010

I run Windows 7 on my Mac using Parallels Desktop and the virtual machine is protected by Kasperky. My question is, will this virus protection conflict with ClamXav or Norton 11 if I were to put either into my Mac or should I remove the Kaspersky first. In addition, if I did have to remove the Kaspersky, would any AntiVirus/Spyware specific for Mac also protect the virtual machine?

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Software :: ITunes Movie With DRM Protection?

May 3, 2010

I recently purchased a movie off of the iTunes Store and realized that it had DRM Protection on it. How do I take this off? I was looking into a few programs, such as Mac The Ripper, and RipIt, and Hand Brake but these don't seem to work. Does Mac The Ripper only do DVD's or can it do files too? what about RipIt? any other program references are appreciated as long as their legal (some are, some are not, I've looked into this a little) and work. I'm running OS X 10.62.

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Applications :: Using Password Protection In MAIL?

Oct 17, 2010

Is there a way I can prevent people using my computer from seeing my email in MAIL?

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PowerPC :: Protection For G4 - Snap / Case?

Dec 31, 2007

It came with a carrying case, but I want a little more protection, like a snap on case? My cousin has a MacBook Pro and has one. And I want one exactly like it! But I haven't been able to find a similar one for my PowerBook If you don't know what I'm talking about, look here: [URL:...]Something along those lines. I've been looking for one for awhile but I can't seem to find one.

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OS X :: Looking For Time Machine Password Protection

Apr 7, 2008

I use Time Machine to back up my data and am very satisfied but have one problem with it. Is there anyway to password protect the backed up data or even the entire external hard drive?

My user account is password protected but it appears as if anyone who has physical access to my external hard drive can access all of my information. If this is the case, how can I protect my data?

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Windows On Mac :: Finding Spy And Virus Protection

May 20, 2009

I was advised by the Apple store that I need not worry about spy/virus intrusion issues on my Mac mini. However, do I need to worry about spy and virus intrusion when activating the Parallel program and using the Windows XP side of my Mac mini .... i.e., similar to the threats that I had to protect against on my IBM PC computer???

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MacBook Pro :: How To Get Sleeve / Shell / Protection For MBP?

May 28, 2009

how to get sleeve / shell / protection for MBP?

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