OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Sending Email Attachments To Windows Computers
Jul 3, 2012
When I attach a JPG file to an email my recipient using a PC can see the image in the message window, but cannot download/ save to disk. This is no good for me as I'm a photographer who needs to send photos to clients on a regular basis.
My first posting. Please forgive my simplistic question, but I need some help.I use aol. When sending an email on my MAC, I'm trying to attach multiple excel (or word) files - let's say 10 excels in a row.So I click on "attach files", and a box opens up, showing all of the files on my MAC.On a non-MAC computer, I'd select the first file, then press "shift", and then use my down arrow to select the next 9 files. That doesn't work on my MAC.How do I attach 10 consecutive excel files when sending an email?
I would like to send email attachments as actual attachments rather than embedded in the body of the message. I tried typing "defaults write com.apple.mail DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -tool yes" in Applications/Utilities/Terminal which I thought had worked before, but no luck now.
On behalf of a friend who I usually do phone support for when he has a problem.
Mail 4.5 (1084)
Mac OSX 10.6.8
He has mail set to access Gmail (IMAP) and it works fine when sending a normal email, however, when sending an attachment, the activity monitor, goes halfway and then the reate drops off and the mesage about cannot be sent from this outgoing server is displayed. - mesage goes to outbox. - Open that message back up, delete the attachment and send, it goes no problems.
Tried to work out what the problem is, by:checking Gmail (with attachments) through browser, sent OKtrying different file types, jpg, txt, zip, and different ways of attaching them, either from menu or dragging them into the meassga pain. - No sendrepair permissions for mac, incase any pref files corrupt. - No sendbrand new jpg created from photoshop - No sendimage emailed from me, copied to desktop and then sent back to me - No send
I have been working quite happily with Mail and an imap gmail account for a couple of years until recently. Now I can no longer send attachments and if I try to forward an email that has a bit going on in it like a group-on email or something similar it won't send that either. I get a message Cannot send message using the server [URL]:(my emailaddress)[URL]Sending the message content to the server failed I have searched for answers all over the net, have tried google help pages that suggest I remove my email address from the outgoing server details but NOTHING works. Today I finally gave up on Apple Mail and tried entourage - same result in that I couldn't send anything with attachements but a different error message.Â
I hadn't changed anything when it stopped working and it can't be the settings because every now and then I get an attachment through. There is lots on the net but I haven't found anything that works or all the stuff I am reading is really old. and also, just to finally drive me over the edge I got sent an email with an attachment today that didn't come through onto my mac. If I go onto gmail via safari there is my attachment. In Mail, it doesn't even give me a hint that it's there
I'm using MacOSX and Mac Mail. The cub scouts send a weekly newsletter via Scouttrack. When I view this on the Mac, I cannot see any attachments; it's like they are not there at all. When I view it from Outlook on a PC, it doesn't show the little paper clip, but when I open the email, then I can see that the attachments are there.
Is there any way to get the mail application on the Mac to recognize that there are attachments in the email??
I just deleted all my e-mail accounts and created a new one but when i reply some of the emails keep being sent from the old account. I looked everywhere to find some setting linked to that old account but i can't find it.For example:
and when i reply from the second one sometimes it's being sent from [url]..and this adress isn't in my accounts anymore.
I have a mobileme account with a further 3 names added using mail only. Because of legacy I cannot move to OS Lion at the moment. Can we still use our mac.com/me.com email addresses after June without signing up to icloud. If one or more of the email only account holders update to Lion and icloud, can they transfer their emai accounts without the main account holder doing so. If we all have other apple devices ie iphone and ipads, and sign up to icloud, can we then use our mobile me mail addresses also on our OS Leopard macs.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My Mac OS X 10.6.8 Safari must have some sort of virus. It is sending messages to everyone in my address book without my knowledge. What is happening? How can I stop it?
Just recently i sent an email (yahoo mail) attachment to my friend.She got the email but when she opened the attachment it loaded and was blank, with nothing there.I think she has a window computer, if that helps.I sent it to myself. It showed up on my mac(obviously) but the attachment was blank on my ipod touch.
I'm using Mail 4.5 on OS X 10.6.8 - I'm using a late-2008 aluminium unibody MacBook with a 250GB hard drive and I only have 4Gb of available space left. I'm trying to free up space on my hard disk and I downloaded Disk Inventory X to check what was taking up so much space - apart from my iPhoto library and Pictures folder which together account for about 125GB I see that the folder containing Mail messages is 42.8GB in size!Â
I'm assuming that this is because I've received a lot of photos via email but I've added the ones I wanted to my iPhoto library so I assume I no longer need the images that were emailed to me. Â
where I can find these email attachments so that I can delete them all at once - I'm hoping that I don't have to go through all my emails one by one to select and delete them individually?Â
Info: MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.4GHz 13inch MacBook (late 2008)
long story short, I have set up an email signature on my mac which includes a PNG graphic. On its own this is fine and can be opened and viewed as intended at the other end by PC. However, when I include an attachment (ie word, powerpoint or excel doc) the PNG graphic and all text which should appear below the PNG graphic in the body of the email is not there when received by a PC.
I am running 10.4.11 with the mail program that is installed which is 2.1.3.
My daughter in college has a MacBook Pro Intel running 10.5.x and uses the college mail program (site).
Every attachment that I send her that as a jpg, she says downloads to her desk top as a .acs ( I believe) which she can't open to view. If she goes to a windows computer with the same college e-mail site she can view them.
Question: what can be done to send/receive these so they can be viewed as jps's on her computer? Would send them as windows friendly attachments help?
I'm guessing that the e-mail site is probably set up for more windows friendly than Mac friendly.
My workplace is an Apple environment. Shortly after some of the iMacs were upgraded to 10.9 we've had some trouble with Mail. The main issue is Mail is not sending the attached image or file. On one of the iMacs that sends a lot of email with attachments, I removed the email account and added it back. After doing this this account is able to send attachments (how long this fix will last I don't know), however, a particular email we tried to send did not send the attached files. Â
After hearing about this issue I sent several test emails from this iMac and had mixed results. Sending just the attachments would work. Sending the attachments and text would only send the text. I have tried dragging the images from the Desktop into the message. I have used the attachment button and made sure Windows Friendly Attachments was checked.Â
I hand-typed a paragraph of the original email and sent it with the attachments and that email worked. I think it could be something with copy and pasting the text or some kind of formatting in the text. I copied the original message and pasted it in both Text Edit and Microsoft Word (and used Edit>Clear Formatting) and from there into a new Mail Message, attached the two files and it didn't send again.Â
One attachment is a .jpg another is a .pdf. The total size of both is 104kb (well within our sending limit). The body of the message is 3-4 paragraphs, maybe 100-200 words total. I don't think it is a size issue. Â
This could possibly be two issues, or just one: Mail just not sending attachments (even though it seems to have been corrected after removing the email account and adding it back), an issue with formatting that is somehow keeping Mail from sending attachments, or a mixture of both.Â
On a side note, I added the same email account to another computer using 10.7.5 and added the correct imap and smtp info and the same issues and results happen with this specific email. (Other than this one email issue in 10.7.5 the only complaints about emails not sending attachments is coming from 10.9 users)Â
I'm at a loss right now of what to try next. Since some of the iMacs have upgraded to 10.9, Apple Mail has been giving us some issues.Â
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), Apple Mail 7.3
I am trying to send an email using Mail that has uses stationary and also attach a Word doc but it tells me I cannot send an email with stationary and attachments that are not images...?
I am a total Mac dummy but our owners daughter came in with her Macbook and said that no one can receive her attachments because they always get changed to DAT files. This happens if she uses both GMAIL and YAHOO mail (via safari). I can easily rename the file back to DOC or DOCX on my end but most of her friends and co-workers will not want to do that.
I recently updated my Macbook to leopard and for the most part everything is working Ok. However I have to share files with a network with windows computers. I never had a problem with Tiger, My Home folder would be shared and as long as you typed in the password access to it was fine. What I liked was my Home folder was the only folder you could access.
Now with Leopard, my home folder is shared, however so is my whole HDD, even if i had a usb drive plugged in at the time, that is shared too. Can I change this to so only my home folder is shared, like it was with Tiger. I have tried playing with the firewall and other sharing setting but cannot work it out.
I am missing the icon on my taskbar in mail for sending attachments, and it is not in the customize taskbar part of my mail program. Where did it go, or how do I restore it since it is missing?
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Core 2 Duo), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Running Lion, up to date with updat
i am using mac osx 10.6.4 with snow leopard and i am using mail but when i get an email with a pps/jpeg/wav file i delete the email after opening and looking at it,but the other day i found loads of pps/wav/jpeg and other stuff left even after deleteing the email,does anyone know of a way that when i delete the email it clears the lot ?also my google chrome browser says that there is a new update but when i click on update it gives me a error 12-any ideas about this please ?
I recently got a new Macbook Pro 15 and love it. I recently went to "all images" in my hard drive and realized that my laptop took every single email attachment from my email (this includes videos, pictures, and documents) and put it on my hard drive. I had over 3500 pictures I didn't want! Why did it do this and how do I ensure that it doesn't happen again?)
I have a new MacBook Pro and when I get emails with attachments the attachments aren't showing up? What do I need to do so I can always see attachments?
I have been sent pdf attachments lately to my email account but cannot open them in either my MacBook Pro or my wife's.but they open if I try in my Dell computer. I have downloaded Acrobat Reader and java runtime but to no avail.Is there a secret I don't possess??
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
We have a Mac user trying to send attachments in an email to a PC recipient. She is using Apple's Mail app. Whenever she tries to attach a file - a JPEG for instance - it seems to attach as an inline graphic rather than a normal attachment. The PC recipient gets no paperclip symbol on their end, and can't do anything with it. I'm assuming this may be a preference setting in Mail, but can't seem to find where to change it. Turning on the "Send Windows-friendly attachments" seems to make no difference.