OS X V10.7 Lion :: Restore Old Backup That Has Been Deleted Automatically By TM?
Apr 16, 2012
Yesterday i did a clean install of OS X Lion. Started importing photos from the Time Machine this morning. While at work TM has deleted all old backups, so now the latest backup i have is from 5 minutes after I did the clean install.How can I restore an old backup that has been deleted automatically by TM?
I was backing up my drive this evening. I left the Mac alone and realised when I returned that Time Machine deleted my oldest, and most important, Time Machine backup.
It's on an external hard drive.
Is there any way to recover this at all? This is so massively important!
We had to wipe a laptop clean and somehow time machine seems to have backed up the user profile after deleting it, so our most recent TM backup does not have the essential user files on it. Is there a way to migrate from a previous backup to get the delted user account back?
My calendars on the iPhone did not syncronize with iCloud for other devices (iPad, Mac). So I tried to sync iPhone Calendars with iTunes where I got a warning of duplicate entries.After the sync my Mac calendars all were gone, on the iPhone, on the Mac. Only the Calendars on iCloud, which are not up to date (!!!) are still available. I tried to restore via TimeMachine but could not find the database for iCal. Everything seems to have changed in OX Lion.
i have a hotmail email address i use, i have been using mac lion mail here the problem - i found loads of my emails missing when using hotmail webpage but in MacMail they are all there still.i found that in macmail settings "remove copy from server after retrieving a message" was selected(after one week). (now i have disabled this function)Â how can i send them back to the hotmail server email box?
I am running a Intel Imac 2008 clean install SL then Lion upgrade, followed by Lion Server install.I have multiple home macs, and intnded the server as a way to monitor and restrict kids internet use.In short, it has changes/screwed up multiple programs, and complicated home sharing issues considerably. Mail on the server machine has permission problems (cannot send mail, unable to sign), Spotlight in mail is non-functioning, finder spotlight searches are inconsistent, etc.I want to revert to plain old Lion.
I have done disk utility/verify disk and verified/repaired permissions, and have 'fiddled' (i'm not an expert) in the keychain/certificates areas, but I think the best solution is a clean install of Lion. When I backup to TIme Machine, is there a way to pull a 'Lion' version of my disk image back, and just not upgrade to Server? I understand I can disable Server and turn off applications in Server, but it doesn't fix my buggy machine. My options are to back up my 250GB of music, 100GB of photos, 100GB of movies, etc on to external drives, and clean install and then reimport everything, but even that will probably mean I cant reinstall my single user licesnse of MS office, VMware fusion, etc that I didn't buy on the App store.
I have two macbooks.I back up one on an external disk using Time Machine and restore it to another. I have done this a few times in the past. When I tried to do it last night, I get the following error:
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), With 10.7.3 Supplemental update
After I backup my computer onto a Hard drive using time machine, I delete certain folders off my computer, then assuming my files are on the HDD, I go back to the HDD to see the files, but the files on the Time machine back up are gone! What is happening? and how do i prevent this from happening?
Following Apples instructions on backing up the mail data and restoring as well as what I have so far found on the various forums has allowed me to move 99% of my mail to my new computer pretty much spot on except for one thing - the outgoing SMTP server list. Is there somewhere else I need to be looking for that information?Â
I have quite a few email accounts and with that comes quite a few outbound SMTP servers, much to my dismay I discovered that all of that information did not restore when I put the mail data all back into place. Now I assumed that perhaps it was in my keychain, but that would just be the passwords for the servers and not the list itself and the attachment of the various mail accounts to their respective SMTP servers, right?Â
So, my question is two-fold: one, is there a way to get that list back and have it attached to my 20+ email accounts and if I can do that then two, where in the keychain do I look in order to also get all those passwords back as well? It's not the end of the world, but just a big pain the butt.Â
On a side note, but related, I've also noticed that about 1/3rd of the email accounts I restored just won't log in and get mail, they just "spin" and bomb out, generally saying the password is bad even though I've put it in correctly numerous times (my mobile me account is one that comes to mind). Is this a known side effect of restoring? My only solution so far has been to delete those accounts and re-create them.Â
I want to return to Snow Leopard from Lion (love it) for personal reasons (family). Can I use the Lion backup to restore the Leopard preferences, etc? Or will I have to reconfigue the machine with mail, bookmarks, etc.
I had an issue with my HD on my Macbook Air. The genius bar wiped my HD clean and re-installed LION. When I got home, I tried to restore the MB Air from my most recent backup. I keep getting the error "The backup cannot be opened."If this is a password protected backup, you may have entered an incorrect password or the backup may be damaged".Â
I know that I must have entered the right PW since it let me in to the Backup drive. I am using a brand new macmini server with the G-technology 8TB G-Speed raid solution as my backup system. So right now I have a MacBook air that has NONE of my stuff on it and it won't let me restore it either
If I do a destructive recovery, can I restore only certain things from time machine backup, like itunes library, mail settings, browser favorites, and a few programs.
This morning my iMac acted up so I used Onyx to find out what's wrong and it said it needs to repair the disk. Â
I then restarted, pressed cmd + R and tried to repair it but it said that I needed to back up files and would have to format the drive. Â Ok, good thing I just backed up my computer before the imac acted up, so I formatted the drive sing Disk Utility and then proceeded to reinstall OS X Lion.Â
Right now, it is still downloading stuff and have at least 5 hrs to go.Â
My question is, what would be the next best course of action to take:Â
Restore from latest TM backup? (will this be a good idea since the HD failed and cause the HD to fail again?)Â As much as possible, I want everything as it was before the crash. Or would it be better to start from scratch and reinstall everything? The only impt thing I want restored are my photos ( only backed up with TM).
I upgraded from Leopard to Snow Leopard and then directly to Lion. How do I restore from a Free Agent external drive back up I made without overwriting the new Lion OS?
If you can restore applications from a Time Machine backup? I know it can restore files and folders or the entire system, but, this MacBook was just updated to Lion and only needs the applications restored, not the system.
I had a system instability issue and needed to restore my system from a Time Machine backup.Â
I tired restoring from several backups of different dates, with OS X Version labeled 10.7.3 (11D50b). I did so by booting into Lion Recovery HD and following the menu. However, once the recovery finishes copying files to the boot HD and reboots, the computer got stuch forever on the screen with Apple logo with the spinning wheel.Â
Luckily my backup still contained a backup from about two months ago with a different OS X Version, labeled 10.7.2 (11C74). Restoring from this backup completed successfully.Â
At least I did not have to build the sytem from stratch, but I wonder why restoring the system from the latest backup did not work.
I had the Lion up to date and I decided to restore an older backup I had made (Lion 10.7.2).
After hearing about Lion Recovery I held down command+r and was able to choose from a list of backups the one I wanted to recover. Â
I then decided, nah I want to go back to my latest backup I previously had. I held down command+r and instead of Lion Recovery I get Internet Recovery.Â
I get a spinning globe and a drop down with the wireless network the Time Capsule is on (the net is seperate to time capsule because Im using a usb modem). Â
I'm planning to move to the US from Australia in a couple of months, and intend to buy an iMac over there instead of shipping mine across. Does anyone know if there are any compatibility issues with restoring a backup from a computer from another market?Â
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
When I use Time Machine to restore my old mails, it doesn't works, shows the backups on the right but I can't click. The Backup was made on Mountain Lion and I installed a clean Maverick.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), backup doesn't works
My Macbook Pro hard drive failed. It is completely unrecoverable. I've purchased a replacement. How do I format the drive, install Lion and restore my system from my Time Machine backup? My Time Machine backup was created from a USB connection directly to my Macbook Pro. I have a Apple Lion USB Install Thumbdrive.
Since upgrading to Lion I've experienced periodic crashes- my 24" iMac (2.93 GHz Core 2 Duo with 4GB memory) suddenly shut down using iPhoto, Safari, and/or Pages. After running numerous hardware diagnostic tests I was told it was not a hardware problem, and a complete reinstall of Lion and all Apple software was recommended. I had back-ups on a My Book which I thought I could easily use to restore my personal data. I was directed to drag files between Finder windows rather than try to restore from backup via Time Machine. All was well & good until I tried to restore my numerous mail folders and locally-saved emails.
Evidently Mail is a hidden folder... I've been told by user group buddies how to see the hidden Mail folder on my iMac, but not on the My Book. Trying to restore from back-up via Time Machine is not an option, as I guess it doesn't recognize the newly installed system. Also tried going into Mail and importing, but when I navigate to the backup there is no visible Mail folder. Another suggestion was to try 3rd party software i.e. Back in Time or BackUp Loupe. I keep thinking there's some secret key combination, some easy way I just don't know of to retrieve my Mail data from the backup... is there???
Info: iPhoto '11, Time Machine backing up to My Book
I restored from a Time Machine backup and then setup boot camp (and removed that partition a while back) and now I don't have a recovery partition. (Can't enable File Vault and bash-3.2# diskutil list /Volumes/Macintosh HD /dev/disk0 #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *120.0 GB disk0 1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1 2: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD 87.4 GB disk0s2)
My new MacBook Pro didn't come with any CDs. Apparently I need the recovery partition to reinstall Lion from the internet. "Recovery HD offers on-disk recovery tools, allows you to restore from Time Machine backups, reinstall OS X Lion over the Internet..." The recommended solution from Apple seems to be reinstall with your OSX 10.6 CD (which I don't have) and then upgrade to Lion (which seems like a PITA). Info from : [URL]
What process should I follow to restore my recovery partition and apply the current state of the machine from a backup? (The process should not involve anything I don't have, like USB memory sticks, Lion CDs, etc....) Supplementary questions which are only relevant if the answer is "you can't" (which would seem to be a major bug!) Or is there a clever method to install a recovery partition onto an existing disk (which clearly has space for it)?
I have searched for it but all the results I found have either not mentioned that it works without reinstalling but look like it's needed, or do say "reinstall". If I install Lion to an external disk, can I boot from that and use the recovery disk assistant tool to restore the partition to my internal disk? (Which I assume I'll need to do to get FileVault to work)?
I recently bought a new MacBook Pro with Retina Display, and when asked to restore files from Time Machine during Setup Assistant, I receive the error "You can't restore this backup because it was created by a different model of mac."Â The machine that I had was a 2011 MacBook Pro 15" and I regularly backed up with Time Capsule using Time Machine. Â
The most important thing for me is to transfer over all of my applications, my iPhoto and iTunes libraries, everything in my keychain, and all of my documents. The reason I'd prefer not to use Migration Assistant is because I don't want to do any of that manually, I'm just trying to find a simple solution that will restore to a previous snapshot with quick, easy steps.Â
Info: Time Capsule 802.11n (4th Gen), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Mac Book Pro with Retina Display
I upgraded to Lion and cannot access my Quicken files. I understand that I have to go back to Snow Leopard to export the Quicken files, but I don't see how to restore Snow Leopard from Time Machine. Or, how to boot up directly to the external drive?
My Mac data got automatically deleted while i was playing songs on iTunes.Only my applications and some folders are save the rest has vanished. How can I recover it?
How can I prevent previously-deleted cookies and caches from automatically returning when I shift away from Block All Cookies in the Preferences-Privacy Panel in order to access a particular site? Boom...155 previously-deleted cookies and caches are back...
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Safari Version 5.1.7 (6534.57.2)
Is there an option I can set to where my computer will automatically delete the songs from the hard drive after it copies them to the iTunes folder? There is no sense in wasting space, and it seems trivial to have to delete them manually after they were copied automatically.
Also is there a setting to prevent iTunes from automatically adding and copying a song to it's library when a new song is played from any location on the hard drive?