Safari :: Cannot Properly Access Most Sites Using Javascript
Mar 25, 2012I cannot properly access most sites using javascript.This has affected Safari, Chrome, Firefox. How do I revert to previous version?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.1)
I cannot properly access most sites using javascript.This has affected Safari, Chrome, Firefox. How do I revert to previous version?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.1)
I have set [URL] as a top site. However the Citibank page does not display correctly when viewing all of my top sites. The error message for the Citibank page reads "Your browser is not accepting cookies." When i click on the page, it does fully load. Â
Citibank is the only page that does not display correctly within the top sites window display. I have attempted to changed the cookie settings with no success. Is anyone else expierencing this problem with Citibank?
MacBook Pro 15", iOS 4
I need put my cursor in the browser address bar for the site to finish loading and for the sculling to work. I've updated to the latest flash plugin. Problem seems to come and go. My 3 yr old is always pushing buttons on my keyboard so I thought he did something the browser settings.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Firefox is open, I was wondering what differences anyone has seen between it, and Safari. I have been using Safari with but a few problems for some time. Is there an opinion as to which is better, it at all? I am using it with OS 10.3.6 on two G4's, a Titanium laptop, and a 1.25 dual processor, both with plenty of RAM. There is, however, one specific question. Some sites I can access fully with the laptop, but not with the desktop, even though they are virtually the same hardware & software.
View 39 Replies View RelatedI manually put a couple of sites into the top sites area.. but then even after 'pinning' them into the sites area, they disappear when i re open safari.. it's really bugging me. can anyone help me out with this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm having an issue where certain flash sites don't work properly, they just sit there loading and never actually do anything.
The vast majority of sites work just fine, youtube, google video,, the escapist, etc..
But some sites such as [URL] simply will not play the videos.
In addition to that, [URL] will not work either, but there I at least get an error message stating that "flash local storage is not turned on". In this case I've tried to load the flash manager and turn it on, but after changing it and going back in, it seems that my changes were not saved and my local storage is stuck at 10k max.
The exact same sites work fine on my friends PC using my wireless connection.
I have tried to uninstall and reinstall flash with no success.
I've tried both firefox and safari, neither work, but the flash stuff seems to be global on the machine, so I suspect it's more of a problem with the flash than with a specific browser.
I've even tried to run firefox as root, install flash as root, etc thinking that it was something to do with not having permission to write to wherever flash was trying to store stuff.
I've got Firefox, OSX 10.4.11, and Flash installed.
I suppose I'm most concerned about, but I think the video issues may be related to the "local storage" error I'm getting aswell.
Requirement is to add a fixed url, [URL] as bookmark to safari - browser on click of a hyperlink.Â
For Example: Following works in IE and Firefox but does nto work in Safari.Â
<a href="javascript:if(document.all)window.external.AddFavorite('','facebook'); else if(window.sidebar)window.sidebar.addPanel ('facebook','','');">bookmark</a>Â
Windows XP
So I rebooted my Mac after installing some software updates. I then go to YouTube... but there is a problem, it looks funny. I can't watch any videos because it says "Hello, either you have JavaScript shut off or you don't have the latest version of Flash Player Installed"
1. I tried installing Flash again, nothing
2. Checked Javascript, same thing happened.
Firefox works well I guess.
Firefox has been my main browser b/c Safari 4 was slower for me and also no Noscript. Safari 5 though is noticable faster for me and I'd like to go back. Malicious javascript is still a concern, even if remote. I use clicktoflash, but that only blocks flash. Is there a plugin or extension that will block javascript on a page unless I allow it or whitelist it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedNew Safari 5.1.4 made my website javascript time counters frozen and not working. I am using jQuery library on my site.Â
You can see the preview of the problemhere: [URL]
What is the problem with this new Safari update and how can it be solved?
Safari 5.1.4 and iMac 24, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
MacBook Pro 10.9.3Â
Every time I try to open a specific website, it pulls up an error saying "This site requires the use of JavaScript. Please check your Internet settings.". Javascript is enabled on Safari, but still won't work. I've tried opening it in Firefox and Google Chrome... same thing! I tried to uninstall and reinstall, no luck.
I think what I'm talking about are javascript links...when you go to, for example, [URL] I'm talking about the links in the box on the right labeled "Most Watched Video." None of the links IN THAT BOX work for me. By "work" of course I mean go anywhere or do anything. It's as if I'm clicking in an area of a page without links.
This happens for me in other sites with similar links. What gives?!
I've checked Firefox and am running the latest version of javascript. I'm also running the latest version of Firefox 3.6.8. I'm on a Mac OSX 10.4.11 - old system software, I realize, but I simply haven't been able to afford moving beyond this (plus my Mac is a Macbook, 2GB RAM, 80GB HD - old unit).
Performed 3 tests using Sunspider.
Chrome (5.0.307.7 beta)
Test 1: 409
Test 2: 405
Test 3: 397
Safari (4.0.4)
Test 1: 496
Test 2: 495
Test 3: 493
In terms of personal experience, Chrome feels a lot faster now. [URL]
I am trying to save the source code of the javascript alert in safari but the menu items blank out.
Mac OS X (10.6.8), safari
Apple macbook pro 13"
Maverick os 10.9.3Â
For security reasons:Â
Should I tick the box to enable Java script in my web content (in Safari Preferences)?
I have a MacBook Pro running OS 10.6. There were websites I used to visit without any problems (like and Then one day (nothing changed hardware or software-wise), I could no longer access these sites from my computer. My friend came over - with his PC - and was able to access it from my network. I was also able to access the sites from my wife's iMac G5 and iPod Touch (same network), but I still cannot access them on my computer using ANY browser (Safari and Firefox). I cannot access the site from anyone's network either --- making me think my MBP is doing something weird with the Network Settings. I keep getting: "The server denies connections. The server might be too busy or might be disabled. Try again a bit later." I have installed Glimmerblocker on Safari and AdBlocker on Firefox, but turning these off does NOT change my results. What do I need to reset or what did I do to cause this? How do I fix this?
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhy is it when I try to access certain website I get "; if ((!location.hash) && (sHashPath)) sHashPath += "/"; document.write(sHtml); // --> where as this does not happen on DOS operating system?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHe says they have a guest Wifi network, but it won't let me access Gmail (which I need for work), Facebook, and who knows what else I might need whilst doing research. I don't know much about networks (I'm a Mac girl; my knowledge of networks pretty much consists of "plug in Airport"). I don't know how they're blocking the sites they're blocking. Can anyone give me a concise, "go here, put in these numbers" kind of solution to ensure that my browser has free access today? I'm willing to pay for a pay service or app, if that's necessary. Not terribly worried about other ports being open; I can live without iChat if I can reach Gmail & Facebook via the web. using whatever the latest version of 10.6 is.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a very simple form with input type="file" and a listener of onchange event for this field.Â
1. User selected file A and press "upload" button. I send the file to the server via AJAX.Â
2. Now I need to clear the file field. I tried different ways to do this:
- set value of input to null or ""
- call "reset" method of the form
- reset innerHtml/outerHtml
- use input type=reset to reset the formÂ
3. Whatever I do the value of the input seem to be clear, but! If I select the same file A in this input "onchange" event will not be fired. This is not convenient because in our case sometimes user will need to do re-upload of the file with the same name. In other browsers (like Chrome, Firefox) it is enough to set value of input to null to get onchange event fired when we select the same or another file.In Safari nothing works and it looks like a browser issue.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
My Macbook Pro is connecting perfectly to my apartment's internet, but for some reason no websites seem to load. I've tried using Safari, Firefox and Chrome and none of them have worked for me. When I clicked "assist me" it said that my internet seems to be working properly, but when I tried pinging the response was "4 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss". Ethernet is working perfectly however and WiFi is working on my iPhone and on my roommate's computer. WiFi is working perfectly at the library as well, so I'm not sure if it's a problem with my computer or with the network.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHas anyone really tried out the ability to access your OSX Partition from Windows yet? I'm able to see mostly everything but the one folder I want to see, my home folder! It just shows up empty. Maybe it's because I have my account password protected, but just for installing programs, not for logging in. Plus, if that was what is causing it to not work, Apple should have asked for a username and password to login to the folder. Will Apple ever get its Windows Bootcamp software working correctly? They sure can never get it on the first try.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI accidentally clicked the X on the top sites page and the site isn't repopulating on my top sites. Does anyone know how to reset the safari 4 top sites, i have deleted the preference files, reinstalled the software, and trashed my history, but still it wont reset.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have tried everything that I have read on how to add a site to Top Sites. With two windows open, I try to drag and drop a URL, and the "plus" sign disappears and the URL does not get added to Top Sites. I have tried the top of the page, the sides, the bottom, and the middle where the previews are. It just won't drop. Yes, I've clicked Edit. I've even tried holding the Control, Option, or Command key while dropping.
I have tried adding a site using the Bookmarks, Add Bookmark and choosing Top Sites. When I do this, it does get added to the Top Sites, but when I close and reopen Safari, it is gone - not in Top Sites anymore. I have tried totally re-setting Safari. It does not make any difference. I've tried it on my Mac mini and my MacBook. I can't get it to work with either one. Is there some trick I am missing?
mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.66 GHz, 8 GB, 500 GB
Who uses Top Sites in Safari?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to add other top sites on Safari 4... I see it says "drag URL here to add a top site". Well, when I do that, I just get a icon saying I can't do that, and when I let the URL go on the window anyway, my top site is not added. So what the hell, how do I add a top site?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to be able to open new tabs automatically when I click in a top site link. At present it only opens the clicked website in the same window/tab. I've tried defaults write TargetedClicksCreateTabs -bool true. This does nothing. It has worked before i updated to Snow Leopard. I must be missing something.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm on Lion. I've tried going to Library/Safari, but the Safari folder doesn't exist. So I can't delete topsites.plist.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIt seems that the Top Sites thumbnails almost never get updated. I have sites that are updated multiple times daily, and their thumbnail on the Top Sites page still show what they looked like days ago. Even when I click on one to read it and then return Top Sites, the thumbnail doesn't get updated.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
It seems that regardless of how I save them, my Top Sites keep changing. What's the magic trick? Â
I clicked EDIT, then I dragged URLs into the order that I wanted. Then I clicked the BLUE PUSH PIN to save, and clicked DONE. And then it was different the next time I did Command-T.
MacBook Pro 3 GHz; Quicksilver twin 1.25 ghz; Cube, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just reinstalled Lion on my MacBook Pro and everything is great except for one small problem that I can't seem to solve. I'm using Safari 5.1.7 and it just won't save my Top Sites. I deleted the TopSites.plist, rearraganged and repinned the Top Sites as was instructed here and here. The Top Sites do stick for a while but then they change again. I repeated this process several times and they still keep changing.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13-inch, Mid 2009