PowerPC :: IBook's Fan Acting Funny After Fresh Install Of 10.3 Panther?
Sep 19, 2006
I just downgraded my iBook G3 600 from Tiger to Panther to see if it would increase the machine's performance. I did a clean install of Panther, upgraded to 10.3.9, and now for some strange reason, when I boot the machine (even cold) the fan comes on and constantly runs, which it never did before. However If I wake the machine from sleep the fan doesn't come on -- it only happens from a full boot-up (every time).
The screen on my 15" 1.67GHz Powerbook has been acting funny. Whenever I close the computer and let it sleep, the screen doesn't come on after being closed for about half an hour. The screen just randomly does this and it does it frequently enough as well. I've already done hardware tests that show the computer is fine, but the screen problem remains. I've had previously problems with this computer before and this is my second logic board. I was thinking about going to the local Apple Store and let them take a look at it. I was hoping you guys could give me a hand first in finding out what's wrong.
I was tryin to downgrade my ibook G4 to Tiger from Leopard,but when I inserted and tried to install the Tiger,it says it can't coz need to have a lower OS installed on it, sans my installation of the Panther DVD which came from my iBook many years ago.
I just re-installed OSX 10.4 onto my old G4 iBook, and ever since I did the trackpad has stopped responding. When I plug in a USB mouse and check the system preferences under the keyboard/mouse panel I can't even see a trackpad listed, so it isn't being detected at all. I've tried re-installing the OS and it hasn't helped the problem. Ever since this happened The sound also doesn't seem to work anymore. I'm not sure what to do here, but it's pretty important that I get this fixed.
for the last week or so my MBA has been showing a ~3 inch bar running vertically along the middle-left of the display. Until today, the area looked just like blurry pixels (some things like graphics would still appear, so I don't believe the problem is with the pixels themselves). Now the area has become a gray bar of pixels.
I cannot get a solid answer on this one. Since the update it seems that safari fails to save my login info. For example I have to re-enter my username and pass for macrumors atleast once everyday.
Also it seems that Safari occasionally hogs more memory and resources after extended use.
Today my Ibook is crazy: -quick time is not working; -office is not working; -there is no sounds; -iTunes doesn't play music, downloads podcast but doesn't play music.
Recently my iBook's graphics have been acting up. Usually within the first three minutes I turn it on the graphics will completely mess up and a strange random design with appear on the screen flashing different designs and so forth.
I'm having a problem with upgrading a friend's laptop; I installed a MATSHITA CD-RW CW-8123 into a 12" 1.07gHz G4 ibook and we're having a problem; the cd-rom functions are working but it reads, then ejects dvds. The ibook was used and had Panther pre-installed; based on the condition of the interior when doing the install, I am assuming that it was a teaching unit, as there were loose screws and several random mismatched parts inside when I took it apart, so I am also assuming that this is a minimal install, probably set up by a student working with unix and OSX who probably left out the dvd drivers.
So here is the dilemma: I have a Tiger install DVD, but no Panther discs, and am trying to get the drive working and Tiger on the laptop. Any ideas where I can find a driver?
I picked up an ibook g4 14", and everything was working fine. Today, the hard drive failed, so I picked up a 320gb western digital PATA hard drive and installed it. Disk utility recognizes it, but when I go to install panther (the original restore disk), it says it can't install on that volume... no matter what size the partition is. I also have a tiger (legit), but only have access to a copy of it. I can't seem to get the ibook to boot from the tiger disk, it just goes into open firmware. I only have access to the ibook as far as macs go, but i have two pc's... any ideas? I'm trying to get this going for my daughter tomorrow morning.
I just took delivery of a clamshell ibook that I bought from ebay last week and have been wondering whether OSX would run well or not on it. The specs are: Indigo Firewire version 366mhz G3 193mb ram 10GB Hard drive Airport fitted
Att the moment it is running OS9 very smoothly indeed, and I don't have enough cash at the moment to upgrade it in any way. I would leave OS9 on it, however I have never used the operating system before, so wondered whether it would be wise to upgrade it to panther, as I have a copy lying around. My concern is that installing panther would leave the machine feeling much slower, as I'd rather have a faster machine that can't do as much than a machine can do most things but takes ages to open up the finder.
How can I do this? I have an iMac G3 @ 333Mhz with a broken CD Drive. I have a retail panther box with all of the disks. I have a MBP if that helps. Do I need to buy a new drive?
I have a 500mhz iMac G3. I just got it so it has a fresh install of 10.3.9, but when I try to put it to sleep the screen goes off, and then comes back on immediately.
I just bought a parts ibook from ebay, but I managed to fix it, except there was no hard drive. I currently have a 6 GB HD in it with OS X.3.9 on it, but I want tiger. I have the tiger family pack, so I have a license for it. It only has a CD-ROM drive, so I am wondering if I can buy a 40 GB HD, and clone the one from my G4 onto it.
SPECS ibook G3- 500 MHZ 192 MB RAM CD-ROM currently has 6 GB HD ibook G4- 1064 MHZ 1.25 GB RAM Combo drive 40 GB HD
I just replaced the HD in an iBook G3 I have laying around with a toshiba 40gb. The install went fine and I formatted it in disk utility using mac os x extended (journaled). I ran it for errors and it checked out fine. I also ran the apple hardware test CD and everything checked out there too. The problem is I am getting a kernal panic no matter what I do. I started off installing 10.3 and the first disc installs fine, but then when it restarts it gets an instant kernal panic. I tried 10.4 with the same results. Then I tried the 10.2 discs that the iBook came with and it would get the very last step of the install on the 1st disc and would not go any farther. It said "one minute remaining" for over an hour.
I have taken a picture of the error log that shows up and you can see here: The top line got cut off but it says "panic(cpu 0): Unable to find driver for this platform: "PowerBook4,3" Like I said, everything checks out hardware wise and i have tried three different versions of OS X.
I bought 25 clamshell 466mhz graphite IBooks and whenever I put the HD in and put a disc in the drive to try to install an OS nothing happens, so I pressed the option key and this blue screen with a lock on one side and an arrow on the other, with a space to write in, in the middle. Now what I need to know is what should I do? I can put these things together like no one else but when it comes to software I'm lost. I'm going to try to attach the picture of what the screen looks like but I'm not too good at that either. But if someone can get these things up and running I'll give you a complete (no power cord) graphit clamshell for free.
I've bought a iBook from eBay for my mum and grabbed a copy of Leopard, but every time I try and install it I get the following message:"Install Failed - The installer could not validate the contents of the 'BaseSystem' package. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance."I know the disc itself is fine as I previously used it to install Leopard on my Macbook. I've also just bought a brand new 1Gb stick of memory from Crucial as I read in a few places that "this message is due to faulty RAM in 99.9% of cases".
I'm looking for a very easy to install Linux on my old iBook G4 and I would like it to support my Airport card without having to do much configuring. Is there any Linux out there that would be suitable for me? I'd like for it to run fairly fast as my G4 is only 256mb RAM.
I do remember looking into this before but, at that time, the only useable Linuxs didn't have immediate support for the Airport card and you needed to download these drivers and install them from the command line interface and it was very confusing.
my problem is the following, I have an Ibook G3 which Disk Drive is busted. So i'm trying to install Tiger To it (PPC) by using Target Disk or Disk Target (w/e) mode connecting it with my Mac Book Pro. I restored the Ibook with the disk utility on the MBP putting as source the installer for tiger which I ripped off the img file from the the retail version I bought. And so I rstored it to the HD of the Ibook, takes about 15-10min(Maybe less) and done. When I turn on My Ibook it automatically boots into the installing of OS X process. Everything goes smooth until I get to the part that I have to choose the destination but I can't choose anything because the HD for the Ibook won't show, it doesnt show any possible destination for me to save to. I have read the read me files and everything on the software and about the option botton on the "destination" part but the botton cannot be selected. I read something about the formatt of the Ibook for tiger to work and I have it in "Extended (Jornaled)" and i'm upgrading it from Mac 9 classic, but the drivers for mac 9 aren't installed since I accidentally (w/o knowing) erased everything on the hard drive the first time I did this with the Disk utility.
I have a G? ibook that due to the size of its processor will not allow and upgrade to leopard.If I install a new HD with leopard pre-installed will it work in the G3?
my hard drive freaked out on my g3 ibook so i went to reinstall tiger on it...i can't get it to boot from an external dvd rom and start the instalation process...it gets a kernel panic and the only thing i can do is shut it off...is there anything that i'm not doing or is the hard drive fubar'd?
I've got a Tiger Retail Disc that I've used on 2 previous machines without a hitch.Now, I urgently need to install Tiger on a 12" 800mhz iBook G3, yet after thirty minutes, it tells me to Try Again!Some erros tell me that there are essential files that can't be copied."Unable to copy package source file /System/Installation/Packages/Essentials.pkg/Contents/Resources/BundleVersions.plist"Some files for Essentials may not have been written correctly"
I've just bought an iBook G4 and want to put leopard on it - can I use the leopard dvd that came with my macbook pro or do I have to go and get an OEM one from apple?
I have an external firewire drive and I made an iso of Tiger (from Original CD). I used Disk Utility to make what I think to be a bootable firewire drive.I selected the ISO as the source and the External as the Destination. When I hook up the external to the ibook and hold down the options key I have a gray screen with a refresh and and right pointing arrow.
My iBook g3 recently had a new 40 gb hard drive put in. Now when i try to install mac os 9.1 and 10.0.3 ( Both on the same disk labeled for iBook) I get nothing. I hear the CD tray run, but then it stops and displays the flashing question mark. Ive tried booting in open firmware, resetting pram and nvram but it still wont boot.
I naively tried to install leopard OS on my 5-year old ibook G4 (with very little RAM). It makes a horrible clicking sound from the dvd drive and freezes on the screen that says its looking for OS 10.4(?) (which is not on the computer). When I reboot it immediately starts the install process, because the dvd is still stuck in the drive, and freezes over & over again.
All I want to do is remove the disc and go back to the original OS, so that I can add more RAM and update the OS properly. (The only motive for the update is so that I can have the same version of Garageband 2008 on both my desktop and laptop so I can work with the files interchangably.)
Is there a way to restart the computer that bypasses the install disc and dosen't default into the install porocess?
I jsut did a fresh install. wanted to use my SL DVD but the MBP i5 refused to star with it so I used the original DVD (10.5) and upgraded with the SL DVD to 10.6. However after the initial SL Installation, it tried from the SL DVD and this failed. I did a manual restart, starting from the HD and everything ran fine. however today I note there is a locked file on the HD named Mac OS X Install Data. It contains 181 .pkg files.Now I suppose this should have been moved or deleted as part of the install process. Can I move them to a file where they belong?
Info: MBP, MM, MBP - 10.6 + Windooz XP on a hard partition
I have a PPC iBook G4 with 1.3 Ghz and 1 GB SDRAM that I bought new in 2006. I've never had a single problem with the machine, but it doesn't have a superdrive and the OS Tiger capabilities are limiting.
Last year I upgraded to Leopard with a .dmg via FW external drive and loved the interface, but with only a 40GB HD I deleted any app I didn't need. Over the summer I bought a new iMac, but I still need the laptop whenever I'm away from my desk. I tried erasing and reinstalling now that I don't have to keep much data on the drive...interested in getting back those non-essential apps. I've done it before with the exact same resources, but this time it's not working. I'm hoping someone out there can tell me what step I'm forgetting.
Here's what I've done:
1. Connected iBook to iMac in target mode via FW and erased/partitioned HD in Apple Partition Format.
2. Reinstalled Tiger on iBook from original disc.
3. Connected iBook to external drive via FW and restored .dmg to smaller partition on iBook.
4. Opened .cdr on smaller partition, saw the Leopard disc image, set the Leopard install disc as the startup disc in System Preferences. Hit restart button in System Preferences and got the little "not happeneing" noise.
5. Went to desktop and opened the Leopard installer disk image and pressed the install/restart button there. Reboot was slow and dark at first, but ultimately booted Tiger.
6. Went back to System Preferences, selected Leopard install disc as the startup disc again, locked the selection and restarted...booted Tiger again.
7. Tried these tactics again while holding option key and then S key at restart, but the second partition with the installer was never recognized. Tried from Safe Mode, only booted Tiger.
8. Then I tried connecting the external drive again and opened the .dmg, then .cdr from there. Again System Preferences recognized the installer, but it would not boot with the same variables as before.
9. I connected the iBook to the iMac in target disc mode again and ran disc utility, all good. Then I did same with external drive, all good. I made sure both drives and the install disc image were bootable. Tried the boot again from both, all bad.
10. I did a lot of reading on troubleshooting this process and thought it might be a permissions problem, that the installer was not executable. I did a terminal tutorial and managed to make the partitioned drive and disc image both owner enabled. Still the exact same results as when I started.
I have a g3 dual usb ibook that has a DVD/CD drive, 640 ram and a firewire port. I just bought a G4 800 mhz tower that has a gig of ram, but it does not have DVD drive (it's a cdrw only). My Ilife install disk is a DVD, is there anyway to use the DVD drive on my ibook to install software onto the G4 tower? Both devices have firewire but if possible I would like to use an ethernet cable connection between the two. I dont have the correct firewire cable(it's expensive).
A second question is i an os 10.3 on my ibook and 10.4 on my G4 tower. Is there a easy way to transfer all my files, settings, ect... from the ibook to the G4 tower? I don have the osx 10.4 install discs either (if that matters).
I just bought the new 24" iMac and I looked at the backup discs and they said it could install OSX Tiger. I also have an old iBook G4 I got my moms friend who moved. I know the iBook could handle 10.4 as it has 10.3.9 now but what I was wondering was. If I could install the OS on the iBook from the iMac backup discs. I but the disc in the iBook and it wanted me to restart to begin the installation of OSX but I quickly backed out. Do you guys think If I proceed with the installation it will install smoothly or, should I just forget about it.