Im trying to have a similar shape as mail on snow leopard, i don't want to see all the information that mail shows me on each email msg, also would like to see all tabs on the top as before
can't find the solution for customizing my reply header in the Please let me know whether we can customize the reply in the or not. Let me explain clearly. Generally if i reply to the email the reply header part will look like as below, On Dec 23, 2009, at 11:21 AM, XYZ, ABC wrote: But i want to have it as,
From: XYZ, ABC Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 11:21 PM To: ZZZ, XXX Cc: YYY, SSS Bcc: YYY, SSS Subject: Hello World
So please let me know whether there are any addon or scripts available to do that.
It especially happens when I am watching videos. I bought a cooling pad to help with how hot the macbook gets, but the magsafe adapter is burning hot to the touch. It's making me nervous. Is this normal? Can it be replaced? My macbook was only purchased
My macbook is a few months old and fell. It happened so fast, I'm not even sure what happened. I picked it up, lost my balance, and... After I stopped screaming, I realized that it still turns on and seems to work fine.. For that I am grateful. However, because of how it has dented, the upper left corner grinds upon closing and opening. It is dented in three places, evidently, 'hopped' when I dropped it. If the lid is closed, its dented on the upper left hand corner which luckily didn't break the screen but did affect how the lid opens and closes. It dented slightly on the other side as well but not enough to grate on that side when it closes. Any way to bend these dents out so that it won't 'grate' when closing and opening?
I'm wanting to use a shape with a Line style and no Fill style to apply a border (or "frame") around an image (since the Inspector doesn't seem to have an option for adding a border to an image), and have that line feathered slightly so it doesn't have such a "hard" edge. A shape's Fill has a feather option, but the Line doesn't have a similar option. I'm guessing the way to do this is with a filled rectangle, feathered, and with an overlaid mask inside it, also feathered, over the image? In order to round the image's corners, I'm guessing I'll need to apply a mask with rounded corners over the image?
On my MacBook Pro, I have a blue circle shape imprint on my screen, most noticeable when the screen is black. Looks as if a magnet touched my screen but i'm positive that gasn't happened.
I want to link the position of an object to another object like this
- Source Parameter = Object.Shape.Outline.Last Point Offset
- Apply To = Properties.Transform.Position.Y
I make all the linkings and the result animation is wrong. I want the linked element to have the same position as the source element.The linked element totals is position with the source's position and animation is not what I want.
I've been noticing that my menubar is getting very crowded. When I'm using most applications I can't see a few of my menubar items. I can see all of them when I'm in Finder, but most other apps force a few of the menubar items out. I don't want to have to get rid of my menubar items, I use all but 3 of them on a regular basis, and even those three serve some useful function. What are my options. I really want to find an application that allows the menubar to be split into 2 rows, one on top of the other.
I was trying to customized my dock. I downloaded some app. from apple like Candy Bar, Dock Library, leopard dock app. Unfortunately none of this app were able to change my dock ( i tried thousand of times) , in fact, I cant even go back to the original.. looks horrible and without any of the formats it used to have . I went to system/library/coreservices/dock/contents/resources, and i try to modify it from there but I couldn't . I also, noticed that I can only read this folder ( i'm the only user of my computer) I checked the my account and logged as an Administer user. What can I do to go back to the original or be able to custom my mac?
I can't say I like the appearance of Snow Leopard very much. The menu bar on mine is a rather sick shade of yellow/orange ombre instead of the nice crisp white that it's always been. And the dock has a heavy brown background I wish I could make go away. Transparent was my choice from the previous system.
I seem to remember having lots more choices about the look of my displays. But all I can find on SL is the minimal options on System Preferences. Are there other control panels I can't find?
I was wondering how you change icons on Mac OSX to make them different. Like change the trash icon and all that. direct me to an application that can do this or a guide on how ta do it?
Is there a way to customize the right click menu on a Mac magic mouse? I would like to add "select all" and "copy" without having to use keyboard shortcuts? If not, is there a 3rd-party software app that can accomplish this?
I am looking for a way to customize the contextual menu when I right click using the mouse to "select all" and "copy" in a Word document or a Web page.
I am running Mac OS 10.6.5 and using a Magic Mouse.
Is there any app out there that customize the dock on mac?
I heard there is an app call superdocker and i tried to download it. It said that it is 8.1 MB but when i downloading it is not list how many MB. when i finish it. It said only 5 MB. I download it it from apple website and using safari and firefox to try to download. Does anyone know why? PS I had try download it from apple and their own website. i have try many time but still the same. I also visit other other site like versiontracker and many other but same thing happen
How I can go about changing or customizing my dock icons. Iheard about a app called "candybar" but you can only use with leopard and above but I am using tiger for now till I upgrade.
I was playing with the "sudo" command & the entire system was erased , at least I learnt something new, so I reinstalled the whole thing. I noticed before there was my name displayed on the menu bar, now I don't see it. It's not an important issue but I just wonder why & how to fix it, or how to customize it.
I would like to add certain frequently used sites on the tool bar. I have been using Snow Leopard in the past and now I can't figure out how to do it with Mavericks.
I am making folders for each lecture I have, the names of the folders are the dates of the lectures. Then each folder will have two empty word documents with the date as the name as well, one for the lecture and one for tutorial.
I would like to have it in order and stay that way, right now its all over the place, I've tried organizing by name, and last date modified and no luck.
My first mac was the last version of Powerbooks that were made in 2005. On it, I was able to set a phrase that whispered "Sharina, you are now running on reserve battery power." I absolutely loved it and it always freaked people out. I have read that other people were setting custom phrases like this as well.I was wondering if my brand spanking shiny new Macbook Pro i7 purchased in last month can do the same thing.. New macbook is Snow Leopard while old powerbook was probably Tiger.
I read a few posts that gave me the vibe that Apple basically rolls out a bunch of stuff with the same configuration, and when someone wants a machine with more horsepower, they take one of these out the stock components and put in the higher end stuff. Is this true?
I've search the new and there seems to be no solution to customizing new tabs in Safari.Every time I open a new tab I have to either press the home button to get Google or type in a url.Quite irritating. And yes I'm aware that there is still a Google search field on the top right I can use even in a blank tab but that's not the point. I prefer to have options available to me.Any workaround or 3rd party utility/plugin available?
Can you change the default size of the widths of the columns when you open Finder in Column View? I'm getting tired of grabbing the drag-bars and adjusting every time just so I can read the truncated text in sub-folders.
I realize I can click on the icons in the upper left corner to change from cover flow to list view etc., but when you do that it becomes the default view no matter what folder you open. I am a recent windows convert and in windows you can have list view for one folder and thumbnail view in another and it remembers. The problem I have with a single default view is that if I change to cover flow to view photos and then open a folder that is just a list of documents I hav to switch back each time I go form one to the other. I also get an error message telling me you cant view documents this way. Is there some way to set a different default view for each folder?