PowerPC :: Change Ibook Hard Disk

Sep 19, 2008

I am changin my iBook G4s hard drive. I am referring to a well written guide published on [URL]. But I am stuck on a step. For removing the front panel, there is screw hidden under a magnet. Somehow I can not remove that magnet. I have tried using L end keys, screw drivers, nose pliers and even a powerful magnet. This disk would not come out!

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PowerPC :: IBook Display Stopped Working / Boot IBook Via Target Disk Mode?

Aug 13, 2010

I have a G3 iBook and just the other day the display stopped working. There were no signs of the display going bad, it's just went. Am I able to boot the iBook via Target Disk Mode on my PowerBook and run the iBook Hardware Test CD on it? Also, can I reboot my PowerBook and choose the iBook as the startup volume?

I know how to do Target Disk Mode but the latter I'm not sure about.

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PowerPC :: Hard Drive Swapping - IBook G3 And IBook G4

Oct 20, 2006

My brother's iBook G4 (800Mhz, First Rev) has completely splattered itself and we're getting a new Macbook for him under insurance. My iBook G3 (White, 900Mhz G3..the last G3 Rev of the iBook) has a failing hard drive.

Now, could I swap out those two drives, at least to recover stuff? And is there a specific method of opening up the iBook G4 so that I don't break stuff (I've already messed with my G3..and ended up with a dozen extra screws ^_^

Mainly the aim is to salvage the hard drive and swap them out; replacing my faulty iBook G3 one with the iBook G4 one which is perfectly fine.

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PowerPC :: How To Change Ibook G4 Resolution

Sep 15, 2006

is there any way to up the resolution be it a hack or not can you up the resolution on a 12in ibook from 1024 to 1280?

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PowerPC :: Want To Change The Language Of My Ibook.?

Apr 25, 2008

About eight months ago I had to change the hard drive in my ibook. Because I did that change in Germany, some features are in German. Others are in spanish because I lived in Mexico. How do I change the language settings for the programs and operating system. (I hope I am explaining this correctly)?

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PowerPC :: Hinge Broken On IBook, Got To Change The Screen?

Oct 28, 2005

My wife accidentaly dropped our ibook with the screen open. It landed on the corner of the screen, and the right hinge cracked a bit.It still close, but not perfect. It also seems that the hinge get worse every time I open and close it, so I left it open.happened a couople of weeks ago, and the machine it self runs perfect (or so it seems, no trouble since)I took it to my local Apple center and they said the hinge is a part of the screen, so to fix it they?ll have to change the screen. This is very expensive, especially due to the fact that it still works perfectly.The guy added that they MIGHT be able to improvise and just glue (or whatever) the hinge What do youthink are the chances that they can fix it without changing the screen?

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PowerPC :: How To Change Clamshell 12" Ibook Resolution

Sep 13, 2006

I Want To Run A Program But It Says I Need To HAve A Resolution Of 1028 by 700? But My Display Only Goes Up To 800 by 600 So Is It Possiable To Add Resolution?

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Blue Screen Assistance - Change The PRAM And PMU?

Dec 20, 2009

I was on the internet with my iBook G4 the system froze for over 10 minutes so i did a hard shutdown of the system (held the power button) When I attempted to turn the computer back on, the start up chime played then showed the grey apple screen, attempted to start up then went to a blue screen and now stays that way. I have attempted to change the PRAM and PMU to no avail, I also restarted in safe mode but all i got there was a different blue screen with no desktop icons.

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PowerPC :: How To Get A Recovery Disk For Apple Ibook G4

Jul 1, 2008

I just got an apple ibook g4 from a pawn shop. But it did not come with a recovery disk. The master password is still on there and I don't know it. What should I do? Who ever had it before me did not clear everything off of it.

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PowerPC :: Cannot Insert Disk On IBook SuperDrive / Solution For This?

Aug 13, 2006

The last time I tried to insert a disk it would not go in, something (not a disk) was stopping it once it had traveled about half way in.

I then noticed that when waking from sleep or turning on, the normal noise was very different, cut short, and sounded like it was struggling against something.

I believe the mechanism of the drive has somehow failed. Does anyone have any solutions?

It is a iBook G4 1.33GHz with 1.25GB ram installed if that helps.

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PowerPC :: IBook Shutting Down In Target Disk Mode?

Dec 11, 2006

I'm trying to zero the data on an iBook hard drive before selling it. When I connect it to my Powermac via firewire in Target Disk Mode, it shuts down completely about 30 minutes into the proceedure (and yes, the power adapter is connected).

This has now happened 3 times in a row.

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PowerPC :: IBook Won't Start In Target Disk Mode?

Nov 23, 2008

I've got an early '08 MacBook and an iBook G4. The iBook will only work for a few minutes before freezing completely.

I want to use my MB to get info off the iBook, but when I follow the instructions to start the iBook in Taget Disk mode, the MacBook asks if I want to 'initialise' the harddrive. What's that about?

How can I get the data off my iBook (ideally without re-installing the OS)?

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Disk - MacPro's Wont Work On It

Sep 13, 2009

I have an iBook G4 14" 1.33 768mb 60HD with 10.4.11 installed as it has previous users, i want do to a total clean up on it, but I dont have the original disks, where could I find them? or find a way to do a restore on it?

I have a MacPro(2006-07) which came with Tiger also but I Tried on the macbook thinking it would work, but it doesnt, when it boot up shows like a black log screen saying that Drives for powerbook 5.6 havent been found something like that, and asks t turn it off.. tried like 3 times, all the same, so I quit.

All I want is reinstall tiger in it, since Leopard probably will slow it down too much, im upgrading to 1.25gb soon also...

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OS X :: Change Hard Disk From 160 Gb To 500 Gb

Dec 24, 2009

I'd like to change hard disk in my macbook. Fisically i think is easy but i am little bit worried to install the os....i have a back up of time machine.My idea was : change the hard disk , after insert the cd snow leopard and format the new hard disk ( but i dont know really how, maybe when i insert the cd i press options ).After when the hard disk is format instal the mac os and everything from the backup of time machine ( but i do not know very well how )

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PowerPC :: Hard Drive Failure In IBook?

Sep 15, 2006

I was using my mom's 500 mhz G3 iBook circa 2k1, running 10.2.0 and it decided to start tweaking out on me. Being a somewhat aware computer person, I thought tat a simple restart would fix all of this. Shows you how much I know. Anyway, the boot-up screen showed the icon of the file with the question mark inside. Find the OS 9 CD that we have and I booted up through the CD. I finish starting up and, to my surprise, the drive appears to be erased- the computer asks me if I want to initialize the disk. I hit cancel and proceed to run the disk repair on the OS 9 CD. After it's done scanning, the the results are: "Missing Thread Record, 62078, 4260". What does it all mean? Will the computer be able to recover? What fate lies in store for the iBook?

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PowerPC :: Ibook Won't Recognize New Hard Drive

Mar 15, 2007

I have an ibook g4 1.2 ghz 14 inch model with the 60 gig HD runnig Os X. One day, it start freezing up, and when I restart it, it would be fine. However, after a couple of day, it would not longer boot and I would get the folder with finder and question mark. I ran the hardware test on the CD, and it said I had a mass storage error. So, I went and bought a new hd and put it in. (another hitachi one, exactly the same). So i boot it up, run the hard ware test and it is fine. Then I go about installing os x and stuff, and everything is fine. However, on my first restart a couple of hours later, my computer no longer boots up again. I run disk utility, and it does not see any Hard drives, and when i reattempt to install my os x, it can not find a destination folder. What is going on? Also, I have the old HD from my ibook that I put in my external Hd case. If this thing is not actully broken, can I use it to boot through the usb 2.0 drive on my mac? I tried to plug it in, but for some reason no power goes to it, but if i plug it to my desktop, it powers up. (the light on the case)

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PowerPC :: IBook G3 - What Type Of Hard Drive Is Used?

Jul 21, 2007

iBook G3
900 MHz
14.1 screen

My hard drive just died & I have been searching everywhere on what type of hard drive is used in this machine. I want to replace it but I don't know what to replace it with. There seems to be about five different types of hard drives currently out there. So which one does this machine use?

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PowerPC :: Installing Hard Drive In IBook G3?

Aug 15, 2007

so my boss' ibook g3 just broke, he brought it to apple and they said it needs a new hard drive and were going to charge him something like 400 dollars to replace it. He decided not to do it because it's so old. (not sure how old, but it's a white g3 with a cd tray). Anyway, i told him i should be able to do it. I've found directions online on ifixit and stuff but need a few more questions answered.

1. Will any 2.5 inch hard drive fit? I think i'm going for 5400 rpms because i don't want it to get too hot and he wants 80 gb. how is this one? [URL]

2. How will i run the os once it is installed? Do i need to installl 10.0 first and then move up? Can i install from the cd or do i need to do it from another computer via target disk mode?

3. ifixit suggests i get a "spudger" which i guess it a plastic anti static toothpic type thing to remove hard to get parts. Definitely needed or no? I have a set of small screw drivers that i've used for my powerbook that i thik should be fine.

4. Any tips at all you wanna throw at me.

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PowerPC :: Hard Drive From A Macbook Pro Fit In An Ibook?

Feb 27, 2008

I have a macbook pro hd i want to put in an old ibook, but the pins look different will they fit?

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PowerPC :: Ibook G3 - 20.0 GB Ultra ATA Hard Drive

Mar 17, 2008

I just wanted to know if buying an white ibook g3 for 70$ in good working condition is a good deal or not. Here are the specs on it>> The iBook G3/600 (Late 2001 - Translucent White), features a 600 MHz PowerPC 750cx (G3) processor with a 256k "on chip" level 2 cache, 128 MB of RAM, a 20.0 GB Ultra ATA hard drive, a tray-loading DVD-ROM/CD-RW "Combo" drive, 2X AGP ATI Rage Mobility 128 graphics with 8 MB of VRAM, and a compact translucent white case with a 12.1" TFT XGA active matrix display (1024x768 native resolution).

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Won't Recognize Hard Drive

Sep 28, 2008

My iBook could be on it's last leg. I have an iBook G4 1.2 Ghz with 512 mb of RAM running 10.3.9. It started about 2 to 5 months ago. When I restart my computer, instead of the white screen with the grey Apple logo that appears during a normal start-up, I get the grey screen with a flashing box with a picture of the world inside the flashing box, then the small flashing folder that flashes the OSX logo, then a question mark (?), then it would go into the normal start-up screen (white w/Apple logo). I thought this was the Safe mode boot.

Well, recently, it would just stay on the flashing OSX logo and "?" and nothing would happen. So I would do a forced shut down (holding the power down) and power it back up. Same thing. I'd repeat this for 30 minutes to an hour, restarting anywhere from 15 to 30 times and it would eventually work.

So, the flashing OSX logo and "?" happened again last night, and I could not get it to boot after countless restarts. This morning, I grab my iBook Install disc to do a full restore. I restart and hold the C key to boot from the install disc. I go through the normal steps and when I get to Choose the Drive or Destination tab, my hard drive isn't listed. Nothing is listed. I reboot holding the option key to run the Apple hard ware test. Airport passes, Logic Board passes, then I get an error when the Mass Storage test runs. Reboot and run Test again, same results. I reboot to the install disc again and it still says no drive. I open Disc Utility and the only drive it reads is the iBook Install Disc. I restart normally, and it loads fine, and I instantly come here to seek a diagnostic as to what my problem is.

I don't understand is the strange frequency or my problem. Sometimes it works, sometimes I have to restart it a dozen or so times. How can it not recognize my hard drive [I]some[I] of the time and not all of the time? I don't want to do a full restore just yet. I'd like to know what my problem is before I do anything drastic. I do have my hard drive backed up.

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PowerPC :: Formatting New Hard Drive In IBook G4

Jan 3, 2009

I installed a new hard drive into my wife's older iBook G4 since the HD that came with the machine was only 30GB and was max'ed out shortly after we added some applications and photos. (Never should have bought such a small hard drive in the 1st place!) The new hard drive is an 80GB hard drive I bought online. I turned on the machine and got the question mark (?) blinking with something else on the 1st screen that came up. I proceeded to insert the original iBook OSX install cds. First I cleared the hard drive under disk utility and then the computer recognized the new drive. Then installation began. Got through the first disk no problem. Then it restarted and asked for disk two, which I inserted.

Then, if it decided to start installing from disk 2 (it kept going back and forth before it actually started disk two installation), it would get about 75% through the disk two installation and I keep getting a message saying 'There were errors installing the software'. I have tried to eject and re-insert the cd and I get the same message. I started from scratch by re-booting, wiping the hard drive clean again and started with disk one, only to get to disk two and encounter the same problem. I don't want to take this computer in and pay a service company to get me straight. This is an experiment to see if I could upgrade the hard drive and memory to make a slower/older machine perform better. We really only use it for organizing photos, surfing the net, office applications, etc.

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Extra Hard Drive?

Jan 9, 2009

I have a G4 iBook that I use as my play computer and my mod book... I just dyed the top case and the bottom case (also the battery cover) all black and I changed the apple to red! It looks really sweet and it matches my backpack... Ok well I just read about a guy that wants to take out his optical drive out and put another hard drive in.

My question is... Would that be possible with my iBook? It is a early 2004 ibook g4 1.07 GHz, 768 MB RAM, and a small 30 gig hard drive! I would love to add more hard drive space without having to go through the hassle of finding a way to transfer all of my data on this hard drive to another!

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PowerPC :: Formatting Ibook G4 Hard Drive?

May 26, 2009

I have a Ibook g4 that got trashed the scree stoped working it would flicker on and off so i tryed to fix it and made it worse because I have not skill so I then pulled the HD and put it in a pc laptop I have I am now trying to get files off it through linux i tryed ubuntu because that is the only thing i have used but it is way to slow on my laptop because the cd drive is older then time so I tryed dsl and puppy linux but don't know how to mount the drive it shows up in the bios but not when i try to use the simple mount tool in puppy or dsl I know this is a mac fourm but I am hoping someone has done this before

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Not Recognize New Hard Drive

Jul 2, 2009

I had to replace the hard drive on my daughter's iBook G4. I replaced the original Toshiba with a seagate 160gb ATA drive. When using the original install disk, the installer cannot find the hard drive to install the OS on. I was told the problem could only be the cable or a DOA drive; so I got another new hard drive and replaced the replacement, being sure that the cable was connected properly. In the past, I've replaced hard drives several times in various machines I've owned.

I seem to remember that on one occasion I had the same problem, and found the unmounted drive with Tech Tool Deluxe that I had gotten with an old AppleCare purchase. On this iBook G4, however, the Tech Tools disk won't boot the machine. Perhaps I am mis-remembering that incident, but I'm pretty sure that I was able to mount a hard disk in the past using some sort of software. Problem is that this iBookG4 won't boot off of ANY of my older system disks I own.

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OS X :: Change Hard Disk Serial On MAC?

Oct 27, 2009

I found soft change hard disk serial on Windows and I think there is a soft change hard disk serial on MAC too.

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PowerPC :: G4 Ibook Battery No Go After Hard Drive Upgrade

Aug 1, 2007

I have g4 ibook 14" 1.33. I spent 2 hours unscrewing at least a hundred screws and trying to pry the white shell open. Finally I was able to locate the HD and replaced it with a new one. Screwed everything back in, crossed my fingers, and the thing booted up--hurray! Unfortunately, now the battery says 97% but it is not charging. The cord light is ever green and when I pulled the plug, it shuts down. So much for 97%. I tried all the pmu, reset-all, taking it in and out a dozen times (5-12seconds intervals), etc. Did I screw up something during the disassembly/reassembly?

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Wont Recognize Hard Drive

Nov 14, 2008

Ive searched all over, and cant find a solution. I put in a new HD for the 1.2ghz iBook 12", and it wont be recognized by the computer. I tried resetting the Vram/Pram, with no success. I also made sure the hd connector is connected. When I hold down "C" to the install disc, it reads the disc, but does not detect the HD. When I do not hold down c, it takes me to a question mark/folder icon.

I do not think its the new hard disk or connector or logic board, because I have read others having the problem...some say it is the firmware, and that its the OS/Installer disc that has the error...but I have no clue how to fix it.

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PowerPC :: IBook Boot Up From External Hard Drive?

Dec 29, 2008

FYI - Im typing from an iPhone.

No hard drive, won't boot from external Fire Wire drive..

I've tried all key combos

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 14" Replacement Hard Drive

Mar 8, 2009

after 4 years my ibook g4 14" has a problem. my hard drive needs to be replaced. i took it to the genius bar yesterday and they gave me a referal to a store in my area that is certified to work on macs... but they don't sell hard drives in-house since they just started up a few weeks ago. does anyone have a suggestion for a decent replacement internal hard drive? i'm not looking for anything high-end. i just need a cheap, reliable drive to get me through about another year when i can get a new mac. if this matters much... i do use my ibook for a small amount of video editing, graphic design, etc... but only when work has to come home w/ me.

*the guys at the repair place did suggest a few... but they were all in the $250-$350 range... i was hoping to keep it around $150 or lower since i've been doing fine w/ my 40gb for 4 years now and i have 2 externals that total 1.75 tb. they said i could find some for that price elsewhere... but they only ordered from one place when they needed to... and none were available (in my $ range) there*

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