OS X V10.7 Lion :: Files Will Not Transfer From Old MacBook Pro To New MacBook Pro?
May 13, 2012
why my files will not transfer from my old MacBook Pro to my new MacBook Pro? I am using Migration Assistant. Most of the apps tranferred, but none of my documents, iTunes, iPhoto, accounts, etc.
I have a 2011 Macbook Pro and an older (5 year old) Western Digital external hard drive. I have always used this hard drive for both mac and windows. Recently, however, whenever I go to transfer a file from the mac to the WD hard drive, the little transfer window pops up and it appears to initiate the transfer. However, it never fully starts it. It appears to "get stuck" in that initiating stage, showing zero of 3.16 gb transferred and shows an unknown transfer time. This happens no matter how long I leave it open. Again, I have used this external hard drive with my macs for the past 5 years without any problems until now. I haven't moved or modified the WD hard drive
I'm banging my head against the wall with this problem. I have a new MBP 13", 4GB Ram, etc etc. When I transfer files across my network (or the office network), it will consistently fail to transfer a few of the files. For instance, I just tried to copy 50 photos to an SMB share on our server here at the office. The transfer window show the progress of 50 files, but when I look at the folder, there are only 48 files. Sometimes I get less, sometimes I get all 50. The same goes for my home network to an SMB share. I've confirmed this failure over N and G networks. The AP at home and the office are different models and I went as far as purchasing a new one for home since I thought it was the problem. Same results. Is there some hardware error going on here with my wifi card? Is there any way to test it? Are the SMB shares the problem?
I have an old (bought in 2003) iMac flat panel, 1.25GHz PPCG4, with 768MB DDR SDRAM, with the Tiger 10.4.11 system on it. I want to buy a Macbook air or pro but I discovered that I cannot transfer files directly from Tiger to Lion. I cannot upgrade to Leopard neither (not enough space). I don't want to loose my photos or music or emails etc. What options do I have ?
Is there anything that would not be possible to save, whatever the option? I have another question about external hardware: I'm using a LaCie external DVD drive Super Write Master and an external hard disk (only 300GB) LaCie Little big disk, a few years old. Would they work with the new computer?
Info: iMac flat panel- 1.25GHz PowerPcG4 768MB DDR SDRAM, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
I just received a Mac OS Lion and I can't transfer any files from a USB or an external driver.When I try to transfer any file, a window showing the transfer appears but when it's finish, the file isn't on my computer.Even when I spotlighted it, it's not here.
I have tried to transfer my file from my old MacBook Pro on to my iMac using firewire. Did not managed to transfer everything across such as contacts and all my other important files. However, all the applications were transferred.
I have tried using the migration assistant. It will not go beyond my selecting a migration method - From another Mac. Nor am I able to use the system preferences file sharing options outlined on apple support. I am not permitted to select the internet sharing as instructed in step 3 (in issues with migration section)... so cannot proceed from there. Using the target option to transfer files isn't working either.
When I installed Lion to my current macbook pro I didn't relise there was a new timevault. I am unable to disable the legacy version as more disc space than I have available is required.Will I be able to start fresh WITHOUT timevault when I migrate to my new Air? Or will the legacy timevault transfer.
My brother and I share folders and various file types through ichat at the moment, but it's so slow, we are both on pretty fast networks (35/35MB and 50/8MB) I can mount a folder of his on my mac (we are in seperate towns) by putting our apple ID's into the apple extreme section (I think back to my mac) and we can share files that way, but I am confused as to why the transfer rates are so slow, we get at best 32KBs. Any recommendations for a faster file transfer method between remote macs.
I am upgrading the HD on my UMBP to a 500 gig Scorpio Blue , and putting the original one in the case which is USB only, NO firewire only USB. What would be the best method for transferring my information from the old to the new? I did do a search here on the forums but did not find anything that really hit the nail on the head so to speak.
i have a macbook 13 inch aluminum, and i was wondering if there was anyway, i could drag a file from my pc desktop, and drop it onto my mac desktop, without putting it into any sort of folder. i have searched all over google and youtube for the answer, but i cannot find anything.
I am trying to get data from my 1995 Performa 630 to my recently delivered MacBook Pro. All suggestions gratefully received.Â
Also, are ClarisWorks files instantly readable by modern office software, or do I need to save in RTF or some other format, first, on the older machine?
This is what i have is a 27inch 17 Imac and a 13inch mbp. I would like to make a exact copy of what on my imac and put it on my macbook and take my macbook to work and school. Then come home and then Take what i did on my macbook pro and tranfer downloaded files/applications/documents andto the imac once i get home. I this possible if so how?
When I set up my new mac it offered me the ability to transfer my files from one computer to another. Silly me, I was tired, and chose not to do it at that time.
How do I get back to that screen? And, is it difficult? I have slightly more ability than basic but am not a guru. And I admit to not having done this in years, I normally just copy things on cd rom, but if there is a simple way, this would be great.
I really only want my photographs to transfer. It is easy to do my files.
I could I know download my pics from me.com but I think it would take forever as they are at full resolution.
Wanting to move a large number of files via ethernet from an older macbook to a newer one. Dont want to user MA either.
I know Ive seen it said that you can do this using Appletalk, but now I cant find any info about it. Googling, I only came up with links dealing with pc -> mac transfer, or old info, like g3 imac -> imac, that type of thing.
Seems when I saw this it said to use Appletalk from the network settings. Is that all it takes? Do I just check 'make appetalk active'? As far as the 'appletalk zone', what goes there? And I assume 'configure automatically' is the best selection there.
transferring files and apps from my PB G4 to my new Air. I am going to do the clean-up first, then sync what I can from Mobile Me but there are still some apps that will not sync - hoping just to be able to transfer them over to the Air simply!
I am trying to transfer files from my white Macbook to my new refurb 2.8 Imac. I am using firewire 6 pin to connect. Then using migration assistant, but transfer always freezes about 1/3 of the way. I've tried moving just my photos no apps but same thing happens. Only way to unfreeze is turn laptop off then I get improper device removal. Am I doing something wrong? Also wondering what is all this stuff in my document folder? 10,000 items, lots of pics, icons and html sheets. Any idea what all that is? Can it safely be deleted?
I have a 1TB USB drive that when I connect it to my Macbook it is read only. I can see all the files but it will not allow me to move files to the drive or from the drive. When I go to "Get info" it show that it is read only with no option to change this except a check box for "share folders) and that seems to have no effect or does not solve my problem anyway.
I am trying to transfer some files from my mac book to a pc on the same wireless network. I've made a folder on the PC and shared it, opened read and write privileges and everything.
My macbook pro sees this folder but for some reason can't see any of the files in it, and apparently can't put any files larger than a few kb in it. I've been trying to transfer some larger files, 7 gb, to the shared folder... which is on a drive with 422 gb of free space... it will start transferring the file and it will tell me "est time about an hour" then an hour later it will give me an error, saying the disk is full and cancel everything its just been trying to do for the last hour.
Is there some size limit to how much the macbook pro will let you transfer? What is the deal here? clearly the disk ISN'T full... 7 gb is not greater than 422 gb... I am very confused also to why I can't see any of the files that in the shared folder. Does anyone know what the problem is here?
I just got the new i7 and wanted to use it as my main computer for my Iphone and a few other files. I orginally used a MacBook for backing up and syncing my iphone. Is there an easy way to to transfer all my files from the MacBook to the i7? I assume they both have bluetooth. Is that something that could work?
Just bought a new MacBook Pro. Tried using Data Migration Assistant. It was wanting to transfer data using my wireless network with an estimated time to complete of 40 hours. Would I be able to accomplish this faster using Thunderbolt?