PowerPC :: Minimum PowerMac For A Media Server?

Feb 13, 2009

In the future, I will be looking for a Media Server, namely a Mac. I want to use it to store all my iMovie projects - mainly iSight or DV format, very little HD, stream them to my Main Mac and also to a couple of Windows PCs (not mine), and maybe preview a smaller version (640*480 or 720*480). I am thinking that Mac OS X 10.3.9 or 10.4.11 will do. Especially as I use iMovie '06 and might use an older version of iTunes. I want to use an older PowerPC PowerMac to do this, can I get away with a G4 running at 400Mhz with 512 MB RAM, or do I need a faster G4/G5?

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PowerPC :: Use G4 Media Server?

Dec 29, 2008

I am looking to pick up an old Power Mac G4 and use it as a media server. Right now I have a 1.6 AMD Athlon doing this running Windows XP. I will only be using this to stream movies to my tv. The Athlon does perfectly fine, but a few hundred bucks is worth getting windows entirely out of my house.

I want to make sure to pick up one of the Power Macs that can address a drive larger than 128gb, which I believe puts me at about an 800mhz G4.

My question is... Who else is using a G4 as a media server to stream videos over to their tv? If you do have a setup like this how well is it running and please post the specs.

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PowerPC :: Home Media Hub / Server Setup?

Oct 13, 2008

I would like to set up a home media hub. I have the following devices I would like to be able to access the media:

Powerbook (1.5Ghz)
Mac Mini (Core 2 duo)
Old Pentium3 PC to an old Sony tube tv.

I also have an old Pentium4 PC which I was planning to use as the server. I was planning to throw in a 750gb HD instead of running this all off my external (which is what I use now hooked up to the Powerbook). How would I go about doing this? The router is hooked up to the mac mini at the moment.

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PowerPC :: Using Power Mac G4 As A Media And TM Server - Will This Work

Jan 21, 2009

We've got two laptops in the house (my Powerbook 12 and wife's Macbook) and I've just bought an old 500Mhz AGP Power Mac G4 from eBay, partly to mess around with, partly because it was a great deal, and partly because I want to use it as a media server. What I'd like to do is have:

- iPhoto running on the server - cameras would be plugged in there, photos downloaded etc and photos streamed to the Apple TV

- iTunes running on the server - other machines in the house plus the Apple TV accessing the shared server

- printer sharing running through the server

- Time Machine partitions set up on the server for both my wife and I - set up as double our raw drive space (so 160GB and 320GB)

I've already upped the RAM to 1.25GB and swapped in two 120GB IDE drives. I'm looking to add a Sonnet PCI SATA card and a couple of 1TB Samsung drives, one to host the media and one to host the Time Machine partitions. The media drive would then be backed up weekly to an offboard brick.

So before I go ahead with this grand plan, I thought I'd solicit views on whether it's likely to work, where the bear traps are etc. I guess some of the specific questions I have include:

- is there likely to be a performance issue with the PowerMac in this role?

- can I stream photos to an Apple TV? I know it works with iTunes but thought I'd check on iPhoto

- would Time Machine work OK over a network? Any issue with hosting two TM partitions on the same drive?

The Power Mac is running Tiger, the others are running Leopard.

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Hardware :: Stream Mac As Media Server On PS3 - Windows For Windows Media Player?

Jan 17, 2009

If you can stream the Mac as a media server on your PS3 just like how it does on Windows for Windows Media Player....

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Mac Pro :: Looking For Media Server For OS X?

Aug 23, 2009

I work in litigation support, and I end up working overtime a lot, and I also work weekends fairly often, and there are times when I am sitting around waiting for the machines to finish processing the data I give it. This could take hours, so I end up with a lot of time just waiting. I have been looking for a media server that I could use to watch movies on my Mac that I have in my apartment from the computers at work. I have not had any luck finding any. All the ones I found were just for home networks for streaming to another computer on the network or a PS3 or 360. I do know that VLC is capable of doing what I want, but I'm having a b*tch of a time getting it to work.

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OS X :: PC To Mac Media Server?

Dec 26, 2009

The last PC left on my network has been relegated to being used solely as a media server which I use tversity to push media to my PS3 wirelessly. Now its been working out relatively well but I would like to be able to be rid of the PC and simply integrate this function into my Mac. Also, my PS3 only contains an 80GB HDD so its a constant issue of manually moving and erasing content on the PS3. Doing research on how to accomplish this is making my head spin with all the different ways I could do this. I also have a separate issue of backing up all the macs manually every week via a USB HDD. Ideally I would like to just add a bunch of external storage to the PS3 and stream the content once and be done, but then I'm still stuck with the PC and it still does not address the backup issue. I know time capsule would work, but I already have plenty of storage and a good router. I'm willing to spend the money on whatever I need but would like to do this as efficiently as possible with the hardware I already have if possible.

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PowerPC :: Value Of Powermac G5

Aug 1, 2010

There is a Powermac G5 available in my area for $450. Its a dual core 2.3 and a nvidia GeForce 6600 and he is including a 20 inch ACD. I don't know if its a great deal, but I think it would be great, because I could build something wild in that case later.

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OS X :: Media Server Like TVersity For OS X?

Feb 24, 2008

Does anyone know if there is a good media server program for OS X that is like the TVersity program for windows?

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Hardware :: Using PS3 Media Server With Mac?

Nov 9, 2009

Has anyone seen this doc?

Anyone managed to do this with a macbook pro, snow leopard and a new time capsule?


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Mac Mini :: How Many GHz For It To Act As A Media Server

Mar 26, 2012

We just bought a mac mini with 2.5 GHz to act as our media server.  We wanted to be able to stream, which it handles nicely.  But now our desktop has fallen to disrepair and I am tempted to take the 2.5 Ghz mac mini as our desktop and buy a cheaper mac mini for our server. Will this work?

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PowerPC :: Overclocking Possible For PowerMac G4 1.42 DP?

Nov 17, 2010

I recently bought a PowerMac G4 1.42GHz Dual Processor. It has 2 gigs of RAM on it. It was a fair deal I think. The "thing" is still looking like new and shiny. Even the insides are still tidy and intact. My question is, would I still be able to pump more juice from this beast. It still run fast comparable to some decent windoze box. Up to how much processor can i be able to squeeze out the CPU and if possible, how to?

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PowerPC :: G$ PowerMac Shuts Itself Off?

Apr 18, 2007

I have a G4 Power Mac. It's the "digital audio" model that has been upgraded with a 1.2Ghz G4 processor. It works well except for one thing. It shuts down randomly and suddenly. Then after 5 or 10 minutes it turns itself back on, reboots and runs fine. (It is set to re-boot after a power failure.)I suspect what is happing is the power supply is turnning itself off due to some kind of a thermal, self protection switch. The fan seems to work but the PS gets warm.What's the cure? Replace the power supply? If so where to get a new(er) one?

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PowerPC :: G4 PowerMac That Will Not Boot Up?

Nov 2, 2007

I have a G4 PowerMac that will not boot up. I power up the computer and it stalls on a grey screen with text prompting me to type <<boot>> if you wish to continue...or something like that. Does anyone have any advice on how I might troubleshoot this? The computer was working fine for a few days before this occured. It has been unused and sitting is storage for a while.

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PowerPC :: Fans Of The PowerMac G4 DP 1.25 Ghz Or 1.42 Ghz?

Mar 7, 2008

I just upgraded from a Powermac G3 (1st rev.) to a Powermac G4 DP 1.25 ghz... so much faster! Any other fans here? Any cool stories to tell about it?

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PowerPC :: PowerMac G5 Not Booting?

Jun 11, 2008

I have a PowerMac G5 dual 1.8ghz running leopard. It worked flawlessly since the day I bought it.

Then as of last week whenever I booted the computer I would get the gray screen with a black box saying to reboot the computer (in 5 different languages). I would reboot the computer. Same screen.

Is there some way to check what is wrong? Is this typically a hardware issue or an operating system?

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PowerPC :: Powermac G4 Not Booting Up?

Sep 19, 2008

I was installing Tiger using FireWire from my Powermac G4 and it was nearly done when my Powerbook (target) died due to lack of battery... When the Powermac was rebooted, I get only a question mark and flashing smile.

I tried to test the C and T keys holding them down during boot up but only get the smiley face every single time... I even disconnected the secondary drive to no avail.

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PowerPC :: G5 Powermac Not Booting From CD?

Sep 22, 2008

Please could you help me with this problem that i've got with my Powermac G5.

Spec is
Dual G5
2gb ram

I'm trying to boot from the Mac OS cd (tried 10.4 that it came with and 10.5) and both get to the grey screen with the Apple Logo and that's as far as it gets. No spinning loading wheel.

Tried the following..

PRAM reset
Swapping Ram out

Is there anything else i can do. It's a really good machine so i hope it's not needing a Logic Board repair!

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PowerPC :: Powermac G4 Will Not Power On

Jan 27, 2009

Currently it is almost entirely unresponsive. I came to wake it from sleep a few days ago and it refused to wake. It is totally unresponsive to the power button on the Apple Cinema display and when the power button on the front of the tower is used the button lights up blue and then goes out. There is no fan activity or other sign of life. There is no burned oder or evidence of anything charred.It is a dual 1.42 MDD FW800 machine with AGP graphics. Model: M8570So far I have:

-Removed and reseated the graphics card, RAM and other PCI cards.
-Removed battery and let it sit unplugged over night.
-Performed PMU reset. (once)

At this point I have come to believe the power supply needs to be replaced. it is model: 614-0224 (360w). After looking online they are stupidly expensive, from $180 to over $500 each. I will be ordering a new MB (PRAM?) battery (Saft 3.6v LS14250C) and replacing that as well.

- Have I missed anything here? Is there any other explanation or method of troubleshooting I should try?
- Is there any cheaper source for the power supplies? Why are they so absurdly expensive? Does anyone here want to give me a sweetheart deal on one?
- Can anyone recommend a source for the LS14250C battery locally in Manhattan? Radioshack has it as an online only item and wants $15 for it.

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PowerPC :: What Type Of Ram Does The Powermac G4 Use?

Apr 7, 2009

What type of ram does the powermac g4 use? im looking into buying some and the about this mac just says sdram,but newegg has two different types of sdram. so what type does it use

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PowerPC :: Need Some Info On Powermac G5

Nov 4, 2009

I have always been in love with the power mac G5's.so, I am going to sell my G4 mac mini to buy one. I was wondering if I would be better off buying a single 1.8 and buying 2 gigs of ram. or, buying a dual 1.8 and only having the 1gb of ram?

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PowerPC :: Where Is The Ninth G5 Powermac Fan Is?

Aug 9, 2010

I'm just curious, does anyone know where the ninth G5 powermac fan is?


1 spinning storage

1 pci cards

4 processor and ram

2 on the front of the PSU

where's the ninth?

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OS X :: Best Media Server Streaming Option?

Nov 12, 2010

At the moment my setup is as follows:

MacBook acting as a media server with my iTunes library on it

MacBook Air with no content on it

Apple TV (2nd Gen)

At the moment, I've redirected iTunes on my MBA to use the shared folders on my MB for the iTunes library. This works in theory, but actually, it has turned out rather badly - playing video is a nightmare! It keeps stopping and starting, iTunes stops responding, etc, etc. However, I think this is an iTunes issue, as there's no such problems on the Apple TV or if I use QuickTime Player to play the video instead.

So, is there something else I can use on my MBA to "receive" the stream? I don't really care about other bells and whistles (I don't live in the US, so things like Hulu that are built into apps like Boxee aren't much use to me), I just want to be able to play my iTunes content fluidly, but not in iTunes.

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OS X :: Can I Setup An ITunes Media Server

Jul 1, 2009

As I'm sure you're aware, I want to setup a server with my 733 MHz DA G4.

Until I can get my hands on a copy of Tiger Server, I'd like to have an iTunes server to centralize my media. I've done some searches and couldn't find anything relevant.

I know I can just copy all the stuff to the G4 and make a shared library, but I'd like to be able to have the media transferrable from the client computers, i.e. putting it on an iPod because the G4 is in the basement which is a hassle to get to and a bit of a ***** shack.

My G4 has the following specs:

733 MHz G4
1x 60 GB HDD, 1x 40 GB HDD
Mac OS X 10.4.11, not server
The latest version of iTunes 8
A gigabit ethernet connection

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Hardware :: How To Setup Mac Media Server

Jul 30, 2009

I am a recent convert to mac and loving it. I do however want to set up a media server - to serve movies to each television via xbox and playstation. I am currently using HP MediaServer. I have had issues with it and want to explore the mac route. If I have a time capsule can i serve movies to xbox etc anywhere in the house? Or would it be better to have a mac mini to do it or even both?

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Hardware :: Unable To Run PS3 Media Server?

Oct 25, 2009

I have a couple questions

1) I have a mb and a desktop. I have media server on both of them. When I run it from the desktop, i get a loop saying that the upnp address is used and goes in an indefinite loop

When i run it from my mb, it is able to find the ps3 no problem

whats going on?

2) Also, is there any reason why my .mp4 and .m4v files are unsupported (some of them) and the ones that play stutter like a lot?

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PowerPC :: SATA Controller For PowerMac G4

Nov 22, 2010

I have a PowerMac G4 (MDD 2003, I believe) that I use as my home media server for my Apple TV. Currently I have a 14+14GB boot RAID and 75+75GB storage RAID, using old PATA drives, of course. This is working great and is pretty well performing so far, but I'm going to run out of space eventually since I'm a packrat. I'm thinking that this Christmas will be a good time to renovate this machine, so here's the question MacRumors: What's the best SATA controller for my machine? PS: It's a dual 1.25GHz PowerMac 3,6. In MacTracker, this matches 3 different machines. Is there a way to find out which one this truly is?

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PowerPC :: How Can I Speed Up The PowerMac G5 Fans?

Jan 4, 2011

My PowerMac G5 fans hardly ever speed up. I mean they certainly never go full speed or ever close how they sometimes behave on start up. I never get the jet speed noise. Even when I am rendering a movie in FCP, I hardly hear the fans. Right now on idle, iStat pro reports CPU A being 58C and CPU B being 56C. Yet, the fans are still only 400RPM both CPUS Intake/Outake.

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PowerPC :: Powermac G5 SP 1.8 Roaring Fans

Oct 26, 2006

I have a strange problem with the powermac G5 1.8 SP, yes the one with the hardware bug. It was my first mac, what a dissapointment. The bug was partly solved with the firmware upgrade, but after that it still behaved strangely. The fans suddenly go up to maximum speed every hour, then quikcly return to normal. There still have been lockup's / beachballing with USB, and overall slow performance.Now I am running the latest mac osx Tiger version, about a few weeks ago, the fans start revving up almost to maximum, all the time, regardless of cpu load. The cpu temperature reads about 60...65 degrees centigrade when idling (minimum cpu load), cpu setting is already on "reduced speed". After switching-on, cpu temperature is already 60 degrees centigrade. The cpu heatsink is stonecold, as is the exhaust airflow. The cpu 2 fans roar like mad and keep revving up and down. When I remove the plastic transparent cover, the photocell is activated and a red LED comes on, now the fans immediately return to normal speed. Anybody else had similar problems wit the powermac G5 SP 1.8Ghz ?

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PowerPC :: PowerMac G5 Dual-Core/Add Another CPU?

Nov 18, 2006

I've got a PowerMac G5 dual-core 2GHz box. Can I add another dual core CPU to get a quad-CPU system?

Forgive me for not wanting to open the case and look for myself, but it lives in a little hole that is hard to get out of b/c of all the cables and stuff... just wondering if anyone knows off the top of their head if the motherboard has another slot...

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