Software :: Dock And Icons Not Appearing On EMac

Jul 2, 2009

When I turn my EMac on, it starts up normally, my desktop image shows up, but that's it. There are no icons or a dock. The "spotlight" icon (blue with magnifying glass) appears on the top right, but I'm not able to click it since the pinwheel appears when I scroll over it. The computer was working fine earlier today. Then I copied some files to the desktop from an external device, removed the device. Renamed the files on my desktop, opened them. And Quark (the program the files were created them) froze. The whole computer froze and I wasn't able to force quit anything. I had to turn it off manually, and now the icons and dock do no appear so I can't do anything.

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OS X :: Changing Dock Background - Folder Icons And App Icons?

May 1, 2010

First off, I've searched the forums, but can't find an answer -- sorry if I missed something.Just got a new machine running 10.6.3 -- ugh, the dock and folders and so on look like clunky Windows junk :-(I miss my simple, elegant 10.4.11 dock ...I don't want to add novelty icons or that kind of thing, I just want a borderless dock that's semi-transparent or clear. And apparently all the apps out there to change the dock background don't work with Snow Leopard.I know CandyBar can help me with the folder icons and app icons, but as far as I can tell, not the actual dock background.

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Software :: Icons Appearing Generic On G5?

Jan 27, 2009

I have a PPC MAC G5 desktop and recently broke down and installed Leopard 10.5.2 and installed all the upgrades to 10.5.6. I especially liked how all my photo jpeg icons and quicktime movies would instantly reappear with a photo of itself or the first frame of the movie. Now though, all the icons are appearing generic?!? My Quicktime movies and all my photos are all staying as a generic jpeg icon. Is there a specific problem that causes this.? I have two hard drives and the second drive is still operating normally. But my main drive has ceased converting every icon whenever I open a new window.

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OS X :: Missing Application Icons - Not Appearing In Folder

Nov 26, 2009

I was reviewing Apple Support's Mac 101, Files and Folders Lesson and I noted that compared to some of their screenshot application items (Finder/MacIntosh HD/Applications), I have an empty space where, I assume, application folders where. I have a blank spot (Sorted by Name) after the Address Book (which I think was the AppleScript folder), a blank sport after the DVD Player (which I think was Expose), and a couple others. Where did my application icons go! I still have the Expose feature if I use the mouse, but I'm curious as to why they no longer appear in the folder. Can I, without much trouble, reload all applications from my Snow Leopard upgrade disk? If so, how? My iMac is an early 2009, 24" w/ 2.66Ghz processor.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Are Unwanted Icons Appearing On The Toolbar

Jul 2, 2012

When opening a finder window there are now several unwanted icons on the toolbar, 2 are for games and one for a certain website.  Don't know how they got there and customizing the toolbar does nothing to remove them or show how they got there either.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Customizing Dock Icons

Sep 2, 2010

So i learned how to make icons and customize the icons for applications. I attached a picture of my new iChat icon. It's a blue mushroom from Super Mario Bros. Now also in the picture is the red badge with the number 1 indicating i have one new message. How could i change that red badge to a coin? I have the coin image and everything.

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OS X :: Removing Icons From Your Dock?

Sep 5, 2010

removing icons from your dock?

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OS X :: Can't Change Icons In Dock?

Oct 11, 2010

Ok so I am new to mac and I would like to change my icons on my dock but for some reason only one pack I have downloaded so far has worked. All the other sets I've tried (3 or 4) come up with the preview icon when I try to copy them onto the default icons. Does any one know why this is happening and can somebody please tell me how to fix it?

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OS X :: How To Change My Dock Icons?

Oct 17, 2010

something like this


would I be able to reset to my default icons, like how it was when I first bought my macbook? If so, how would I change it back?

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OS X :: Best Way To Hide Dock Icons?

Jan 14, 2011

I don't want some applications to show their dock icon when they're running. Preview is an example. I've used the freeware app "Configure Dock Application Tile", but it always gives me an error saying I don't have permission. Is there another app that can do this?

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OS X :: Cannot Move Dock Icons?

Jan 8, 2009

New Mac owner...

I attempt to drag a dock icon to a new location on the dock, but it won't let me. The other icons don't separate so the icon will drop to the location I want. Randomly, items will separate when I hover over so I could drop the item between them, but only in that spot and no other locations. What am I missing here?

So, I'm unable to put the dock icons exactly where I want them. I've installed all updates.

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OS X :: Deleting Dock Icons?

Feb 21, 2009

deleting Dock icons?

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OS X :: Disappearing Dock Icons?

Mar 19, 2009

This has happened to me a few time and I'd like to know if others are having the same problem:

Background: MBP 17", 4gb ram, lots of disk space, OSX 10.5.6, all apps located on system disk drive.

Problem: every so often, a random icon will just disappear from the Dock. Today it was Firefox, about a month ago it was iTunes. I can add them back, but why do they leave in the 1st place.

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OS X :: Dock Icons Have Disappeared

Sep 3, 2009

Have just logged into my MBP and went to the dock to open iphoto and the icon has disappeared, a blank space is still in the dock and if i hover my mouse over it writing comes up saying IPhoto as normal, the same goes for photobooth as well. I can still open them and they work fine. I Have recently installed Snow Leopard. How do I get the icons back?

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OS X :: Why Is The SL Dock Moving My Icons

Sep 24, 2009

and how do I stop it?

At first I thought I was seeing things so to be sure I purposely moved some app icons to the far left and low and behold about 30 or so minutes later it moved them almost all the way to the right.

I checked the dock settings and there doesn't seem to be a setting for this. I did a search on the forum already couldn't find anything. This is nothing TOO major but perhaps if I understood why it's doing it I might be willing to accept it.

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OS X :: How Small Can Dock Icons Go

Oct 2, 2009

I decided to keep minimizing icons to my dock to see how small they could go. So far I've just been opening TONS of Finder windows and shrinking them. At some point will it stop working?

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OS X :: Cannot Right Click Dock Icons

Nov 5, 2009

The thing is that about a month or so I decided to change my dock skin, and just the dock, not any icon in particular. Later on I decided to go back to Leopard's original skin, once I replaced non-original skins with the original ones and had dock reseted by introducing "kill all Dock" on terminal, dock successfully reseted and looks like the original one... but somehow since then I can't no longer right-click on any of the icons in it, just can't, now I have to use cmd+Q to exit any of the applications I'm opening from dock. All other dock functions are working perfectly, like size bar and position changing.

The files I replaced/erased are:

By the way, I tried using "killall Dock" over and over again after replacing those archives and tried resetting dock using candybar application, but none of those worked for me so far.

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OS X :: How To Customize Dock Icons

Nov 21, 2009

How I can go about changing or customizing my dock icons. Iheard about a app called "candybar" but you can only use with leopard and above but I am using tiger for now till I upgrade.

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OS X :: Icons Keep Moving On Dock?

Feb 1, 2010

I have a problem with Safari especially. It keeps moving on my dock. I place it on the left and after a few seconds, it moves all the way to the right. I move it again where I want it and the same thing happens over and over.

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OS X :: Change All Icons In DOCK Only?

Apr 23, 2010

Is there a way to change the all the icons in the dock only? I would like the default icons when in the applications folder but I just want the icons in the dock to be the only thing different.

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OS X :: App Controls Via Dock Icons

May 13, 2010

How can I get full control of my mouse clicks? For example I want to be able to minimise any open application by double right clicking it on dock?

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OS X :: Icons Disappear From Dock When The App Is Quit?

Sep 26, 2010

I have a MacBook running Snow Leopard that quite some time ago, in an effort to save memory, I used a Terminal command that made the icons clear from the dock as soon as the application was quit.

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OS X :: Dock Icons Invisible But Functioning

Nov 1, 2010

The other day I opened iPhoto from the dock only to find that when I clicked on it the icon disappeared. There is now a gap in my dock where iPhoto should be and when I rollover the gap it shows up as iPhoto, but without the image. The same then happened with System Preferences. I thought that it may have sorted itself out when I turned off my computer for the day but first thing this morning when I switched it on - the same 2 icons are gone. They still open the apps, I can quit out of them by right clicking and go into options menu etc. I attached a screen shot if it is of any use. Am using Snow Leopard also.

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OS X :: How Do U Change Appearance Of Dock Icons?

May 6, 2008

how do you change the appearance of certain dock icons?

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MacBook Air :: How To Change Dock Icons?

Sep 3, 2008

how to change dock icons?

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OS X :: Some Application Icons Won't Stay In Dock

May 17, 2009

For some reason, my iTunes icon has decided that it won't stay in the Dock. When I open it, it will sit on the right of the dock, like any application that doesn't have a permanent place on the Dock. It shouldn't - it always used to live in the middle. However, if I drag it back there, it stays in place about 1 second, and then shoots back over to the right again. Even if I select "Keep in Dock" from the context menu, that clears as soon as it moves back to the right. As soon as I shut down iTunes, the icon disappears. I've done a lot of searching and it seems that loads of people have suffered this problem with various apps (i.e. it's not iTunes specific), but I've not yet found a solution. Some people have suggested it's a .Mac/mobile me syncing issue, but I've turned syncing off, reset syncing data, overwriting the mobile me Dock with my Mac Dock, everything I can think off - besides, the icon moves to the right so quickly that it's not had time to sync. Another suggestion I've seen is deleting, logging out and back in again. Even doing this and starting with a "virgin" Dock still sees iTunes refusing to stay. I've tried repairing disk permissions too.

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IMac :: Can't Click Icons In Dock

Jul 16, 2009

Sister-in-law drags and clicks everything! Result is what looks like pages behind some of the icons in the dock. Can't click them. Drag an icon away and they stay but are covered immediately when the icons rearrange themselves. There are 4 or 5 of them including one hiding behind the trash. Mousing over them doesn't give any info.

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OS X :: Looking For Custom Folder Icons In Dock?

Jul 27, 2009

I am customizing my brand new iMac 24". Just switching from M$! I changed the default icon of my folder and I put it on the Dock. Everything fine, but the dock seems to adopt the icon of what it is INSIDE the folder, not the custom icon of the containing folder.

I wonder if I can force Dock to respect the custom icon of the folder (when there are several documents inside the folder, Dock uses the standard icon - not the new, custom one).

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OS X :: Changing Dock Icons To Default?

Sep 14, 2009

A quick question. On the far left side of the dock, what is the default icon that is there? For some reason I seen mine go up in a cloud and I can't remember what it is. Right now I have "Finder, Dashboard etc...

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OS X :: Application Icons Become Invisible On Dock?

Sep 23, 2009

Just noticed this happening in SL the last few days - app icons in my dock are starting to become invisible. The white dot underneath shows that it is running, but there is no icon. The icons are present on the apps themselves, but also do not show up when I look at stacks. Is it just yet another SL bug? Just to add: killing the Dock doesn't fix it, quitting the Finder doesn't fix it, and restarting the computer doesn't fix it.

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