Power Mac :: Performance Differences Between The Various Current Models?
Apr 8, 2012
I am interested to try and replace my old school G5 from 2001 with something fast enough and enough memory to handle Final Cut or Premiere applications, and at the same time not cost me an arm and both legs. The local MacStore is selling warranteed refurbished units of recent vintage that are of varying prices. The problem is that it's been so long since i bought the first G5 that I am not aware of alll the performance diffences between the various current models like "Harpertown", "Nehalem", etc. I don't game or anything like that. I just want to make quality video productions and have a CS5 Photoshop capability.Where do I start? Is it a good idea to buy a refurbised unit?
I have observed the tech specs on numerous models of MacBook Pro, but it says nothing about 2nd generation processors. I assumed that they did have 2nd gen processors as the image they use to advertise the processor is for the 2nd gen series of Intel core processors. I just wanted to confirm this belief.
I have MBP 13", 15" and 17" - from 3 years old (santa rosa) to the current models. Can I share their power adapters? If buying new power adapters, am I best to buy them all at 17" power?
I have the base model 15" MacBook Pro from January 2008 (2.4 GHz Santa Rosa, if I recall correctly). My wife's MacBook just died, so she needs a new computer. She uses hers for checking email, surfing the Web, iPhoto, iTunes, etc. I use mine for the same, but also for hobby-level photography, music recording (GarageBand now, but eventually Logic), and art programs. We're considering two options: 1) She gets a new MacBook, and I keep my current MBP. 2) I get a new 13" MBP (the base model has the same size hard drive and amount of RAM as my 15" MBP) and she gets my old MBP. 95% of the time, I keep my MBP connected to an external monitor, so the extra portability of the 13" would suit me fine. My wife never connects an external monitor, so she'd be thrilled with my old 15". My question is whether the current base-model 13" MBP has any performance or feature benefits over the 2008 MBP that would warrant spending the extra $200 over just buying a new MacBook for my wife.
After I moved from my old house to my new appartment, my 24" late 2006 iMac instantly started making this annoying high pitch noise. Â I've tracked it to coming from the area around the hard drive fan.Â
I believe there might be a problem with the ground connection in the electricity system in the building. Â Is there a way to measure the current running through my dear iMac?Â
ps.: also see my previous post where I tried to figure out what might be the problem.
I have a 1.8 duel G5, 3 gig of ram, and 2 internal hard drives, a 120 gig and an 80 gig. My question: does anyone know if it makes a difference (performance wise) which drive I boot from? The 80 was the original boot drive, but due to space problems, now I boot from the 120. I've run every diagnistic imaginable, including Diskwarrior. I have the identical machine at work, and that one just seems snappier. I maintain both machines the same, cocktail, MacJanitor etc. There is plenty of room on both drives. So the last thing I can think of is the master/slave thing.
For the past two weeks or so I have been getting a lot of Kernel Panics. Most of them happen when I select Restart or Shutdown. There have also been cases of Final Cut Pro crashing regularly, but I think the Kernel Panics are far more important to diagnose. I have not changes any hardware for at least a year. The machine has 4.5gb of RAM and 40% of the system drive free. I have run Disk Utility to repir the disk as well as the permissions, all coming back with no errors. The only thing that I can think of that changed is that I purchased and ran Disk Warrior 4. It seemed to help tremendously with performance, however, it is the only thing that I can think of that has changed. I am also suffering from some performance loss as well. I get at least one Kernel Panic a day. I have no idea what the KP mean, but they all look similar.
Information: G5 Dual 2.5ghz Mac OS X (10.4.10) 4.5gb RAM - Final Cut Studio - Adobe Production Premium
Figured it would be a little lighter to have a thread that shows that Apple's computer CAN and DO work occasionally....Here's my uptime on my i7! It wants me to reboot for Safari update, but I refuse. As of 8:42am PST, March 16, 2010:I guess currently I have the longest uptime of anyone in this thread!
Snow Leopard 10A380 will not load the 64-bit kernel on my late 2007 aluminum iMac with 4gb of RAM. I held down the "6" and 4" during boot and it still boots the 32-bit kernel.
My Mac Pro at work does boot the 64-bit kernel but not by default.
I am concerned that Apple isn't going to allow iMac's and MacBooks the ability to load the 64-bit kernel and drivers to differentiate the consumer and pro models.
I would like to find a place for specs on old Apple products. Mainly I would like to know the specs of the old 23" Polycarbonate ADC Apple Cinema Display (M8536).
I had a question about the design of a Mac Pro. Clearly, they're the choice for someone who'd like to upgrade their machine as time goes by. My question is, for the current design of the MP computers, how well does the logic board scale? Specifically, I was wondering if there were physical differences between the logic boards in MP models with one or two processors. Does the single-processor model contain an unused space for an additional processor, allowing it to be upgraded from 1x to 2x? Or is something like this just unheard of in the hardware world?
Furthermore, what future expandability does the community see for the Nehalem model of processors. Will the socket type continue to be used well into the foreseeable future (say, 4 or so years) by future processors? If I purchase a Mac workstation, I'd like to be sure of the details for what is arguably the most static element to their modular design--the CPU.
I am looking at a new MB or MBP and since I prefer the screen on the MB my other concern would be heat generation.How is the new MB vs the MBP 13 and 15 versions?I want to be able to use it on my lap...!
I'm trying to figure out which Model of Mac I have so I can install more RAM, but the chart given is conflicting. I have a 17" Macbook Pro that I bought from BestBuy with Model Identifier "MacBookPro6,2" but I look on this chart here, and the only 6,2 is a 15" Model. I don't get it.For the most part, the "MacBook Pro6,1" defines my hardware I guess, but I'm concerned as to why there is no 6,2 17" on the chart when clearly I own one.
My iMac will not boot up after a software update. the screen is all whute will show a grey apple in the middle and will look like it is working but nothing happens; this can go on forever.
In real world usage, is there really any difference in the Processor Speed on the MBAir. Throughout the years, the speed differences being apart .2 GHz were negligable. Anyone here have a 1.6 with the SSD notice any crippling/adverse effects to there everyday computing. I am looking at ordering the MB Air this week, but purchasing the MB Air with the 1.6 GHz and SSD make it easier to justify by saving costs on the processor upgrade.
First the Obvious; 1. New AC Plugin (on both ends, wallplug is completely smooth now) 2. Different Internal Hardware 3. Better Battery Life 4. Optional Higher Resolution Screens 5. Optimus like Hybrid GPU switching
Kinda Obvious, but some may have missed; 1. Inertial Scrolling 2. Little bit heavier 3. Activity Monitor shows 4 Cores not 2
You'd really have to look; 1. This may just be me, but I feel as if the hinge is different, in terms of pressure right before you close it. Picture below shows a 2.8 duo left and an i5 right. I have been playing with them for a while now, and some of the other 2.8's and it seems right before you close the lid, the new i5's have more of a push required, so as to slow the force in close. That way you don't slam it closed.
2. Wifi seems to get an active working connection quicker
3. Microphone and Headphone input jacks have much more "snap" to them. Devices really snap in there so you know you're connected.
What are the differences between the HFS and HFS+?
Why should i use one and not the other?
What does the journaled mean?
what i really want to do is to format an external HD to 2 partitions so i make backup for my mac and my pc, and i dont know what file systems to create in the mac part!
I wanted to know the differences between 64 bit and 32 bit OSx I am currently running the latest Lion 10.7.3 on a 2011 spring macbook pro with 8 gigs of ram 500 gigs HD. From what I can read in the info it looks like it defaults to 32 bit automatically but I was told that I can hold down the 6 and 4 keys during startup to start with 64 bit. I would just like to know anyones experiences and what software it works better with. I usually run Adobe CS5.5 and it would be great to find out 64 bit will give it a boost.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm eyeing today's new Airs, and wondered about the processor options. I believe that both have Hyper Threading, enabling four simultaneous threads. Is that right? So what makes the i7 an i7, and the i5 an i5? The only difference listed is clock speed / Turbo Boost speed, but I'm guessing there's something else too?Â
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Core2Duo, 3gb
I need a new base for my macbook, i have looked on ebay and found a few replacements. The auctions say for example this is for a A1151 or an A1229... how can i tell?
I have a Mid-2007 MBP... I upgraded it to a 500gb HDD some time ago and I'm currently running 10.6.2.
If I were to buy a new MBP (hopefully a Core i5 one if/when they come out), would it be possible to simply swap the HDD from the old MBP into the new one?
I'm aware that Time Machine and/or imaging products like Carbon Copy Cloner and SuperDuper are ways of achieving the same thing, but I'm interested whether the physical hard drive swap would work in theory.
I got the new 15" model of the mac book pro and its my first mac... i was reading on amazon that the speck soft touch and hard case does not fit the new models? is that true?
Back in February, I purchased the (at the time) base mode 15" MacBook Pro, which I shouldn't have returned (idiot). I spec whored and went for the Sony VPCF115FM/B, with i7 which has proven to be a catastrophic and horrendous piece of machinery.
It is coming in from its second round of repairs (still will have poor screen, battery life, and dismal 900MHz throttling when on battery). I am looking to get a Mac to replace it, and I've come down to a few options.
1) Get the baseline 13" model with hopefully the new BTS deal. 2) Get the mid line MBP from last generation refurbished for $1529 (2.66, 9600 320GB 4GB). 3. Get the low-end 15" from this gen with the BTS deal (required for me to afford it), and sell the iPod/Printer.
Do I need the power and screen resolution (size doesn't matter to me) or would the cheaper 13" cover me?
I understand that some of the early core 2 duo's are different than the current core 2 duo's being used in the current 13" MBP's. I understand that some are T8000 series or T9000 series (I think??).
My question really is what is the difference between the earleir C2D's used and the current ones. Some of the earlier ones seem to have more L2 cache, do the newer ones run on a lower voltage? Have a different chip? Are quicker/slower?