I have a folder I want to lock.I go to Get Info and click the little checkbox by "Locked", but it won't listen to me.The checkmark disappears after a split second. This is a hidden folder, FYI.
startup banner.JAWBONE UPDATER ERROR: Failed to inspect the lock file '/Users/[user]' (error 2: No such file or directory)."Â Jawbone support writes, "get in touch with Apple Support, so they can help you unlock the file on your Mac.Â
Whenever I run World of warcraft and try and watch a dvd the OS locks up and I have to hold down the power key to reboot (force quit doesn't respond) Don't recall this happening with Leopard but might not have tried it as I'm a relatively new Mac user. Wondering if anyone else has encountered this/ has a fix for it, if not then will have to hope its fixed in an upcoming patch.
I want my kids to have abot 30 minutes on the computer. After that time the screen saver should automatically come on and needs to have a password lock just like the normal screen saver.
Once in a while, my client and I accidently drag an icon while clicking on it to make it go away. Is there a way to lock these dock icons so they won't move and vanish? Yes, our hands aren't steady since we're old.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2.4 Ghz; A1260 model; 15" size.
I have a belgian azerty keyboard and OS X in english on my white macbook. Is it possible to change the caps lock key's function to shift lock so that it affects the whole keyboard rather than just the letters? I'd like to be able to type numbers without holding shift.
I have an iMac G4 with Leopard, and there seems to be a glitch with my System Preferences. I can lock and password protect all of the panes available as I would normally. I have however discovered an issue. These locks seem to unlock themselves after powering back on. I'm not sure if the same happens upon logging back in, as I never log out to start with. Any solutions for this? Better yet, am I the only one who experiences this?
On my desktop I have 1 folder that contain completed projects as well as multiple folders to manage current projects I'm working on. Occassionally I also have files on the desktop that I am working on for the day. Whenever I arrange by name (or any other criteria) the files and folders on my desktop move all around. My completed folder is now mixed in with files I'm working on and my current projects folders are all over the placed depending on what I named them. I would like a way to pin certain folders to their place on the desktop (similar to how the hard drive icon is pinned), so when I arrange the desktop files by a certain criteria these "pinned" folders would not move.
I am running a Mac OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard Server and have configured a global security policy using the following command: [code] When a network user is logging in from the login screen, it disables the users account after 3 attempts.This is the behaviour I expect (maxFailedLoginAttempts=3).When a user locks thier screen, a password is required to return to the desktop (also part of the intended security policy).If a user enters an incorrect password for the screensaver, it immediately locks the the networked account. To be clear, it takes only one failed attempt to lock a networked user's account from the screensaver.I have tested local accounts set up with the same global password policy, and the screensaver locks the account after 3 failed attempts, as I would expect.Anyone know how to make the screesaver not be so fussy?
I recently bought a replacement keyboard on ebay for my MBP and just installed it. It's been about a week, and just today, I noticed the capslock key doesn't work.. I'm not sure if it has been this way, or if it recently just stopped. The light doesn't come on at all.
I was curious if this was a common problem? If not, is their anything I can do as a substitute for caps lock? Another key perhaps? Or, a button on the task bar or something?
I tried to make a folder write-only, then save my preferences by locking the folder and securing changes, but I can still change it from write only to read only in the information section.
I cant change file associations on my system (10.5.1) no matter what I do. For example, I had a simple wish - I wanted to wean mp3 files from iTunes and have them open in QuickTime. I was able to change the association via Get Info - Change All, but this never survived a restart. Every time I rebooted, there was iTunes again. I trashed iTunes, restarted and bingo, there was another application associated with mp3 files - not QuickTime. The system set this new association without ever consulting me, and there was nothing I could do about that.
Since then I have tried everything I could find on the web: I tried to set default associations with RCDefaultApp, I cleared all kinds of caches, I tried resetting Launch Services with Yasu, rebuilding Launch Services database with Onyx or manually in Terminal via lsregister, changing type and creator with FileInfo and SuperGetInfo. NOTHING WORKED. Nothing I configured survived more than one restart, the system always defaulted to its own mysterious preferences rather than mine. Ive spent days trying to fix this issue, with zero result. I am a recent switcher, and I must say this has been a deeply disappointing experience. Setting a file association takes about three clicks in Windows. Ive had to waste many hours of my time trying to accomplish this simple task on a Mac, and Im still getting nowhere.
I have some files that have an association I want to remove. I also don't have an alternative association which would be easier. Anyway to remove the associations with a file type?
I am running os x 10.5.6 on a macbook and windows vista on another laptop. I can't connect to my printer wirelessly from the laptop (not compatible), so I want to be able to print files on my macbook from the other laptop (which is connected to the printer). I've been using this [URL] guide in order to help me make it work, and I've looked at alot of other guides that say the same thing. I have all my settings exactly like these, however when I try to look at the Mac's files from Vista, I can get into the home folder but then cant access any of the other folders (music, documents, etc.) It simply says access denied, does not ask for a password or anything.
I've had a fairly unusual problem since about 10.5.4 (on 10.5.8 now). My iMac, when connected to any other Leopard Mac, shows up as two computers in finder under "shared". Have a look at the attached pic. It shows its normal name as it should, but then it has the BSOD Windows icon (which represents a shared PC) with the name "mac001b63a6fc3b". Why would it do this? Does anyone know how to get this away?
Until now i am using Leopard and "Split & Concat" as a File joiner. But now i upgraded to Snow Leopard and when i try to join files using Split & Concat .....i ma getting below error
"Apple Script Error -- The variable the Panel is not defined.(-2753)"
So I've been having a lot of internet issues since clean installing leopard. My neighbor, who works for Verizon, came over to take a look and thought I was having some DNS issues. He edited the "host" file and now my internet connection seems even worse. I found instructions online on how to edit the host file, but could someone post what the host file is actually supposed to look like in Snow Leopard since I don't know what he changed? I still have a completely clean install of SL, no 3rd party apps yet.
I have a small home network. Three macs all running the latest version of Snow Leopard (as of right now 10.6.2). I have my Mini acting as a file server. We do remote backups via SuperDuper to an attached HDD on the mini. So it just runs and does nothing. On the mini I have the admin account and then two "sharing" accounts. Lets call the sharing accounts 'user1' and 'user2'. I have shared one folder with 'user1' and a different folder with 'user2'. That way each user has their very own folder to put whatever file they want in there without the other user accidentally deleting or messing around with their files.
Both user account computers can connect to the Mini with no problem. The problem is that both user accounts can see and write to each other's folders. I have the permissions via "File Sharing" in System Preferences --> Sharing --> File Sharing set so that only the user and admin have read/write privileges and Everyone has no access. I know something is wrong because I have this exact setup at work and users can only see their shared folder.
I've got a .avi file that I want to burn to DVD to play on my DVD player (Philips 5960). The Philips can play .avi files from a USB flash drive but they tend to stutter during action sequences. Do I need to convert the file to another format? What software (preferably free) is best for burning DVDs in Leopard 10.5.8?
After getting a replacement IMac and restoring all my files, applications, etc., from a Time Machine backup, I went to run a game I have which attempted to install a patch, but the patch would not apply, why, file permissions I'm sure. It looks like when Time Machine restored my computer it also restored my previous user account. I had to login as the restored user account to apply the patch. Now this brings up some questions.
My new user account is an admin, why wouldn't it be able to apply the patch. I logged into my old account to give my new account read/write permission on the game folder, but still couldn't apply the patch? Do I have to be the owner? Any good links about file permissions in Snow Leopard. I'm thinking I may have to re-install these apps to fix the permissions.
I rencently upgraded from Adobe Lightroom 2 to Adobe Lightroom 4 and I can't open the .pkg file with Installer. Is there another way to install an upgrade?I'm currently cloning my HD and I may reinstal the OS and try again. I get this error message.  Â
I'm trying to acess a .sol file of mine, but a pop up keeps on appearing- "Apple Script Editor cannot open files in the Apple Script Editor Document format." I just want to know- is there someway I can open said file, or something I can download to allow me to open the file?
I managed to successfully hide the file: cat picture.jpg hidden.rtf.zip > picture2.jpg
results in a picture (picture2.jpg) that is the size of the sum of picture.jpg and hidden.rtf.zip. I presume this means that I am successfully putting hidden into the picture.I can open picture2.jpg, but I can't figure out a way to access the hidden zip.
I wanted to know where I can find the Snow leopard dmg file. I'm trying to install it via USB but I need to find the image first. I was told to go to the apple developer webpage but I can't find it there. Maybe i'm looking in the wrong place.