Software :: Photoshop Lightroom 2 Released As Adobe's First 64-bit Mac App
Jul 29, 2008
Following an earlier open beta, Adobe on Tuesday released version 2.0 of its Photoshop Lightroom post production photography software, which stands as the company's first application to run 64-bit-native on Apple's Mac OS X Leopard operating system.
The San Jose-based software developer is particularly proud of the accomplishment given that Lightroom's main competitor, Apple's Aperture, has yet to see native 64-bit support.
Adobe has committed to delivering 64-bit versions of Photoshop and its other Creative Suite applications, but said earlier this year that those updates will take considerably longer due to Apple's decision to scrap plans for a 64-bit version of its Carbon developer tool set.
For Lightroom 2.0, 64-bit support will allow the application to address large amounts of memory in excess of 4 gigabytes, which will speed up overall performance for photographers dealing with large scale images that must be swapped into and out of memory during processing-intensive operations.
The software also aims to streamline and accelerate photographers� workflows through an enhanced Library module featuring the ability to visually organize images across multiple hard drives. A Library Filter Bar and Suggested Keywords feature work towards simplifying the search and retrieval process.
Two other highly touted features of Lightroom 2.0 are dual-monitor support for maximizing workspace and more efficient printing tools. For instance, the software now arranges photos of multiple sizes on one or many pages with customizable templates to maximize paper and ink. Intelligent algorithms then automatically determine optimal sharpening for screen or print, producing crisper images faster.
Adobe is also rolling out new RAW technology that gives photographers access to flexible camera profiles that will help reduce unexpected changes in the quality of their photographs.
"Camera profiles are the visual starting point for the raw processing workflow, but image preferences vary for every photographer," the company siad. "To minimize surprises, Adobe is supplying default camera profiles that closely emulate the visual looks that photographers are used to seeing from their favorite camera, while also providing the ability to create highly customized profiles to suit different tastes."
Camera profiles are available for immediate download on Adobe Labs for use with Lightroom 2 and Camera RAW 4.5, along with a DNG Profile Editor for the community to test and create their own profiles. The tools currently support over 190 camera models including the Olympus E 420 and E 520 models.
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 is available for immediate download (or shipping) through the Adobe Store in English, French and German with the Japanese language version planned to be released at a future date. New licenses cost $299 and upgrades fetch $99.[ View this article at ]
I've got a MBP and I've been using an external 1TB FW800/eSata/USB drive with my Lightroom library for editing photos in Lightroom and Photoshop.
I want to drop the MBP and buy the Air v2 SSD. All considering NC Macguy's posts (and great disassembly photos) and all the performance-oriented info coming out.
Anyone been running PS for editing 16 bit photos, multiple layers, filters, that sort of thing? Normally, I'd waltz into a Mac Store in LA and run some edits on my own but I'm currently in Berlin and they a) don't have the new Air in yet and b) won't put an SSD out as a floor model anyways.
I've got a file (39mp) if anyone wants to download it and see if it clogs up PS I'd be very interested to know how the system holds up especially the ram.
I really want to jump on the i5/i7 27" band wagon, and I'd be grateful to hear from other Photoshop CS5/Lightroom 3 users who have received their new units. What configuration did you choose, and how do these two programs respond to the new system?
I'm currently running them (along with various PS plugins) on a March 2009 Core 2 Duo iMac and would like to know if the speed increase with an i5 or i7 would justify an upgrade.
I have recently tried to export photos from lightroom 2 to photoshop cs4. When I did this it told me I needed to update my version on photoshop but I cant find the option to update in any of the menus.Would appreciate a point in the right direction.
I have deleted the app itself, the folder in my Pictures directory, the Application Support section (...p support/Adobe/Lightroom) in both my user and the HDD.
I started with over 33gigs left, now i don't even have 32.
I am very confused and if someone could give me some advice that would be great, as I am tight-ish for space and would like to keep extraneous rubbish to a minimum.
I am looking for a way of synchronizing my Adobe Lightroom on two different computers - a desktop and laptop. I use Apple Mac computers. Is there a way of doing this? Can you do it in Lightroom itself, or would File Synchronizing software such as Super Flexible Synchronizer
I have a Lion. My camera is a Nikon D700 I have Lightroom 3 and Lightroom 4 Recently downloaded Lightroom 4.1 connected my memory card reader to upload photos . Lightroom 3 opens and not Lightroom 4 to import the photos. Checked Image capture application to change preferences - there is no preferences in image capture (Lion) My scanner is the only device that is shown.
Info: Acrobat Connectnow, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Processer 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5
he wants to give me his PS cs4, im prolly not even going to use it, should i take it anyway? itll prolly just take a couple gigs of my hd and i wont use it
Just wondering if there is a Snow Leopard patch out yet for Adobe Photoshop Elements (updated) 6? I've been waiting to buy Snow Leopard, but I need Adobe Photoshop 6...So I'm waiting...
So, I wanted to get a version of photoshop for my mac, so I googled in and I found out that at the end of March, Adobe is releasing Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 for the Mac. Does anybody have anything to say about this? Is it a good editor that does all the main functions of CS2 and CS3?
A couple of days ago I noticed that all the images on my mac had no icons anyway, whether they be PNG's, JPEG's or GIF's, they won't open in preview or quick-look only photoshop CS4; even photos that have never been through photoshop. What isalso weird is that I haven't used photoshop in months!So i have no idea what has caused this.
I purchased Adobe Photoshop 6.0 for mac off ebay, but when I try to install it I get a message that says the old style install is not supported. I am using an iMac Intel with Lion installed.
I just upgraded my imac G5 to OS 10.5.8 and as a result can no longer use my adobe photoshop elements software. I was thinking of downloading a simple free program like Image Tricks but was wondering if this would do any damage. I am not very familiar with issues regarding free software. s
I upgraded to CS6 yesterday and could install the programmes properly. Once I launchpad to start using the new Phptoshop though, I couldn't find it anywhere. I moved the app outside the CS6 subfolder and placed it into the actual apps folder. It didn't appear anyway and this way I wasn't able to launch the app neither.
Gizmodo is reporting that pirated copies of the Photoshop cs4 crack have been determined to have a trojan which gives an attacker root access to your machine. I know this is a sensitive topic to discuss here but I have a question: What can you do to search to see if you have been infected? I did not use a photoshop cs4 crack per se, but my machine was exposed to a similar file that is close enough to scare the bejesus out of me.
I'm a UI designer so I use Adobe CS products every day at work. The company I just started gave me a Apple's mighty mouse (codeless mouse) and I found it very erratic. While I'm working on Illustrator and Photoshop documents I use mouse and Option/Command/Shift keys on the keyboard simultaneously to create mockups. Even though my finger is not touching the surface of the mouse the documents moves right and left, zoom in and out by itself. This erratic behavior happens only in Illustrator, Photoshop and Google Maps so I was wondering if this is a known issue in Adobe products or the mouse I got happens to be defective.
I am poised to make the change from PC to Mac. However, I have a decision to make. I am currently running a 3ghz QUAD core, 8gb RAM with Windows Vista. The system runs well (yes, even though it is Windows) but I wish to move to Mac and ditch the Windows world. I plan to use Logic Pro so need a Mac. I have 2 x 24" monitors that set me back 700�. I was thinking to keep those and perhaps buy a Mini Mac. The mini Mac can support 2x displays.
My big question is this: If I went for the 2.66Ghz Intel Duo Core Mini Mac with 8gb RAM, would this tun Logic Pro without any problems? Would it also run software like Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator / Premiere without hanging or being very slow? Who has a mini Mac and currently has these softwares installed? Please advise? Should I simply sell everything and go for an iMac?
I have Adobe Photoshop CS3 installed in my macbook ... I dont really use the Adobe Bridge software that came along with it. During install, it never asked me for a custom installation so it ended up getting installed in my mac. Can I uninstall it using AppCleaner and not affect my Photoshop CS3?
Are you using the Mac or Windows version, (via Bootcamp/Fusion)? Which version is better to buy, Mac or Windows? If you read in the adobe user forums it seems a lot of Mac users buy Adobe Suites in the Windows version and run it via Bootcamp? Or, am I mistaken? I'm about to order CS4 Design Premium and I want to make sure I order what's easiest to learn and best to use.
I bought a refurb iMac directly from apple 2 years ago. It already came with Adobe Photoshop as well as many others. I didn't start using the photoshop until recently. Yesterday, I logged on, and asked me for a serial number. Where would I find this or how do I obtain this since it came with the iMac?
How can i uninstall this application?? I am trying to delete adobe photoshop on my macbook as it is taking up too much space, it will not let me move it to trash, how do i delete it?
At this current stage i have the white macbook, which i love. I'm looking into getting a iMac 24. Just a few things which worry me. I will be using adobe photoshop all the time for designing sites, is there a need to have a 8800 upgrade to let it run smoothly?Are you able to upgrade the graphics cards in iMac's after purchase?Also, been reading about and all this stuff about a new iMac. If true, whens it likely going to happen?
I have 2 Macs the first is a MacBook where I have a license for Adobe CS2 and Photoshop began to close every time that I tried to use.So I installed a new system on a Power MAc G5 and import my apps from the MacBook and the problem still there. erase all adobe programs, the library, preferences, apps, shut down computer and next day install a new adobe CS2 from scratch... And the problem still there.
I have 3 pictures that are currently saved in iPhoto, I would like to combine theses 3 Individual pictures into just 1 picture using Adobe Photoshop Elements 10?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.6), Macbook Pro, iPod Touch, iPad