I have just bought a new macbook pro and have a couple of questions which i would really appreciate some help with.
1.As i have limited tech ability i assume its best to just use the mac migrant assistant and connect the 2 macs and let the machine do it for me? Is that ok to do.
2. I am going to install parallels and Xp asi have some programmes that runs best under Xp.Do i install paralllels/xp before i do my mac transfer?
My Windows 7 OEM just arrived in the mail and I'm ready to get things going! Before I begin, am I better off installing Windows 7 from inside Parallels (5.0) or via boot camp? Apparently with an OEM, I can't easily do both, so I must choose? Parallels is already installed on my machine.
I have parallels 4 installed and I want to install windows XP. My school gives us legal copies of windows 98 and a windows xp upgrade. However, neither of these comes in the form of a CD image. They are both .exe files. Parellels asks for a CD or CD image. Is there a way to install windows 98 from an .exe in parallels? And if so will I be able to use the windows xp upgrade once i have windows 98 installed? I haven't yet tried creating a CD image with the exe file on it. I don't know if this would work because it's all in one file and not a typical windows install disk.
I'm only going to be using Windows XP through Parallels for 2 applications - Quicken and SportTracks. I will NEVER browse the web through XP on my Mac. Do I need to install antivirus software on my Windows installation? I'm going to be running the applications in coherence mode, so I'm afraid of the system interrupting me asking or notifying about firus definition updates.
I did the search, found nothing. XP Pro 2002, The install hangs while "preparing installation", after asking for the key and naming the computer and choosing network options, but before the "installing windows" button activates.
My guess is that this is a Windows issue rather than a Parallels or Mac issue. But I can't be the only one. Anyone else have and solve this?
I just installed Parallels and am having trouble installing Windows XP. I get a message saying that it can find the ASMS file, even though I checked and its definitely on the installation cd.
I tried saving the cd on my desktop and manually typing in the location, but that doesnt work. Unless im typing the wrong location in?
This afternoon I have been repeatedly trying to install a copy of Windows XP on Parallels 5 onto my Macbook. Parallels is unlocked, registered and is not a demo version, and neither is XP. The installation setup gets past the first part (on the blue and black screens) and to the second part (which actually looks like the XP interface). It always says "Setup will complete in approximately: 39 minutes" and it always freezes at "Setup will complete is approximately: 36 minutes".
Until now I've had a PC with Windows 7 given by my office with VirtualBox and OS X installed.As of 3rd Jan I'll be working in another department where I'll be 1) free to do what I want with my hardware as long as it's not pirated software and 2) more than happy to work in OS X which I've been working on for all my life.So now I'm hesitating between:- keeping my quite new and good HP PC, format it and install OS X on it. Then install Parallels with my Win7 license to use some of the rare softs I will still need to use in Win only (with my old job most of the apps were Win only).
I just purchased a new IMac 20 for my home office and I had it set up from MacMall with a number of pieces of software including Parallels and Windows XP Home. I really want this Mac to work (I love my MacBook Pro), but I can't seem to load a piece of Windows software that I HAVE to be able to use. After I put the disc in I keep getting the same error message "The application failed to initialize properly (0x000135). Click OK to terminate." I have tried this same disc in a few pc's and it works fine.....so it has to be my new Mac. BTW the software is something I use that is specific to the funeral industry and the vendor does not support MAC, so I have to work this out on my own.
Finally, I installed parallels desktop .4.0 ( windows xp), and I also installed antivirus (symantec) for my xp. Is it necessary to install anti-virus on Mac system as well, with windows xp as my guest system?
I tried to install Parallels for Mac 4.0. In the process of installing Parallels and Windows XP I managed to get a cd stuck in the drive. There is NO icon on the mac desktop. I have uninstalled Parallels according to information if found on the web. It was supposed to be a complete uninstall but I still cannot get the cd out. I am very new to Mac and I am at a loss as to what to do. The stuck cd is NOT an os (such as xp), it was a program cd that I was trying to install in the virtual xp drive in Parallels. Can anyone steer me in the right direction. At this point I can't even do a install because of the stuck disk.
Would I get better performance if I ran my BootCamp partition through Parallels, or would I get optimal performance if I installed Windows inside Parallels, i.e. Virtual Machine (correct me if I'm wrong on the terminology)?
(I know that for the BEST performance I should use just BootCamp, but let's say if I didn't want to switch to BootCamp and wanted to access Windows through Parallels.)
One thing I've noticed while running BootCamp partition on Parallels is that if it hung and I wanted to force quit the app, it would warn me that I'd better quit the app by pressing the "Stop" button in Parallels so to avoid possibly corrupting the BootCamp partition and whatnot.
I had installed Parallels and Windows 7 to my Macbook when I first purchased it.Had some issues and uninstalled both. Now I'm trying to reinstall and I can seem to get Windows installed.
I just got a Parallels desktop 7 and I try to install it but the cd doesn't start when its inserted. The macbook pro I just got it few days back so its the last version.
Can I use Parallels or Virtual PC to run Windows XP so that I can use Sonar Studio on my Power Mac G5 PCI-X/2.7 GHz Dual Processor.
More Specs:
Power Mac G5 PCI-X/2.7 GHz Dual Processor 7.2 GB of RAM 400 GB internal drive plus 400 GB add'l internal drive internal SuperDrive ATI Radeon 9650 256MB Video OS 10.4.11, Classic Installed
I have been reading more and more on parallels, and I was hoping someone here could answer some questions about its coherence mode.
Does it let you run applications for windows transparently through the MAC OS? As in, I insert the installation disk for office 2007, the setup menu comes up, I install it, and I get to put the word icons on the dock, I can open word/excel/whatever and just runt he applications without having to boot in to some sort of an emulation mode or whatever?
I would appreciate some input from some people here.
trying to install windows xp using parallels 5. i downloaded and iso file for windows and i double clicked it and it showed on the mac desktop, BUT parallels wont install windows from that. i am sorry if there is a thread already on this matter. i know i am doing something wrong but cant figure it out since i am new to all this.
I'm very new to macs and I've been able to purchase most of the applications I need to use in mac formats (quickbooks, office etc.) but there are some things that still need windows like all of the software for my Garmin units as well as some marine navigation software. My question is rather then having to purchase more software, and give more money to MS, can I use a copy of windows that came with one of my old dell or vaio laptops to run windows on parallels so I can run those few programs i need?
I have installed parallels 5 desktop onto my macbook pro and am trying to set it up to run win XP. All goes well untill it gets to the part of the windows installation that highlights "installing windows" the everything just stops, and stays stuck on "setup will take approximately: 36minutes" At the very bottom in the grey area it says: "Parallel tools are not installed, when I click to install these, nothing happens!
I just replaced the HD in an iBook G3 I have laying around with a toshiba 40gb. The install went fine and I formatted it in disk utility using mac os x extended (journaled). I ran it for errors and it checked out fine. I also ran the apple hardware test CD and everything checked out there too. The problem is I am getting a kernal panic no matter what I do. I started off installing 10.3 and the first disc installs fine, but then when it restarts it gets an instant kernal panic. I tried 10.4 with the same results. Then I tried the 10.2 discs that the iBook came with and it would get the very last step of the install on the 1st disc and would not go any farther. It said "one minute remaining" for over an hour.
I have taken a picture of the error log that shows up and you can see here: The top line got cut off but it says "panic(cpu 0): Unable to find driver for this platform: "PowerBook4,3" Like I said, everything checks out hardware wise and i have tried three different versions of OS X.
i'm abit ocd with stuff on my computer, so stuff like this really bothers me. i had parallels one my computer for a little while whilst i needed windows. now i don't i got rid of the partition and uninstalled parallels. but, .exe files and some other files still show the parallels logo, as if it wants to open them in parallels.
is there any way i can change this? i've removed everything i can think of in preferences, application support, startup items, receipts, etc to do with parallels but to no avail.
I have Parallels 3 installed, mostly to run MS Money. Last night I installed Snow Leopard, unaware that Parallels 3 is not compatible. It appears that I need to go out and buy Parallels 4 as that will work with Snow Leopard.
My question is will all my data within Windows remain if I install 4 or will it be a completely new Windows? And if so, how do I go in and retrieve my MS Money data as I can no longer access it with Parallels 3.
Anyone knows if the install cds shipped with the macbook pro C2D are able to install OSX on a PPC mac. Macbook pro install CD to install tiger on a G4 Powerbook?
I was planning on installing Win7 on it and using Parallels for the times I have no Mac option (specific games or apps).
Should I install it as a boot camp partition and then link it in Parallels or just do a clean VM install in Parallels? I'm curious as to what the experiences are and what is my best course of action when my machine shows up.