I'm using the install disk with OS 10.1 to try and erase my old G4 ibook. But the erase and install feature isn't there. And when rebooting and pressing C I still can't get the splash page. Is this the wrong disk. Haven't used this G4 in almost 10 years forgot if this is Tiger or...I've updated the system to 10.4.x
The interwebs claims the upgrade disc does NOT feature the "erase and install" option, and will ONLY upgrade your current Leopard installation WITH files to SL.
This would mean, that we had to format Leopard, and then install SL to get a clean install. Is this true?
I ordered the box set even though I have leopard, because most mac sites claim the above mentioned feature is long gone.
I have been reading that the erase feature on OS X's disk utility will not remove file slack. If I erase the entire drive using one of the security options (Zero-Out, 7-Pass, or 35-pass),
I left my ipad on a plane. And then scheduled an automatic data erase once it was turned on. But because I did that now i can't locate it but the data erase email I got states it was initiated on3/3/12- 2 weeks after I lost it. the history on location only lasts for 24 hours- now how do I locate it
Long story short: I've been having some issues with Leopard (and it looks like it was probably my fault for simply choosing the "Upgrade" option when I moved up from Tiger), and so now I'm looking into a clean install Leopard, which according to all other indications should fix my problem. Now, my initial reaction was to go with the "Archive and Install" option, but since I've been reading more about what people have to say, I'm starting to wonder if I should just choose "Erase and Install", and then restore from Time Machine instead? ...or is there really even a significant difference in the end?
I would like to keep everything as intact as possible, which makes me think Time Machine would be better, but then at the same time I've read stories about people having difficulties with restoring from Time Machine, and losing certain applications/preferences, etc... but sometimes they say it works just fine. So I don't know. But I'd like to get some second opinions before moving forward too quickly and then possibly regretting my decision later.
I work for a small business man and use my old Appleworks drawing program to make certificates and flyers for him because it is so easy to manipulate individual parts of the text and pictures.I want to update my computer so it can communicate with my ipad, but am afraid I will loose the ability to use my files and program. Can I still use my appleworks drawing program if I download Snow Leopard?
I've erased and reinstalled my Lion 10.7.3 but after rebooting, all my previous programs are also installed.How do I format and erase my HD completely so I get a clean OS like I had when I bought my Macbook Pro?
I have an old PowerBook G4/TiBook 1Ghz and want to erase everything on the drive to start over with a newer operating system (it is currently running on 10.3.9). What is latest OS that can run on this old baby and how do I erase everything and start from scratch?
Here's the Hardware Overview: Machine Model:PowerBook G4 15" CPU Type:PowerPC G4 (3.3) Number Of CPUs:1 CPU Speed:1 GHz L2 Cache (per CPU):256 KB L3 Cache (per CPU):1 MB Memory:512 MB Bus Speed:133 MHz Boot ROM Version:4.5.3f2
I've been having recurring problems that Disk Utility, TechTool Pro, DisWarrior, and Apple Hardware Test have been unable to identify and address. So, I'm now considering a system reinstall. But I'm not clear what the best approach is. It seems that Erase & Install is more thorough than Archive & Install, yet they both seem to enable one to carry over all of one's folders, files, apps, prefs, etc.: A&I as the "archive" name suggests; E&I because it offers the option to use Migration Assistant. So how do they really differ, and when would the seemingly less-thorough one (A&I) be preferred over the other (E&I)?
When I erase and install Leopard on my Macbook, can I add apps from Time Machine back to the Macbook one by one? For instance, can I simply restore Office from Time Machine or will I have to re-install it with the discs?
I am about to sell my Mac Pro Tower and am going to do an Erase and Install of OS X Leopard. Is the erase pretty safe in terms of deleting all my sensitive data? I mean, is it safer to do an erase first, then install?
I am going to do a clean install when i get leopard and i wanted to see if i remembered everything to do before i delete everything.
- Take screen shot of 1. dock 2. menu bar ( istat ) 3. application folder ( program icons ) - all documents - Programs 1. full list of programs 2. firefox - add-on's, pref, themes, bookmarks 3. candybar - icons 4. photoshop - stencils, workspace's, disk image 5. garage band - jam packs disk image 6. system pref - video codecs ( apple qmaster, divx, flip4mac, perian), logitech control center, istat
What are some other items you guys have found really useful to have when redoing everything? i have all my itunes music on my external, is there anything on my computer that i should keep?
I'm in a bind. I want to sell my MacBook Pro, but my dad threw away the installation DVDs that would allow me to erase the hard drive. What's the best option here? I was thinking that I could purchase the upgrade version of Leopard on Ebay since it's cheaper than the full version of snow leopard... but would that allow me to erase the hard drive?
I have a Macbook Pro 2.1 GHZ with 2GB of RAM from 2006 with Mac OS X 10.4.11 (Tiger) and I bought Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6.3). I want to install the new OS but I had some problems with this process. Do I have to erase my hard disk first and then install Snow Leopard? I want to keep my documents on my hard disk and the programs that I have.
I got a new macbook pro. I tried installing windows on it via bootcamp...To cut a long story short, I messed up the system. Now the PC doesn't start and when I run the system, the apple logo just shows with the chime. Nothing more. I din't back up anyhting.
If the system manages to start, immediately I log on, the computer logs itself off again. Im simply tired of all this and want to erase mac osx lion from my mac book, then re-install it again. How to go about it?
I know pressing Command +R then going to recovery will open recovery. Then I click on disk utilities. But then, selecting which hardisk to format?
My hard disk had no partitions, but then trying to format it, I see a larger disk with a different title, then under it, I see "Macintosh HD". Which of them should I select to format to do the job? the main HD or the sub one under it "Macintosh HD"
I totally hate this, considering the fact that I have to buy about $60.0 worth of credits to re-download osx lion from the net. My macbook didn't come with a cd you know..
how to erase and install new copy of Mac OS X 10.5.8 ?? IS there a way to do this without CD?? I no longer have the disks and I cant find a way to get this done.. The reason I want to do this is because a 12 year old was using this computer for a long time and there is a lot of junk stuff on the disk, so I want to start from fresh.
I want to downgrade back to Leopard and have a question. Does erasing the HD to do an install, also erase the Windoze partition? Or everything but that?
It's the old story about buying a 2nd hand mac and forgetting to ask about a password. When I try to boot up from the OS cd my ibook goes into kernal panic. When I insert the cd and try to re install from it asks for the password. Is there a safe way to erase my OS and install afresh? Also Disk Utility keeps quitting, safari won't open. Is my ibook dying?
I have a macbook running leopard and am upgrading to snow leopard. I have a back up from leopard on an external hard drive and I would like to completely wipe my computer, start fresh. However, I no longer have the leopard install disc but I do have the old tiger install disc. I am thinking to revert to tiger to restore the computer's settings and then upgrade to snow leopard. Will I still be able to restore select items from my Leopard back up?
I need deleting my personal info from my EMac but I've lost my original install cd. What are the steps to deleting this info without the cd, or how do I get a copy of the install cd? OBS, eMac (USB 2.0)
I am not using Time Machine as Genius Bar at the Apple store told me it was best not to (I was continually having errors and so GeniusBar erased my hard drive and reinstalled Lion).They said to then manually drag over documents onto my hard drive, avoiding the Applications, so no possible errors could be dragged back onto the clean hard drive.
But now I have Mail and none of my folders and previous accounts. Of course I can re-setup my accounts, but then they will just try to redownload all of the millions of emails I had before. None of the very organised folders I previously had, sent messages, etc, etc.
Can't install the applications dvd, it says an error occured and i have to contact the software manufacturer for this. What will i do to have it installed (i life)?
I'm trying to erase my hard drive to sell my MacBook and well I used the drop in disk to help with this. I dont have the gray disks that came with my computer. Any who I ran it erase and reinstall the os and at the last second it failed to install. Now when I start my computer with the disk it'll try to down load the os and it says that I don't have an OS X version 10.4 or higher on my computer. So basically I don't have a operating system on my MacBook. It's empty. It is a white 13 inch MacBook.
wanting to erase and just restore my iMac back to the fatory settings and i've already tried to restart and load the OS X install dvd and hold down C when it starts up but the disk reads for about 15 seconds and then ejects and my regular screen appears. can access the disk utility application and it will only let me erase free space. Original OS X version 10.6.2 on dvd installer.
I have a MacBook Pro which was originally supplied with OS X10.4.9. I have upgraded using disks purchased from the Apple store to 10.5 and subsequently 10.6. More recently I upgraded to 10.7 using the download from the online App Store. I would like to perform an Erase and Install to get rid of the 'dross' on my hard disk and may do this as part of the 10.8 upgrade although have yet decide whether to wait for this or not.
when doing the erase and install, do I have to start from scratch by loading the original 10.4.9 OS X version or can I start at 10.7. If the latter how would I do this given that I don't have a disk as it was downloaded from the App Store?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
I have no experience with any Apple OS prior to Snow Leopard. My daughter has an old M6498 G4 800 mhz, 60GB machine with a grey screen. Went through the steps listed in Apple Support. Disk repair would not work, archive would not work and ended up having to do the "erase and install" with a Replacement DVD sent to us by Apple. After many updates the computer is now booting up with OS 10.4.11 and Safari 4.1.3 installed.
I have a Replacement DVD of iWork '05 sent by Apple which was previously installed on this same machine before the problem with the "grey screen" and hard drive not working. Attempting to reinstall iWork but the iWork '05 DVD does not display in Finder or Preferences.
I just received my new MacBook Pro. It came with 250 gb of hd space. I had to do an erase and install on it because of an issue that came up while using the migrant assistant. So, after doing the erase/install it says that I only have 216 gb of space left? And thats without the applications CD that I have to put in which will be about 4 gb. I believe when I first turned the computer on before doing the erase/install it had about 235?
1. To grab all the files I need/don't want to lose (photos, music, documents, etc.)2. Then completely erase the 500GB HD so I can then install it into the new Macbook Pro and install Leopard.(I'll then externally connect the 160GB HD that came w/ my Macbook Pro and add the files I've already copied into that 160GB HD into the 500GB Leopard installed HD in the new Macbook Pro)So, currently my 500GB HD is connected to my Macbook pro and I want to completely erase everything so I'll then have a completely clean hard drive, to then install into the Macbook Pro, add the installation discs and install Leopard into the 500GB HD.