OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Track Pad Doesn't Always Work / Runs Slow / Freezes
Apr 30, 2012
My laptop has been having problems track pad doesn't always work, runs slow, freezes. I replaced the hard drive on advice and that didn't help. I went to disk utility and verify and repaired disk permissions, that didn't help. I went to the erase tab and I clicked on "erase free space" thinking that would "defragment" free space, like a PC has.Now all my available memory is gone.I thought I was freeing up space. Now my apps don't work correctly and I can't reinstall because I don't have enough disk space.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.9)
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Jul 2, 2012
It all of a sudden started opperating very very slowly, even when doing simple things like clicking the apple icon in the corner, it will freeze or take foreve to open. Its constantly showing the spinning rainbow cursor and it literally takes 20 minutes to turn on. It would take hours to send an email.
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Aug 27, 2014
When I start up my 2010 Macbook Pro now, the fan starts running as soon as the spinning gear appears below the apple logo, the boot up is insanely slow, the mouse doesn't track well with my trackpad movements, and trying to open programs often leads to a non-responsive program with the pinwheel of death spinning for minutes at a time. I try to shut it down (takes approx. 20 min. now) and when the screen goes black, the fan continues full blast. After that I can boot up the computer and it runs normally, but the whole process takes about 50 minutes longer than it should, especially with a relatively new SSD (~ 8 months old).
It loads well enough in safe boot, and I've tried cutting out most of the apps that launch at startup with poor results. I've also tried resetting the SMC with equally poor results.Â
Here's my Etresoft report as well. etreCheck version: 1.9.15 (52)Report generated August 27, 2014 at 10:51:10 AM MDT Hardware Information: ? MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2010) (Verified) MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro7,1 1 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU: 2 cores 4 GB RAMÂ
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 19, 2012
it feels like someone else is controlling my mouse. This just started happening. My trackpad doesn't work or works sporadically. While typing the pointer is scrolling all over my screen.
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Sep 10, 2009
I have a mid-2008 (June) MBP 15". Just upgraded to SL last night. I am having a serious issue with time machine. I've been using it with the same external HD since I bought my mac last year. No issues up until I installed SL last night. This morning (my first backup since upgrading), time machine started backing up (~ 9Gb) but just stops at around 300Mb. The clock keeps spinning, but there is no change in the amount backed up.
I'm reading that other folks are having this issue as well. Has anyone figured something out? I've run disk repair (nothing found), restarted my mac & external HD (several times each), and cancelled and restarted the time machine backup (several times). Each time it freezes at a different amount (i.e. 34Mb, 284.2Mb, etc...).
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Mar 25, 2010
I have a 20" iMac mid 2007 2.4Ghz, 320GB, 2Gb machine running Snow Leopard. Today I turned it on and it was running fine. But around three hours of using it suddenly froze. I had to force the turn off using the power button. When i turned it back on it took about 4 mins to get to the login screen. Once I logged in the spinning wheel came up and the only think that loaded was the Spotlight sign. This kept happening until about the third time of turning it off and on. When it finally completed login. But it is now extremely slow and it just about freezes when I open more than one application.
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Dec 10, 2007
I have a G5 (Power PC, g5, Dual 1.8 GHZ with 1.25 GB SDRAM, and Mac OS X 10.4.10-phew!) and I recently: added more USB ports using a PCI card, and purchased a non-Apple 22" widescreen display.
Prior to adding USB ports, I was using a hub that ran off its own power source, and used a Samsung 19" monitor.
My situation now: everything starts up fine, but ultimately the fan will kick in at SUPER HIGH and won't stop. I can put my Mac to sleep--which stops the fan noise--but then it won't wake up.
I have run the Apple Hardware test and everything checks out OK. I've also reset the SMU according to directions from this forum; AND I've vacuumed out all the dust bunnies.
The fan runs so loud and so high it sounds like it's an airplane that's about to take off.
Short of bringing in my Mac to a technician, can you recommend anything? My Mac has been glitch free up until now.
mac G5
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Feb 14, 2012
why my MacPro runs so slow. Configuration is below. Start up drive is only 25% full; I have reset parameter ram; I have run Diskrepair;
Looking for some more clues on what to look at.
Info:Mac Pro (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 6GB ram, 4-1TB internal drives
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Oct 20, 2009
I have a macbook unibody 2008 2.4, I ungraded to snow leopard, Id say for the past 3 months any time I open up safari or firefox after I have 5 tabs open the computer runs slow as can be. The computer when I scroll the little pinwheel pops up before I can do anything, it has gotten so bad the pinwheel has to pop up when I type more then 5 words. It has gotten so bad that even after the browser is closed I have to reboot my computer before it will run normal again. I know its not my ram I upgraded to 4gb of ram and I do clean out history and defrag on weekly basis. Is there any solutions that wont require a reboot.
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Dec 15, 2009
Safari is running very,slow.
(I have a black macbook... 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4 GB of ram...and ran a software update recently)
Firefox runs super fast...and I know it's not my internet connection.
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Apr 26, 2012
My iMac runs very very slow always putting up the rainbow wheel every time I click on something. That includes internet and just opening programs.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Dec 2, 2014
Problem description: My computer is using a lot of RAM. Wondering if there’s a hardware issue, or a software issue, or something else. I currently have no programs open in the Doc, besides EntreCheck. and the RAM is showing about 75% used. What I can do to speed it up and make it more functional, and efficient for doing design work. I recently upgraded from the original 4GB RAM (2x2GB), and from the original HD to a 512 GB SSD drive, and upgraded to Yosemite. Perhaps that was too much for this machine?
I have a recent back-up, I'm open to saving user files and starting from scratch with the current hardware, etc... but would need some direction on how to do this. I did upgrade myself using Apple provided instructions. Â
Here are the EntreCheck results: Â
EtreCheck version: 2.0.11 (98)
Report generated December 2, 2014 at 12:45:57 PM ESTÂ
Hardware Information:
   MacBook Pro (13-inch, Early 2011) (Verified)
   MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro8,1
   1 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU: 2-core
[Code] ......
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Feb 11, 2009
My MacBook is from the Summer of 2007, so its not the newest one but the last model, a black one. Basically, it just runs slowly. Sometimes i'll boot it up and just dragging icons can be really choppy and opening files or just double-clicking the Mac HD icon will cause that spiral of colors to pop up. It isn't always super slow but I would say that my mac is a lot lot slower than it was in the first 6-8 months I owned it. It has 1gig of memory and it isn't like I have lots of programs running at once (if i was i would understand it being a bit slow) My guess is just from going to websites, cookie build-up, maybe the hardware is just againg, pop-ups, pornography, or whatever is just causing it to slow down. I'd like to not have to reinstall the os and i'm at school anyways so i dont have the disc for that. Any idea what I can do?
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Aug 6, 2009
Does anyone know why 1080p video runs slow on my late 2008 Macbook Pro (lowest end + 4 gig of RAM), yet 720p runs just fine? I'm using VLC for both...I mean, 720p is still great quality, but I would like 1080p for certain things...
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Jan 13, 2010
On a Aluminum Macbook with 2 gbs of ram in OSX. Why? And I doub't it's my harddrive as it's a Hitachi travelstar 7k320.
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May 3, 2012
After i went on a streaming website, my macbook pro has started to run slow over night and after 1 or 2 hours using the internet didn't let me acess the internet. My intenet connexion is good. but safari says that he cant find the servor for the website and it does it with any kind ob websit or it just doesnt open the page, it leaves it blank . i tried to clean it, no results and i checked for virus, no results either.
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Aug 6, 2009
Just doing my normal multitasking on my 17" it runs fast while with the magsafe plugged in but on battery its pretty slow. But then I am transferring a 100gb+ file while using 6 spaces with many apps running.
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Feb 15, 2010
Iv installed a cracked version of FCP7 and once it is up and running it runs very slowly and after closing down FCP7 my mac runs very slow but if i re-start my mac it is as fast as ever untill i start up FCP7 again. i dont think there is anything wrong with the program but more that there is something wrong with my mac (my ignorance).
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May 18, 2008
Panther has been running very sloiw lately
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Jun 28, 2009
lately i have noticed my computer running slow. It is a MacBook Pro OS x 10.4.11 processor 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo memory 2 GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM My HD capacity is 148.73 GB Available 22.07 GB (used 126.66 GB) Internet DSL (verizon) At first i noticed it while browsing the web, trying to see a video on youtube. it would cut the transmission or take time loading pages. I first thought it was my internet connection, but now it even seems slow when I open documents (Word, for example) and even when I am typing (i noticed this 3 days ago, and now I am really concerned) In april, I did a complete reinstallation of my OS and all applications, hoping it would be working better (at that time my CD/DVD drive would sometimes reject discs when I tried to burn music or a video-that i had made) i have 12.4 GB in movies 18.48 GB in music and 33.98 GB in pictures and videos could this be the cause of such a slow down? I don't want to go out and spend money i don't have right now, in an external hard drive to free up space, and maybe this was not the cause of the slowdown. As music educator I keep record of my students' work with pictures and video, so i like to have this at hand, and I am working with this right now.
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May 15, 2012
But my mbp late 2011 runs very fast. I have no issue with th internet connection
i tried to free up my memory but still didnt work and the last time i update it to 10.7.4 it took like 3-4 hours while my late 2011 only took 18 minutes
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 5, 2014
I upgraded to Yosemite on my MacBook Pro (non-retina). Now the system is incredibly slow. Â
1) wake-up form sleep takes up to a minute
2) Various icons will not open or respond until I have clicked on it three or four times and get the spinning beach ball (Finder, Calendar, iTunes)
3) Using Outlook for Mac app - similar issue as 2 when trying to send mail, add attachments or do anythingÂ
speeding the system back to Mountain Lion levels?
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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May 7, 2012
When trying to install a fresh copy of the OS what key/key-combination would you hold down after inserting the (Leopard) disk, if the keyboard isn't an Apple one? Holding down the C-key doesn't work.
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Feb 15, 2010
I have installed a cracked final cut pro 7, when i run it, it is very slow and after closing the program, my mac runs very slow. but once i restart my mac its fine until i launch Final cut pro again. its obvious that its my mac that is set up wrong or a other problem but i dont think its the cracked program.
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Apr 22, 2010
I bought my girlfriend a MacBook Air and 24" LED Cinema display, and the MBA works great when it's on its own. However, when she plugs in the 24" and runs the MBA in clamshell mode, she gets beachballs even when trying to print, open folders...the whole system seems to slow down. It's the Rev B MBA with the 1.6Ghz C2D, so I can't imagine it's the 9400m, she doesn't have a full hard drive...I just can't think of what is causing the system to slow to a crawl like that?
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Mar 26, 2012
I just got a 07 macbook white and it has red lines on the screen sometimes and it runs really slow when it does so i think its the ram or vram?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 4gb ram
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Jun 21, 2009
My macbookpro was prepared and partitioned by an Apple authorized reseller and I got it with one user installed and hdisk partioned with bootcamp and windows on one partition.I decided to use migration assistant to move my previous account from an ibook to the new macbook.Everything went flawlessly but when I am working with the new account I cannot have the trackpad working at all: no scrolling, no pinching, no rotating, ecc
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Sep 3, 2009
I updated to Snow Leopard. I have an HP 6310 All-In-One. The scanner portion worked fine prior to the update, now an "Unknown Error" constantly occurs preventing me from scanning documents. Image Capture doesn't even recognize there is a scanner available. I have downloaded the most recent driver from HP, (2007), but it still does not work. Will I have to wait for HP to build a new driver specifically for Leopard?
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Mar 8, 2010
I just installed Win 7 in bootcamp on my mac pro and want to be able to connect to it and control it from my MBP on a local network. I used to just use RDC when I was running win xp sp2 - worked great. Now, RDC doesn't work. I turned on screen sharing and installed realvnc in win 7. But, I can't use RDC still and I tried using chicken of the vnc and also the command-k: vnc:// work - I set up realvnc to only require a password set in that program, the ip addy is correct, and realvnc says it is up and running on the mac pro.
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Feb 28, 2012
Anyway, sometimes I'll leave my MacBook Air on without the power adaptor attached, and the battery will drain.That's all fine and dandy.The problem is, is that instead of going to sleep LIKE IT SHOULD, it will completely turn off, and everything I had up (web pages, anything and everything) will be GONE when it starts back up.
13-inch MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.6), M-Audio Keystation 61es
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