PowerPC :: IBook Will Not Draw Power From Battery?
Aug 3, 2007
I have an 14" iBook, 1.07 GHz and it won't use battery power. As soon as I unplug it it turns off. It worked fine until I opened it up and swapped in a DVD-RW and a new hard drive (the old one was failing). In the power section of system profiler it shows 98 load cycles and about a 75% remaining capacity. It may or may not be charging - I can't tell. The battery says it's fully charged at 95% and I have no way to drain it and see if it will recharge because the computer won't drink from the battery. I had another 14" iBook battery laying around that I thought worked, but now when I put it in this computer it just sits at 0% then eventually says the battery is dead (the menu icon shows an X through it).
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Sep 16, 2008
My iBook G4 occasionally cuts out without warning when it's being powered by the battery.The battery still seems to have charge - it will light up all 4 charge lights when the button on the battery itself is pressed.It also boots back up straight away when the power on button is pressed after having cut out.This has never happened when the iBook is plugged in to the mains supply.
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Apr 2, 2007
I have an ibook G4 (2years old, a part of the battery swap program) that charges normally... for about twenty minutes. Then the light around the charger turns from it's normal "i'm charging" orange to nothing, the light goes out and the ibook switches to battery power. I've just inspected the power chord and there are no strains or tears, the plug at both ends are in good condition and the ibook power socket is fine too.
I've turned the ibook off for a period of time (two days) and reset the power manager... still no difference. The ibook looks and acts just like it should until about twenty minutes into the charge then the light turns off and it's like it's been disconnected. The chord is in correctly, i've even tried the apple extension chord = no joy. If i reconnect the power chord at the wall it's fine, starts charging again... and yes i've tried different sockets on different circuits in the house!
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Jun 8, 2009
I have a 12' iBook G4 (1.33 ghz) that took a tumble and the power connector snapped off inside of it. I took it apart, popped out the broken bit from the dc-in board, and used it until the battery drained. It worked fine until then.I bought a new power cord, but it failed to charge the battery, and after searching through countless forums, I figured the problem was the dc-in board. I bought a replacement, and just installed it. Now, the battery indicator lights (the four green ones) are showing that it's charging up. It's on three right now. But the computer still won't power on. No fan noise, no other lights. I tried the PMU reset, but nothing. It's weird.
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Jun 19, 2010
I have found that by plugging in my Apogee Duet firewire audio interface and ONLY WHEN AppleFWAudio was loaded there was a 10c CPU raise that was making my MBP (late 2008) hot!I wanted to monitor the power that was required for Duet to run and to see if the temperature rise was due to that, so:With Apogee drivers uninstalled (just to be sure its not their drivers related, which is notMBP on battery power with System Profiler opened (to monitor the mA required by the computer from System Profiler -> Power)
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Feb 10, 2008
I have a iBook G4 laptop and there seems to be something very wrong with it. It started a few days ago just randomly. I was reading something on the internet and the screen went black on me, but the power was still on (I clicked CAPS LOCK to see if there was power). I then proceeded to push the power button and the power went off. When I pressed the power button again to turn it on, it made that internal noise it always makes and then the fan came on, and wouldn't turn off. There was no picture on the screen at all. Completely dead. But there was power, because when I clicked on the CAPS LOCK, the light came on). I tried pressing on the power button for at least 15 seconds and even went as long as a minute, and the power didn't go off.
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Apr 5, 2007
My iBook G4 power supply failed and I'm awaiting a replacement. In the mean time, can I use the power supply from my iBook G3 with the iBook G4?
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Mar 19, 2008
My girlfriend has a 12 inch Powerbook G4. She noticed that the battery life was starting to dwindle. Tonight, she tried using it. It wouldn't power up. The battery indicator showed one flickering power circle. The adaptor has the green circle on it, indicating the battery has a full charge. However, the computer won't charge up.I've read the 12 inchers don't have separate PMUs. Could that prevent the machine from starting? She was using it earlier this evening, as she e-mailed me pictures from our vacation.
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Sep 3, 2009
I've got another ongoing thread (2006 Mac Pro Elevated CPU Temps) where I've been attempting to determine why my 2006 Mac Pro was running so much warmer than I recall at time of purchase By sheer luck, I seem to have stumbled on the cause... when I first noticed it, I was running 10.5.7 with the CPUs idling around 130F or so... as noted in that thread, I tried all sorts of things such as cleaning the dust out, reapplying the thermal paste, etc... all of which had no impact... for an unrelated issue, I decided to re-install OS X 10.5 base version and I was shocked to discover my CPU temps back down in the mid-90s F
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Jun 3, 2010
This is a problem that's been bugging me now for a while: when I plug in my iPhone or even a measly Usb Flash drive into my Apple Keyboard's USB port, a message appears on my Mac's screen saying: "A USB device can't draw enough power to operate properly. If the device came with a power cord, plug it into an electrical outlet. Otherwise, connect the device to a USB port on your computer." Does anyone know why the Apple Keyboard has a weird indented USB connector?
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Jun 19, 2014
i just recently got a keyboard i had back and plugged it in with a mouse i typically use all the time. when the keyboard was plugged in i got the typical message for "USB device drawing too much power, has been disabled…" i just want to re enable the mouse. it was quite obvious it was the combination of BOTH devices that caused this, but i'd really like to just get the mouse working again. I've Tried Resetting the SMC and ran the diagnostic but nothing has worked.
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Aug 28, 2006
iBook G4 about 9 months old. I checked the battery recall and my first few numbers match, but not the second set, so I'm guessing I'm ok. The battery has been more than awesome but past couple days it has been a little weak. Today however is bad. Battery is now at 89% and says 0:27 until Full(it's charging right now). Earlier I was running just on battery and within 10 minutes it went from 99% to 86%(which is when i plugged it in). Usually it says around 5:00+ hours but it was at 3:30 hours@99%. Still with me? What I am wondering is if there is a simple solution to this and maybe the battery isn't connected in all the way or something. Or if it is failing(randomly out of nowhere) what to do and how much to replace. Or to call apple and check about the recall. I want to say it's coincidence that this is going on now after I just heard about the battery recall. Oh, and FYI maybe this helps. Last night I did leave it on the whole time with it plugged in. I was downloading a large ISO and didn't stay up for it to finish. That is the first/only time I've done that. I'm stupid. I wasn't thinking straight and the 0:27 thing is exactly what it says. 27min until the battery is full, not until the PC dies. Otherwise I need help with the other problems. I will be calibrating it today as well.
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Nov 11, 2006
I did a thread search and could find lots of instances of an ibook not seeing or using the battery, but I seem to have the opposite problem. I have an ibook g3 700mhz (dual usb). It will only boot and run off the battery. It will not boot or run if it is only plugged in (dead battery or no battery = no running or booting). When plugged into a 45W white charger (that works on other ibooks of the same ilk), it will be green without battery and orange when the battery is in. It will not charge a battery. I've tried:
two other dc-in boards and cables known to work in other ibooks
two different batteries (that charge in another machine)
PMU reset (the light on the charger changes to green for 3 seconds, seemingly indicating the reset was done correctly)
for fun I put in a hard drive that worked in another machine and added ram that works in another machine all to no avail. What the heck is going on?
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Mar 6, 2007
My iBook used to come up with an alert that it was using reserve power, and then automatically go to sleep, so I could wake it as soon as I plugged it in. Now, there is no warning, if it gets to 0% it turns off, NOT sleeps but turns completely off without shutting down. This means any unsaved work is lost etc, its not at all good. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? (I have Tiger, iBook 1.44Ghz, 1.25 RAM)
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Mar 14, 2007
My iBook G3 800 MHz will not charge any more all of a sudden. I have tried plugging it in to several power sockets and it won't charge. Whats more... I tried charging it with just the normal charger, and I even tried charing it with the extension wire! I am not sure if it is the charger, or my iBook. If it is the iBook, should i rip it open and get a new part for it? If it is the charger, where can i get a new one?
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Sep 8, 2007
My mum has an trusty iBook G4, and finally, after ~4 years now, the battery is on the fritz. I have tried resetting PMU, but it appears the battery itself is on the way out. Is it worth purchasing a new battery for it? Or should I tell her to take the plunge and buy a low-end Macbook [non pro] to replace it?
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Oct 31, 2007
Recently my friend came into possession of a used iBook G3 (I don't know the specs off hand; but it runs Tiger okay), and ran into a slight problem. It appears as though the battery doesn't fully charge, and loses power 5 minutes after it being unplugged. I've looked at the battery, and it appears okay--although possibly lose. I'm sure that Apple wouldn't do repairs on it anymore, but does anyone know why the battery might not be working? If specs are needed I can provide them. But its an iBook G3 running Tiger.
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Mar 14, 2009
I just tried to charge my iBook, and it won't charge. If I unplug the charger from the mains socket, and plug it back in, the ring around the charger will turn green for about a second and then turn off. I've tried to restart the iBook, and I've removed the battery from it also.
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Mar 13, 2010
I recently bought an iBook G4 off eBay. There is one issue with it and I am not sure what is causing it. The battery shows it has about 35 charge cycles, and when it is fully charged it says around 5-6 hours of battery life left. I will use the laptop for around an hour, at which point the battery life is at around 80% with around 3-4 hours remaining. All of a sudden, the computer will go into sleep mode and when I plug the charger in, the battery is at 0% and charging! I am not sure if this is a bad battery that is old and can't hold a charge, or what. I have already tried resetting the PRAM and PMU but with no luck.
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Jun 4, 2010
I got myself a new battery for my iBook Clamshell however it won't detect it and thus runs off AC power.
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Nov 25, 2005
I have done all those PMU resetting stuff. The problem is that my iBook (1GHz, 768MB RAM, Tiger 10.4.3) keeps shutting off when I run it on battery. While plugged in there doesn't seem to be a problem. Here's what I've found out: This seems to happen only when I run the iBook from the battery. There is no pattern as to when it will happen: It might be fully charged, at 70%, 50%, etc. There are no warnings: The iBook just dies
To restart it I have to plug in the charger, I can't start it from the battery after one of these sudden deaths
If I press the battery indicator after a crash, it doesn't show any charge - no green lights
When I restart the machine the battery indicator will work, and it show's a charge in Tiger as well
I've done all that PMU resetting, PRAM resetting, etc. Doesn't work. Any ideas as to what this could be? Bad battery?
One more thing: I've run the hardware test, and it doesn't come up with anything at all.
Coconut Battery shows that my battery should hold a charge as well. Max charge is still at 3500mAh, 18 months and 750 cycles after I got the iBook.
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Aug 18, 2006
i have a g3 ibook here, and after having plugged in to charge for 4 hours, the battery meter on my menu bar still says only 12%, but three hours of life remaining. or, if it says 80%, i have 22 hours of juice. how do i fix this bullcrap?
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Oct 6, 2006
i have a Clamshell iBook that until yesterday had a perfect battery but it now charges only to 27% what should i do? i have tried the battery reset apple application Battery reset 2.0.
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Dec 31, 2006
I have just bought an old ibook g3 on ebay, the battery in it is dead, if the battery is one of the ones effected in the recall will I apple just send me a new one even thought the battery is already dead?
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Jan 13, 2007
My iBook is almost 3 years old and I think the battery is just dead. It holds a charge of maybe 20 minutes max and it's gotten to the point where I'm just gonna give in a buy a new batterry. Can I just buy any "14" iBook G4" batterry off of eBay or any site other than from Apple direct(retails $129)? Should I be looking a particular model number for the battery (A1080) or the laptop? I see batterries selling for $80 on eBay....
have u guys done this? I dont want to end up with something that won't work just because I bought it at a non-Apple site...
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Jan 23, 2007
I have a 366 G3 graphite iBook that was working fine in OS9 a few months ago. I took it out of the closet yesterday and installed 10.3. I did all the updates etc., and now the computer will not recognize the battery! There is a battery icon on top, but when the light is amber on the machine (charging) it says it is calculating how long it will take to charge. Once the light is green (charged) it says there is no battery. I take out the plug and the machine turns off. On top of that, the clock has to be reset everytime I unplug the machine. I don't get it, the battery was like new back in September - it would go for hours. Now it's like it's not even there!
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Sep 18, 2007
I just bought a 74w NewerTech battery about 3 weeks ago but I don't think that is the problem....
I can run my iBook off of the AC adapter fine but when I unplug it it automatically shuts off as if there is no battery in it.
It shows that the battery is charging and everything in the menubar but when I unplug it, it will shut off. This just happened today and earlier today I was working on it with the battery working fine.
I also switched out to the old stock battery and it does the same thing.
I think it has to be hardware related. I have reset the PMU and PRAM/NVRAM and it didn't help. Also when I started the computer back up it said that my clock was reset. Feedback is much appreciated.
iBook G4 14" Mac OS X (10.4.10) NewerTech 74w Battery, 1.5gb ram
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Oct 19, 2007
Can someone look at the information I've attached and extrapolate if this means my battery is "close to" DEAD?
Slowly over the last 3 months my computer shows a 100% charge and when I uplug the adapter it gets to about 90% (within 3-4 minutes) and then shuts down without a warning.
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Oct 27, 2007
I recently purchased an iBook used from someone locally. I got a good price because he said the battery was weak. However, I want to make sure that's actually the case. The power cord connection is not loose.
Coconutbattery says my battery is 36% health, but it also says it's not plugged into the charger when it actually is, so I don't know how reliable this program is. It says my mac is 27 months old, i have 367 cycles on the battery... etc. And I am running Tiger.
The problem is that the power meter on the top bar will say i've got a full charge... so I run the computer (on battery) down to about 60% according to the meter, but the computer instantly shuts off. I try to reboot, and it shuts off while rebooting. It's like the battery works fine and suddenly dies. I get about 30-40 minutes use out of the battery.
Is this the battery or do I have other problems? This only happens when using the battery.
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Jan 21, 2008
My adapter caught on fire, and I had to put it out. When I tried to charge my battery with a new adapter, it would not charge. I got another battery, (old one from a friend), that apparently had some juice left on it. The computer turned on no problem, and I used it for about 20 minutes when I noticed that the battery was slowly dying, and that it would not charge again. Now, its dead again. It will not charge. Does this sound like a logic board problem? Who can I contact?
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