OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac 2011 Freezes During Games And Video
May 4, 2012
So, for the last two months my iMac (27", 2,7 GHz, mid 2011, 12 GB RAM, AMD Raderon HD 6770M 512MB, running OSX Lion 10.7.3) has started to freeze during games and from time to time during youtube videos or VLC. A reboot is required, but the problem usually comes back within 5 minutes or so.
The game I play is usually StarCraft 2, which worked fine for about 6 months before the freezes started. Most of the time the computer just freezes but sometimes the right side of the screen is moved to the left side and the left to the right. Then the freeze occurs, the screen turns grey with small vertical stripes on it. Graphics hardware problem?
No swaps of the screen occurs during the freezes when watching video but everything else is pretty much the same. After a few freezes the iMac refuses to reboot for a couple of hours.
I am having finder freeze all the time.I am using Lion and am new to Mac in general.I try to force quit and relaunch but it will hang the system forcing me to power it down.
I recently (3 days of writing this) was playing World of Warcraft and my Mac completely froze. The only way to escape this is by turning the computer on and off. Ever since, any time I open a video game application, within a few seconds my Mac will completely freeze. On occasion my screen will freeze but my mouse will work, albeit in reverse (left is right, up is down, etc.) and will move incredibly fast. No other applications are affected in such a manner and since this is only occuring during graphics intense video games, I suspect my graphics card is causing this.
Well I have not played my game World of Warcraft for a while, and I bought a new Macbook Pro on Apr 13 2012. It won't let me download these older games that ive owned since atleast 2 years ago including these specific games, Diablo II, Warcraft III, Starcraft II and World of Warcraft plus all expansions. Because of the new software how do I download these games without buying new ones. Am I able to buy the old software that these games could run on? If so how, and what software?
Whilst I realise that these games are for the PC, I have just switched to a Mac and would like to continue playing these games.Is there any way of getting my Mac to be able to do this?
It is incredible slow - freezes constantly unless on very low graphics in games like World of Warcraft so i'm assuming i need to upload graphics. So i went to the Nvidia website, and tried to update driver by following steps correctly, selecting the correct options, etc and it said it couldn't update for my system..How do i update my software so i can play without freezing?
My 2011 27 inch iMac which was purchased in February 2012 is not turning on. I have never had a problem with it until now. I was working on Bootcamp and when I restarted the computer, it froze at the login screen so I force restarted the computer by pressing the power button down for 10 seconds. When I restarted the computer it did not want to turn back on. The only thing that happens when I restart much computer is I hear something that normally sounds since I purchased the computer which is either the hard drive or the DVD drive but no white screen comes up. I have tried to pull the power plug for 15 seconds and then plug it back into the back of the computer and wait five seconds before turning it on and I have also tried restarting the computer while pressing command option P and R. I removed the memory sticks and put them back in properly get the computer still did not turn on. I have a 27 inch mid 2011 iMac running Mac OS X 10 7.4. It is a quad core I73.4 GHz with 16 GB of RAM 256 GB factory installed SSD +1 TB hard disk drive with the AMD 6970 and 2 GB graphics card. Sorry for the long post.!I wanted to be as descriptive as possible as I am really trying to avoid bringing it to the Apple Store because I need the computer because I go to school online and have finals this week.
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), i7 3.4, 16GB, 256GB+1TB, 6970M 2GB
My iMAC running latest Lion OS is crashing or freezes permanently. Several reboots are necessary a day. I Never had problem with Snow Leopard. Checked hardware with diagnostic disc, all OK, so I wanted to re-install Lion from scratch while keeping my data. How shall I proceed? Back-up available via time machine.
Installed the update and what wasn't a problem is now a problem. The computer will not connect to wifi without me telling it to after coming out of sleep. Was not an issue with 10.7.2.
My Mid 2011 iMac 27" i7 will no longer start after the latest EFI update. I decided to perform some system updated on my iMac and after installing 10.7.3, I rechecked and it found the EFI update and one other update. They were both pretty small (the largest was 3.6MB), so I decided to proceed prior to getting back to business with my system. After downloading the updates (took about 5 seconds), the machine proceeded to restart. There was a loud beep prior to the system restart chime after which it went to the grey-white apple startup screen with the spinning wheel. And it stayed there. After 35 minutes with no discernable progress, I decided something must be wrong. This system normally takes about 30 seconds to boot from a cold state (it's running on an OWC SSD) or maybe a minute after updates. So I held the power button to reboot. But it keeps going to the same state. I tried to reboot to a different internal drive holding the option key, but the same thing happens.
System Specs:
iMac 27" i7 3.4 Ghz (mid 2011) 12G Ram Internal 1TB Apple HD Internal OWC SSD 240G (main startup drive)
1. How do I recover from this?
2. Is anyone else running into this problem?
3. How long do the EFI updates normally take?
4. Shouldn't there be some sort of "progress bar" to indicate something is going on during this process? Or, if not, then perhaps a "WARNING!! This process will take up to two hours, during which you will receive no discernable feedback. Do not interrupt the process until more than 24 hours have passed with the spinning ball."
P.S. I think this is my last iMac EFI update. After my last iMac received an EFI update (2009 model 24" iMac), it became ultra-flakey and started corrupting HD's. It never worked the same after that. This machine was working PERFECTLY before the update.
I purchased an iMac last October and my line of work demands extensive use of After Effects and Final Cut Pro. My iMac is fitted with the standard 1TB SATA hard drive, and lately I considered installing an SSD drive as I have been experiencing lags. In all my naivete I asked Apple Store/Service outlet where I originally bought my iMac, but they turned me down, claiming that "they are not allowed to order the extra parts and if they do proceed then my warranty will be void". Which means that about 2 years of AppleCare will go out of the window. I can always do it myself, but at the risk of damaging my iMac and facing a null warranty on top of it. I am still reeling in disbelief, is it really the case that Apple prohibits its customers from legitimately upgrading their computer at their own stores?
Playing some games and even apps from the app store, my Macbook Pro 13" Late 2011 gets these "black spots" in the games themselves. I never had this problem on my other Macbook Pro, released 2010 with Snow Leopard. Would I be able to fix this myself or is it something the game's developers need to look into? Is it my graphics card?
This problem typically occured when I was doing something particularly strenuous, but I just recently had it happen while browsing the internet. The computer will suddenly freeze and start beeping loudly in groups of three with an LED on the front flashing in sync with the sound. I am running Snow leopar if that has any bearing on this problem. What exactly is causing this?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am running Lion 10.7.3 on a 2.8GHz CoreDuo iMac from 2007 and on a Macbok Air 2.13 GHz Core duo from 2010. The iMac has 4GB of RAM the Macbook has 2 GB RAM.
I run Microsoft Office 2011 on both machines. For the same file the Macbook operates normally on Word and Excel. The iMac is slow at best and when I try a Save As it hangs for up to 15 minutes brfor letting me change the FIle Name. This effectively makes it unusable.
As far as I can tell the set up of Office on both Machines is identical and I have eliminated duplicate Fonts as suggested by some posts but the problem remains. I have checked Activity Monitor and I am not getting any Page Outs so RAM does not appear to be an issue.
Ever since I upgraded to Lion my iMac freezes or nearly freezes for 5 - 10 minutes every hour while Time Machine updates the back up. What to do? I have tried everything I can think of but its only improved from total freeze while Time Machine backs up to freeze with an occasional few seconds of activity.
My macbook is the new 2008 series with 2 gb of RAM, the Nvidia Geforce 9400m, and Intel processor with 2.4 ghz. I check on srtest.com and I am supposedly able to run games like Crysis very well. Yet, when I launch the new Warhammer: Dawn of War II game, I am at a loss. I can only run the gme on the very lowest settings at the lowest resolution in order to run without lag. Also, for some reason my bootcamp partition says I have only 1.72 gb of RAM. I have a feeling the partition is just not recognizing the power I have.
Both cards in OSX are reported as they should be and show acceleration, etc.I've noticed that the couple of games I've tried on the OSX side don't work right (well don't display right anyway) plus more bothersome is the fact that in VMware Fusion (2.05) running XP with DirectX acceleration turned on for the virtual machine, *any* software that runs and tries to use DirectX makes Fusion throw an error about the virtual machine performing invalid operations. (the error is thrown on the OSX side, not in the XP virtual machine)
I've just ordered an i5 Mac Mini and while it's destined to be used as a media-centre/ streamer connected to my TV via HDMI, initially I want to hook it up to the display on my 2011 iMac. Can one of you clever bods point me in the direction of what cable I need, and also what do I need to do to the iMac to make it behave as just a monitor? Is it just a matter of plugging in the cables and off I go?
Just purchased a MacBook Pro Retina, refurbished (because why not - the same product for a cheaper price) around a month ago. It's the 13 inch and is the model before the most recent one came out (4GB of RAM instead of 8GB - late 2013). From the very first day, playing a full-screen video on any site (be it YouTube, Facebook, etc) just makes the fan much louder than usual (so loud that you can almost hear it more over the video itself). Thought it may have been just a thing with Flash Player being buggy, but the problem has persisted for a while now. I'm not even pushing the CPU to any limits - literally playing a full-screen video on Facebook (not even in HD) makes the fan go crazy.
Just last night I tried installing Borderlands 2 and it was the same thing - FPS rate was fine, no lag, just the fan was so loud that I actually got scared for my computer and turned it off. After closing the app and checking out the fan temperature, it was at 91c.
Never happens when browsing/surfing or doing my usual work.
Should I go give it back to Apple? The thing is I start university in less than a week (and hence will be traveling), so not sure if I can afford to give my laptop in to them for a long period of time (I know it should be free though since mine is a refurb item). May it just be an issue that is quickly repairable or is this worse?
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Refurbished
I have a Mac Pro 1,1 with two displays and an NVIDIA 8800 card. I was booted into Windows 7 using bootcamp, the machine froze during video playback, hard rebooted. Blue Screened in Windows, went to restart into OS 10.5.7 and I get the Apple logo and spinning gear, it then flashes briefly and goes to a grey screen. The second monitor never engages. The machine is fully booted as I can connect to it with my laptop through filesharing. I've tried PRAM/SMC reset, removing all the RAM/all external devices, pretty much everything. I've even tried replacing the video card and switching PCI slots, with the same issue still occurring.
We are two long-distance (domestic US) Mac users with Powerbooks and Leopard who are finding our iChats constantly interrupted by video freezes. The audio continues to work, but the images pixelate and then freeze. Any suggestions? And, if it's common, is there a fix or software update?
Have a brand new 2009 MacPro with 2 video cards and 3 monitors. The following two things (so far) do not work: Aperture, when secondary viewer is enabled. Powerpoint, when I view a slideshow, which uses two screens by default.
Both work for a few seconds but then the application freezes, and in some cases I cannot force-quit my way out and have to hard reboot. Anyone out there with at least 3 monitors been have/have not had similar problems with two-screen full-screen applications?
I got a brand new Macbook Air yesterday, and everything was working wonderfully. Now, I noticed when I go onto Youtube the computer freezes for about 5-10 seconds as soon as the page loads. This just started happening about an hour or 2 ago. This is also happening when I'm listening to iTunes radio, and an advertisement commercial comes on. If the advertisement plays a video, and iTunes is maximized on my screen my screen will freeze for about 5-10 seconds.
I am brand new to using a Mac so I don't know where anything is or how to use it 100% yet.
I am either going to get the 13 inch macbook pro intel core 2 duo 2.4GHz or the Imac i3 3.06 intel.... but I know the intel chip is better in the Imac, and I can upgrade the RAM to 16GB!!!(: But is the Imac i3 going to be SUPER slow for SIMS3 online and Modern warfare 1...?? like this 06 macbook is? am I going to see a big difference?