OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Internet On MacBook Started Being Very Slow
May 16, 2012
Recently the internet on my MacBook started being very slow, and I've tried connecting in more than one place, so something must be wrong with the computer and not the connection. Can anyone suggest anything that might make connecting to the internet slow, and a way to fix it?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Feb 6, 2012
My internet is brutally slow, regardless of the app, including Safari, App Store, Skype, etc.Another computer in the household has Windows and is running fine. I have tried all of the reasonable attempts to fix this that I've read about, including:Punching in new DNS codes in the Network area of System Preferences.Deleted the cache, the browser history in Safari, and disabling browser plug ins. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Flash player (as this is where the connection suffers the most, in trying to stream videos on BBC, YouTube, etc).Going into my Library then moving and deleting the ".plist" for Safari. In general, on websites or the App Store for example, what happens is -- basic text will pop up after about 3 or 4 seconds of hanging, then even the slightest bit of content, including thumbnails, take several seconds per image. Anything even slightly more intense on bandwidth, like a streaming video or Flash menu, takes forever to load, if not outright gives up on me and never loads.   My machine is on Snow Leopard, a white Macbook, OSX is currently 10.6.8, which I believe I've had for several months, but this problem is only a day or two old. If I recall correctly, I did install the latest Security Update -- whatever the new ones are circa Feb. 3rd, 2012 -- within a day or two BEFORE this problem started happening... I believe this may be the culprit but strange in that there was some time before this problem surfaced, or so it seemed.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 10, 2012
I am trying to download MediaWiki 1.18.2 and it is stuck downloading!Â
* I have all apps closed.
* The router/modem and computer are in range.
* The correct network is chosen (SkyCaptian)
* I can access the internet on my iPod without problems.Â
The internet speed is less than 1 mb/s, I am looking for a way to hack this speed?
iPod and iTunes, Mac OS X(10.6.2)
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May 12, 2012
Last night, I downloaded Parallels onto my computer and everything was fine. I then downloaded the Windows 7 files from the Microsoft Store and the download speed was excellent -- took about 30 minutes to download ~300 GB of files. After attempting to click on these files to open them, they wouldn't open, and I realized that I should have purchased through the Parallels online store. Â
Shortly after this, I realized that my Internet speed was very slow, maybe 2-3 KB/sec. I uninstalled Parallels and cleared the Windows files from the Downloads screen, but Internet was still slow. Installing Windows can wait for another time (and maybe I'll just use Boot Camp instead). For now, all I want is to get my fast Internet speed back.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 22, 2012
My iMac is currently being booted from external disk via Firewire 800. I have to do this until I receive new install disks from apple to resore my machine.
The computer is usable, however internet is very slow... I have other devides, windows machine, ipad, iphone and they all run okay.
It seems that because I have booted via the external disk..... internet is slow. Could this be as the OS is needed to refer to the external disk?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 12, 2012
My macbook pro started acting funny yesterday. The mouse became unresponsive, then started moving by itself, closing windows, and creating new folders on my desktop. It's like someone is remote controlling it. Google tells me this might be a trojan horse?It sounds similar to the problem discussed in this thread [url]...
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 15, 2010
still is to some degree, even though it doesn't seem much different from Leopard. So what went wrong? Windows 7 RC had much fewer problems when compared to Vista. Think about it. Apple spent as much time on Snow Leopard as it did on its other OSes, except all the changes are "under the hood" this time. Apple basically rewrote the OS in preparation for the future. "Under the Hood" is where all bugs come from. It doesn't matter if there aren't many additional visible features; what matters is the code itself, which is used to run the OS and all its features. Windows 7 on the other hand, is more or less a patched up Vista. They focused on fixing all what gave Vista a bad reputation, and got rid of a lot of unnecessary junk, but did not try to fix what was not broken. That's why even at its beta stages, it was much more stable than Vista. That's my explanation. Snow Leopard and Windows 7 had different purposes. One was preparing for the future, while the other was making up for an embarrassment.
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Sep 2, 2014
Pages has started running really slow, tried to upload a photo and it is still processing after 20 minutes. How do i close the document as it won't let me use the red cross?!
MacBook Air (13-inch, Early 2014)
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Mar 19, 2012
My MacBook Pro is running on Lion and is up to date. Suddenly, it has slowed down. Why or what to do?
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Jun 15, 2012
I have a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X, Version 10.6.8 and Safari has started running really slowly, all of a sudden. I've tried Firefox and Google Chrome, which run faster, but not much. Wi-Fi has been checked and is not the problem. I've emptied my cache and reset Safari. My disc usage is 15%, my system memory says that I have 2.35 GB of free space, and there are no "page outs". All of the programs, on my computer, that do not require internet access run fine. My firewall is off.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 7, 2009
Ever since I've loaded snow leopard, it seems to be a little less responsive compared to leopard. Mainly in the internet browsers. Does any know why or what I can do?
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Jul 31, 2009
i just bought a new uMBP 15 2.53 last night and i bought a Seagate 500GB 5400rpm HDD to replace the one on board. I installed the HDD and SnowLeopard install went through great but after install every time i boot up, it takes a long time on spinning gear. It eventually loads up but takes a while, I ran Repair Disk Permission and Verify disk and everything turns out fine. I even ran Apple hardware test on HDD and tests passes. I haven't installed 1.7 EFI Firmware since i've read that it doesn't work so well with third party HDD or doesn't work at all.
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Apr 28, 2012
I have a macbook pro and have recently noticed that when initially loading any of, google chrome, firefox or safari it takes a very long time for the internet to load the webpages.
It says that there is a full wireless connection but will not load the webpage.
Once the webpage has finally loaded after about a minute, subsequent browsing is as fast as can be expected upon my broadband connection, loading pages in <1s.
However the problem reappears whenever I open a new window, or anything else that might use the internet such as the app store, itunes or apple software update.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 15, 2012
Is there something I can do such as a clean up?
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May 15, 2012
A few days ago, I found my macbook running slow. The starting time used to be 2+ min but slow down to 10+ min. I tried to reinstal by installation DVD but the time bar showed 5+ hours required. I restarted the macbook and tried to format the HD, after proper steps taken, the time bar showed 17 days. Instead booting from the system, I tried to boot direct from my installation DVD.
After formatted the HD and re-instal the system, the MacBook seems running smooth again. But after installation of other programs, the same problem recurred. The system was getting slow. Re-starting it required waiting over 10 minutes. I tried to re-format the HD and installed the system again but still doesn't work. Under the disk utility "first aid" scanning through the HD, it showed "Invalid key length." and "The volume Macintosh HD could not be verified completely."
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 23, 2010
Firstly I am sorry if this has been posted before, but I did have a look at the Snow Leopard FAQ & a browse through the current topics. And secondly, I am also sorry if I am not using appropriate computer language to describe certain things. I have a 17 inch Macbook Pro I bought in the middle of last year. Before Snow Leopard. So when Snow Leopard came along I went for the upgrade without looking around at compatibility issues with certain software.
So after the upgrade, my EyeTV didn't work, and neither did my internet (I use the ones with the USB stick). So I couldn't even go online to get my EyeTV update. So in my (brief) panick I re-installed Leopard, which wasn't a great idea I guess, because all of a sudden my HD space went down to 50GB from my 500GB of storage. Now I know I didn't have the full 500GB since I did have some photos, music & videos on board. But surely 50GB remaining is quite ridiculous. I think it probably performed a Time Machine backup for me.
Anyway... that was awhile ago. And I was happy to carry on with what I had. But now I think I would like to try what Snow Leopard has to offer. But with only 18GB of space remaining, I think the best option might be to reformat and start over. What do you guys think? My other option is to try to delete as much as I can spare to make room for Snow Leopard. Sorry if this question is a silly one, but I have done a lot of things with my iPhone & with this Mac without thinking & asking first & I have always regretted it. Thanks for any help or suggestions you all can offer.
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Jun 13, 2012
I have a 27 inch, mid 2011 imac. I bought it in March. It has started losing its wireless connection. The other issue is when it does connect it is very slow. I have a netgear modem, I dont think this is the issue cause the IPAD, and wireless laptop connect fine. I've also run a speed test, all wireless devices connect to 10Mbps and LAN devices connect up to 30 Mbps including the iMac when it is wired. Could this be an issue with the airport card? How would I know, how do I check? What should I do?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 13, 2009
I run a 24" iMac 500GB 4GB 2.8GHz 2600HD Pro. Its the first Al iMac, and the highest spec at the time.
I read the requirements, my iMac meets them all accept OpenCL, would this, by any chance in anyway slow down my iMac?
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Sep 4, 2009
I just upgraded to 10.6 the other day on my new uMBP (15" 2.66ghz, 9600 GT). I haven't had much time to play around with it yet but I realized that the wireless seemed a lot slower in snow leopard running safari.
I would have some issues with web pages loading and youtube buffering clips. Anyone else notice any difference in wireless before?
I'm pretty sure it's slower than it was in Leopard but I can't make any direct comparisons and I haven't been using my Macbook Pro for a few weeks.
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Dec 5, 2009
I have my computer password protected. Since the switch to Snow Leopard, why does it take around 5-8 seconds for it to authenticate the password?
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Feb 12, 2010
This is my second time around re-installing snow leopard - clean. Why is it so slow? The spinning wheel comes up all the time, even for mundane tasks such as minimizing a window where I have to wait 10 or 15 seconds at a time. This time around I installed all the latest updates and iLife '09 - but its still as slow as ever. I also downloaded latest version of firefox.
I uses a late 2009 Macbook Pro 2.53ghz 15 inch, and previous OSX flies on this machine. I'd like to go back to OSX Leopard but I can't cause I need the latest version of iPhone SDK which only runs on snow leopard. What's going on here Apple? Your OS is unstable and slow, and there's no acknowledgement from your site whatsoever!!
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Apr 23, 2012
My MAC PRO has been running very well but recently, it has slowed down hugely at startup. Here is the Console log:Â
23/04/2012 09:37:46com.apple.launchd[1]*** launchd[1] has started up. ***23/04/2012 09:37:57com.paceap.pacesupport[64]com.paceap.kext.pacesupport.snowleopard failed to load - (libkern/kext) link error; check the system/kernel logs for errors or try kextutil(8).23/04/2012 09:37:57com.apple.launchd[1](com.paceap.pacesupport[64]) Exited with exit code: 7123/04/2012
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 20, 2012
My iMac / Snow Leopard is very slow. Any cleaner recommendations?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 8, 2009
I just tried and everything seems non-responsive or on a 2 minute delay. I use Time Capsule and Time Machine and things are just not acceptable at this speed.
Also, I don't think the archives are right. I used to have a ton of things on my desktop - most of which I cleaned recently by moving or deleting the files.
However, going back a few months in Time Machine, the only files that show up in my desktop folder/view are the ones that are on my desktop today. All the older, moved or deleted files no longer show up in Time Machine.
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Sep 19, 2009
Not sure why, but when I run my SL in 64 bit it runs significantly slow when compared to 32-bit on my umbp late 2008 2.4 ghz, 4gb ram and 500gb hdd. when running on 32-bit, my umbp boots in less than 15 sec and loading the native apps are very snappy and responsive (safari/finder/preview, etc). But when I boot in 64-bit. It takes like 45 sec to boot (it keeps spinning the white circle during the boot up) and even loading safari and rendering the default page will take like couple of secs which is noticeably slow and opening pdf in preview is slow and scrolling the pdf is noticeably slow and sometimes hangs and which does not happen in 32-bit mode.
If I click on application folder on the doc, it opens the folder before I release the mouse button in 32-bit mode, but in 64-bit, it takes upto 5 sec to open the folder. I tried this couple of times including rebooting the umbp. It is not crashing in 64 bit, but it is noticeably slow. Which is making me depressed because I was thinking to upgrade this laptop to 6gb ram. Now I am not sure if i want to upgrade.
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Nov 18, 2009
I recently installed VMware fusion on my MBP, but I later noticed it to be slower.
I dedicated about 2GB of RAM to the Virtual Machine. The Windows 7 OS runs fine, but it's the Snow Leopard that became sluggish.
Do I need to change any settings on the Virtual Machine to make my SL run faster?
I really miss my fast SL!
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Jan 3, 2010
Ok so i am using a macbook running snow leopard and up until recently my internet has been fast. download speeds at about 360 kb/s. Then this morning my download speed plummeted to about 15 kb/s. I have tried everything to fix this and have found no solution. The problem is in both firefox and safari. I am using wireless network for internet.
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May 20, 2010
I was running Leopard 10.5.8 and my iMac 2.4GHz w/1GB Ram seemed to be getting slow. I upgraded to Snow Leopard. Without much running (Mail, Safari, iCal) it is very slow. At times, the free space has gotten down to 2.5MB in Activity Monitor. Nothing extraordinary seems to running when I open Activity Monitor. When I was trying to sync my iCal with MobileMe it really crawled.
I did a PRAM reset, ran Repair Disk with install disk and Disk Warrior without any errors.
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Feb 6, 2012
why and what is the solution, my mac os x, 10.6.8 and it is intel snow leopard
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 16, 2012
My iMac has slowed down signficantly recently and sometimes hangs at log-in or very occasionally at other times. The screen grab of the activity monitor shows the amount of memory 'used' at log-in with no software open - is it normal for half the memory to be 'used' already?
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