I recently upgraded to iPhoto '08 and, quite frankly, I think it's awful. Events make absolutely no sense�photos are hard to organize within them, it's difficult to find an event even after they're all organized, and every photo has to be in one�including random shots that really don't belong in to any grouping at all. I think I'll stick with folders. But, is there a way to hide/disable events in any way? The events menu is on the top of the left iPhoto column and it's automatically selected on occasion. New ones are also created every time I import. I used to be able to hide albums, but now I don't want to use events�how can I get rid of that?
I see there are several threads already on how to hide photos in iPhoto, but the hidden photos remain visible in the events. I am able to hid them, but they still show up in the events preview, and when you move the cursor over the event, the hidden photos are visible. Is there a way to completely hid a set a photos as well as the events preview? Password locked is preferred.
I Have a Question about iCal & what would be the best way to set up a calender that displays work days but also shows "Holiday" time in the same calender At the present time it has the work times set to repeat weekly but the main issue I have is when I put the "Holiday" time in I don't want the work events popping up every day on the break. I know there isn't much I can do with it but I will like to hear your thoughts.
Can you nest events or albums in iPhoto 09, like how you can nest folders in Finder?For example, rather than having 200 events scattered in my iPhoto library, can I group the 200 events so, say 50 are under "work", 50 are under "family" and the other 100 are under, say, "Ballparks"
I have 20gb of photos stored on a portable hard drive. I'd like to copy all of them onto my macbook pro. When I download them to iphoto they show up under EVENTS. If I drag the individual folders to ALBUMS am I using up an additional 20gb of storage space on my hard drive since it doesn't look like the EVENTS folder has changed/moved?
I have searched around but cant find an answer that works to this problem. I recently lost all events from iphoto 08 7.1.5 (not sure why but it coincided with HDD getting full. I have tried various things to rebuild the library, reimport etc but I cant get all the events back. I do have time machine but I imported a load of photos since last backup and cant lose them. All the original photos appear to be there but just cant for the life of me get the events to appear back
I have been a long time mac user and my friend has just switched from a PC. She has tons of photos and has become very frustrated at how hard it is to move photos between events, (cutting and pasting being the best method I could tell her to use) in iPhoto. Before she arranged them as folders in the Windows explorer and it was easy to drag a photo from an open folder in the right hand of the explorer to a different folder in the vertical list on the left hand of the explorer. It got me wondering if anyone knows of a way, or a program, that will allow the events to all be viewed in a drop down in the left hand sidebar (perhaps like exposing all of your playlists in iTunes) of the iPhoto window, allowing you to open events in the main part of the window and simply drag photos to a different event on the left? I suggested just using the finder to organise them, but then editing becomes difficult.
I recently imported 10,000 photos to iphoto covering the last 12 years of my life. The only problem is that the events are not in the correct order by date. It take me hours to reorganize by date manually. Is there an option in iPhoto or a workflow that will do this automatically? (the photos are all dated, just in the wrong order)
Just as the thread title says, since updating to iPhoto '11, my event folders are not displayed in the right order according to the date the pictures were taken. Anybody else have this problem?
I have pictures that are in the incorrect "Events." Since iPhoto '11 auto-creates Events based on the time period the photos were taken, it is inevitable to get some into an Event you don't want them in. I might take 15 pictures in the morning of the sunrise, then take some pictures at the baseball game, and then another of something that catches my eye sometime during the day, and then some more photos at sunset.
I want the sunrise/sunset/sky pics in one event, the ball game in another, and the solo picture in no event, or an event called "Misc." If iPhoto '11 lumps them all into one Sunrise Event, how do I go about separating them out?
For some reason, since upgrading to iLife 2011. Whenever a new Event is created in iPhoto it doesn't create in the "Events" section. Only in Photos. Is anyone else experiencing this behavior? My latest "event" is October 2, but in Photos, the latest group in there is from today. can I delete the "events" then? are these two thing separate now?
I have tried checking with people at Apple store but they have failed to come up with the solution. Here is the problem everytime I restart my computer all the pictures from two of my events folders in the iphoto opens up at same time, meaning I have around 25 pictures or so opens up upon restart. I need to close them by using the function command and Q to close all at once. Often Time I hook up my computer to give presentation at work and its quite embarrassing that every one can see my pictures.
I have several iPhotos events. They largely consist of digital pictures tagged with the right dates. However, recently I imported some of these such pictures off of an old computer. While they are labeled with the right days, iPhoto seems to be listing events in the order they were imported in. Thus, I have pictures taken in 2003 next to my Christmas pictures from this year. I'd rather just have everything in chronological order, by date taken. Is there a way to do this?
I have some personal photos that I don't want everyone to see when I look over my iphoto library. How can I get a library that shows all photos EXCEPT for the ones I've deemed as private?
I have the same photo in 2 different albums. I want to hide it one album but not the other. But when I hide it in one album it automatically hides it on both. Can anyone help me.
I downloaded MainMenu which I guess helps clean up my computer a bit. I repaired disk permissions and cleaned out the user and system caches. After this it recommended I reboot the computer so it did so for me. The computer restarted and the first thing on the screen (still up) is asking "where is system events?" with a list of Apps for me to choose.
I shoot video on my Sony HDR SR12 camcorder a import it into iMovie then I use ScreenFlow to edit my video and upload it to youtube. My hard drive is starting to fill up and I was wondering if I need to keep all that video that is in my iMovie events folder or should I be able to use the file that is inside each of my ScreenFlow files?
I have a problem where I can't get rid of unnecessary events. The problem is with events which are repeated every period of time. When, I don't need them anymore, they refuse to disappear. I click delete, and get even the reminder: Deleting all future events. And when I confirm, and click OK, nothing happened. What should I do to erased these events definitely.
I noticed recenly that everything on my mini has been running slower than usual. I opened up the activity monitor to find that cpu usage is very high, junping between about 50 and 100%. The culprit seams to be a process called "System Events". I wondered why this process was chewing so much cpu and slowing my system down, and what exacly it was doing. The only thing ive changed recently is added a few "actions" to folders using automator so that when i add files to the folders they are automatically added to itunes and put in a playlist. Could this be the problem?
I am subscribed to a calendar on iCal, so iCal will not let me modify any of the events that I am subscribed to (states that it is "read-only"). Is there a way that I can change the settings so that I may able to modify it? Is there something I need to download in order to make this work?
I know this may sound a bit stupid, but i noticed whenever i see a picture of iCal or something, some dates and what not are colored ( see below ) yet my iCal is all white, i dont see options anywhere to set a certain color for a invent or anything?
I can change the text ( under get info ) but i cant have that whole date a certain color?
Went to go look up an event and it's not there anymore or any past events! I had at least 4 years of appointments that I can't look up anymore. I use MobileMe, so it erased it there too, no I don't have a backup. I did upgrade to the MobileMe iCal. Anyone else having this problem? I've got a hold of MobileMe chat support and there looking into it, suppose to get back to me when they find a solution.
My ical has broken. The dock icon is as the picture until you click it, then it loads the correct image. Also it does not load any of the events until I click the to do items button in the left hand corner.
I googled but nothing struck me, so i thought id ask the clever people here. Is there a Site, Program that will automatically add big events into Ical, so I know there coming up? For example these events 01 Jan 2010 New Year's DayBank Holiday 25 Jan 2010 Robert Burns Night (Burns Night)Notable Date 27 Jan 2010 Holocaust Memorial DayNotable Date 14 Feb 2010 Valentines DayNotable Date 16 Feb 2010 Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day)Notable Date 17 Feb 2010 Ash WednesdayReligious Date 01 Mar 2010 St David's DayNotable Date 14 Mar 2010 Mothering Sunday (Mothers Day)Notable Date 17 Mar 2010 St Patricks DayReligious Date 28 Mar 2010 British Summertime (BST) BeginsNotable Date 01 Apr 2010 Maundy ThursdayReligious Date 01 Apr 2010 April Fool's DayNotable Date 02 Apr 2010 Good FridayBank Holiday 04 Apr 2010 Palm SundayReligious Date 04 Apr 2010 Easter SundayReligious Date 05 Apr 2010 Easter MondayBank Holiday 21 Apr 2010 Queen Elizabeth's BirthdayNotable Date 23 Apr 2010 St George's DayReligious Date 03 May 2010 May Day (Early May Bank Holiday)Bank Holiday 31 May 2010 Spring Bank HolidayBank Holiday 14 Jun 2010 Trooping the ColourNotable Date 20 Jun 2010 Father's DayNotable Date 14 Jul 2010 Emmeline Pankhurst DayNotable Date 15 Jul 2010 St.Swithun's Day (aka St. Swithin's)Religious Date 30 Aug 2010 Summer Bank HolidayBank Holiday 31 Oct 2010 British Summertime (BST) EndsNotable Date 31 Oct 2010 HalloweenNotable Date 01 Nov 2010 All Saints DayReligious Date 05 Nov 2010 Guy Fawkes NightNotable Date 14 Nov 2010 Remembrance Day (Remembrance Sunday)Notable Date 30 Nov 2010 St Andrew's DayReligious Date 27 Dec 2010 Boxing DayBank Holiday 28 Dec 2010 ChristmasBank Holiday