My daughter has to turn back into her school a macbook she has used for class-related work. She has also stored her itunes music, personal photos and logs in to social networking sites (i.e., facebook) on this machine.
We think we know how to remove her music and photos, but what is the "recommended" best way to remove all traces of her personal use on this machine short of reformating the hard drive. For instance, she doesn't want the next user to somehow be able to login to her facebook account if the teacher doesn't do the proper wipe of her use before next semester.
I have a secondary user account who's preferences will not save. I have tried making it an administrator, but that hasn't seemed to help. The dock changes oringinally weren't saving, and I deleted the plist file, but that was a one time fix. I made changes once, and it only saved them once. Also, I have an application (Steam) that has been set to open when the user signs on. I have tried removing this program both through its own preferences panel, and also through the Start-Up items menu in the user preferences on the computer, and neither one is working.
I've mitigated my profile from my older iMini to my new iMini. Everything worked out fine but I've noticed that [on the new imini] I have to input my password twice. Once I log on and input my password, my profile comes up and ask me again to input the password. I also have a unsecured startup deice/item (display) message displayed once the system comes up. Can I create a new profile and basically move all my documents over to the new established profile.Â
what I am trying to do is to take my wife's profile from my iMac and restore it to a MacBook Pro. But the MacBook Pro already has my profile on it and I don't want to screw it up. I'd like to just add her profile to the MBP.
Is there a way in TimeMachine to restore just an individual profile from one machine to another?
I was wondering if anyone can help me locate the original user picture I took when I first started my Macbook Pro.I accidently changed it to a photo i took on photobooth and I can't find it anymore.The old one still appears on ''Messeges" as my picture but is nowhere to be found. I've looked in the Library Cache, User profile pics, etc.
I bought this Macbook Pro (10.6.3) second hand and the user account was the name of the guy I bought it from. I'm tired of always seeing his name pop up when I have to access my Home folder and since the only way to change that is to create another admin profile thats what I'm going to do. Once mine is up and running I will delete the old account but first I have a question. Is there a way I can transfer over things like my Admin accounts and History, My Applemail email addresses and history and my Firefox settings, plugins etc., without having to duplicate them?
I'm running Mavericks on a MacBook Pro. Right now I operate everything under the admin user profile. It has been suggested that I should not be operating all of my daily work using the admin account, I should be using a standard user account, and the admin should remain for admin purposes only. Is it possible to switch the admin rights to a different user account, and then I keep the account I've been working in, have all software and preferences loaded in and make it a standard account? Or can I duplicate my admin account and use the duplicated user account for working in, and the original as the admin? Trying to keep from having to reload all software, passwords, copy work, etc. Since I don't understand this fully, not sure how to accomplish this.
i want to know if i can make a new profile but on an external hard drive. So every time i put in a hard drive I can boot up a different profile but still running mac os. I will like to use this with my macbook air (only 128gb) so i can get on a school profile.
In the user profile there is a specified "linked" image. In my case it is the image that was created when my user ID was first established. I'd love to change it to a better image because evidently it gets linked with my messages etc. I'm running Yosemite (OS 10.10.1) on a relatively new iMac
My Macbook has been running pretty slowly recently but only at log in. Its been taking ages to load my name at the top of if you try anything before is loaded my user profile I guess it just crashed. Also every now and again the wallpaper doesnt load up. Anyway to fix this is booted into safe-mode, verified the disk and repaired the permission. My work insists I use McAfee enterprise edition for Mac if connecting their servers so I am also protected from viruses and mal-ware. Its just got worse. And stranger still Safari still loads but thats all. Any other program will bounce a few times and then do nothing. Even mail, pages, dreamweaver, terminal, settings - everything. Safari is the only working program I have found that actually still loads. The internet connection works find and everything else. McAfee is sitting in my status bar so I am guessing that has also loaded properly.
I want to change my user profile picture to a custom picture on my hard disk - but can't seem to figure out how. It only gives me the option to choose from the default pictures ...
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
my system fonts are jacked up and fill in lines in Safari are not readable as the text is bigger than the fil in window. Also my laptop is running harder, hotter and the battery life is less than half of what it should be. I also get text overlap line to line sometimes in Safari.Â
I have restored my OS with a clean install and then recovered my profile from Time Machine, this is how I discovered its my profile. I added a clean profile the first time I rebuilt the mac and it ran much faster, with less hardware usage and longer battery life. Once I began to recover my profile the system was same as always slow with Safari issues mentionee earlier. I switched to the temp user account profile and the system is fast no Safari issues and less intensive activity going on, battery life good etc. Â
If I rebuild the mac again I am not able to recover the profile/account without issues, I would like to move just what I need to a new profile/account from Time Machine but it doesn't allow access to the original admin account for a selective restore. I would like to be much more granular about the restore and just move my documents and such. I don't want to recover the applications or application data at this point as I don't need it. I would rather re-install just the apps I need at this time. Other option would be to clean my account/profile so that it runs as it should or move everything I want (mostly documents) to a new profile for improved use.
Info: Macbook book pro 17, Mac OS X (10.6.8), FCP7
I'm the only person who uses my Mac, and wanted to know if I could completely get rid of user accounts. I have no password set, so it's really just a waste of time to have to press "OK" everytime I need to authorize anything.
Is there anyway I could eliminate ever having to authorize anything on Leopard or remove the need for a user account?
Just wondering if it's possible to get rid of a user on the login screen? I have a 'remote' account for other people to access my dropbox, but I never use it to login. Can I remove this user?
When my ex and I bought our phones with both loaded them on our computer, I used my Apple ID that I had previous and he never signed up for one. Now, I have just found out that he has been using my account to download apps, they have been free, and has access to some features in my phone. Â
How do I remove him from having access? Do I just change my password?Â
Will the apps that he has downloaded still be available to him and if so, what happens if there are updates?Â
I tried to remove user. The operation crashed. I later deleted the user directories while signed on as another user. Now the original user files are stuck in the trash and I can't delete them. Can't even reset permissions. What should I do to remove them?
When I go to system preferences and then groups and users, it is showing that a guest user has set up a profile. I did not set this up. My computer won't let me erase this user.  The "minus" symbol at the bottom of the tab is highlighted grey and my mouse can't select it. Also, the box that says "let this user administer this computer is checked and it won't let me uncheck it. Weird. What do I do?
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
So I just inherited from my coworker's MacBook Pro. I then decided to transfer all of my files and realized that the root folder was still on his name. I changed the User's name in "System Preferences" but that did not change the root folder's name. I then went to Terminal and tried to change the folder's name using the "mv OldFoldersName NewFoldersName"Â and the prompt said Permission denied. I then used "sudo mv OldFoldersName NewFoldersName". After restarting my computer, all the files were gone and I landed on a "LION first time USE" type of Desktop. All my files are gone and terminal shows me two users' names under /Users/ => OldUser and NewUser.
What can I do to recover my old files? What can I do to repair my Mistake and only have one User?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
when i start or re-start my computer a user account is now showing up and didn't before. I would like to know if anyone knows where to go in the settings to turn this off? I have tried everything I could find.Â
I installed a new VPN profile to connect to a MacMini Server on System Preferences > Network, and I found there an old VPN profile that I don't want to use anymore. I tried to disable the service, but the delete button is greyed out, even if this service is active. Â
It seems stuck on the soccerball on the user profile in System Preferences. I've tried changing it to my picture and then tried changing it to one of the dumb icons that come with the system, and still won't change. I did unlock the lock in the lower left corner. I was even allowed to change my login items but I can't change the picture. Any ideas on how to fix this?
The new version won't remove auto-fill user id and password for any entry. And it's caused problems logging into some Websites by entering a bogus one the Website can't recognize. It's a, "Huh?" for this update.
I have a MacBook Air and just installed MySQL.I read the doc which I downloaded and should be able to run "mysql" from terminal as descibed below:Suppose that your MySQL programs are installed in /usr/local/mysql/bin and that you want to make it easy to invoke these programs. To do this, set the value of the PATH environment variable to include that directory. For example, if your shell is bash, add the following line to your .bashrc file: PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/mysql/bin I checked on my terminal with ls -al, but no ~/.bashrc also no ~/.profile files. Echo $SHELL shows me that I am using /bin/bash as shell.When I run export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin then it works and I just have to type "mysql" to get the mysql command line but as soon as I kill my terminal and open a new terminal this setting is lost.
I am trying to add a PATH input so that I don't have to keep using ./ for commands that aren't system-native. The problem is that bash doesn't seem to be executing any of the .profile commands.