Software :: Keychain Isn't Updating Stored Domain Passwords?
Oct 5, 2010
I work in the IT Department. I have about 3,000 Windows XP machines and just 10 Mac. The graphic designers have to be special. The macs have been bound to Active Directory. The issue that is causing me such headaches and sleepless nights is that when the Mac users change their domain password every 30 days, they get locked out of the printer server, intranet and entourage email (Exchange 2003).
How do I get the keychain to update the stored domain resource passwords (exchange, intranet, print server) with the new domain password? I really need these people to stop calling the helpdesk every 30 days.
The Macs run DAVE and do connect to Windows Shares. They are all brand new Macs running the latest OS Snow Leopard with all the updates.
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May 9, 2009
I've never used OSX before about a week ago, but I am picking up on it well (I've used GNU/Linux for almost ten years so I know my way around an operating system). But I don't really think keychain access is working as it should...It's hard to explain. I mean, the way I understand it, shouldn't it be saving the passwords I type into Safari and auto-filling them? Because it only auto-fills some passwords. Paypal autofills, but my bank's website doesn't, and even this forum doesn't autofill. I have to type in my password every time I visit.
Is this working as intended? Is there a way I can get Safari or Keychain to fill in all passwords for me automatically? This is leopard on an iMac G5 iSight model. I did a fresh install like a week ago. Sorry if my question is vague but that's the best I can do with the amount I understand.
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May 17, 2012
How can I find the passwords stored in my macbook pro? Is there a list hiding somewhere? eg. I wanted to log into an account I have with a web-based business and my computer remembers the password but it is not visible so I cannot re-enter it on a later page.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 7, 2012
How can I use KeyChain to a create distinct, strong password for each site where I sign on, then store all the passwords and autofill them when necessary, so that I need only remember my log on password?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 21, 2009
After using snow leopard for a couple of months I didn't really enjoy it. Applications crashed, plus it was only the beta. I decided to Downgrade to leopard. I backed up using time machine, cleared my HD in Disc Utility, and tried to restore. This didn't work since the default applications were not compatible with Leopard s I had to start fresh then drag my apps and everything manually. After a couple of days, it was all done. Now after 3 months since I downgraded, Keychain is really starting to tick me off. Every time I use an application that requires a password, it never remembers and I always have to type it. I've tried using pacifist and putting back in keychain, nothing. Tried to make a new keychain nothing. Tried to repair, nothing. What is going on here.
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Mar 3, 2012
I have never used Keychain. I posted elsewhere herein that I deleted my cookies and now, tho' I am logging in to all the online password-protected accounts, despite selecting "remember me" or "keep me logged in" I wind up having to log in every time I attempt to access.So I thought I'd try using Keychain to hold the passwords to make things a little more efficient until I (if ever) solve the cookie problem. I deleted the old keychain and created a new one. When I restarted the computer, since I have Goggle Notifier, the first thing it asked me was if I wanted to store the Gmail password in the keychain which I created—yes—no problem with Gmail. I went to the other accounts and logged in, assuming Keychain would ask me if I wanted to store the password for that online account in Keychain as well, but I got no screen enabling me to do that.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.4.11), Safari v. 4.1.3
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Apr 5, 2012
I use Safari and have done so since owning macs for years. Never had a problem with keychain and safari remembering passwords and usernames. Since updating to the latest verison of Safari 5.1. I've encountered a problem where it won't remember the password for my websites. I have turned on autofill / user names and passwords. Even tried deleting the partciular sites from my Keychain, then removing the site and username from the autofill list in safari. But when i do this and go back to the site i want to save details on Keychain won't save any of my details. I have tried repairing keychain, restoring from an old keychain folder from my time machine. But nothing!
iMac Intel Core Duo 2.16 Ghz, Mac OS X (10.5.5)
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Apr 19, 2012
I upgraded from Snow Lepord to Lion and now all the passwords I used to have in keychain are gone. I have TimeMachine, but when I try to restore I get an error message: Keychain access can't be modified or deleted because it's required by Mac OS X. All the passwords I used to have stored in there are now gone. how I can get them back?
iMac 20", Mac OS X (10.5.8), 1GB Mem, 2.4Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
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May 5, 2012
My password file was compromised. How do I recover my passwords from Keychain ?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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May 21, 2012
How can I move keychain web passwords to my new OS X Lion
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Jun 26, 2012
I just discovered KeyChain. Great idea! However, when I chose iCloud and entered the password to view iCloud password, there was, what appeared to be enough random letters, numbers and symbols to fill the entire data entry window. I looked at other passwords and only one other was weird. can I changed a passeord when I am in KeyChain?
iPhone 3GS, Mac OS X (10.6.7), iPad2
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Nov 30, 2014
How can I find passwords stored in my iCloud keychain? I am using MacBook Pro with Yosemite.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)
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Nov 12, 2008
I recently had to restore my 1st gen MBP. I recovered essentially all of its files: Users, Library, and Applications, because I wanted to be able to restore things just as they were, without having to re-install 20 apps and change the settings again on 50. I followed Apple's instructions on how to restore "Users", but that's all that they instruct for. I know that restoring my system library is what led to the following problems, but I have virtually no Terminal knowledge and would like to know if there are things I can do to fix these issues: I very often get asked for the system keychain password. I know exactly what it is, but it denies me every time. Once that window goes away (even with 'cancel') most things seem to run fine. But I often have to enter other passwords later.
--My wireless networks are not automatically accessed (I think this is related to the previous issue) until I choose one of them. At least it doesn't ask me for the network passwords every time.
--Sometimes if I right-click on an image to open it in Preview it gives me two preview programs to choose from, but only the older one opens. I only have one 'Preview' in Applications.
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Jun 21, 2012
I've always saved my internet passwords in Keychain Access, but I have to send my computer in for repairs and I wouldn't want the technician to have access to important passwords.On the other hand, though, I don't want to get rid of them forever, because I can't really remember all of my passwords.Is there a way to export them so I can temporarily get rid of them and import them back once I get my MacBook back?
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Jun 29, 2012
I had recently installed a new software from 10.5.4 to 10.6.8.... when i went to pick up my laptop, they show me that was installed, the girl that show me, she asked if I remember the login password, I sayd no, I have this machine from 4 years and with my old system I never had to use the login password and the keychain as well, so I forgot both of them.I can't change what i want on the system preferences because it's all loked I can't delete things and when I use safari it's asking me the keychain password every 2 minutes.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 25, 2014
I don't find keychain passwords always propagate to all my apple devices so I want to print a list of accounts and passwords for safekeeping. The export list item on the menu is greyed out. The files are binary so they're not easily read with a text editor. What are my options besides making back-up copies of the keychain files which, obviously, will become obsolete next time I add a password?
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May 8, 2012
In my office,we have three Wi-Fi connection A,B,C.I had connected them in store the password in keychain.For now,i want to create a applescript to auto connect them by one click.Like i click application A,then it will help me to connect to A Wi-Fi and so on.
But,after i searched many knowledge from web,the code maybe not work on lion.
tell application "Keychain Script" set serverKey to frist key of current keychain whose name is "EUCMAC" set acct to account of serverKey set pswd to password of serverKey end tell
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 12, 2012
I accidentally deleted the Keychain access passwords. How do I restore them? I've been backing up on Time Machine.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 14, 2012
I am constantly being asked for my passwords for all 3 of my email accounts.
MacBook Pro
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May 21, 2012
What happens to Keychain data when I move to iCloud? Can I still access Keychain passwords?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 12, 2012
So I find I'm one of the 6.5 million people whose LinkedIn passwords were recently grabbed by thieves (confirmed by LinkedIn). That password was used on a number of other websites, so I clearly need to run around and change a bunch of passwords.I have a ton of Internet passwords stored in my keychain though, so working my way through them one-by-one will take forever: double-click an entry, click Show Password, enter my login password, lather, rinse repeat. For some reason, there are several records stored for the same website. So, is there some way I can run the security command, give it my login password once, then have it display the unencrypted Internet passwords? I played around with it a bit a couple days ago, but never got it to work as I wanted. I'm on Leopard, but also have a Lion system available (assuming the Leopard keychain file can be grokked by the Lion keychain tools). Anything which will lessen the effort necessary to identify all my sites which use the bad password.
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Apr 5, 2012
Does anyone know of a way to force-disable the ability for Keychain to save/store the passwords for specific services? For example, when a user launches a FileMaker database, they're propted (via a Finder-style popup window) to enter their username/password for that database. And there's the checkbox option to "Remember this password in my keychain". The same thing happens when mounting Share Points via AFP on one of my Xserves — the user is prompted for their login credentials and given the option to remember the login info in their keychain.
It's our company's policy that users DO NOT use keychain to store passwords for these to services, but thus far, aside from physically checking the individual user accounts on the various machines (which is pretty much impossible), there's no way to enforce this policy. So, I'm hoping to find a way to disable the ability for passwords for these services to be stored in the user's keychain.
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Dec 5, 2014
If I try to view a password for either an application or website using Keychain. As soon as I tick the box 'show password' a message pops up saying "Access to this item is restricted" How can I access and view my passwords?
Mac Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jun 29, 2009
I'm sure this is a very basic question, but having just made the Mac switch a week ago...I am lost. when I did a forum search, I found out how to access keychains, but I'm not sure if I found something particular to my question- please forgive me if I overlooked something.
I was downloading microsoft software last night and all of a sudden I began getting these little pop-ups that say "A keychain cannot be found for safari" with the option to cancel or reset to default.
how can I fix this so it doesn't happen?
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Jan 19, 2009
Safari keeps giving me popup windows saying a keychain can't be found. It's only just started doing this but it's really annoying. Could it have anything to do with the fact I installed a new flash player? That's the only difference I can think of.Also on another computer it keeps asking for a password to access the keychain. It only does this on one user account though. Any assistance is gladly accepted!
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Feb 4, 2010
I'm able to look at all my keychains, except Private Encrypted Data. Any ideas why? I've used my Mac password on every keychain, but this one I just can't open.
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Mar 17, 2012
i am currently using snow leopard, and I am waiting for this summer to update to mountain lion. Right now, I need the a new feature of imovie for my project, so I am thinking about buying Life 11 at this moment. However, I just want to make sure that, will updating my OS X includes updating my imovie, iphoto and everything? If yes, then I probably dont need to buy Life 11 to update my imovie now/
iMovie (iOS), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 16, 2009
I closed the terminal window that I entered the command into but from what I recall I typed: chmod 444 I may have put in ~/Library/Preferences or I may not have, I did push enter before finishing the line though Now when I try to set it back to not showing hidden files I get this: [URL:...] Could not write domain; exiting Anyone know how I can undo whatever it is I have done?
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Dec 21, 2006
on setting up an OD master to accept kerberos from a AD domain and I can't get AFP to work.
What I've done:
1. Bind OD Master to AD
2. Destroyed the OD Kerberos realm
3. Ran sudo dsconfigad -enableSSO
When I log into a client that is bond to both AD and OD and try to access a SMB share on the AD side it works. When I try to access a SMB share on the OD master it work. When I try to access a AFP share on the OD Master it fails with the error " The user Authentication Method required by this server can't be found". Now I think this error is because I'm forcing Kerberos authentication, if I change AFP setting to any method authentication I get promoted with the AFP login window, I enter my AD account information and I'm able to mount the share.
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Jan 27, 2010
Students cannot log in to AD system from Mac clients Clients were functioning okay. I discovered some file permission problems. Some student folders were receiving inherited permissions allowing other students access to other students' folders. I corrected the permissions. The student folders are located here: \SERVERstudentsgradyearstudent name. Students have transverse folder permissions to students and grad year. Students have modify permissions to their own folder. Windows clients work. Mac clients, where the student has logged in before, appear to be logging in, but then fail, returning to a login screen. If the student has never logged into that Mac before they are shook off. It appears that the permissions required for the Macs to write to the student folders are now incorrect. But I cannot find information on how permissions should be set for home folders residing on a Windows server. Also, I am fairly new at OS X administration (3 months) and have not discovered what log files to view to analyze the problem.
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