OS X V10.7 Lion :: Airport Base Station As Wireless Access Point
Jun 27, 2012
Is it possible to use an Airport Base Station as a wireless access point? This need to pick a signal from a Version WiFi card as the internet connection wirelessly to a remote location where a computer will hook to the base station with an Ethernet cable.
Mac OS X (10.7.3), 8 Gig Ram
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Sep 15, 2010
I'm trying to use my AE (Airport Extreme) Base Station to give my xbox 360 wireless. Has anyone done this? My setup is as Follows: Netgear WGR614 v7 Router connected to my Cable Modem AE Base station connected wirelessly to the Netgears Network Xbox 360 connected via ethernet to AE. It's not working though. My AE gets an IP automatically from the Netgear fine, but the xbox won't connect. I have my AE on "Join Wireless Network" mode and it's LED is solid green but it still doesn't give the xbox any internet.
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Jul 27, 2010
Is it possible to access my airport extreme base station at home from somewhere else? I have an external hard drive connected to it and would like to be able to access from work or on the go. If I can do this will it be secure and safe from other users accessing it? I've googled info on this and have come up pretty empty. I'm running a MBP 2.4 with OSX 10.6.4.
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Oct 10, 2010
I am having great difficulty accessing my work VPN via my Airport Extreme Base Station (N model, 2007), and I wonder whether anybody can help? I was getting no joy accessing my work VPN (using my works laptop) via the AEBS (i have Virgin Cable Broadband). Citrix would not connect at all. Getting very frustrated and suspecting it was something to do with my ISP, I ended up buying a cheap second hand Belkin Wireless G cable router just to double check that it wasnt a problem with my hardware. To my utter shock, I managed to connect first time using the Belkin Wireless G router to the VPN. This obviously meant there must be an issue with the Airport Extreme Base station. The question is, what? I am utterly confused, and haven't a clue where to start in terms of adjusting the settings, and what settings I actually need to change to try and solve this. Has anybody any ideas where to start? Why can I connect via the Belkin Router (which cost me �9 on ebay) and the vastly more expensive Apple router?
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Feb 9, 2010
I'm trying to add a new MAC address to the access list of a AirPort Extreme Base Station.
For whatever reason, it won't accept it. When I finish entering the address, the add button is grayed out. If I try other valid addresses, it works fine. For some reason, something about this address won't allow me to add it.
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May 7, 2009
I want to make my airport base station gigabytes N a relay between my mac and my modem/routeur Bell.
I can do it with the ethernet cable but I want to do it WIRELESSLY
So the link between the modem and the airport must be wirelessly
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Jun 16, 2009
I have the AirPort Extreme base station 802.11n and was thinking of using it as a way to access a wireless signal since my newly acquired G5 tower doesn't have a wireless card.
Is is possible to use the base station as a wireless access instead of the card?
Caveat: I have a MacBook Pro that I use with a built in wireless card. I get my signal from a wireless signal from my upstairs friend/landlord's network. He uses a Linksys router and modem from the cable company.
Is there a way around buying a wireless card or USB adapter for this G5?
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Jul 22, 2010
I've recently upgraded into a faster Internet Provider, but for some, I'm still getting poor internet speeds using my Airport Extreme Base Station (Model # A1034) when using my Wifi.
When connected via Wifi, I'm getting at least 1-3/Mbps downstream while I can achieve 10-15/Mbps when wired.
What's causing this drastic downstream speed difference between Wifi and wired? Do you think it's time for a new wireless router?
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Jul 10, 2009
I'm trying to set Airport Extreme as a wireless access point, but having some problems with it. My current setup is as follows: Time Capsule as the main router. Connected to my cable modem, and all computers connect wirelessly to Time Capsule. Two Airport Expresses connect wirelessly to Time Capsule. "Join a wireless network" and have selected "Allow Ethernet Clients" I want to have Airport Extreme do the same thing that Airport Expresses are doing, and have it connect wirelessly to Time Capsule. I have some ethernet required devices that need to be in another room. Can this be done? I set Airport Extreme exactly same as Airport Express, but do not see "Allow Ethernet Clients" checkbox.
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May 19, 2009
With the internet sharing feature, can't I just hook one of my computers up directly to a cable modem and share the internet in system preferences?
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Mar 31, 2010
AirPort Utility 5.5.1 includes general bug fixes and addresses the following issues:
Not importing all settings when importing a configuration. Not propagating MAC address control lists when using an extended network.
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Dec 2, 2010
I've been looking here for the answer without any success. Well after 8 yrs I decided upgrading my linksys's router and I was able to setup my new airport extreme wireless and add my ethernet printer without using the USB option.
I noticed after using my daughter macbook pro under her log in and I was able to see my airport router and was able to change settings under airport utility.
I don't want that to happen as I want to manage everything from my Macpro and I'n afraid that anyone with another pc from outside can have access to it.
I don't have any share files except sharing the printer in the network.
Also I noticed that I can't have two seperate network name's with individual passwords for 2.4 GHz and 5GHz but I have a separete one for the guest network which I did okay.
If I add a hard drive in the airport router via USB can I use that for time machine for my daughter macbook pro?
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May 2, 2009
It's a two year old 802.11a/b/g Airport Extreme Base Station.
I've tried connection via wireless and ethernet from two different Macs (one with an 802.11a/b/g Airport Extreme card and one with an 802.11a/b/g/n AE card.) I can ping the base station successfully, but I can't connect to it with Airport Utility.
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Nov 8, 2009
i was at the flea market today, and found an apple base station, in the box, covered by the original plastic cover.. never been in use! on the box it says "apple 1999", how old is this device?
I found a nice and short video of the product on youtube: (URL)
so here is my question, will it be useful? i got router, and i got the airport extreme, we planing to extend the house soon, can it be used as another network for the house?(which means 3 networks)
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Mar 16, 2010
I have just bought a AEBS and all works on a 2.4Ghz network. I think I have set it up correctly. I can see my wireless network with 5Ghz in brackets in my Airport menu but I can't connect to it, just times out. I have read this seems to be a firmware issue for the AEBS on 7.5
I can't see in Airport Utility to set the Radio mode to 'N' only, I only have 2 options as shown in the attached.
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Apr 14, 2010
I have an airport extreme base station and I heard you need a modem to connect it to, I have a bt homehub and need to just get the internet setup. I can't seem to set it up how hard I try. It shows this when I try to plug it in without the bt hub [URL] and I dont know if I have a modem or not?
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Feb 12, 2009
Just bought an Airport Extreme from Apple. Is there anyway I can use it instead of my existing netopia router.
I'm getting mixed reports on whether I can do it. The AEBS appears to be able to take a dsl line.
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Jan 16, 2010
I want to get an iMac and an AirPort Extreme Base Station. I already have a 2WIRE wireless router using 802.11b/g. Do I need to get the AEBS, or will an iMac work with my existing router? And I need to keep my 2WIRE router, so how would I hook up an AEBS to the 2WIRE router? I've heard that you have to set the AEBS to 'bridge' mode or something. Can you also give detailed instructions on how to set up the AEBS with the 2WIRE router?
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Sep 9, 2010
Since it doesn't support WPA encryption, its more or less useless to me. I pulled out the Airport card (its a snow model), but now i'm left wondering what to do with the rest of it. The enclosure is so cool looking, I would feel bad to just throw it away.
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Oct 17, 2010
Can I assume that AirPort Express Base Station is basically a mini wireless router less the ability to connect to computers using wired connection?
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Oct 19, 2010
I have had my Airport Express Base Station for almost 4 years and last week it just stopped working. No Green/Orange LED, no network, not able to reset, dead as a doornail. It broke before I could reset or reformat it. Now I have no wifi at the house and I decided to sell the unit on Ebay. I have had an overwelhming response to my broken unit and am a little concerned. Do they know something I don't? Since I did not get to reformat it, I am selling a unit that is still as is. Does this have data on it that can be hacked or should my home Macbook be at risk? I have deleted my home network from my Airport Utility on my Macbook, but not sure what else I can do. I really would like to make some money off it, but not if I am at risk of someone using data stored on the device I cannot wipe off because it is broken. I know my network would still be stored on it and network password.
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Nov 13, 2008
Every time I play Xbox Live, it tells me that my NAT setting is not open and that Matchmaking may be slow. So my question is this, how do I open up my NAT? I went to Airport Utility>Internet>NAT tab>and unchecked both "Enable default host at:", and "Enable NAT port mapping protocol", but it still says that my NAT is Strict. So what to do?
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Jan 16, 2009
I have recently purchased a 15.4 MacBook Pro 1.83GHZ 2MB Ram with Intel Core Duo. The machine has a Airport Express Card fitted and I have purchased a 802.11n base station but I can't get it to work! The Base Station light just flashes amber and will not go green. I am simply trying to play my speakers through it wirelessly. The MacBook does not recognise the base station when I scan for Apple Devices.
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Feb 12, 2009
Just bought an Airport Extreme from Apple. Is there anyway I can use it instead of my existing netopia router.
I'm getting mixed reports on whether I can do it. The AEBS appears to be able to take a dsl line.
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Feb 16, 2009
I usually got 130mbps with my n-router in terms of speed from my iMac to my router, but now for some reason I am only getting 13mbps.
I have changed my multicast rate from 2 - 11 mbps and no change. Any ideas on what could have done this?
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Mar 20, 2009
In the next few days my setup will include an iMac that is n compatible, two apple tv's and two iphones. I also have a powerbook that won't use 'n', however this will be of nominal use.
I want to set it up where it's as fast as possible - especially for the apple tv's, but thinking the iphone will slow it down. Is this the case?
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Jun 23, 2009
Yesterday I decided to put WPA2 Personal encryption on my Airport Extreme because I saw that other people were using it and wanted to prevent that. Well, as a result, I can no longer access my base station to change its settings. I opened up Airport Utility, Airport Admin Utility, and the Airport Setup Assistant, and none of them are able to scan and find my Airport. I think I literally locked it up by putting this encryption on it and making it on a closed network. Does anybody know how I can reset my Airport Extreme so that I can just start from scratch and not make a stupid mistake like this again? Note that I've tried holding in the "Reset button" on the back, but it doesn't work; it simply goes back to having a green light after 5 seconds.
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Jul 13, 2009
I saw the excellent sticky on sharing files with a PC - I need some help even more basic - I have an Imac running 10.5.7 and my daughter has a new Win Laptop - I have tried setting up a network and sharing my internet connection and it looks like all of the correct things have been done but the laptop can not connect to the Mac - it can see it fine but can't hookup -
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Jul 26, 2009
I have an airport base station. I have 3 macs and 3 iphones. My Macbook pro is right by the airport base station and my other two macs are downstairs. Forsome reason my airport is acting up. The computers downstairs can not connect. It would should that there is a wireless conneciton but when i click to connect it would ask for password. After i enter the correct password it says invalid password. So after i do that i take the same computer upstairs right by the airport it would connect. Then i go back downstairs it would work but after i put computer in standby and turn it back on it has same problem. All my computers and iphones are doing this!
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Aug 12, 2009
I asked some questions about setting up a usb router type of set up and upon the advice of this board I went out last week and bought the Airport Extreme BS. I've plugged it in, installed the software on both PC and MBP and I can not, despite a week of buggering about, get the Airport Utility to acknowledge that the AEBS exists. Nor can I get the damned amber light to stop flashing. I've followed the instructions but I'm lost. Is the something I need to do that I'm overlooking?
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